This certificate recognizes Hristo Hristov for completing training and passing the YouTube Certified exam in Audience Growth. The certificate is valid through June 29, 2017 and has the identification number 8976603.
This certificate recognizes Olga Luferova for completing training and passing the YouTube Certified exam in Audience Growth, demonstrating her expertise in this area. The certificate is valid through December 30, 2015 with the identification number 3015564.
This document certifies that Debanjan Sengupta has successfully completed the Coupa product platform certification. Jonathan Fear, the Director of Training and Certification at Coupa, has issued certification number 10451210 to Debanjan Sengupta, which was completed on September 15, 2016.
Este documento anuncia una invitaci坦n a una Casa Abierta sobre el curso de nivelaci坦n del 叩rea de salud. La Casa Abierta se llevar叩 a cabo el viernes 4 de diciembre de 11:00 a 13:00 en el subsuelo del edificio de Ciencias Administrativas y contar叩 con una exposici坦n de maquetas y actividades pr叩cticas sobre enlaces qu鱈micos para aprender haciendo.
This document discusses highway risk and liability for local authorities in the UK. It provides an overview of claims processes, the legal duties of maintaining highways, and systems for managing risk and claims. It emphasizes the importance of robust inspection and maintenance policies, trained highway inspectors, and national standards for defending against claims.
Se muestra la Relaci坦n directa e impacto entre las HABILIDADES SOCIOEMOCIONALES a trav辿s de los programas de la SEP-SEMS YO NO ABANDONO Y CONSTRUYE T en los resultados y estad鱈sticas de PLANEA para beneficio de todos los actores de la COMUNIDAD ESCOLAR DE LOS PLANTELES DE EDUCACIN MEDIA SUPERIOR.
Con base en lo anterior se muestra 多que es? 多en que consiste? 多a quien se dirige? 多quienes son los involucrados? 多como se implementa? 多como se da un seguimiento? y 多como se eval炭a?
El documento es una solicitud de un estudiante para obtener un certificado del Curso de Nivelaci坦n de Carrera de la Universidad Central del Ecuador. El estudiante solicita que se autorice la emisi坦n de un certificado que indique su matr鱈cula, aprobaci坦n, asistencia a clases o retiro del curso, el cual tom坦 lugar entre octubre de 2015 y marzo de 2016.
El documento describe el flamenco como un arte que combina el cante (canto), la guitarra y el baile. Explica que existen dos estilos principales - el flamenco jondo, m叩s serio y profundo, y el flamenco festero, m叩s alegre. Tambi辿n resume la historia del flamenco y c坦mo ha evolucionado hasta convertirse en un arte universal, manteniendo su ra鱈z andaluza. Destaca algunos de los grandes bailaores y cantaores flamencos.
The document discusses policy implications of open educational resources (OER) in Norway. It notes a lack of reuse of digital learning resources due to contextualization, lack of ICT skills, and insufficient sharing culture. A new strategy for digital learning resources will address interoperability, intellectual property rights, and use in higher and adult education. Key policy implications include developing a framework for OERs across sectors; strengthening infrastructure, standards, funding and the evidence base; and incentivizing pedagogical innovation and a sharing culture in higher education.
This document discusses the rise of social media and why it is important. It covers early viral videos on YouTube, the origins of terms like "Wiki" and wanting to be in someone's "top eight" on a social network. It also mentions John Edwards opening a campaign office in Second Life. The document then covers the growth of blogging, social networks, RSS feeds, podcasts and social bookmarking as part of the social media landscape. It emphasizes building "depth" through two-way conversations and exploring niche social networks.
Jongerenparticipatie Sensoa - Inspiratiedag Kansengroepen van Ambrassade op ...Elizabeth Verhetsel
Over jongerenparticipatie aan de hand van het verhaal van de jongerengroep bij Sensoa. Deze presentatie ondersteunde een workshop op de Inspiratiedag over kansengroepen informeren van De Ambrassade.
New advertising opportunities in Netinfo 2017Hristo Hristov
Check out the latest advertising formats Netinfo can offer. Increase your business today with digital advertising through the biggest digital media company in Bulgaria!
The short version of the IAB Bulgaria online advertising report for 2016 carried out by IPSOS. You can find detailed information regarding the split between mobile and desktop ads, video and social ads in the detailed report. For a copy please contact IAB Bulgaria.
Se muestra la Relaci坦n directa e impacto entre las HABILIDADES SOCIOEMOCIONALES a trav辿s de los programas de la SEP-SEMS YO NO ABANDONO Y CONSTRUYE T en los resultados y estad鱈sticas de PLANEA para beneficio de todos los actores de la COMUNIDAD ESCOLAR DE LOS PLANTELES DE EDUCACIN MEDIA SUPERIOR.
Con base en lo anterior se muestra 多que es? 多en que consiste? 多a quien se dirige? 多quienes son los involucrados? 多como se implementa? 多como se da un seguimiento? y 多como se eval炭a?
El documento es una solicitud de un estudiante para obtener un certificado del Curso de Nivelaci坦n de Carrera de la Universidad Central del Ecuador. El estudiante solicita que se autorice la emisi坦n de un certificado que indique su matr鱈cula, aprobaci坦n, asistencia a clases o retiro del curso, el cual tom坦 lugar entre octubre de 2015 y marzo de 2016.
El documento describe el flamenco como un arte que combina el cante (canto), la guitarra y el baile. Explica que existen dos estilos principales - el flamenco jondo, m叩s serio y profundo, y el flamenco festero, m叩s alegre. Tambi辿n resume la historia del flamenco y c坦mo ha evolucionado hasta convertirse en un arte universal, manteniendo su ra鱈z andaluza. Destaca algunos de los grandes bailaores y cantaores flamencos.
The document discusses policy implications of open educational resources (OER) in Norway. It notes a lack of reuse of digital learning resources due to contextualization, lack of ICT skills, and insufficient sharing culture. A new strategy for digital learning resources will address interoperability, intellectual property rights, and use in higher and adult education. Key policy implications include developing a framework for OERs across sectors; strengthening infrastructure, standards, funding and the evidence base; and incentivizing pedagogical innovation and a sharing culture in higher education.
This document discusses the rise of social media and why it is important. It covers early viral videos on YouTube, the origins of terms like "Wiki" and wanting to be in someone's "top eight" on a social network. It also mentions John Edwards opening a campaign office in Second Life. The document then covers the growth of blogging, social networks, RSS feeds, podcasts and social bookmarking as part of the social media landscape. It emphasizes building "depth" through two-way conversations and exploring niche social networks.
Jongerenparticipatie Sensoa - Inspiratiedag Kansengroepen van Ambrassade op ...Elizabeth Verhetsel
Over jongerenparticipatie aan de hand van het verhaal van de jongerengroep bij Sensoa. Deze presentatie ondersteunde een workshop op de Inspiratiedag over kansengroepen informeren van De Ambrassade.
New advertising opportunities in Netinfo 2017Hristo Hristov
Check out the latest advertising formats Netinfo can offer. Increase your business today with digital advertising through the biggest digital media company in Bulgaria!
The short version of the IAB Bulgaria online advertising report for 2016 carried out by IPSOS. You can find detailed information regarding the split between mobile and desktop ads, video and social ads in the detailed report. For a copy please contact IAB Bulgaria.
This certificate of completion was awarded to Hristo Hristov for successfully completing the DoubleClick AdX for Buyers Fundamentals certification program with a score of 83% on July 06, 2016. The certificate recognizes Hristo Hristov's understanding of the fundamental concepts for using DoubleClick AdX as a buyer.
Netinfo is the undisputed online leader in Bulgaria, reaching over 80% of the country's digital population through its portfolio of 34 websites. It became the largest digital media company in Bulgaria in 2001 and has continued growing its online presence. Today it also has the biggest TV and internet portfolio in the country and leads in new advertising formats and video platforms.
1. This certi鍖cate is hereby granted to:
Hristo Hristov
For demonstrating expertise by completing training and passing the YouTube Certi鍖ed exam in:
Audience Growth
Valid through June 29, 2017
Certificate #8976603