จิตวิทยาการเรียนรู้ 2team004281. Learning theories can be divided into conditioning theories like classical and operant conditioning, as well as cognitive theories.
2. Classical conditioning involves associating an unconditioned stimulus that naturally elicits a response with a neutral conditioned stimulus. Operant conditioning is based on consequences influencing behavior.
3. Cognitive theories view learning as a process where experiences are organized, stored, and retrieved to solve problems. This includes insight, attention, retention, and motivation affecting learning.
We've Got the Power, Use it!Elijahmar CogollodoThe document discusses the power that Christians receive from the Holy Spirit. It references several Bible passages about Jesus promising the disciples power when the Holy Spirit comes after he ascends to heaven. This power allows believers to endure persecution and minister as witnesses for God. It concludes by encouraging Christians to choose life and use the power of the Holy Spirit given to them.
Pelajaran dari seekor kupu kupuJoko DaryantoCerita pendek ini menceritakan tentang seorang pria yang melihat seekor kupu-kupu yang kesulitan keluar dari kepompongnya. Pria itu akhirnya membantu mengeluarkan kupu-kupu tersebut dari kepompong, namun sayap dan tubuh kupu-kupu itu menjadi lemah dan tidak bisa terbang. Cerita ini mengajarkan bahwa hambatan dan perjuangan yang dihadapi diperlukan untuk membuat di
Guide to Queuing SystemElijahmar CogollodoIf the system is not busy, you can access it immediately, but if it is busy you must schedule access. You can then come back at the scheduled time and log in by clicking the access URL without needing email confirmation.
How to view gradesElijahmar CogollodoTo view your grades, login to your account, go to the Reports section and select Grades and MyGrades from the menu. Then choose the semester you want to see grades for from the list of filter options.
edErp guide for overview page customizationElijahmar CogollodoThis document provides instructions on how to customize a page in a student portal. It discusses logging in, getting an overview of customization options, and details an available portlet for showing a student's personal details.