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7 pointers for educators who hate conference networking
Picture this
Youre psyched about your first
conference session.
The speaker is
basically the
equivalent of Bill
Youre sitting in the back row
with at least 10 open seats and
Someone else walks in and sits
right beside you.
They immediately introduce themselves and, not
wanting to seem rude, you engage in small talk. But,
the chatter doesnt end there.
They have a single
goal. The dreaded
sales pitch.
Dont be that guy or gal.
Do this instead:
邸Offer meaningful conversation
邸Establish deeper connections
邸Get results that benefit both sides
Step 1: Scan the Conference Program.
This allows you to do two things:
1) Plan meetings around keynotes
and breakout sessions you wont
2) Scout presenters and speakers
you want to meet.
Step 2: Know the host
Knowing things to do in the
host city doesnt mean youre
a walking encyclopedia. It
enriches conversation.
Most folks devote a few
hours exploring life outside
of their hotels. Provide value
through recommendations.
 Points of Interest
 Local Events
 Good Eats
Trip Advisor, Yelp and Groupon can get you up
to speed on the local area.
Step 3: Reach out to conference goers early.
Whatever you do, make it easy by suggesting
meeting locations and dates/ times.
*Not sure whos going? Download the conference app.
Conferences often provide a list of attendees who have
agreed to share contact info like their Twitter handles,
LinkedIn profiles, etc.
Hi Alyssa,
Trust all is well. Noticed a tweet you posted yesterday that
said you were heading to ISTE. Im attending too with a
couple of folks from the district and wanted to check-in to
see if youd like to join us for dinner.
We have reservations 7pm Monday night if youre free.
Step 4: Start tracking conference #hashtags
one week in advance.
Conference #hashtags are a
valuable piece of digital real estate
even if you arent a tweeter.
 Conference organizers tweet
important updates
 Presenters often tweet about their
Step 5: Create a
game plan for the
expo hall.
Make the most out your experience in advance:
邸Review conference sponsors
邸Map out vendors you want to speak with
邸Schedule time and demos between keynotes/sessions
*Hint: A list of sponsors is usually on the conference website or printed
program. Also, be sure to connect with your vendors early. Time to chat
with them tends to go quickly.
Step 6: Check-in with your current
vendors or partners.
Many vendors host outside events
(cocktail hours, dinners, after parties)
and offer exclusive discounts or
conference passes for clients.
Step 7: Spread the love.
Merriam-Webster defines:
Relationship: (noun re揃la揃tion揃ship) the way in which two or more
people or things are connected.
Dont go to a conference with the
mindset of being connected, go to a
conference with the mindset of being a
Have an acquaintance who can
help someone you meet? Make
an introduction. Share ideas.
Not only could this lead to a returned
favor but, more importantly, it provides
value to the world outside of you.
FISHTREE is the worlds easiest way to build and deliver courses,
curate digital resources and scale personalized learning. With FISHTREE,
you can instantly source the best digital materials, align content to any
learning objectives and measure outcomes to get every student to the
finish line.
Learn more at www.fishtree.com or @fishtree_edu.

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7 pointers for educators who hate conference networking

  • 2. Picture this Youre psyched about your first conference session.
  • 3. The speaker is basically the equivalent of Bill Gates.
  • 4. Youre sitting in the back row with at least 10 open seats and then...
  • 5. Someone else walks in and sits right beside you.
  • 6. They immediately introduce themselves and, not wanting to seem rude, you engage in small talk. But, the chatter doesnt end there.
  • 7. They have a single goal. The dreaded sales pitch.
  • 8. Dont be that guy or gal. Do this instead: 邸Offer meaningful conversation 邸Establish deeper connections 邸Get results that benefit both sides
  • 9. Step 1: Scan the Conference Program. This allows you to do two things: 1) Plan meetings around keynotes and breakout sessions you wont miss. 2) Scout presenters and speakers you want to meet.
  • 10. Step 2: Know the host city. Knowing things to do in the host city doesnt mean youre a walking encyclopedia. It enriches conversation. Most folks devote a few hours exploring life outside of their hotels. Provide value through recommendations. Points of Interest Local Events Good Eats
  • 11. Trip Advisor, Yelp and Groupon can get you up to speed on the local area.
  • 12. Step 3: Reach out to conference goers early.
  • 13. Whatever you do, make it easy by suggesting meeting locations and dates/ times. *Not sure whos going? Download the conference app. Conferences often provide a list of attendees who have agreed to share contact info like their Twitter handles, LinkedIn profiles, etc. Hi Alyssa, Trust all is well. Noticed a tweet you posted yesterday that said you were heading to ISTE. Im attending too with a couple of folks from the district and wanted to check-in to see if youd like to join us for dinner. We have reservations 7pm Monday night if youre free.
  • 14. Step 4: Start tracking conference #hashtags one week in advance. Conference #hashtags are a valuable piece of digital real estate even if you arent a tweeter. Conference organizers tweet important updates Presenters often tweet about their sessions
  • 15. Step 5: Create a game plan for the expo hall.
  • 16. Make the most out your experience in advance: 邸Review conference sponsors 邸Map out vendors you want to speak with 邸Schedule time and demos between keynotes/sessions *Hint: A list of sponsors is usually on the conference website or printed program. Also, be sure to connect with your vendors early. Time to chat with them tends to go quickly.
  • 17. Step 6: Check-in with your current vendors or partners. Many vendors host outside events (cocktail hours, dinners, after parties) and offer exclusive discounts or conference passes for clients.
  • 18. Step 7: Spread the love. Merriam-Webster defines: Relationship: (noun re揃la揃tion揃ship) the way in which two or more people or things are connected.
  • 19. Dont go to a conference with the mindset of being connected, go to a conference with the mindset of being a connector.
  • 20. Have an acquaintance who can help someone you meet? Make an introduction. Share ideas. Not only could this lead to a returned favor but, more importantly, it provides value to the world outside of you.
  • 21. FISHTREE is the worlds easiest way to build and deliver courses, curate digital resources and scale personalized learning. With FISHTREE, you can instantly source the best digital materials, align content to any learning objectives and measure outcomes to get every student to the finish line. Learn more at www.fishtree.com or @fishtree_edu.