This document discusses how various social media platforms and online tools can be used in education. It provides tips for using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogs, social bookmarking, virtual classrooms, screencasts, and podcasts in the classroom. Some key benefits mentioned are improving communication, publishing student work, tracking hashtags, curating educational videos and resources, flipping the classroom, and enabling instant assessment. The overall message is that teachers do not need advanced tech skills but rather a willingness to rethink their role in a digital world where information is accessible online.
Coffeescript is a programming language that compiles into JavaScript. It aims to bring Ruby-like syntax to JavaScript development. The document provides examples of Coffeescript code, discusses how it can be used with Rails and other frameworks like Backbone, and recommends resources for learning more about Coffeescript. It also briefly introduces Hubot, an open-source Coffeescript program used on GitHub that can find kittens and embarrassing photos.
This document discusses how various social media platforms and online tools can be used in education. It provides tips for using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogs, social bookmarking, virtual classrooms, screencasts, and podcasts in the classroom. Some key benefits mentioned are improving communication, publishing student work, tracking hashtags, curating educational videos and resources, flipping the classroom, and enabling instant assessment. The overall message is that teachers do not need advanced tech skills but rather a willingness to rethink their role in a digital world where information is accessible online.
Coffeescript is a programming language that compiles into JavaScript. It aims to bring Ruby-like syntax to JavaScript development. The document provides examples of Coffeescript code, discusses how it can be used with Rails and other frameworks like Backbone, and recommends resources for learning more about Coffeescript. It also briefly introduces Hubot, an open-source Coffeescript program used on GitHub that can find kittens and embarrassing photos.
Este documento contiene una lista de m¨¢s de 200 juguetes a pilas con sus n¨²meros de referencia, descripciones breves y tama?os. La mayor¨ªa de los juguetes son veh¨ªculos como coches, trenes, barcos y helic¨®pteros que se mueven y hacen sonidos. Tambi¨¦n incluye juegos de mesa, de construcci¨®n, electr¨®nicos y algunos animales mec¨¢nicos.
Social media in education, the hype and the possibilities. A working material to be used in a seminar at Framtidens L?rande in Stockholm 16th of may, 2012.
A seminar held by Andreas Skog and Niclas Ekberg
El Colegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela se estableci¨® en 1861 y ha desempe?ado un papel clave en el desarrollo de la infraestructura del pa¨ªs. Actualmente representa a m¨¢s de 120,000 ingenieros, arquitectos y profesionales afines. El Colegio busca promover la ciencia, la tecnolog¨ªa y los intereses de sus miembros, as¨ª como asesorar al gobierno.
This document summarizes key aspects of copyright law, fair use, and getting permission to use copyrighted works. It outlines that not all online content can be freely used and discusses liability for posting infringing works. Fair use is defined as using licensed materials for their intended purpose. The four factors used to determine fair use are discussed. The TEACH Act expands educators' rights to display copyrighted works for digital education under certain circumstances. Methods for obtaining permission such as subscription licenses and permission services are also mentioned.
Este documento describe varias pol¨ªticas a nivel nacional y local relacionadas con el uso de tecnolog¨ªas de la informaci¨®n y la comunicaci¨®n (TIC) en la educaci¨®n en Colombia. A nivel nacional, se mencionan el Plan Decenal de Educaci¨®n, planes sectoriales, y programas como Te Cojo Raton y Computadores para Educar. A nivel local, el plan de desarrollo municipal de Pasto incluye el uso de medios y TIC en las instituciones educativas.
Brasil es el pa¨ªs m¨¢s grande y poblado de Am¨¦rica del Sur, con m¨¢s de 200 millones de habitantes. Fue descubierto por Portugal en 1500 y se independiz¨® en 1822, siendo una rep¨²blica federal presidencialista desde 1889. En las ¨²ltimas elecciones de 2014, Dilma Rousseff fue reelegida como presidenta.
Evodiamine, an alkaloid isolated from the Chinese herbal plant Evodia rutaecarpa, was found to be a dual inhibitor of both human topoisomerase I and II enzymes. Testing showed evodiamine has potent cytotoxicity against human leukemia cell lines with IC50 values of 34.35 ¦ÌM and 90.87 ¦ÌM. Further experiments revealed evodiamine inhibits the catalytic activities of topoisomerase I and II, but does not induce DNA strand breaks or change the cell cycle distribution, suggesting its anticancer activity is through inhibition of topoisomerase enzymatic function rather than DNA damage.
This document provides a summary of a film project called "Babies and Fools" produced by Tall Grass Production, Inc. The film tells the true story of Ron Bell and includes reenactments of scenes from his life including one in a tent with actors speaking, smoking weed, and music from different genres playing. It also features veteran interviews from Trenton, NJ, Columbus, OH and LA about their experiences in Vietnam. Filming for the project is ongoing and will continue traveling between NYC, Columbus, LA and Vietnam to complete production.