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active and intelligent packaging of meat
Past, current and potential utilization of intelligent
packaging system for meat and muscle-based product.
Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology & Sciences
Advisor: Submitted by:
Er. Thejus Jacob Veer Pal
Assistant Professor 16MSFT015
WCDT, SHUATS M.Sc Food Technology
 Due to increased demands for greater stringency in
relation to hygiene and safety issues associated with
fresh and processed meat products.
 Packaging is the technique of using the most
appropriate containers and components to protect, carry,
identify and trade any product.
 The efficient containment preservation and protection of
a meat product and all necessary information required
during packing, transport, storage, sale and use, along
with the provision of convince, taking into consideration
all legal and environmental issues.
Meat Packaging
Importance of Meat Packaging at Retail Level
 Customer choice of a muscle-based
product is dependent upon many
factors appearance most important.
 Important meat/pack quality attributes.
 Meat colour
 Shelf-life stability
 Drip/Moisture loss
 Sensory attributes
 Odour grain/loss
 Pack integrity
 Pack- appearance
 Labeling( Dates, additives, product
support information)
Packaging function (First level packaging)
Technical function prevent/allows:
Free movement of gasses
Entry or exit of moisture
Product illumination
Prevent contamination
Sales function provides:
Commercial Meat Packaging Formats
Common process
Thermoforming vacuum process
Skin Vacuum packaging
Modified atmospheres (MAP)
Retail and bulk gas flushing
Problems Associated with Meat Packaging
(First level packaging)
Exposure to oxygen:
Moisture loss
 Systems generally not hermetic.
 Meat product export to varying level of
Fresh muscle foods lose moisture
in the form of drip loss.
Drip-loss in packs can reduce
product shelf life.
Moisture Control
 Moisture absorbent pads and trays with
application for meat and poultry
 Lowering of water activity to suppress
microbial growth.
 Systems consist of super-absorbent
polymers located between two other
plastic layers.
 Advantages of moisture control
 Enhanced product appearance and freshness- Shelf
life extension
 Removes and retains spoilage bacteria.
 Reduce costly rewraps and product downgrades.
 Reduces product and packaging waste.
 Pads protect product display cases.
Introduction to Intelligent Packaging
 Packaging systems which monitor the condition of
packaged foods to give information about the
quality of the packaged food during transport and
 Intelligent packaging in some way senses properties of
the food it enclose or the environment in which it is kept
and which is able to inform the manufacturer, retailer
and consumer of the state of these properties.
 Limited commercial application to date.
Intelligent Packaging Applications:
Tamper evidence/pack integrity.
 Breach of pack containment.
Safety/quality indicators
 Time-temperature indicators .
 Gas sensing devices.
 Microbial growth.
 Pathogens detection.
 Traceability/anti-theft devices
 Product authenticity
 Radio frequency identification chips.
 Holographic images, logos.
 Substance that indicate the presence, absence, or
concentration of another substances or the degree of
reaction between two or more substances by means of a
characteristics change, especially with respect to colour.
Integrity (leak) indicators
 Visual oxygen indicators: use in low oxygen pack.
 Number of patents (redox dyes): MAP mince steaks, mince pizzas
 High sensitivity to residual oxygen in MAP.
 Reversibility- undesirable where oxygen is consumed
during bacterial growth
Freshness indicators
 Provide direct product quality information resulting
from microbial growth or chemical changes within a
meat product.
 Potential Metabolites: Organic acids, ethanol, biogenic
amines, CO2, H2S, Microbes
 Based in broad-spectrum colour changes.
 Target metabolites do not necessarily indicate poor quality
Device is used to detect, locate or quantify energy
or matter, giving a signal for the detection of a
physical or chemical property to which the device
 Gas sensors
Non-invasive technique for gas analysis through
translucent materials fluorescent or
phosphorescent in a polymer matrix.
 Oxygen sensors
Platinum-based oxygen sensors as quality control
instruments for meat products.
O2 Sensing equipment
Vacuum packed beef with
O2 sensing membrane
Intelligent Packaging-The future
 These packaging technologies anticipated to grow significantly over
the next 10 years.
 Consumers demands for meat and other food products
which are premium quality and which provide adequate
shelf-life, safety, convenience and information.
 Reduction in packaging material costs formats grow in
popularity/sales volume, and as newer and cheaper
formats emerge through research and development.
 Greater demands by retailing outlets for extended
product shelf-life.
 Concern regarding product authentically and bio-
 Growing efforts to reduce unnecessary product/package
 Abad E, Zampolli S, Marco S (2007) Flexible tag microlab
development: gas sensors integration in RFID flexible tags for food logistic.
Sensors Actuators B Chem 127.
 Abdallah S, Al-Shatti L, Alhajraf A, Al-Hammad N, Al-Awadi B
(2013) The detection of foodborne bacteria on beef: the application of the
electronic nose. SpringerPlus 2
 Blixt Y, Borch E (1999) Using an electronic nose for determining the
spoilage of vacuum-packaged beef. Int J Food Microbiol 46(2):123134
 Engines B (2002) Chemical Sensors and Biosensors. Analytical
Techniques in the Sciences (AnTs)*, Wiley
 Garc卒脹a-gonz卒alez DL, Tena N, Aparicio-ruiz R, Aparicio R (2014)
Talanta Sensor responses to fat food aroma : a comprehensive study of dry-
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 Hamada-Sato N, Usui K, Kobayashi T, Imada C, Watanabe E (2005)
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 Kong BH, Ma LZ (2003) Meat science and technology. Chinese Light
Industry Press, Beijing, China, pp 9799
active and intelligent packaging of meat

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active and intelligent packaging of meat

  • 2. SEMINAR ON Past, current and potential utilization of intelligent packaging system for meat and muscle-based product. Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology & Sciences WARNER COLLEGE OF DAIRY TECHNOLOGY Advisor: Submitted by: Er. Thejus Jacob Veer Pal Assistant Professor 16MSFT015 WCDT, SHUATS M.Sc Food Technology
  • 3. INTRODUCTION Due to increased demands for greater stringency in relation to hygiene and safety issues associated with fresh and processed meat products. Packaging is the technique of using the most appropriate containers and components to protect, carry, identify and trade any product.
  • 4. The efficient containment preservation and protection of a meat product and all necessary information required during packing, transport, storage, sale and use, along with the provision of convince, taking into consideration all legal and environmental issues. Meat Packaging
  • 5. Importance of Meat Packaging at Retail Level Customer choice of a muscle-based product is dependent upon many factors appearance most important. Important meat/pack quality attributes. Meat colour Shelf-life stability Drip/Moisture loss Sensory attributes Odour grain/loss Pack integrity Pack- appearance Labeling( Dates, additives, product support information) Convenience
  • 6. Packaging function (First level packaging) Technical function prevent/allows: Free movement of gasses Entry or exit of moisture Product illumination Prevent contamination Sales function provides: Information Convenience
  • 7. Commercial Meat Packaging Formats Boxed Overwarp Vacuum Common process Heat-shrink Thermoforming vacuum process Skin Vacuum packaging Modified atmospheres (MAP) Retail and bulk gas flushing
  • 8. Problems Associated with Meat Packaging (First level packaging) Exposure to oxygen: Moisture loss Systems generally not hermetic. Meat product export to varying level of oxygen. Fresh muscle foods lose moisture in the form of drip loss. Drip-loss in packs can reduce product shelf life.
  • 9. Moisture Control Moisture absorbent pads and trays with application for meat and poultry Lowering of water activity to suppress microbial growth. Systems consist of super-absorbent polymers located between two other plastic layers.
  • 10. Advantages of moisture control Enhanced product appearance and freshness- Shelf life extension Removes and retains spoilage bacteria. Reduce costly rewraps and product downgrades. Reduces product and packaging waste. Pads protect product display cases.
  • 11. Introduction to Intelligent Packaging Packaging systems which monitor the condition of packaged foods to give information about the quality of the packaged food during transport and storage. Intelligent packaging in some way senses properties of the food it enclose or the environment in which it is kept and which is able to inform the manufacturer, retailer and consumer of the state of these properties. Limited commercial application to date.
  • 12. Intelligent Packaging Applications: Tamper evidence/pack integrity. Breach of pack containment. Safety/quality indicators Time-temperature indicators . Gas sensing devices. Microbial growth. Pathogens detection. Traceability/anti-theft devices Product authenticity Radio frequency identification chips. Holographic images, logos.
  • 13. Indicators Substance that indicate the presence, absence, or concentration of another substances or the degree of reaction between two or more substances by means of a characteristics change, especially with respect to colour. Integrity (leak) indicators Visual oxygen indicators: use in low oxygen pack. Number of patents (redox dyes): MAP mince steaks, mince pizzas
  • 14. Disadvantages High sensitivity to residual oxygen in MAP. Reversibility- undesirable where oxygen is consumed during bacterial growth Freshness indicators Provide direct product quality information resulting from microbial growth or chemical changes within a meat product. Potential Metabolites: Organic acids, ethanol, biogenic amines, CO2, H2S, Microbes Disadvantages Based in broad-spectrum colour changes. Target metabolites do not necessarily indicate poor quality
  • 15. Sensors Device is used to detect, locate or quantify energy or matter, giving a signal for the detection of a physical or chemical property to which the device responds. Gas sensors Non-invasive technique for gas analysis through translucent materials fluorescent or phosphorescent in a polymer matrix. Oxygen sensors Platinum-based oxygen sensors as quality control instruments for meat products.
  • 16. O2 Sensing equipment Vacuum packed beef with O2 sensing membrane
  • 17. Intelligent Packaging-The future These packaging technologies anticipated to grow significantly over the next 10 years. Consumers demands for meat and other food products which are premium quality and which provide adequate shelf-life, safety, convenience and information. Reduction in packaging material costs formats grow in popularity/sales volume, and as newer and cheaper formats emerge through research and development. Greater demands by retailing outlets for extended product shelf-life. Concern regarding product authentically and bio- terrorism. Growing efforts to reduce unnecessary product/package wastes.
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