The document proposes creating an interactive platform to connect gamers with their local friends for online gaming. It would allow users to find other nearby gamers and include features like user profiles, leaderboards, notifications of new content, and a communication platform. Retailers could buy ad space in the app to generate revenue. Over time, the platform could allow direct purchases from Activision, reducing retailers' control over games and profits.
2. Stage 1 People can¡¯t find their closest mates (geographically) when they want to play online. PROBLEM Allow gamers to connect with their mates by using location based mobile technology. SOLUTION
3. The Activision ¡®App¡¯ My Activision Profile Locate Users Updates / News Downloadable Content User to User Interactivity
5. User to User: - Challenge Users - Rewards - Leaderboard - Networking Platform for Communication: - Feed information - Personal Interaction Subscription to Content: - Preview / Trailers - Updates on new titles - Cheats or Game Guides - Add-Ons
6. Facebook Places Users can also suggest locations for hangout spots, gigs and events. Users can locate other gamers by utilising location based services. Creating competition between local gamers and allowing them to reap rewards and ¡®titles¡¯.
8. Stage 2 Entice and invite retailers to buy ad space in the app to generate a media revenue stream. PROBLEM SOLUTION How can we increase profit margin and revenue?
9. For Retailers Ad Space Create media revenue stream. Push for online purchases through Activision. Allows Activision to have less dependancy on retailers.
10. Stage 3 Allow consumers to purchase games from Activision directly, loosening the grip on retailers. Retailers have a firm grip on the games released. PROBLEM SOLUTION
11. For Activision Consumers Direct Contact: New Games Downloadable content Promotions Database of users/gamers Allows experimentation and activation for new titles.