La explicaci坦n trata sobre la llegada de un nuevo miembro a la familia y ayudar a los ni単os a prepararse para el cambio. Se les pedir叩 a los ni単os que recuerden cuando eran m叩s peque単os para desarrollar empat鱈a, y se les mostrar叩n fotos de cuando eran beb辿s para generar preguntas sobre la infancia y la llegada del nuevo beb辿.
The document describes two activities done by students to create gifts for new family members. In the first activity, a student used online images to create a collage gift for their new sibling that they then painted and decorated with stickers. In the second activity, two students made name signs for babies by finding an alphabet online, printing and painting letters of the babies' names, and attaching them to cardboard to be laminated and hung on the babies' doors. Both activities engaged the students and made them happy and proud of the gifts they created.
This document outlines an activity called "Day of the Count" which has several objectives: 1) to explore situations similar to the students' own experiences, 2) to develop language skills and emotional intelligence, and 3) to introduce and strengthen the use of peripheral computer tools and technology. The methodology involves choosing and reading a story suited to the students' ages, and then working on the emotions or feelings in the story using an online resource for images of emotions and feelings. The chosen story is "Lila has a little brother" and conclusions are that the students enjoyed choosing and viewing the story at their own pace, recognized emotions in the game, and are increasing their emotional intelligence in a fun, relatable way.
Shareable: What Makes Asset Sharing Platforms Thrive?paulmdavis
Shareable publisher Neal Gorenflo moderates an interactive discussion with innovators, investors, and thought leaders in the Sharing Economy. Featuring Shelby Clark of RelayRides, Christopher Lukezic of Airbnb, Jamie Shea of the University of Michigan Social Venture Fund, and Ann Miura-ko of Floodgate, the discussion will explore what qualities make sharing platforms thrive. With an increasing crowded planet and dwindling natural resources, there may be no more important challenge than making sharing sexy, fun, and scalable. The panelists will share their insights to help the SXSW community succeed in the sharing economy.
The document describes two activities done by students to create gifts for new family members. In the first activity, a student used online images to create a collage gift for their new sibling that they then painted and decorated with stickers. In the second activity, two students made name signs for babies by finding an alphabet online, printing and painting letters of the babies' names, and attaching them to cardboard to be laminated and hung on the babies' doors. Both activities engaged the students and made them happy and proud of the gifts they created.
This document outlines an activity called "Day of the Count" which has several objectives: 1) to explore situations similar to the students' own experiences, 2) to develop language skills and emotional intelligence, and 3) to introduce and strengthen the use of peripheral computer tools and technology. The methodology involves choosing and reading a story suited to the students' ages, and then working on the emotions or feelings in the story using an online resource for images of emotions and feelings. The chosen story is "Lila has a little brother" and conclusions are that the students enjoyed choosing and viewing the story at their own pace, recognized emotions in the game, and are increasing their emotional intelligence in a fun, relatable way.
Shareable: What Makes Asset Sharing Platforms Thrive?paulmdavis
Shareable publisher Neal Gorenflo moderates an interactive discussion with innovators, investors, and thought leaders in the Sharing Economy. Featuring Shelby Clark of RelayRides, Christopher Lukezic of Airbnb, Jamie Shea of the University of Michigan Social Venture Fund, and Ann Miura-ko of Floodgate, the discussion will explore what qualities make sharing platforms thrive. With an increasing crowded planet and dwindling natural resources, there may be no more important challenge than making sharing sexy, fun, and scalable. The panelists will share their insights to help the SXSW community succeed in the sharing economy.
Han ent竪s perfectament el fil conductor del
Ells mateixos han manejat lordinador.
Han conegut paraules noves i els han llegit amb
Els ha agradat molt veure tot el proc辿s des de
lembars al naixement i les tasques que porta
el nad坦 a casa. Estn encantats amb la idea de
poder ajudar a banyar-lo, donar-li menjar, vestir-
lo, canviar el bolquer
El fet de veure el conte amb lordinador ha fet
que no perd竪s tant el fil.
Com que el personatge li era conegut li ha
agradat molt el conte.
Ha participat en la identificaci坦 del vocabulari.
Sidentificava ja com a germ gran, igual que en
Teo i ajudaria tamb辿 al seu germanet.
Ha utilitzat el ratol鱈 per passar les fulles del
conte: li ha agradat per嘆 a la vegada lha distret.