Andres sociallola caravacaThe document discusses imaginary lines used on maps and globes to describe locations on Earth, including meridians that run from the North to South poles and are measured in degrees east or west, and parallels that run horizontally around the planet and are measured in degrees north or south. It also briefly outlines that the Earth rotates on its axis over 24 hours, causing day and night, and that it has three main layers - the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere. Finally, it states that astronomers study objects in space like the sun, moon and planets.
Health and illnesslola caravacaYour health is dependent on physical, mental, and social well-being, while illnesses affect the body's organs. Health professionals can help people stay healthy through services like general practitioners for common issues or medical specialists for specific illnesses. Hospitals provide care during medical emergencies and for tests and treatments. Illnesses usually have symptoms and a doctor makes a diagnosis to provide proper treatment to relieve symptoms and cure the illness.
Power jorge-rubiolola caravacaMost reptiles lay eggs and live in various habitats. There are many types of reptiles that can be found in the air, on land, and under the sea. Reptiles like lizards and crocodiles have distinguishing features such as scales, claws, and large teeth.
Health and illness project de science (2)lola caravacaThis document discusses various topics related to health, including:
1. It describes different types of health professionals like general practitioners and medical specialists who treat specific illnesses. Hospitals are where people usually go for medical emergencies.
2. It discusses infectious diseases which are caused by microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and can cause illnesses like tuberculosis. It also mentions non-infectious diseases which are not caused by microorganisms.
3. Methods of preventing infectious diseases are discussed, such as washing hands, brushing teeth, cleaning cuts, keeping pets healthy, and washing fruits and vegetables. Vaccines are also described as a way to help the body resist diseases.
Electricity and magnetismlola caravacaElectricity and magnetism are related phenomena that occur naturally and can be harnessed for practical uses. Electricity is the flow of electric charge, most commonly carried by electrons or ions. Objects become electrically charged through the gain or loss of these charge carriers. Electric current is the regulated flow of electric charge and can be generated, transmitted, and put to work through electric circuits. Magnets and magnetic fields also occur naturally and can be manipulated, such as in electromagnets, which become magnetized when electric current flows through them. These fundamental scientific principles underlie modern power grids and technologies.
Digestion and respirationlola caravacaThe document discusses the basic structure and functions of the human body. It covers the digestive system, including the organs that make up the alimentary canal and glands involved in digestion. It also addresses healthy foods and a balanced diet. The respiratory system is introduced, naming the airways and lungs. The process of breathing is explained as inhalation and exhalation.
Where do we live tema 11lola caravacaA settlement is a village, town, or city that is often organized into neighborhoods. A municipality includes a settlement and the surrounding land, and people within a municipality often work in similar jobs. The document describes how regions are made up of multiple close municipalities and provinces are larger political divisions than regions, with varied landscapes, jobs, and customs.
Human reproductionlola caravacaThis document summarizes human reproduction. It describes the primary and secondary sex characteristics of males and females. It explains that reproduction requires both female egg cells and male sperm cells. It then details the female reproductive system including the external genitalia, internal organs, menstrual cycle, and pregnancy. It also outlines the male reproductive system including the penis, testicles, and role of semen. Fertilization occurs when a sperm cell joins with an egg cell to form a zygote, leading to pregnancy and eventual birth.
PyPy 1.5rocketcircusPyPy 1.5 is an alternative implementation of Python that uses just-in-time (JIT) compilation. It can run Python 2.6 and 2.7 code compatibly, supports both x86 and x86_64 architectures, and has improved support for C modules. Momentum is growing for PyPy with an online compatibility list and development of NumPy support.
Casys aukegorin2008This document discusses Peirce's theory of semeiosis, or sign processes, which he viewed as relational and teleological. It provides an example of a baseball game where a hitter misses the ball, triggering responses in the game's supporters. The event is analyzed using Peirce's triadic conception of a sign as having a representamen (the miss), object (the missed ball), and interpretant (the supporters' reactions). It suggests Peirce's theory can help formalize cognitive processes and decisions by modeling phases, decision points, and degrees of freedom in sign recognition and response.
Catalogo deepgamingJesús Martínez BlancoEste catálogo presenta una variedad de productos para juegos, incluyendo fuentes de alimentación, cajas para PC, ratones, auriculares, ventiladores y kits de refrigeración líquida. Proporciona detalles técnicos como potencia, tamaños, materiales, conectores y especificaciones de cada producto.
Presentación david human reproductionlola caravacaSexual reproduction allows human beings to have children. During puberty, males and females develop primary and secondary sex characteristics that distinguish their reproductive organs and bodies. Females produce eggs in their ovaries monthly while males continuously produce sperm in their testicles. Fertilization occurs when sperm fertilizes an egg during sexual intercourse, forming a zygote that develops into an embryo and fetus over nine months of pregnancy, ending with childbirth.
Innohub 2010 details of exhibitorsgorin2008This document lists the technologies developed by 10 Business Planning and Development Centres (BPDs) across India that are part of NIABI, a national initiative funded by the World Bank. It provides a high level overview of technologies in agriculture, fisheries, cotton, and veterinary medicine developed by research institutions like Anand Agricultural University, Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, and Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. It also briefly describes the roles of NRDC and NIABI in facilitating the commercialization of these innovative agro-technologies.
Онлайн-ритейл в России: Перспективы и действияWikimartВыступление основателей Wikimart Максима Фалдина и Камиля Курмакаева на Russian Retail Forum 2010
Health and illnesseslola caravacaHealth involves physical, mental, and social well-being, while illnesses are caused by issues with organs and can be infectious or non-infectious. There are many types of doctors like general practitioners and specialists. Illnesses are diagnosed based on symptoms and can be treated to relieve symptoms. Microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa can cause infectious diseases which spread through contact with infected people, objects, animals, food, or water.
Sectors of the economy alonsolola caravacaThe document outlines the three main economic sectors:
1) Primary Sector involves raw material extraction through fishing, mining, forestry, and farming.
2) Secondary Sector is manufacturing through factories and artisans producing goods from raw materials.
3) Tertiary Sector provides services like healthcare, law, transportation and more.
Syllabus09gorin2008The document contains syllabi for senior and junior level natural products and pharmaceutical education courses.
The senior level syllabus covers topics like natural products chemistry, pharmacognosy, pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical jurisprudence, analysis, biochemistry, microbiology, and clinical pharmacy.
The junior level syllabus includes pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy, biochemistry and clinical pathology, and human anatomy and physiology. It provides an introduction to various dosage forms, manufacturing processes, inorganic medicinal compounds, crude drugs, biochemistry, and human physiology.
Health and illnesslola caravacaYour health depends on physical, mental, and social well-being. Illnesses affect the body's organs. A general practitioner treats common illnesses, while specialists focus on specific areas like dermatology or cardiology. Infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms like influenza or measles, while non-infectious diseases have other causes such as allergies or obesity. We can prevent infectious diseases by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and vaccination schedule.
Jumper Trailer AnalysisalexbrendThe trailer introduces the main character's power of "jumping" from one place to another through a pan shot of him using this ability in his kitchen. It then provides some brief institutional information before cutting to fast shots showing the increasing extent of his jumping power, from small distances to anywhere globally. The trailer aims to tease the plot through these quick cuts without revealing too much, while also displaying the increasing scale of the jumping ability over the course of the video through a sped up zoom out shot.
Presentaciónluz carmen ángelalola caravacaLight moves in a straight line and very fast. White light from the sun is a mixture of colors that makes up the visible spectrum, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. When light hits an object that it cannot pass through, it forms a shadow on the opposite side from the light source. Objects can be transparent and allow light to pass through, translucent where light is diffused, or opaque where no light passes through. Natural luminous bodies like the sun produce their own light, while artificial luminous bodies require an external power source to produce light. Heat transfers from warmer to cooler bodies through conduction.
Best practiclessme2012VIRTA s.r.o.This document outlines a competency project for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in West Slovakia. The original plan was a low-cost, mass project to improve sales skills over 18 months for 5,000 SMEs with 2-25 employees. However, this faced challenges of partner overload, complicated relations, and being outside the scope of priorities. The new plan proposes creating viable expert communities focused on topics like childcare, medicine, startups and technology that are inspired by a personality, provide solutions, and are managed over 12-18 months. New services like e-commerce support, technology leasing, and connecting education and business are also proposed. Key issues include finding inspiring community leaders, management, and ensuring
Sea ecosystem 4lola caravacaThe document discusses the different ecosystems found in the sea, including seaweed, invertebrates like jellyfish and mussels, and vertebrates like fish, reptiles, and mammals. It explains that in the sea food chain, seaweed provides food for herbivores which are then eaten by carnivores and omnivores. Finally, it outlines the three main zones in the sea - the coast, high sea, and deep sea - and some of the animals typically found in each area.
Laserslola caravacaA laser consists of a gain medium inside an optical cavity formed by mirrors, a power supply to energize the gain medium, and a partially transparent mirror to emit the laser beam. Light of a specific wavelength is amplified as it passes through the gain medium and reflects between the mirrors, escaping as a coherent laser beam. Lasers have found uses in a wide range of applications due to their ability to emit precise beams of light, including consumer electronics, IT, science, medicine, industry, law enforcement, entertainment, and the military. There are several types of lasers that use different gain media such as gases, chemicals, solids, fibers, semiconductors, and dyes.
Alice McMeeken Utopiamcmeeae1The document outlines the author's vision of a utopian society based on various principles including self-love, using one's talents to help others, having a positive mindset, forgiveness, listening to intuition, effective listening, self-mastery, and kindness. The key ingredients for a happy population according to the author are loving oneself unconditionally, using one's gifts to better the world, attracting positive experiences through positive thoughts and energy, letting go of grudges, tapping into one's inner wisdom, demonstrating importance to others through listening, controlling one's thoughts and behavior, and treating all with kindness.
Where do we live tema 11lola caravacaA settlement is a village, town, or city that is often organized into neighborhoods. A municipality includes a settlement and the surrounding land, and people within a municipality often work in similar jobs. The document describes how regions are made up of multiple close municipalities and provinces are larger political divisions than regions, with varied landscapes, jobs, and customs.
Human reproductionlola caravacaThis document summarizes human reproduction. It describes the primary and secondary sex characteristics of males and females. It explains that reproduction requires both female egg cells and male sperm cells. It then details the female reproductive system including the external genitalia, internal organs, menstrual cycle, and pregnancy. It also outlines the male reproductive system including the penis, testicles, and role of semen. Fertilization occurs when a sperm cell joins with an egg cell to form a zygote, leading to pregnancy and eventual birth.
PyPy 1.5rocketcircusPyPy 1.5 is an alternative implementation of Python that uses just-in-time (JIT) compilation. It can run Python 2.6 and 2.7 code compatibly, supports both x86 and x86_64 architectures, and has improved support for C modules. Momentum is growing for PyPy with an online compatibility list and development of NumPy support.
Casys aukegorin2008This document discusses Peirce's theory of semeiosis, or sign processes, which he viewed as relational and teleological. It provides an example of a baseball game where a hitter misses the ball, triggering responses in the game's supporters. The event is analyzed using Peirce's triadic conception of a sign as having a representamen (the miss), object (the missed ball), and interpretant (the supporters' reactions). It suggests Peirce's theory can help formalize cognitive processes and decisions by modeling phases, decision points, and degrees of freedom in sign recognition and response.
Catalogo deepgamingJesús Martínez BlancoEste catálogo presenta una variedad de productos para juegos, incluyendo fuentes de alimentación, cajas para PC, ratones, auriculares, ventiladores y kits de refrigeración líquida. Proporciona detalles técnicos como potencia, tamaños, materiales, conectores y especificaciones de cada producto.
Presentación david human reproductionlola caravacaSexual reproduction allows human beings to have children. During puberty, males and females develop primary and secondary sex characteristics that distinguish their reproductive organs and bodies. Females produce eggs in their ovaries monthly while males continuously produce sperm in their testicles. Fertilization occurs when sperm fertilizes an egg during sexual intercourse, forming a zygote that develops into an embryo and fetus over nine months of pregnancy, ending with childbirth.
Innohub 2010 details of exhibitorsgorin2008This document lists the technologies developed by 10 Business Planning and Development Centres (BPDs) across India that are part of NIABI, a national initiative funded by the World Bank. It provides a high level overview of technologies in agriculture, fisheries, cotton, and veterinary medicine developed by research institutions like Anand Agricultural University, Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, and Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. It also briefly describes the roles of NRDC and NIABI in facilitating the commercialization of these innovative agro-technologies.
Онлайн-ритейл в России: Перспективы и действияWikimartВыступление основателей Wikimart Максима Фалдина и Камиля Курмакаева на Russian Retail Forum 2010
Health and illnesseslola caravacaHealth involves physical, mental, and social well-being, while illnesses are caused by issues with organs and can be infectious or non-infectious. There are many types of doctors like general practitioners and specialists. Illnesses are diagnosed based on symptoms and can be treated to relieve symptoms. Microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa can cause infectious diseases which spread through contact with infected people, objects, animals, food, or water.
Sectors of the economy alonsolola caravacaThe document outlines the three main economic sectors:
1) Primary Sector involves raw material extraction through fishing, mining, forestry, and farming.
2) Secondary Sector is manufacturing through factories and artisans producing goods from raw materials.
3) Tertiary Sector provides services like healthcare, law, transportation and more.
Syllabus09gorin2008The document contains syllabi for senior and junior level natural products and pharmaceutical education courses.
The senior level syllabus covers topics like natural products chemistry, pharmacognosy, pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical jurisprudence, analysis, biochemistry, microbiology, and clinical pharmacy.
The junior level syllabus includes pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy, biochemistry and clinical pathology, and human anatomy and physiology. It provides an introduction to various dosage forms, manufacturing processes, inorganic medicinal compounds, crude drugs, biochemistry, and human physiology.
Health and illnesslola caravacaYour health depends on physical, mental, and social well-being. Illnesses affect the body's organs. A general practitioner treats common illnesses, while specialists focus on specific areas like dermatology or cardiology. Infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms like influenza or measles, while non-infectious diseases have other causes such as allergies or obesity. We can prevent infectious diseases by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and vaccination schedule.
Jumper Trailer AnalysisalexbrendThe trailer introduces the main character's power of "jumping" from one place to another through a pan shot of him using this ability in his kitchen. It then provides some brief institutional information before cutting to fast shots showing the increasing extent of his jumping power, from small distances to anywhere globally. The trailer aims to tease the plot through these quick cuts without revealing too much, while also displaying the increasing scale of the jumping ability over the course of the video through a sped up zoom out shot.
Presentaciónluz carmen ángelalola caravacaLight moves in a straight line and very fast. White light from the sun is a mixture of colors that makes up the visible spectrum, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. When light hits an object that it cannot pass through, it forms a shadow on the opposite side from the light source. Objects can be transparent and allow light to pass through, translucent where light is diffused, or opaque where no light passes through. Natural luminous bodies like the sun produce their own light, while artificial luminous bodies require an external power source to produce light. Heat transfers from warmer to cooler bodies through conduction.
Best practiclessme2012VIRTA s.r.o.This document outlines a competency project for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in West Slovakia. The original plan was a low-cost, mass project to improve sales skills over 18 months for 5,000 SMEs with 2-25 employees. However, this faced challenges of partner overload, complicated relations, and being outside the scope of priorities. The new plan proposes creating viable expert communities focused on topics like childcare, medicine, startups and technology that are inspired by a personality, provide solutions, and are managed over 12-18 months. New services like e-commerce support, technology leasing, and connecting education and business are also proposed. Key issues include finding inspiring community leaders, management, and ensuring
Sea ecosystem 4lola caravacaThe document discusses the different ecosystems found in the sea, including seaweed, invertebrates like jellyfish and mussels, and vertebrates like fish, reptiles, and mammals. It explains that in the sea food chain, seaweed provides food for herbivores which are then eaten by carnivores and omnivores. Finally, it outlines the three main zones in the sea - the coast, high sea, and deep sea - and some of the animals typically found in each area.
Laserslola caravacaA laser consists of a gain medium inside an optical cavity formed by mirrors, a power supply to energize the gain medium, and a partially transparent mirror to emit the laser beam. Light of a specific wavelength is amplified as it passes through the gain medium and reflects between the mirrors, escaping as a coherent laser beam. Lasers have found uses in a wide range of applications due to their ability to emit precise beams of light, including consumer electronics, IT, science, medicine, industry, law enforcement, entertainment, and the military. There are several types of lasers that use different gain media such as gases, chemicals, solids, fibers, semiconductors, and dyes.
Alice McMeeken Utopiamcmeeae1The document outlines the author's vision of a utopian society based on various principles including self-love, using one's talents to help others, having a positive mindset, forgiveness, listening to intuition, effective listening, self-mastery, and kindness. The key ingredients for a happy population according to the author are loving oneself unconditionally, using one's gifts to better the world, attracting positive experiences through positive thoughts and energy, letting go of grudges, tapping into one's inner wisdom, demonstrating importance to others through listening, controlling one's thoughts and behavior, and treating all with kindness.
Onboarding. Adaptácia nového zamestnancaMartina Javůrková, MBAUľahčite nováčikom vo vašom tíme adaptáciu na nové pracovné prostredie. Malá investícia v podobe plánovania a organizácie jeho prvých dní v novom zamestnaní sa vám vráti v motivovanom prístupe k práci, kvalitnom výkone a dlhodobej lojálnosti.
COMM-PASS modulové workshopy - manažérske vzdelávanie, rozvoj a rastCOMM-PASSCOMM-PASS katalóg workshopov - základné tréningové moduly
Ponukový katalóg obsahuje vybrané tréningové moduly.
Tréningové moduly je možné absolvovať samostatne ale aj v skupinách podľa tematickej nadväznosti.
Pri výbere pokročilého tréningu je vhodné absolvovať základnú úroveň tréningu, ale nie je to podmienkou. Výber úrovne závisí od aktuálnych schopností a zručností účastníkov.
Ďalšie články nájdete aj na Linkedin:
SMART BRAIN PROJECT – diskusná skupina na Linkedin
VIDEO inšpirácie na youtube
COMM-PASS na Linkedin
eFocus konferencia: Inovatívne prístupy riadenia a realizácie projektovJan MasarykPrezentácia zo 7. ročníka konferencie eFocus Projektový manažment: „To najlepšie z projektového riadenia“ na tému "Inovatívne prístupy riadenia a realizácie projektov ich zavádzania do praxe."
Systematization of Human Capital Management in age of the Industry 4.0VIRTA s.r.o.The position of human power in production varies from simple manual power, through machine operation to creative management of the production process. Employee value is also shifted from cheap labour, through an expensive specialist to extremely expensive competencies with limited availability.
Dealing with this challenge can help the systematic management of human capital adapted for industry 4.0.
Inovácia a motiváciaVIRTA s.r.o.Inovácie a zmeny, ktoré prináša nová generácia sú veľkou výzvou pre stabilné a zabehnuté organizácie. Je ťažké otvoriť zabehnuté procedúry riadenia, alebo zlepšovania.
Case study Project for SME 2011VIRTA s.r.o.This case study describes a competency project for SMEs in western Slovakia to address issues with sales skills and cultural gaps. The project targeted 5,000 employees over 18 months using a community web portal, sales representatives, and teachers/coaches. The goals were to establish competency profiles for key sales roles, share best practices, and provide evaluation insights. While expectations were not fully met due to lack of synchronization and personal supervision, moving forward the project aims to develop community leaders and better align with the European Qualifications Framework.
Future Requirements of Education systems for SMEsVIRTA s.r.o.The document discusses the goals and methods of the SMES Association, a community focused on research and development of training and improvement processes in the knowledge economy. The Association aims to meet basic societal needs through core methods, topics of interest, technologies, and services including delivering key trainings, supporting the community and trainers, and maintaining community collaboration. It also outlines some of the Association's experiences providing online and social media-based education for small businesses and craftsmen communities.
Future Requirements of Education systems for SMEsVIRTA s.r.o.
Adaptive and social learning
1. |
| Zmeny v dynamike zlepšovania ľudského
kapitálu vďaka sociálnemu a adaptívnemu
Andrej Stančík
2. |
Adaptívne a sociálne vzdelávanie
Osobná investícia zamestnanca
Existencia v organizácii bez merania
Podpora v organizácii s meraním prínosov
3. Kľúčové veličiny
Rýchlosť a dynamika zmien potrieb zamestnanca na spôsobilosť
Spoluinvestori do rozvoja ľudských zdrojov
Kultúra otvorených kariet
Formálne Sociálne Adaptívne
Veličina vzdelávanie vzdelávanie vzdelávanie
Počet vzdelávacích
modulov/rok 4,75 modulov 84,40 modulov 297,00 modulov
Čas venovaný jednému
modulu - hodiny 12,48 hod 0,98 hod 0,24 hod
Nálady na jeden modul 214,54 € 4,57 € 0,38 €
Aktuálny pomer klasického a
neformálneho vzdelávania u
konkrétneho zákazníka za ostatných
l 12 mesiacov
4. |
Hodnota zamestnanca
Pohľad na hodnotu zamestnanca
Okamžitá hodnota z pohľadu produkcie?
Kumulatívna hodnota nákladov?
Budúca hodnota investícií do ľudských zdrojov?
Top sledované veličiny v
meraniach HR oddelení
5. |
Hodnota zamestnanca
Meranie Spôsoby získavania
informácií pre meranie
Cez sofistikovaný ERP systém
hodnoty zamestnaca
Manuálne tvorený vstup
6. |
Spôsob sledovania údajov pre meranie
Výstup z ERP (Enterprise resource planning)
Ručná kombinácia výstupov z evidencií a osobných hodnotení
(180 , 360 )
Top nástroje na meranie
hodnoty zamestnancov
7. |
Aká je prax pri meraní?
Klasické merateľné jednotky
Mzdové náklady
Dovolenky, náhrady a benefity
Investície do vzdelania
Ročný cyklus kompletného vyhodnocovania
Mesačné sledovanie
Kvartálne alebo polročné prehľady
8. |
Trendy pre progresívne meranie
Kompetenčné modely
Viazané na hierarchické role
Viazané na procesné role
Komunitné hodnotenie
Viazané na odbornú komunitu
Generované sociálnymi nástrojmi
Výstupom je komplex prioritizovaných „Gaps“
9. Nastavenie pre sledovanie a meranie odstraňovania
Finančný pohľad
Náklady na obsluhu vzdelávania (interný zákazník)
Intervencie do ľudského kapitálu
Náklady na riadenie ľudského kapitálu
Prierezové veličiny z pohľadu firmy
10. |
Nastavenie adaptívneho vzdelávania
Adaptive Learning Intelligence Model
Analýza a plánovanie
Zostavenie riešení
Nasadenie do organizácie
11. |
Rozmer adaptívneho a sociálneho vzdelávania
Poznávacie domény
intelektuálne schopnosti, tzn., vedomosti , alebo "myslím"
Afektívne domény
pocity, emócie a správanie, tzn., postoj , alebo "cítim"
Psychomotorická domény
manuálne a fyzikálne zručnosti, tzn., zručnosti , alebo „robím„
Benjamin Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains
12. |
Sledovanie progresu
Klasické výstupy z bežných zdrojov v bežných časových rotáciách
Živé výstupy z Competency management systému plnené cez
LMS (Learning management system) a vyhodnocovacie sociálne
13. |
Podpora rozhodovania
Riadenie priorít procesu vzdelávania
Riadení investícií do rozvoja zamestnancov
Simulácie pri plánovaných zmenách
14. Reálne možnosti
Rýchlo dostupné možnosti
Prijateľné riešenia