Inovácie a zmeny, ktoré prináša nová generácia sú veľkou výzvou pre stabilné a zabehnuté organizácie. Je ťažké otvoriť zabehnuté procedúry riadenia, alebo zlepšovania.
Andres sociallola caravacaThe document discusses imaginary lines used on maps and globes to describe locations on Earth, including meridians that run from the North to South poles and are measured in degrees east or west, and parallels that run horizontally around the planet and are measured in degrees north or south. It also briefly outlines that the Earth rotates on its axis over 24 hours, causing day and night, and that it has three main layers - the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere. Finally, it states that astronomers study objects in space like the sun, moon and planets.
Focus educare franchisee presentationFocus Edu CareFocus Edu-Care offers educational programs through both physical and virtual learning centers in various fields such as business, finance, clinical research, and exam preparation. It operates in 10 cities across India and internationally, and seeks to expand its network of over 200 franchise locations. The document provides details on Focus Edu-Care's course offerings, virtual learning environment, benefits of franchising with the organization, infrastructure requirements, hardware requirements, and marketing support available to franchisees.
Talent management approachRikyMarojahanHasibuanThis document contains 3 articles:
1. The first article discusses how effective talent management can boost company performance and shares that managing talent is crucial during a merger period. It emphasizes that all leaders must develop people and HR has a strategic role to play in mergers.
2. The second article by Maurizio Zollo discusses how post-acquisition talent retention is one of the hardest parts of an acquisition. It is like a huge hiring exercise without proper evaluations. The best talent may leave first. Acquirers must communicate frequently, show goodwill, leverage successes, and focus on collective performance.
3. The third article interviews Christian Merle about his experience merging 3 Italian banks of different origins. It
Men in blackgorin2008This manual provides information to maximize a person's chances of being abducted by aliens. It details commonly reported UFO shapes like saucers and cigars, as well as alien types like Greys and Reptoids. The manual also lists the top 40 UK alien abduction hotspots and tips for how to get abducted, such as understanding alien spacecraft and being in the right place at the right time. The goal is to help the reader prepare and enjoy the experience of alien abduction.
Anndruffel bio resumegorin2008This document provides a biography and resume for UFO researcher Ann Druffel. It summarizes her extensive career investigating UFO reports since 1957 for organizations like NICAP and MUFON. It also outlines her publications including six books on topics like alien abductions and the work of UFO researcher James McDonald. The document demonstrates Druffel's long-standing expertise in researching and writing about various aspects of the UFO phenomenon.
Digestion and respirationlola caravacaThe document discusses the basic structure and functions of the human body. It covers the digestive system, including the organs that make up the alimentary canal and glands involved in digestion. It also addresses healthy foods and a balanced diet. The respiratory system is introduced, naming the airways and lungs. The process of breathing is explained as inhalation and exhalation.
The economy pedrolola caravacaThe document describes the three main sectors of economy - the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. The primary sector involves extraction of raw materials from nature through activities like farming, livestock rearing, fishing and forestry. The secondary sector processes these raw materials through manufacturing. The tertiary sector provides services to consumers such as commerce, tourism, transport, communication, healthcare and education.
Presentación marta morenolola caravacaVertebrates are characterized by having a spinal column, a body divided into head, trunk, and extremities, and well-developed nervous and sense systems. The main groups of vertebrates are fish, amphibians, mammals, birds, and reptiles. Fish have scales, breathe through gills, and use fins to swim. Amphibians have aquatic young with gills and lungs as adults, while reptiles breathe air through lungs and have scales or hard skin. Birds are distinguished by their feathers and wings, while mammals usually have hair or fur and are oviparous or placental.
CorporateDr Azfar MalikTo climb the corporate ladder, one must be honest, learn continuously, show initiative, network widely, and respect their boss. Developing skills outside of work through education, writing, and speaking can help expand your professional profile. While hard work is required to advance, it is also important to maintain substance and wisdom once reaching the top, as success may not be guaranteed to last without these qualities. Stories illustrate how relying only on shortcuts or gifts can help one climb but not stay at the top. Overall respect, gratitude, and strong character are emphasized as key to finding true success over the long run.
Kasher ufo talkgorin2008Dr. Jack Kasher, a retired physics professor and Midwest MUFON Director, will give a video presentation providing physical proof of UFOs and the government cover up. He will discuss this "dimensional reality" and take questions from the audience. The event will be held on February 20th at 7pm at the Unity Church of Omaha, with a disclaimer that the church does not endorse beliefs about UFOs. Kasher is an authority on UFOs and has analyzed NASA video footage of UFOs appearing during a space shuttle mission. Edgar Cayce predicted the Earth's poles would shift around 2000-2001, signifying a new age of higher consciousness where people become aware of "The People of the Universe."
PP for slide presentationsUniversity of GreenwichThe document provides instructions for creating slide presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint. It discusses PowerPoint concepts and design principles, how to create and format slides, add content like text, images and graphics, apply themes and backgrounds, and use features like notes and handouts. Tips are provided for practicing presentations and getting support if needed.
Crop circles dreamcometruegorin2008This document summarizes different perspectives on crop circles. It discusses that while some crop circles have been proven to be human-made, hundreds still appear each year that cannot be explained by normal means. Some key findings from scientific studies are that crops are bent in ways that should break them, nodes are stretched or blown open, and seeds from crop circles sometimes grow abnormally fast. The document considers theories that crop circles are communications from extraterrestrials, manifestations of human thought patterns, or even communications from plants or the earth itself. In the end, it says the true nature of crop circles remains a mystery.
60443gorin2008This website sells a collection of books about ufology, the study of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The website,, offers a collection of best selling books on the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Visitors to the site can purchase multiple books together in a single collection focused on ufology.
AppraisalSheila ATo conduct an appraisal, meet regularly with employees to discuss their performance and devise improvement plans through open-ended questions. Meetings should be held monthly to provide feedback and set goals using active listening skills like asking questions, commenting, and noting body language and responses. The objectives are to improve relationships and performance, but there are no legal requirements for how appraisals are structured.
Christmaslola caravacaChristmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, while New Year's Eve marks the transition to the new year 2014 and the tradition of eating grapes. The Three Wise Men bring presents to children on January 6th.
Ingleslola caravacaThis document discusses several sea animals including jellyfish, whales, seahorses, sharks, sea lions, albatrosses, walruses, pelicans, lobsters, starfish, and swordfish. Key details provided include that jellyfish can sometimes be dangerous, whales are very big, male seahorses carry the eggs, sharks have many teeth, sea lions have a strong tail, albatrosses are birds, walruses have long teeth, pelicans have a large beak, lobsters have eight legs, and starfish are considered beautiful.
Where do we live tema 11lola caravacaA settlement is a village, town, or city that is often organized into neighborhoods. A municipality includes a settlement and the surrounding land, and people within a municipality often work in similar jobs. The document describes how regions are made up of multiple close municipalities and provinces are larger political divisions than regions, with varied landscapes, jobs, and customs.
FacebookPuneet AroraFacebook has grown since its inception in 2004 to become the leader in social networking with over 750 million users. It provides opportunities for messaging, photo sharing, groups and user-created apps through a simple interface. However, privacy issues have arisen from features like Beacon and News Feed sharing user activities and information without consent. Facebook generates revenue through targeted advertisements to its large user base but faces threats from competitors and as users engage more with immersive apps rather than external ads. Moving forward, Facebook is exploring new opportunities in e-commerce, entertainment and helping users with common interests interact while also focusing on improving privacy settings and security to maintain users.
2 study international at perspektywy march 2013Ancestry CentralThe Perspektywy fair is the largest education event in Poland, attracting up to 50,000 visitors annually. It is held in Warsaw, which has over 300,000 students and a strong culture of learning. The document advertises exhibiting at the 2013 Perspektywy fair from March 7-9 and provides an all-inclusive package for international schools to recruit Polish students, including an exhibition booth, interpreters, advertising, and hotel accommodations.
Business Breakfast 2010.12.21.Peter BolebruchPresentation of actual trends in practise. We show a new digital terms via real references and actual work.
Webinár- digitálna transformácia firiem v čase pandémieVISIBILITY s.r.o.COVID-19 zasiahol náhle celú spoločnosť aj ekonomiku a nám nezostáva nič iné, len sa tomu prispôsobiť. Pozrime sa na možnosti digitálnej transformácie firiem v čase pandémie.
TOP Certifikácie v Marketing a ReklameMiroslav ReiterIT Academy je akreditovaná a certifikovaná vzdelávacia spoločnosť. Zabezpečujeme medzinárodné certifikované kurzy a skúšky spoločností ako Microsoft, Axelos/People Cert, Android, Google, GASQB/ISTQB/IREB, Oracle, IBM, HP, Red Hat, AWS, SAP, EXIN, CISCO, Adobe, Unity, Pearson Vue.
V tejto prezentácii ti predstavím TOP certifikácie a skúšky v oblasti marketing a reklamy
CorporateDr Azfar MalikTo climb the corporate ladder, one must be honest, learn continuously, show initiative, network widely, and respect their boss. Developing skills outside of work through education, writing, and speaking can help expand your professional profile. While hard work is required to advance, it is also important to maintain substance and wisdom once reaching the top, as success may not be guaranteed to last without these qualities. Stories illustrate how relying only on shortcuts or gifts can help one climb but not stay at the top. Overall respect, gratitude, and strong character are emphasized as key to finding true success over the long run.
Kasher ufo talkgorin2008Dr. Jack Kasher, a retired physics professor and Midwest MUFON Director, will give a video presentation providing physical proof of UFOs and the government cover up. He will discuss this "dimensional reality" and take questions from the audience. The event will be held on February 20th at 7pm at the Unity Church of Omaha, with a disclaimer that the church does not endorse beliefs about UFOs. Kasher is an authority on UFOs and has analyzed NASA video footage of UFOs appearing during a space shuttle mission. Edgar Cayce predicted the Earth's poles would shift around 2000-2001, signifying a new age of higher consciousness where people become aware of "The People of the Universe."
PP for slide presentationsUniversity of GreenwichThe document provides instructions for creating slide presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint. It discusses PowerPoint concepts and design principles, how to create and format slides, add content like text, images and graphics, apply themes and backgrounds, and use features like notes and handouts. Tips are provided for practicing presentations and getting support if needed.
Crop circles dreamcometruegorin2008This document summarizes different perspectives on crop circles. It discusses that while some crop circles have been proven to be human-made, hundreds still appear each year that cannot be explained by normal means. Some key findings from scientific studies are that crops are bent in ways that should break them, nodes are stretched or blown open, and seeds from crop circles sometimes grow abnormally fast. The document considers theories that crop circles are communications from extraterrestrials, manifestations of human thought patterns, or even communications from plants or the earth itself. In the end, it says the true nature of crop circles remains a mystery.
60443gorin2008This website sells a collection of books about ufology, the study of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The website,, offers a collection of best selling books on the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Visitors to the site can purchase multiple books together in a single collection focused on ufology.
AppraisalSheila ATo conduct an appraisal, meet regularly with employees to discuss their performance and devise improvement plans through open-ended questions. Meetings should be held monthly to provide feedback and set goals using active listening skills like asking questions, commenting, and noting body language and responses. The objectives are to improve relationships and performance, but there are no legal requirements for how appraisals are structured.
Christmaslola caravacaChristmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, while New Year's Eve marks the transition to the new year 2014 and the tradition of eating grapes. The Three Wise Men bring presents to children on January 6th.
Ingleslola caravacaThis document discusses several sea animals including jellyfish, whales, seahorses, sharks, sea lions, albatrosses, walruses, pelicans, lobsters, starfish, and swordfish. Key details provided include that jellyfish can sometimes be dangerous, whales are very big, male seahorses carry the eggs, sharks have many teeth, sea lions have a strong tail, albatrosses are birds, walruses have long teeth, pelicans have a large beak, lobsters have eight legs, and starfish are considered beautiful.
Where do we live tema 11lola caravacaA settlement is a village, town, or city that is often organized into neighborhoods. A municipality includes a settlement and the surrounding land, and people within a municipality often work in similar jobs. The document describes how regions are made up of multiple close municipalities and provinces are larger political divisions than regions, with varied landscapes, jobs, and customs.
FacebookPuneet AroraFacebook has grown since its inception in 2004 to become the leader in social networking with over 750 million users. It provides opportunities for messaging, photo sharing, groups and user-created apps through a simple interface. However, privacy issues have arisen from features like Beacon and News Feed sharing user activities and information without consent. Facebook generates revenue through targeted advertisements to its large user base but faces threats from competitors and as users engage more with immersive apps rather than external ads. Moving forward, Facebook is exploring new opportunities in e-commerce, entertainment and helping users with common interests interact while also focusing on improving privacy settings and security to maintain users.
2 study international at perspektywy march 2013Ancestry CentralThe Perspektywy fair is the largest education event in Poland, attracting up to 50,000 visitors annually. It is held in Warsaw, which has over 300,000 students and a strong culture of learning. The document advertises exhibiting at the 2013 Perspektywy fair from March 7-9 and provides an all-inclusive package for international schools to recruit Polish students, including an exhibition booth, interpreters, advertising, and hotel accommodations.
Business Breakfast 2010.12.21.Peter BolebruchPresentation of actual trends in practise. We show a new digital terms via real references and actual work.
Webinár- digitálna transformácia firiem v čase pandémieVISIBILITY s.r.o.COVID-19 zasiahol náhle celú spoločnosť aj ekonomiku a nám nezostáva nič iné, len sa tomu prispôsobiť. Pozrime sa na možnosti digitálnej transformácie firiem v čase pandémie.
TOP Certifikácie v Marketing a ReklameMiroslav ReiterIT Academy je akreditovaná a certifikovaná vzdelávacia spoločnosť. Zabezpečujeme medzinárodné certifikované kurzy a skúšky spoločností ako Microsoft, Axelos/People Cert, Android, Google, GASQB/ISTQB/IREB, Oracle, IBM, HP, Red Hat, AWS, SAP, EXIN, CISCO, Adobe, Unity, Pearson Vue.
V tejto prezentácii ti predstavím TOP certifikácie a skúšky v oblasti marketing a reklamy
Konkurenčné spravodajstvoKatarina BuzovaPrednáška v rámci predmetu: Informačné zdroje a knižnično-informačné služby v elektronickom prostredí.
Univerzita Komenského, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra knižničnej a informačnej vedy
Projektovy manazment pre HR profesionalov - Uvodne zadanie projektu - Projekt...COMM-PASS
Projektový manažment pre HR profesionálov v praxi - reálne projekty - reálne skúsenosti
Moderná forma komunikácie - reklama a marketing, ktorý vzdeláva a inšpiruje
Krok po kroku spoznáte ako funguje Projektový manažment pre HR profesionálov
Pri prezeraní dokumentu si vypracujete Úvodné zadanie vášho projektu
Projektové štandardy a projektové fungovanie prinášame v bežnej manažérskej praxi a atraktívnej forme
Stiahnite si PPT dokument a získajte linky na inšpiratívne videá
Neuroplasticita mozgu výrazne mení princípy a štandardy manažérskeho vzdelávania - dozviete sa ako...
Ako robiť sociálne médiá: zveriť sa do rúk agentúry, alebo si trúfnuť na digi...®Naša prednáška z tohtoročného Trend Marketing Summitu, v ktorej sa môžete dozvedieť mýty a domnienky, rôzne spôsoby využitia sociálnych sietí, ale aj výhody a nevýhody oboch variantov.
Systematization of Human Capital Management in age of the Industry 4.0VIRTA s.r.o.The position of human power in production varies from simple manual power, through machine operation to creative management of the production process. Employee value is also shifted from cheap labour, through an expensive specialist to extremely expensive competencies with limited availability.
Dealing with this challenge can help the systematic management of human capital adapted for industry 4.0.
Best practiclessme2012VIRTA s.r.o.This document outlines a competency project for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in West Slovakia. The original plan was a low-cost, mass project to improve sales skills over 18 months for 5,000 SMEs with 2-25 employees. However, this faced challenges of partner overload, complicated relations, and being outside the scope of priorities. The new plan proposes creating viable expert communities focused on topics like childcare, medicine, startups and technology that are inspired by a personality, provide solutions, and are managed over 12-18 months. New services like e-commerce support, technology leasing, and connecting education and business are also proposed. Key issues include finding inspiring community leaders, management, and ensuring
Case study Project for SME 2011VIRTA s.r.o.This case study describes a competency project for SMEs in western Slovakia to address issues with sales skills and cultural gaps. The project targeted 5,000 employees over 18 months using a community web portal, sales representatives, and teachers/coaches. The goals were to establish competency profiles for key sales roles, share best practices, and provide evaluation insights. While expectations were not fully met due to lack of synchronization and personal supervision, moving forward the project aims to develop community leaders and better align with the European Qualifications Framework.
Future Requirements of Education systems for SMEsVIRTA s.r.o.The document discusses the goals and methods of the SMES Association, a community focused on research and development of training and improvement processes in the knowledge economy. The Association aims to meet basic societal needs through core methods, topics of interest, technologies, and services including delivering key trainings, supporting the community and trainers, and maintaining community collaboration. It also outlines some of the Association's experiences providing online and social media-based education for small businesses and craftsmen communities.
3. Prečo potrebujeme inovovať?
Pretože sme v dobe efektivity
Pretože máme prístup ku všetkým
informáciám sveta na jeden klik
Pretože neuznávame bariéry hierarchie
9. Čo môžeme využiť
Interné komunikačné nástroje
Sociálne nástroje WEB 2.0
Inovatívny prístup
Nástroje na riadenie kompetencií
Ale hlavne využime komunity v organizácii
11. Výzvy ktorým sa treba postaviť
Komunikácia medzi generáciami
Rozdielna forma a ťažisko komunikácie
Komunikačný plán
Spracovanie a štrukturácia dát
Práca s motiváciou
Demotivačné faktory
Cena inovácií a synchronizácia s motiváciou