Pets companykysjw24P.E.T.S. (Performance Entertainment Technical Services) is a company that provides technical services for lighting, sound, and pyrotechnics for events. The name is meant to be easy to remember while suggesting the range of services. The logo uses blue and green to represent leadership and being environmentally friendly. The mission is to provide quality entertainment technology. The values are performance, passion, presentation, and prioritizing people. The tagline is that P.E.T.S. is a one-stop shop for technical entertainment services.
Stiletto Dash Presentation - September 2013DelilahPanioStiletto Dash is a digital media company that aims to help women business travelers by providing an online magazine and shop portal with solutions to common travel pains. The company's mission is to make travel healthier, happier, and more productive for women. Stiletto Dash plans to build a large community of women business travelers and then monetize it through product sales, advertising, corporate wellness programs, and membership fees. An initial seed investment of $500,000 is being sought to fund user acquisition, website development, and pilot programs to validate the business model.
Economy jesuslola caravacaThe document outlines the three main economic sectors - the primary sector extracts raw materials from nature, the secondary sector processes raw materials to manufacture products, and the tertiary sector is the service sector. It also describes various types of agriculture including arable farming, livestock farming, fishing, mining, forestry, and different sources of energy.
Syllabus09gorin2008The document contains syllabi for senior and junior level natural products and pharmaceutical education courses.
The senior level syllabus covers topics like natural products chemistry, pharmacognosy, pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical jurisprudence, analysis, biochemistry, microbiology, and clinical pharmacy.
The junior level syllabus includes pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy, biochemistry and clinical pathology, and human anatomy and physiology. It provides an introduction to various dosage forms, manufacturing processes, inorganic medicinal compounds, crude drugs, biochemistry, and human physiology.
Presentation1Dr Azfar MalikThis training session covers several important topics for properly adjudicating health insurance claims including selecting the correct riders for policies, understanding exclusions and coverage details, evaluating claims by matching treatment details to invoices, authorizing waivers when requirements are not met, following benchmarking guidelines, and adapting to market trends and practices.
Reforming Pakistan’s National Accounts: A Proposed 2002 Program Jonathon FleggA baseline projection and reform agenda designed to be implemented by the Government of Pakistan and the IMF in 2002.
Food desertslbajda12Food deserts are areas that lack access to affordable and nutritious whole foods like fruits and vegetables. They often contain many fast food restaurants and convenience stores instead. Food deserts commonly exist in tightly packed urban areas where it is difficult for superstores to fit. In Cuyahoga County, Ohio, 48% of adults have heart disease, 20% are overweight, and 79% consume less than 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Many neighborhoods in the county also have limited access to vehicles and large grocery stores, contributing to health issues like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Solutions proposed include farmers markets, community gardens, and improving access to affordable healthy foods.
Science unit8 electricity and magnetism berglola caravacaElectricity and magnetism are covered in this unit. Electricity is the movement of electrons, and objects can be neutral, positively charged, or negatively charged depending on the balance of protons and electrons. Electric current is the flow of electrons in conductors. Electricity is generated in power plants and distributed through power lines to where we consume it and transform it into other forms of energy. Electric circuits require a conductor, power source, resistor, and switch to conduct current and do work. Magnets can attract metals, with opposite poles attracting and like poles repelling. The Earth acts as a giant magnet that creates its magnetic field with a north and south pole.
Proyecto science t 14lola caravacaThe document summarizes the key events and developments of the Modern Age in Europe from 1492 to 1789. Some of the major changes included the rise of international commerce and trade following the discovery of the Americas, the establishment of the first banks and modern factories, and the growing power of European monarchies over the nobility. Religious conflicts grew between Catholics and Protestants. The scientific method was established and the printing press helped spread new ideas. Spanish history during this period included the reign of the Catholic Monarchs, rule by the Habsburg dynasty, and later the Bourbon dynasty after the War of Succession. The artistic styles of Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassicism flourished.
English fancy dresslola caravacaThis document provides descriptions of various English fancy dress costumes including secretary, flight attendant, businessman, businesswoman, firefighter, TV presenter, journalist, architect, mechanic, singer, photographer, and pilot. For each costume it gives a brief 1-2 sentence description of the associated job or profession to help someone dress up as that character for an English fancy dress event.
Francisco 4 b digestive system - nov. 2015lola caravacaThe digestive system has six main parts that work together to break down food and extract nutrients. Food is broken down in the mouth by teeth and mixed with saliva before traveling to the stomach through the esophagus. In the stomach, gastric juices further break down food into a thick liquid. Nutrients are then absorbed into the bloodstream in the small intestine, with waste passing through the large intestine and anus to exit the body.
A Little Piece of LincolnshireAncestry CentralA little bit of Lincolnshire
Heckington, Great Hale, Horbling, Billingborough & Burton Pedwardine,Lincolnshire, England.
Heading south from Sleaford in the direction of Bourne are the historic Lincolnshire places of Heckington, Great Hale, Horbling, Billingborough & Burton Pedwardine. The Total distance from start to finish of the journey is 2.5 miles but what the journey lacks miles is surpassed by Historical interest.
HR Development Acedemy, Znalostný manažment a sociálne sieteVIRTA s.r.o.Príspevok na HR Development Akadémii
Ccss dominiosgamarra1305El documento describe los cuatro pilares principales de la lectoescritura en inglés: lectura, escritura, hablar y escuchar, y lenguaje. Explica que la lectura y la escritura implican la recepción y producción del lenguaje escrito y oral, mientras que hablar y escuchar implican la comunicación e interacción. Además, presenta una lista de verbos que describen las acciones del pensamiento crítico y muestra las habilidades progresivas del lenguaje según el grado escolar. Finalmente, proporciona información sobre una esc
Sea ecosystem 4lola caravacaThe document discusses the different ecosystems found in the sea, including seaweed, invertebrates like jellyfish and mussels, and vertebrates like fish, reptiles, and mammals. It explains that in the sea food chain, seaweed provides food for herbivores which are then eaten by carnivores and omnivores. Finally, it outlines the three main zones in the sea - the coast, high sea, and deep sea - and some of the animals typically found in each area.
Rdp Software & IT EligibilityrkunThis document discusses the eligibility of software and IT projects for Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives. It outlines that eligible work is aimed at achieving technological advancement through experimental development. It provides examples of projects that do and do not demonstrate technological advancement and technological uncertainty, which are the two key criteria for a project to qualify for SR&ED incentives.
1124473bgorin2008This document provides an overview and table of contents for the book "An Introduction to Planetary Defense: A Study of Modern Warfare Applied to Extra-Terrestrial Invasion" by Travis S. Taylor, Bob Boan, R. Charles Anding, and T. Conley Powell. The book aims to discuss the probability of an alien invasion, categorize different types of potential extra-terrestrials, examine potential weapons and defenses, and call for preparation in the event of a visit from extraterrestrials. It uses examples from history like European colonization of North America to argue humanity should learn from past experiences and develop a coordinated planetary defense strategy before an advanced civilization arrives with unknown intentions. The table of contents outlines
Ontario Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit rkunSummary of eligibility for the OIDMTC program to recover costs of developing and marketing eligible products such as, video games, educational software, interactive websites and informational products.
Living things luislola caravacaAll living things are made up of cells, whether they are single-celled organisms or multicellular organisms. Living things can be classified into five kingdoms: Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. The Earth provides the conditions for life through its water, atmosphere containing gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide, and receipt of light and heat from the Sun. Cells contain organelles like the nucleus and cytoplasm, with plant cells also having a cell wall and chloroplasts. Cells work together to form tissues, organs, and systems that allow organisms to carry out life processes like interaction, nutrition, and reproduction.
Alien abductions and ra survivors comparisongorin2008This document compares accounts of alien abductions and ritual abuse experiences. It contains 8 tables that list similarities and differences between the two experiences in areas such as the settings, perpetrators, messages given, locations, psychological effects, violations of free will, beliefs and philosophies, and personal histories of those reporting the experiences. The tables provide a detailed analysis of how the first-hand accounts of alien abductions match up with accounts of surviving ritual abuse.
Thyro tonegorin2008ThyroTone is a supplement designed to support a healthy thyroid gland and metabolism. It contains nutrients like L-tyrosine, iodine, selenium, and ashwagandha that are involved in thyroid hormone production and metabolism. Taking ThyroTone can help maintain thyroid and metabolic health for those with underactive thyroid symptoms like fatigue and weight gain. The supplement aims to provide thyroid supporting nutrients that may be lacking in a typical Western diet.
Brand mangement mainprashhhThe document discusses various aspects of brand management including selecting brand names and logos, creating brand awareness and positioning, managing brand image and identity, and using celebrity endorsements. It provides examples of different brands and discusses techniques for building and maintaining strong brands to increase customer loyalty and financial returns for companies.
Dial 000Mahesh KumarThe document outlines scenes in a story between various characters including Doug, Lucy, Boss, Mary, Govinda, and Stella. It has 5 scenes that take place between different characters in the office or elsewhere. It builds to a climax and concludes the story, thanking Mahesh Sir.
MS wordNishant GuptaThis document provides an introduction and tutorial for using Microsoft Word 2003. It covers basic functions like starting a new document, formatting text, inserting pictures and tables. It also explains how to add headers and footers, insert page breaks and section breaks, check spelling and grammar, and print documents. The tutorial is intended for new users of Word and focuses on functions necessary for writing academic papers and essays. It contains screenshots and step-by-step instructions for completing common tasks in Word 2003.
Systematization of Human Capital Management in age of the Industry 4.0VIRTA s.r.o.The position of human power in production varies from simple manual power, through machine operation to creative management of the production process. Employee value is also shifted from cheap labour, through an expensive specialist to extremely expensive competencies with limited availability.
Dealing with this challenge can help the systematic management of human capital adapted for industry 4.0.
Best practiclessme2012VIRTA s.r.o.This document outlines a competency project for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in West Slovakia. The original plan was a low-cost, mass project to improve sales skills over 18 months for 5,000 SMEs with 2-25 employees. However, this faced challenges of partner overload, complicated relations, and being outside the scope of priorities. The new plan proposes creating viable expert communities focused on topics like childcare, medicine, startups and technology that are inspired by a personality, provide solutions, and are managed over 12-18 months. New services like e-commerce support, technology leasing, and connecting education and business are also proposed. Key issues include finding inspiring community leaders, management, and ensuring
Science unit8 electricity and magnetism berglola caravacaElectricity and magnetism are covered in this unit. Electricity is the movement of electrons, and objects can be neutral, positively charged, or negatively charged depending on the balance of protons and electrons. Electric current is the flow of electrons in conductors. Electricity is generated in power plants and distributed through power lines to where we consume it and transform it into other forms of energy. Electric circuits require a conductor, power source, resistor, and switch to conduct current and do work. Magnets can attract metals, with opposite poles attracting and like poles repelling. The Earth acts as a giant magnet that creates its magnetic field with a north and south pole.
Proyecto science t 14lola caravacaThe document summarizes the key events and developments of the Modern Age in Europe from 1492 to 1789. Some of the major changes included the rise of international commerce and trade following the discovery of the Americas, the establishment of the first banks and modern factories, and the growing power of European monarchies over the nobility. Religious conflicts grew between Catholics and Protestants. The scientific method was established and the printing press helped spread new ideas. Spanish history during this period included the reign of the Catholic Monarchs, rule by the Habsburg dynasty, and later the Bourbon dynasty after the War of Succession. The artistic styles of Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassicism flourished.
English fancy dresslola caravacaThis document provides descriptions of various English fancy dress costumes including secretary, flight attendant, businessman, businesswoman, firefighter, TV presenter, journalist, architect, mechanic, singer, photographer, and pilot. For each costume it gives a brief 1-2 sentence description of the associated job or profession to help someone dress up as that character for an English fancy dress event.
Francisco 4 b digestive system - nov. 2015lola caravacaThe digestive system has six main parts that work together to break down food and extract nutrients. Food is broken down in the mouth by teeth and mixed with saliva before traveling to the stomach through the esophagus. In the stomach, gastric juices further break down food into a thick liquid. Nutrients are then absorbed into the bloodstream in the small intestine, with waste passing through the large intestine and anus to exit the body.
A Little Piece of LincolnshireAncestry CentralA little bit of Lincolnshire
Heckington, Great Hale, Horbling, Billingborough & Burton Pedwardine,Lincolnshire, England.
Heading south from Sleaford in the direction of Bourne are the historic Lincolnshire places of Heckington, Great Hale, Horbling, Billingborough & Burton Pedwardine. The Total distance from start to finish of the journey is 2.5 miles but what the journey lacks miles is surpassed by Historical interest.
HR Development Acedemy, Znalostný manažment a sociálne sieteVIRTA s.r.o.Príspevok na HR Development Akadémii
Ccss dominiosgamarra1305El documento describe los cuatro pilares principales de la lectoescritura en inglés: lectura, escritura, hablar y escuchar, y lenguaje. Explica que la lectura y la escritura implican la recepción y producción del lenguaje escrito y oral, mientras que hablar y escuchar implican la comunicación e interacción. Además, presenta una lista de verbos que describen las acciones del pensamiento crítico y muestra las habilidades progresivas del lenguaje según el grado escolar. Finalmente, proporciona información sobre una esc
Sea ecosystem 4lola caravacaThe document discusses the different ecosystems found in the sea, including seaweed, invertebrates like jellyfish and mussels, and vertebrates like fish, reptiles, and mammals. It explains that in the sea food chain, seaweed provides food for herbivores which are then eaten by carnivores and omnivores. Finally, it outlines the three main zones in the sea - the coast, high sea, and deep sea - and some of the animals typically found in each area.
Rdp Software & IT EligibilityrkunThis document discusses the eligibility of software and IT projects for Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives. It outlines that eligible work is aimed at achieving technological advancement through experimental development. It provides examples of projects that do and do not demonstrate technological advancement and technological uncertainty, which are the two key criteria for a project to qualify for SR&ED incentives.
1124473bgorin2008This document provides an overview and table of contents for the book "An Introduction to Planetary Defense: A Study of Modern Warfare Applied to Extra-Terrestrial Invasion" by Travis S. Taylor, Bob Boan, R. Charles Anding, and T. Conley Powell. The book aims to discuss the probability of an alien invasion, categorize different types of potential extra-terrestrials, examine potential weapons and defenses, and call for preparation in the event of a visit from extraterrestrials. It uses examples from history like European colonization of North America to argue humanity should learn from past experiences and develop a coordinated planetary defense strategy before an advanced civilization arrives with unknown intentions. The table of contents outlines
Ontario Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit rkunSummary of eligibility for the OIDMTC program to recover costs of developing and marketing eligible products such as, video games, educational software, interactive websites and informational products.
Living things luislola caravacaAll living things are made up of cells, whether they are single-celled organisms or multicellular organisms. Living things can be classified into five kingdoms: Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. The Earth provides the conditions for life through its water, atmosphere containing gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide, and receipt of light and heat from the Sun. Cells contain organelles like the nucleus and cytoplasm, with plant cells also having a cell wall and chloroplasts. Cells work together to form tissues, organs, and systems that allow organisms to carry out life processes like interaction, nutrition, and reproduction.
Alien abductions and ra survivors comparisongorin2008This document compares accounts of alien abductions and ritual abuse experiences. It contains 8 tables that list similarities and differences between the two experiences in areas such as the settings, perpetrators, messages given, locations, psychological effects, violations of free will, beliefs and philosophies, and personal histories of those reporting the experiences. The tables provide a detailed analysis of how the first-hand accounts of alien abductions match up with accounts of surviving ritual abuse.
Thyro tonegorin2008ThyroTone is a supplement designed to support a healthy thyroid gland and metabolism. It contains nutrients like L-tyrosine, iodine, selenium, and ashwagandha that are involved in thyroid hormone production and metabolism. Taking ThyroTone can help maintain thyroid and metabolic health for those with underactive thyroid symptoms like fatigue and weight gain. The supplement aims to provide thyroid supporting nutrients that may be lacking in a typical Western diet.
Brand mangement mainprashhhThe document discusses various aspects of brand management including selecting brand names and logos, creating brand awareness and positioning, managing brand image and identity, and using celebrity endorsements. It provides examples of different brands and discusses techniques for building and maintaining strong brands to increase customer loyalty and financial returns for companies.
Dial 000Mahesh KumarThe document outlines scenes in a story between various characters including Doug, Lucy, Boss, Mary, Govinda, and Stella. It has 5 scenes that take place between different characters in the office or elsewhere. It builds to a climax and concludes the story, thanking Mahesh Sir.
MS wordNishant GuptaThis document provides an introduction and tutorial for using Microsoft Word 2003. It covers basic functions like starting a new document, formatting text, inserting pictures and tables. It also explains how to add headers and footers, insert page breaks and section breaks, check spelling and grammar, and print documents. The tutorial is intended for new users of Word and focuses on functions necessary for writing academic papers and essays. It contains screenshots and step-by-step instructions for completing common tasks in Word 2003.
Systematization of Human Capital Management in age of the Industry 4.0VIRTA s.r.o.The position of human power in production varies from simple manual power, through machine operation to creative management of the production process. Employee value is also shifted from cheap labour, through an expensive specialist to extremely expensive competencies with limited availability.
Dealing with this challenge can help the systematic management of human capital adapted for industry 4.0.
Best practiclessme2012VIRTA s.r.o.This document outlines a competency project for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in West Slovakia. The original plan was a low-cost, mass project to improve sales skills over 18 months for 5,000 SMEs with 2-25 employees. However, this faced challenges of partner overload, complicated relations, and being outside the scope of priorities. The new plan proposes creating viable expert communities focused on topics like childcare, medicine, startups and technology that are inspired by a personality, provide solutions, and are managed over 12-18 months. New services like e-commerce support, technology leasing, and connecting education and business are also proposed. Key issues include finding inspiring community leaders, management, and ensuring
Inovácia a motiváciaVIRTA s.r.o.Inovácie a zmeny, ktoré prináša nová generácia sú veľkou výzvou pre stabilné a zabehnuté organizácie. Je ťažké otvoriť zabehnuté procedúry riadenia, alebo zlepšovania.
Case study Project for SME 2011VIRTA s.r.o.This case study describes a competency project for SMEs in western Slovakia to address issues with sales skills and cultural gaps. The project targeted 5,000 employees over 18 months using a community web portal, sales representatives, and teachers/coaches. The goals were to establish competency profiles for key sales roles, share best practices, and provide evaluation insights. While expectations were not fully met due to lack of synchronization and personal supervision, moving forward the project aims to develop community leaders and better align with the European Qualifications Framework.
Future Requirements of Education systems for SMEsVIRTA s.r.o.The document discusses the goals and methods of the SMES Association, a community focused on research and development of training and improvement processes in the knowledge economy. The Association aims to meet basic societal needs through core methods, topics of interest, technologies, and services including delivering key trainings, supporting the community and trainers, and maintaining community collaboration. It also outlines some of the Association's experiences providing online and social media-based education for small businesses and craftsmen communities.
3. Objekty digitálneho vzdelávacieho obsahu majú:
Podporiť učiteľa
Umožniť adresné vzdelávanie
Oživovať hodinu
DVO majú byť oživením hodiny, majú umožniť učiteľovi
zapojiť aj žiakov mimo bežný priemer, teda udržať
pozornosť najprogresívnejších žiakov a zjednodušiť
pochopenie pomalším žiakom.
Koncept DVO umožňuje ich využitie v systémoch riadenia
vzdelávania v adresnom režime
DVO na hodine
4. Príprava učiteľa na hodinu
Príprava žiakov na hodinu
Domáce úlohy a projekty
Pre učiteľa má databáza DVO znamenať zrýchlenie a
sprehľadnenie prípravy na hodinu, ktorá sa dá
dynamicky meniť aj počas hodiny
Žiaci sa vďaka DVO budú môcť pripraviť na hodinu vo
vlastnom tempe
Domáce úlohy a projekty budú spracovávané z
bezpečných a overených zdrojov
DVO pred a po hodine
5. Prečo sme sa rozhodli osloviť tak veľký počet
Zmena prístupu
Bežný autorský tím je viazaný na osobné a lokálne
skúsenosti. Oslovenie celej obce učiteľov zabezpečí
zdieľanie toho najlepšieho z akéhokoľvek kúta Slovenska
pre všetkých žiakov a učiteľov okrem BSK
Prečo učiteľská obec?
6. Základná databáza DVO
Minimálne 48 200 DVO
Zmena v príprave hodiny
Pre učiteľa i pre žiakov
Posun v myslení
Celej komunity okolo vzdelávacieho systému SR
Cieľový stav projektu