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Video Reference Duration Shot Type Good/Mediocre
00041.MTS 4 seconds Still medium
long shot
Mediocre This shot was okay as it showed the
running jacket in good lighting however
I had other similar shots which I liked
better therefore this shot was not used.
00042.MTS 11 seconds Still long shot Good I used snippets of this shot in my final
footage as I liked the position of the
model in the natural lighting as it shines
off the jacket drawing attention to it,
which is the main aim of the advert.
00045.MTS 5 seconds Still long shot Good In editing I only used around a second
of this clip to establish one of the scenes
in which the action of the advert will
take place. This shot shows an everyday
environment in which the product can
be used in (typical road).
00046.MTS 8 seconds Still medium
Bad The positioning of the camera was good
in this shot, however the model puts his
hands in his pockets before he runs off
which he was not meant to do as this
would not be a typical action when
00047.MTS 7 seconds Still medium
Good This shot shows a good angle of the
model doing up the jacket, making the
audience focus on the jackets aesthetics.
00048.MTS 2 seconds Still medium
close up shot
Good Follow up shot to shot 00047.MTS,
shows a slightly different angle of the
model as he finishes doing up the jacket
and runs off camera. This shot acts as a
jump cut to previous shot.
00064.MTS 4 seconds Pan long shot Bad I did not keep the model in the middle
of the cameras view as the camera pans
with his run. Furthermore the camera
view was not completely steady.
00065.MTS 4 seconds Medium long
pan shot
Good The pan was good in this shot as the
model stays in the centre as the camera
moves, keeping the audience focused on
the running jacket.
00072.MTS 4 seconds Pan medium
long shot
Good This shot is similar to shot 00065.MTs
in a way although it is from the
opposing side angle and was shot in a
different location. Similarly to the
previous shot the pan in this is smooth
creating a good view of the running
00074.MTS 2 seconds Pan medium
Good I liked this shot as the natural lighting
from the sun reflects off the jacket.
00075.MTS 4 seconds Pan medium
Bad The cameras view of the model as he
runs past goes off coarse and seems to
focus more on the sky than the models
running jacket.
00080.MTS 6 seconds Outwards zoom
medium long
Good The pace at which the model runs fit
well with the speed of the outwards
camera zoom, keeping focus on the
jacket which is in centre view of the
00085.MTS 5 seconds Still medium
long shot
Good I liked the dark lighting on the model in
this shot as it draws attention to the
background and more specifically the
action of running rather than simply the
jacket itself. Although showing the
jacket is the main aim for this advert
this is done in many of the other shots,
using a shot like this puts some
emphasis on the running making the
audience not forget about the products
purpose rather than just its aesthetics.
00090.MTS 8 seconds Still long shot Mediocre I decided not to use this shot in my
footage although it wasn’t too bad, as I
wanted a shot that would show the
model running towards a gate, which he
would then jump in the next shot, this
shot did not show this.
00091.MTS 2 seconds Still long shot Good This shot was successful in showing the
model running towards a gate from a
distance, I liked how the model could be
seen between gaps in the gate as he
approached it.
00092.MTS 3 seconds Still medium
long shot
Good I used this shot to show the model as he
reaches the gate and begins to make the
jump in order to clear it, the model
jumps at a good height with in line with
the top of the cameras view.
00094.MTS 6 seconds Pan long shot Bad The model was meant to stop still after
making the jump over the gate, however
he carried on running therefore this
shot was no good.
00095.MTS 1 second Pan long shot Good I was pleased with this shot as the pan
moves at a good speed with the model
as he volts the gate, the model lands in a
good position also.
00096.MTS 6 seconds Still medium
long shot
Good Snippets of this clip were used in my
final footage as it shows a good view of
the jacket as the model takes it off in the
natural light.
00099.MTS 6 seconds Still medium
long shot
Good The angle of the camera allows for a
good view of the jacket once again as
natural lighting reflects off the jacket
and shows its aesthetics.
00101.MTS 6 seconds Still medium
long shot
Good Camera angle in this shot allows for the
audience to clearly see that the jacket is
being folded up into itself in order to
make it into a bag which can be carried
rather than a jacket that has to be worn,
making It practical for running if the
wearer gets hot.
00102.MTS 3 seconds Still medium
Mediocre Natural lighting in this shot is good but
it appears that the model is having
some troubles folding the jacket into a
bag, which put me off using this shot.
00109.MTS 4 seconds Still long shot Good This is a simple shot showing the model
as he puts the folded up jacket (in the
bag) over his shoulder, and runs off at a
good speed.
00112.MTS 6 seconds Inwards zoom
long shot
Good Positioning of the model is lined well
with the cameras centre view as the
camera zooms at good speed.
00113.MTS 5 seconds Inwards zoom
long shot
Mediocre Similar to shot 00112.MTS although I
preferred the lighting in shot
00112.MTS so I decided not to use this
00115.MTS 3 seconds Outwards zoom
long shot
Good Pace of the outwards zoom moves at a
steady pace as the model runs towards
00131.MTS 6 seconds Still long shot Bad The model runs past the view of the
camera when he was meant to stop in
the cameras centre line.
00132.MTS 5 seconds Still long shot Good Model runs at a good speed and stops
directly in line with the cameras centre
00134.MTS 2 seconds Still medium
long shot
Good This shot provides a good of the model
wearing the jacket as a bag from a low
angle, natural lighting from the sun will
make the audience focus on the model.
00135.MTS 21 seconds Still medium
long shot
Good I cut this shot down to just a few
seconds to speed up the process of the
model putting the jacket back on, I liked
the position of the model and the
background as it creates an image of an
everyday setting, allowing the audience
to feel that this product could benefit
00136.MTS 15 seconds Still medium
Bad The model breaks character in this shot
as he begins to laugh therefore it was
unusable in my final footage.
00137.MTS 7 seconds Still medium
Good I used this shot in my final footage as
the model does the jacket up in a good
fairly quick motion. I also liked the
camera angle as it showed the jacket
from a good angle.
00140.MTS 2 seconds Still long shot Good This shot simply shows one of the
locations which I used in my footage,
this establishes the everyday locations
which the product can be used in.
00142.MTS 2 seconds Still long shot Good Shot of a field shows again the everyday
locations and environments that
someone can use the product in if they

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  • 1. Video Reference Duration Shot Type Good/Mediocre /Bad Comment 00041.MTS 4 seconds Still medium long shot Mediocre This shot was okay as it showed the running jacket in good lighting however I had other similar shots which I liked better therefore this shot was not used. 00042.MTS 11 seconds Still long shot Good I used snippets of this shot in my final footage as I liked the position of the model in the natural lighting as it shines off the jacket drawing attention to it, which is the main aim of the advert. 00045.MTS 5 seconds Still long shot Good In editing I only used around a second of this clip to establish one of the scenes in which the action of the advert will take place. This shot shows an everyday environment in which the product can be used in (typical road). 00046.MTS 8 seconds Still medium shot Bad The positioning of the camera was good in this shot, however the model puts his hands in his pockets before he runs off which he was not meant to do as this would not be a typical action when jogging. 00047.MTS 7 seconds Still medium shot Good This shot shows a good angle of the model doing up the jacket, making the audience focus on the jackets aesthetics. 00048.MTS 2 seconds Still medium close up shot Good Follow up shot to shot 00047.MTS, shows a slightly different angle of the model as he finishes doing up the jacket and runs off camera. This shot acts as a jump cut to previous shot. 00064.MTS 4 seconds Pan long shot Bad I did not keep the model in the middle of the cameras view as the camera pans with his run. Furthermore the camera view was not completely steady. 00065.MTS 4 seconds Medium long pan shot Good The pan was good in this shot as the model stays in the centre as the camera moves, keeping the audience focused on the running jacket. 00072.MTS 4 seconds Pan medium long shot Good This shot is similar to shot 00065.MTs in a way although it is from the opposing side angle and was shot in a different location. Similarly to the previous shot the pan in this is smooth creating a good view of the running jacket. 00074.MTS 2 seconds Pan medium shot Good I liked this shot as the natural lighting from the sun reflects off the jacket.
  • 2. 00075.MTS 4 seconds Pan medium shot Bad The cameras view of the model as he runs past goes off coarse and seems to focus more on the sky than the models running jacket. 00080.MTS 6 seconds Outwards zoom medium long shot Good The pace at which the model runs fit well with the speed of the outwards camera zoom, keeping focus on the jacket which is in centre view of the camera. 00085.MTS 5 seconds Still medium long shot Good I liked the dark lighting on the model in this shot as it draws attention to the background and more specifically the action of running rather than simply the jacket itself. Although showing the jacket is the main aim for this advert this is done in many of the other shots, using a shot like this puts some emphasis on the running making the audience not forget about the products purpose rather than just its aesthetics. 00090.MTS 8 seconds Still long shot Mediocre I decided not to use this shot in my footage although it wasn’t too bad, as I wanted a shot that would show the model running towards a gate, which he would then jump in the next shot, this shot did not show this. 00091.MTS 2 seconds Still long shot Good This shot was successful in showing the model running towards a gate from a distance, I liked how the model could be seen between gaps in the gate as he approached it. 00092.MTS 3 seconds Still medium long shot Good I used this shot to show the model as he reaches the gate and begins to make the jump in order to clear it, the model jumps at a good height with in line with the top of the cameras view. 00094.MTS 6 seconds Pan long shot Bad The model was meant to stop still after making the jump over the gate, however he carried on running therefore this shot was no good. 00095.MTS 1 second Pan long shot Good I was pleased with this shot as the pan moves at a good speed with the model as he volts the gate, the model lands in a good position also. 00096.MTS 6 seconds Still medium long shot Good Snippets of this clip were used in my final footage as it shows a good view of the jacket as the model takes it off in the natural light.
  • 3. 00099.MTS 6 seconds Still medium long shot Good The angle of the camera allows for a good view of the jacket once again as natural lighting reflects off the jacket and shows its aesthetics. 00101.MTS 6 seconds Still medium long shot Good Camera angle in this shot allows for the audience to clearly see that the jacket is being folded up into itself in order to make it into a bag which can be carried rather than a jacket that has to be worn, making It practical for running if the wearer gets hot. 00102.MTS 3 seconds Still medium shot Mediocre Natural lighting in this shot is good but it appears that the model is having some troubles folding the jacket into a bag, which put me off using this shot. 00109.MTS 4 seconds Still long shot Good This is a simple shot showing the model as he puts the folded up jacket (in the bag) over his shoulder, and runs off at a good speed. 00112.MTS 6 seconds Inwards zoom long shot Good Positioning of the model is lined well with the cameras centre view as the camera zooms at good speed. 00113.MTS 5 seconds Inwards zoom long shot Mediocre Similar to shot 00112.MTS although I preferred the lighting in shot 00112.MTS so I decided not to use this shot. 00115.MTS 3 seconds Outwards zoom long shot Good Pace of the outwards zoom moves at a steady pace as the model runs towards camera. 00131.MTS 6 seconds Still long shot Bad The model runs past the view of the camera when he was meant to stop in the cameras centre line. 00132.MTS 5 seconds Still long shot Good Model runs at a good speed and stops directly in line with the cameras centre view. 00134.MTS 2 seconds Still medium long shot Good This shot provides a good of the model wearing the jacket as a bag from a low angle, natural lighting from the sun will make the audience focus on the model. 00135.MTS 21 seconds Still medium long shot Good I cut this shot down to just a few seconds to speed up the process of the model putting the jacket back on, I liked the position of the model and the background as it creates an image of an everyday setting, allowing the audience to feel that this product could benefit them.
  • 4. 00136.MTS 15 seconds Still medium shot Bad The model breaks character in this shot as he begins to laugh therefore it was unusable in my final footage. 00137.MTS 7 seconds Still medium shot Good I used this shot in my final footage as the model does the jacket up in a good fairly quick motion. I also liked the camera angle as it showed the jacket from a good angle. 00140.MTS 2 seconds Still long shot Good This shot simply shows one of the locations which I used in my footage, this establishes the everyday locations which the product can be used in. 00142.MTS 2 seconds Still long shot Good Shot of a field shows again the everyday locations and environments that someone can use the product in if they wish.