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1息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
In the previous lesson you learnt to:
 Ask to speak to someone, leave a message, make an appointment
and cancel an appointment on the telephone
 Practise the pronunciation of telephoning phrasal verbs and
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Team Dynamics
For Aptech Centre Use Only
At the end of this lesson you will be able to:
 Explain the importance of team work to an organisation
 Discuss some of the issues involved in team building
 Identify the points of view of speakers in an authentic
 Identify and use non-defining relative clauses
3息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Learning Objectives
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Speaking Skills
4息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
 Do you enjoy working as part of a group or team?
 Tell your group members about a team you have been a part of (it could be a
sports team or a team at college or your workplace).
 What did your team achieve together?
 What was your role in and contribution to the team?
 What did other members bring to the team?
 How did your different strengths complement each other?
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Match the beginning (Column A) and the end (Column B) of famous sayings on
5息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Column A Column B
1. Together a. ...but as a team we are invincible.
2. Together divides the task b. ...never stop learning.
3. There is no I c. ...for not being perfect.
4. We may be strong as individuals, d. ...and multiplies the success.
5. In this job you e. ...we can.
6. A stitch in time f. ...the greater the challenge.
7. Talent wins Games, g. ...in teamwork.
8. There is no excuse h. ...we will do it.
9. The greater the problem i. ...saves nine.
10. If it can be done j. ...teamwork wins Championships.For Aptech Centre Use Only
6息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Column A Column B
1. Together e. ...we can.
2. Together divides the task d. ...and multiplies the success.
3. There is no I g. ...in teamwork.
4. We may be strong as individuals, a. ...but as a team we are invincible.
5. In this job you b. ...never stop learning.
6. A stitch in time i. ...saves nine.
7. Talent wins Games, j. ...teamwork wins Championships.
8. There is no excuse c. ...for not being perfect.
9. The greater the problem f. ...the greater the challenge.
10. If it can be done h. ...we will do it.For Aptech Centre Use Only
Reading Skills
7息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Reading: Team-Building Skills
Pre-Reading Task
Discuss these questions with your group.
 Have you ever had to lead a team?
 Have you been a member of a team with a leader you
 What skills do you think you need to build a team?
 What are the advantages of teambuilding?
Read the text in the LG and see if any of your ideas
were mentioned.
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Reading Skills
8息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Find the words in bold which are similar to the given words.
a. empathising
b. united
c. alike
d. productive
e. base
f. important
g. connects
h. allegiance
i. attitudes
j. integratedFor Aptech Centre Use Only
Reading Skills
9息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
a. empathising understanding
b. united cohesive
c. alike equal
d. productive prolific
e. base foundation
f. important pivotal
g. connects bridges
h. allegiance commitment
i. attitudes mindsets
j. integrated holisticFor Aptech Centre Use Only
Reading Skills
10息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
True (T) or False (F)
According to the text
1. Only team goals are achieved by teambuilding
2. Teambuilding increases members devotion to the organisation
3. Management is not essential to teambuilding
4. It is relatively easy to lead a team
5. A team leader has to balance the needs of individuals, the group and the
6. Having a well organised team will not affect the amount of work completed
7. The text is 100% positive about teamwork
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Reading Skills
11息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
1. Only team goals are achieved by teambuilding
2. Teambuilding increases members devotion to the organisation
3. Management is not essential to teambuilding
4. It is relatively easy to lead a team
5. A team leader has to balance the needs of individuals, the group and the
6. Having a well organised team will not affect the amount of work completed
7. The text is 100% positive about teamwork
For Aptech Centre Use Only
This is an example of a completely one-sided text.
 What is wrong with the texts view?
 Can a group of individuals always be formed
into a successful and cohesive team?
 What barriers exist which can prevent this
from happening?
12息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Critical Thinking
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13息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Non-defining relative clauses
In the previous units we looked at defining relative clauses. We saw that they
define the noun which the relative clause provides more information about.
She is the girl who lives next door to me.
What can you remember about the grammatical rules for using defining
relative clauses?
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14息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Non-defining relative clauses
It bridges communication gaps and builds relationships among associates,
which helps build greater monetary, cultural and social values for the
 The clause before the relative clause is complete and does not need the relative
clause (i.e. it is non-defining)
 There is a comma before the relative clause
 Which cannot be replaced by that (who is possible for people)
 The relative pronoun cannot be omitted
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15息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Non-defining relative clauses
Now look at an example in which the subject is a person:
Aishwarya Rai, who was born in 1973, won Miss World in 1994.
This is a non-defining relative clause. The information in the relative clause is not
essential to the sentence: Aishwarya Rai won Miss World in 1994 is also possible.
Non-defining relative clauses often start with the names of people or places; because
they are named, they dont need to be defined.
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Put commas where they are needed in the following non-defining relative
1. I am currently living in Hendon which is in the London borough of Barnet.
2. Group work is compulsory in UK universities nowadays which I believe is a good
3. I would like to introduce you to Teresa Waters who works in our Paris office.
4. The London Eye which is a huge Ferris wheel was opened in March 2000.
5. Simon Cowell whose first child was born in February 2014 is most famous as a
judge on the X factor.
16息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
For Aptech Centre Use Only
1. I am currently living in Hendon, which is in the London borough of Barnet.
2. Group work is compulsory in UK universities nowadays, which I believe is a good
3. I would like to introduce you to Teresa Waters, who works in our Paris office.
4. The London Eye, which is a huge Ferris wheel, was opened in March 2000.
5. Simon Cowell, whose first child was born in February 2014, is most famous as a
judge on the X factor.
17息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Make up your own non-defining relative clauses to fit in these sentences.
1. Sachin Tendulkar, ________________________, was the first person to get 10,000 runs
in one day cricket.
2. Cultural sensitivity is very important in business nowadays,
3. My new apartment, ____________________________, has a nice view of the river.
4. The CEO of our company, _____________________________, founded the company in
5. Anil Singh, _______________________________________, is visiting from our Delhi
18息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
For Aptech Centre Use Only
1. Sachin Tendulkar, ________________________, was the first person to get 10,000 runs
in one day cricket.
2. Cultural sensitivity is very important in business nowadays,
3. My new apartment, ____________________________, has a nice view of the river.
4. The CEO of our company, _____________________________, founded the company in
5. Anil Singh, _______________________________________, is visiting from our Delhi
19息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
who is Indias top player
which means its important for employees to have the relevant skills
which my parents bought for me
who is a well-known businessman
who wrote the paper on increasing productivity
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Listening Skills
Pre-Listening Task
You will hear three colleagues talking about team working. Before you listen,
check if you know the meanings of these words that they use.
Use the traffic light system.
I know this word
I have heard this word but am not sure about it
I dont know this word
20息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Listening Skills
Pre-Listening Task
Use the traffic light system.
 assimilate/blend in
 make the transition
 exert their authority
 splinter off
 collaborative approach
 bond as a team
 mediate a resolution
21息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Listening Skills
There are 3 speakers, 1 man and 2 women, who all come from Sussex, in the south
of England and work for Middlesex University.
 Claire (introduces the discussion)
 Lea (answers the first question)
 Chris (the man)
22息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Listening Task
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Listening Skills
These opinions are expressed by one of the speakers. Which one? Write C (Claire),
L (Lea) or Ch (Chris)
1. New team members have to blend in or assimilate.
2. Managers have to assert their authority over the team.
3. People might splinter off without good leadership but all members should have
4. Everyone in the team the speakers worked in had more or less equal input.
5. Communication is easier in smaller teams.
6. It is better if team members meet face to face as well as using email.
7. Meetings should be short, to the point, clear, regular and organised.
8. It is good if teams have a chance to meet outside work and get to know each other
as people.
9. A personal connection is good if you need to resolve issues as a team.
23息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Listening Task
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Listening Skills
1. New team members have to blend in or assimilate.
2. Managers have to assert their authority over the team.
3. People might splinter off without good leadership but all members should have
4. Everyone in the team the speakers worked in had more or less equal input.
5. Communication is easier in smaller teams.
6. It is better if team members meet face to face as well as using email.
7. Meetings should be short, to the point, clear, regular and organised.
8. It is good if teams have a chance to meet outside work and get to know each other
as people.
9. A personal connection is good if you need to resolve issues as a team.
24息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Listening Task
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 Did you find the listening task easy
or difficult?
 What made it easy or difficult?
25息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Post Listening Evaluation
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26息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Test Your Knowledge
Statements Answers
1 Team building helps you know a companys vision.
The most important part of team building is having shared
3 There is no recognition of ones efforts in a team.
Team building helps to motivate team and brings positive
results in difficult situations.
You do not have to be committed to team goals; it is always
personal aspirations that matter.
1. Are these sentences are true or false?
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27息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Test Your Knowledge
1. Answers
Statements Answers
1 Team building helps you know a companys vision. True
The most important part of team building is having shared
3 There is no recognition of ones efforts in a team. False
Team building helps to motivate team and brings positive
results in difficult situations.
You do not have to be committed to team goals; it is always
personal aspirations that matter.
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28息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Test Your Knowledge
2. Put commas where they are needed in the following non-defining
relative clauses.
1 We stopped at the business park which we had never visited before.
2 The company which was founded by Tom Carter went bankrupt on Friday.
3 I gave it to James who is my colleague.
4 My CEO who is 77 goes for a walk every day at noon.
5 Mr Jackson who is very ambitious works in the office next to mine.
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29息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Test Your Knowledge
2. Answers
1 We stopped at the business park, which we had never visited before.
2 The company, which was founded by Tom Carter, went bankrupt on Friday.
3 I gave it to James, who is my colleague.
4 My CEO, who is 77, goes for a walk every day at noon.
5 Mr Jackson, who is very ambitious, works in the office next to mine.
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30息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
In a Nutshell
In this lesson you learnt to:
 Explain the importance of team work to an organisation
 Discuss some of the issues involved in team building
 Identify the points of view of speakers in an authentic discussion
 Identify and use non-defining relative clauses
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Thank You
息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
For Aptech Centre Use Only

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Ae bc ppt09

  • 1. Recap 1息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Recap In the previous lesson you learnt to: Ask to speak to someone, leave a message, make an appointment and cancel an appointment on the telephone Practise the pronunciation of telephoning phrasal verbs and expressions For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 2. Team Dynamics For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 3. At the end of this lesson you will be able to: Explain the importance of team work to an organisation Discuss some of the issues involved in team building Identify the points of view of speakers in an authentic discussion Identify and use non-defining relative clauses 3息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Learning Objectives For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 4. Speaking Skills 4息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Discussion Do you enjoy working as part of a group or team? Tell your group members about a team you have been a part of (it could be a sports team or a team at college or your workplace). What did your team achieve together? What was your role in and contribution to the team? What did other members bring to the team? How did your different strengths complement each other? For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 5. Match the beginning (Column A) and the end (Column B) of famous sayings on teamwork. 5息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Slogans Column A Column B 1. Together a. ...but as a team we are invincible. 2. Together divides the task b. ...never stop learning. 3. There is no I c. ...for not being perfect. 4. We may be strong as individuals, d. ...and multiplies the success. 5. In this job you e. ...we can. 6. A stitch in time f. ...the greater the challenge. 7. Talent wins Games, g. ...in teamwork. 8. There is no excuse h. ...we will do it. 9. The greater the problem i. ...saves nine. 10. If it can be done j. ...teamwork wins Championships.For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 6. Answers 6息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Slogans Column A Column B 1. Together e. ...we can. 2. Together divides the task d. ...and multiplies the success. 3. There is no I g. ...in teamwork. 4. We may be strong as individuals, a. ...but as a team we are invincible. 5. In this job you b. ...never stop learning. 6. A stitch in time i. ...saves nine. 7. Talent wins Games, j. ...teamwork wins Championships. 8. There is no excuse c. ...for not being perfect. 9. The greater the problem f. ...the greater the challenge. 10. If it can be done h. ...we will do it.For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 7. Reading Skills 7息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Reading: Team-Building Skills Pre-Reading Task Discuss these questions with your group. Have you ever had to lead a team? Have you been a member of a team with a leader you admired? What skills do you think you need to build a team? What are the advantages of teambuilding? Read the text in the LG and see if any of your ideas were mentioned. For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 8. Reading Skills 8息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Vocabulary Find the words in bold which are similar to the given words. A B a. empathising b. united c. alike d. productive e. base f. important g. connects h. allegiance i. attitudes j. integratedFor Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 9. Reading Skills 9息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Vocabulary Answers A B a. empathising understanding b. united cohesive c. alike equal d. productive prolific e. base foundation f. important pivotal g. connects bridges h. allegiance commitment i. attitudes mindsets j. integrated holisticFor Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 10. Reading Skills 10息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Comprehension True (T) or False (F) According to the text 1. Only team goals are achieved by teambuilding 2. Teambuilding increases members devotion to the organisation 3. Management is not essential to teambuilding 4. It is relatively easy to lead a team 5. A team leader has to balance the needs of individuals, the group and the organisation 6. Having a well organised team will not affect the amount of work completed 7. The text is 100% positive about teamwork For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 11. Reading Skills 11息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Comprehension Answers 1. Only team goals are achieved by teambuilding 2. Teambuilding increases members devotion to the organisation 3. Management is not essential to teambuilding 4. It is relatively easy to lead a team 5. A team leader has to balance the needs of individuals, the group and the organisation 6. Having a well organised team will not affect the amount of work completed 7. The text is 100% positive about teamwork True True True False False False False For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 12. This is an example of a completely one-sided text. What is wrong with the texts view? Can a group of individuals always be formed into a successful and cohesive team? What barriers exist which can prevent this from happening? 12息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Critical Thinking For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 13. Grammar 13息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Grammar Non-defining relative clauses In the previous units we looked at defining relative clauses. We saw that they define the noun which the relative clause provides more information about. She is the girl who lives next door to me. What can you remember about the grammatical rules for using defining relative clauses? For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 14. Grammar 14息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Non-defining relative clauses It bridges communication gaps and builds relationships among associates, which helps build greater monetary, cultural and social values for the organisation. The clause before the relative clause is complete and does not need the relative clause (i.e. it is non-defining) There is a comma before the relative clause Which cannot be replaced by that (who is possible for people) The relative pronoun cannot be omitted For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 15. Grammar 15息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Non-defining relative clauses Now look at an example in which the subject is a person: Aishwarya Rai, who was born in 1973, won Miss World in 1994. This is a non-defining relative clause. The information in the relative clause is not essential to the sentence: Aishwarya Rai won Miss World in 1994 is also possible. Non-defining relative clauses often start with the names of people or places; because they are named, they dont need to be defined. For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 16. Put commas where they are needed in the following non-defining relative clauses. 1. I am currently living in Hendon which is in the London borough of Barnet. 2. Group work is compulsory in UK universities nowadays which I believe is a good thing. 3. I would like to introduce you to Teresa Waters who works in our Paris office. 4. The London Eye which is a huge Ferris wheel was opened in March 2000. 5. Simon Cowell whose first child was born in February 2014 is most famous as a judge on the X factor. 16息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Exercise For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 17. Answers 1. I am currently living in Hendon, which is in the London borough of Barnet. 2. Group work is compulsory in UK universities nowadays, which I believe is a good thing. 3. I would like to introduce you to Teresa Waters, who works in our Paris office. 4. The London Eye, which is a huge Ferris wheel, was opened in March 2000. 5. Simon Cowell, whose first child was born in February 2014, is most famous as a judge on the X factor. 17息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Exercise For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 18. Make up your own non-defining relative clauses to fit in these sentences. 1. Sachin Tendulkar, ________________________, was the first person to get 10,000 runs in one day cricket. 2. Cultural sensitivity is very important in business nowadays, _________________________________________________________. 3. My new apartment, ____________________________, has a nice view of the river. 4. The CEO of our company, _____________________________, founded the company in 1951. 5. Anil Singh, _______________________________________, is visiting from our Delhi office. 18息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Exercise For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 19. Answers 1. Sachin Tendulkar, ________________________, was the first person to get 10,000 runs in one day cricket. 2. Cultural sensitivity is very important in business nowadays, _________________________________________________________. 3. My new apartment, ____________________________, has a nice view of the river. 4. The CEO of our company, _____________________________, founded the company in 1951. 5. Anil Singh, _______________________________________, is visiting from our Delhi office. 19息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Exercise who is Indias top player which means its important for employees to have the relevant skills which my parents bought for me who is a well-known businessman who wrote the paper on increasing productivity For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 20. Listening Skills Pre-Listening Task You will hear three colleagues talking about team working. Before you listen, check if you know the meanings of these words that they use. Use the traffic light system. I know this word I have heard this word but am not sure about it I dont know this word 20息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Listening For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 21. Listening Skills Pre-Listening Task Use the traffic light system. assimilate/blend in make the transition exert their authority collaborate splinter off collaborative approach fracture bond as a team mediate a resolution 21息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Listening For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 22. Listening Skills There are 3 speakers, 1 man and 2 women, who all come from Sussex, in the south of England and work for Middlesex University. Claire (introduces the discussion) Lea (answers the first question) Chris (the man) 22息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Listening Task For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 23. Listening Skills These opinions are expressed by one of the speakers. Which one? Write C (Claire), L (Lea) or Ch (Chris) 1. New team members have to blend in or assimilate. 2. Managers have to assert their authority over the team. 3. People might splinter off without good leadership but all members should have input. 4. Everyone in the team the speakers worked in had more or less equal input. 5. Communication is easier in smaller teams. 6. It is better if team members meet face to face as well as using email. 7. Meetings should be short, to the point, clear, regular and organised. 8. It is good if teams have a chance to meet outside work and get to know each other as people. 9. A personal connection is good if you need to resolve issues as a team. 23息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Listening Task For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 24. Listening Skills Answers 1. New team members have to blend in or assimilate. 2. Managers have to assert their authority over the team. 3. People might splinter off without good leadership but all members should have input. 4. Everyone in the team the speakers worked in had more or less equal input. 5. Communication is easier in smaller teams. 6. It is better if team members meet face to face as well as using email. 7. Meetings should be short, to the point, clear, regular and organised. 8. It is good if teams have a chance to meet outside work and get to know each other as people. 9. A personal connection is good if you need to resolve issues as a team. 24息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Listening Task L L L L L Ch Ch C C For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 25. Did you find the listening task easy or difficult? What made it easy or difficult? 25息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Post Listening Evaluation For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 26. 26息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Test Your Knowledge Statements Answers 1 Team building helps you know a companys vision. 2 The most important part of team building is having shared goals. 3 There is no recognition of ones efforts in a team. 4 Team building helps to motivate team and brings positive results in difficult situations. 5 You do not have to be committed to team goals; it is always personal aspirations that matter. 1. Are these sentences are true or false? For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 27. 27息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Test Your Knowledge 1. Answers Statements Answers 1 Team building helps you know a companys vision. True 2 The most important part of team building is having shared goals. True 3 There is no recognition of ones efforts in a team. False 4 Team building helps to motivate team and brings positive results in difficult situations. True 5 You do not have to be committed to team goals; it is always personal aspirations that matter. False For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 28. 28息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Test Your Knowledge 2. Put commas where they are needed in the following non-defining relative clauses. Statements 1 We stopped at the business park which we had never visited before. 2 The company which was founded by Tom Carter went bankrupt on Friday. 3 I gave it to James who is my colleague. 4 My CEO who is 77 goes for a walk every day at noon. 5 Mr Jackson who is very ambitious works in the office next to mine. For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 29. 29息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Test Your Knowledge 2. Answers Statements 1 We stopped at the business park, which we had never visited before. 2 The company, which was founded by Tom Carter, went bankrupt on Friday. 3 I gave it to James, who is my colleague. 4 My CEO, who is 77, goes for a walk every day at noon. 5 Mr Jackson, who is very ambitious, works in the office next to mine. For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 30. 30息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE In a Nutshell In this lesson you learnt to: Explain the importance of team work to an organisation Discuss some of the issues involved in team building Identify the points of view of speakers in an authentic discussion Identify and use non-defining relative clauses For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 31. 31 Thank You 息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE For Aptech Centre Use Only