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1息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
In the previous lesson you learnt to:
 Use expressions related to meetings
 Explain the stages of setting up and conducting a meeting
 Use a range of reporting verbs appropriately
 Take part in a meeting simulation
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Brand Stretching
For Aptech Centre Use Only
At the end of this lesson you will be able to:
 Understand the function of the Marketing Mix
 Understand the function of the Boston Matrix
 Understand the concept of brand stretching
3息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Learning Objectives
Note: Brand images used in this unit are purely used for educational purpose.
We do not intend to promote or demote any brand image.
For Aptech Centre Use Only
With your partner discuss:
 What does the marketing mix mean to you?
 What 4 things are important when marketing a product?
4息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Marketing Mix
For Aptech Centre Use Only
 Marketing is all about putting the right product, at the right price in the right place
at the right time.
 If you can find a product that people want or need, then put it somewhere they
are likely to see it.
 Put a price on it that equals the value they get from it, and do all this at a time
when they will want to buy.
5息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Marketing Mix
For Aptech Centre Use Only
A company needs to consider the marketing mix in order to meet their consumers'
needs effectively. Sometimes known as the 4Ps - Product, Price, Place and Promotion.
6息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Marketing Mix
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Reading Skills
7息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
 Harrods is located in London selling the most exclusive of brands.
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Reading Skills
8息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Answer the following
1. What word shows that the writer thinks the expensive watches cost too much?
2. What word would be more neutral?
3. What is a high end magazine?
4. Can you think of any specialist magazines that might advertise expensive
5. What phrase in para 2 means - two things that are opposite to each other?
6. Does higher turnover always mean more profit?
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Reading Skills
9息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
1. Exorbitant
2. Expensive
3. Expensive glossy magazines that attract advertising from expensive products
and services.
4. Many examples can be given here.
5. At the other end of the spectrum
6. No
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Reading Skills
10息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Multiple choice
1. What does a business adjust to create a brand image for a product?
A. The marketing mix
B. Price
C. Product
2. What is the most important element of the marketing mix?
A. Price
B. Profit
C. No single element
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Reading Skills
11息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Multiple choice
3. Where are premium products most likely to be sold?
A. Designer stores
B. Supermarkets
C. Markets
4. When is a business most likely to adjust the marketing mix of a product?
A. If costs change.
B. If customer needs change
C. If management changes
5. What does the overall marketing mix create?
A. Customer needs
B. Business objectives
C. A unique selling pointFor Aptech Centre Use Only
1. A. The marketing mix
2. C. No single element
3. A. Designer stores
4. B. If customer needs change
5. C. A unique selling point
12息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Speaking Skills
13息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
With your partner discuss:
 What does the Boston Matrix mean to you?
 What is Market share?
 What is Market growth?
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Reading Skills
14息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
The Boston Matrix
 Many businesses do not have one product, but rather a broad range of products.
For example, Nestl辿 and Maggi, which in itself has a variety of products.
 One way of analysing products to help in this decision
making process is the Boston Matrix.
 This categorises the products into one of four
different areas, based on:
 Market share  Does the product being sold
have a high or low percentage of the sales?
 Market growth  Are the numbers of potential
customers in the market growing or not?
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Reading Skills
15息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
The Boston Matrix
How does the Boston Matrix work?
The four categories can be described as:
1. Stars
2. Cash cows
3. Question marks
4. Dogs
Ideally a business would prefer products in all
categories (apart from Dogs!) to give it a balanced
portfolio of products.
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Speaking Skills
16息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Case Study - Maggi in India
What Xerox is to photocopier and Colgate to toothpaste, Maggi is to noodles in
- The Economic Times, a prominent newspaper in India, in 2003.
Maggi has managed to enter Indian homes to change the traditional food habits of
Indian children on their promise of convenience. This brand has understood the
psychology of Indian mothers and positioned itself for mother-child indulgence.
- Business Week, a prominent business magazine, in 2006
 Look at the quotes above. How do you feel about them?
 What do you know about the Nestl辿 Company? How about Maggi?
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Listening Skills
 Listen to the article while you read.
 Take notes as this will help you to answer the questions based on this
17息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Reading Skills
18息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Work with a partner and create definitions for the words in bold.
Word Definition
deemed to be something
To be key to something
to pick up (phr v)
aimed its advertising squarely at
the tagline
a roaring success
flocked into the market
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Reading Skills
19息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Work with a partner and create definitions for the words in bold.
Word Definition
started in earnest
in a bid to revive interest
to revive interest
the drawing board
micronutrient deficient
fortified with
enhance peoples lives
beverageFor Aptech Centre Use Only
Reading Skills
20息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
1. What is the main reason for Maggis success?
2. What initially did Nestl辿 get wrong?
3. Who were the main audience for the noodles?
4. What product extensions did Maggi introduce in the 80s and 90s?
5. Why do you think West Bengal was targeted for Masala-ae-Magic?
___________________________________________________For Aptech Centre Use Only
Reading Skills
21息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
1. What is the main reason for Maggis success?
2. What initially did Nestl辿 get wrong?
3. Who were the main audience for the noodles?
4. What product extensions did Maggi introduce in the 80s and 90s?
5. Why do you think West Bengal was targeted for Masala-ae-Magic?
It introduced noodles into the market
It targeted women
Soup, sauces, ketchup and cooking aids
Nutritionally poor area
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Speaking Skills
22息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
In small groups discuss:
6. How has the image of Nestl辿 changed over the years?
7. What is your opinion of the Nestl辿 philosophy?
8. What other companies do you know that have
a strong brand image?
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Reading Skills
23息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Label each of the following as a Star, a Dog, a Cash Cow or a Question
Mark in the case study of the Maggi Case Study in 14.3.
9. Maggi soups and noodles ____________________________
10. Masala-ae-magic ____________________________
11. New taste formula noodles ____________________________
12. Maggi Vegetable Atta Noodles ____________________________
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Reading Skills
24息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
9. Maggi soups and noodles ____________________________
10. Masala-ae-magic ____________________________
11. New taste formula noodles ____________________________
12. Maggi Vegetable Atta Noodles ____________________________
cash cow
question mark
star (possibly now a cash cow)
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Brand Quiz
 There are three choices for each question.
 Discuss with your partner which you think is
best and then choose one you both agree with.
25息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Brand quiz
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Number of as x 1 point = _____________
Number of bs x 2 points = _____________
Number of cs x 3 points = _____________
Sub Total = _____________
If you answered:
6 or more as then - 10 _____________
6 or more bs then - 0 _____________
6 or more cs then + 10 _____________
Brand IQ = _____________
26息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Brand quiz
For Aptech Centre Use Only
27息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Test Your Knowledge
1. Match the words to their description.
Words Description
1 Product a. How customers are informed about products
2 Price
b. The point where products are made available to
3 Place c. The features and appearance of goods and services
4 Promotion d. How much customer pays for a product
For Aptech Centre Use Only
28息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Test Your Knowledge
1. Answers
Words Description
1 Product
c. The features and appearance of goods and
2 Price d. How much customer pays for a product
3 Place
b. The point where products are made available to
4 Promotion a. How customers are informed about products
For Aptech Centre Use Only
29息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Test Your Knowledge
2. Match the four categories with their description.
Words Description
1 Stars a. high market share in low growing market
2 Cash cows b. low market share in a high growing market
3 Question marks c. low market share and low market growth problems
4 Dogs d. high market share in a fast growing industry
For Aptech Centre Use Only
30息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
Test Your Knowledge
2. Answers
Words Description
1 Stars d. high market share in a fast growing industry
2 Cash cows a. high market share in low growing market
3 Question marks b. low market share in a high growing market
4 Dogs
c. low market share and low market growth
For Aptech Centre Use Only
31息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
In a Nutshell
In this lesson you learnt to:
 Understand the function of the Marketing Mix
 Understand the function of the Boston Matrix
 Understand the concept of brand stretching
For Aptech Centre Use Only
Thank You
息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE
For Aptech Centre Use Only

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Ae bc ppt14

  • 1. Recap 1息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Recap In the previous lesson you learnt to: Use expressions related to meetings Explain the stages of setting up and conducting a meeting Use a range of reporting verbs appropriately Take part in a meeting simulation For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 2. Brand Stretching For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 3. At the end of this lesson you will be able to: Understand the function of the Marketing Mix Understand the function of the Boston Matrix Understand the concept of brand stretching 3息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Learning Objectives Note: Brand images used in this unit are purely used for educational purpose. We do not intend to promote or demote any brand image. For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 4. With your partner discuss: What does the marketing mix mean to you? What 4 things are important when marketing a product? 4息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Marketing Mix For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 5. Marketing is all about putting the right product, at the right price in the right place at the right time. If you can find a product that people want or need, then put it somewhere they are likely to see it. Put a price on it that equals the value they get from it, and do all this at a time when they will want to buy. 5息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Marketing Mix For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 6. A company needs to consider the marketing mix in order to meet their consumers' needs effectively. Sometimes known as the 4Ps - Product, Price, Place and Promotion. 6息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Marketing Mix For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 7. Reading Skills 7息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Reading Reading Harrods is located in London selling the most exclusive of brands. For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 8. Reading Skills 8息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Exercise Answer the following 1. What word shows that the writer thinks the expensive watches cost too much? 2. What word would be more neutral? 3. What is a high end magazine? 4. Can you think of any specialist magazines that might advertise expensive watches? 5. What phrase in para 2 means - two things that are opposite to each other? 6. Does higher turnover always mean more profit? For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 9. Reading Skills 9息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Exercise Answers 1. Exorbitant 2. Expensive 3. Expensive glossy magazines that attract advertising from expensive products and services. 4. Many examples can be given here. 5. At the other end of the spectrum 6. No For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 10. Reading Skills 10息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Exercise Multiple choice 1. What does a business adjust to create a brand image for a product? A. The marketing mix B. Price C. Product 2. What is the most important element of the marketing mix? A. Price B. Profit C. No single element For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 11. Reading Skills 11息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Exercise Multiple choice 3. Where are premium products most likely to be sold? A. Designer stores B. Supermarkets C. Markets 4. When is a business most likely to adjust the marketing mix of a product? A. If costs change. B. If customer needs change C. If management changes 5. What does the overall marketing mix create? A. Customer needs B. Business objectives C. A unique selling pointFor Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 12. Answers 1. A. The marketing mix 2. C. No single element 3. A. Designer stores 4. B. If customer needs change 5. C. A unique selling point 12息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Exercise For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 13. Speaking Skills 13息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Opinion With your partner discuss: What does the Boston Matrix mean to you? What is Market share? What is Market growth? For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 14. Reading Skills 14息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE The Boston Matrix Many businesses do not have one product, but rather a broad range of products. For example, Nestl辿 and Maggi, which in itself has a variety of products. One way of analysing products to help in this decision making process is the Boston Matrix. This categorises the products into one of four different areas, based on: Market share Does the product being sold have a high or low percentage of the sales? Market growth Are the numbers of potential customers in the market growing or not? For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 15. Reading Skills 15息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE The Boston Matrix How does the Boston Matrix work? The four categories can be described as: 1. Stars 2. Cash cows 3. Question marks 4. Dogs Ideally a business would prefer products in all categories (apart from Dogs!) to give it a balanced portfolio of products. For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 16. Speaking Skills 16息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Case Study - Maggi in India What Xerox is to photocopier and Colgate to toothpaste, Maggi is to noodles in India. - The Economic Times, a prominent newspaper in India, in 2003. Maggi has managed to enter Indian homes to change the traditional food habits of Indian children on their promise of convenience. This brand has understood the psychology of Indian mothers and positioned itself for mother-child indulgence. - Business Week, a prominent business magazine, in 2006 Look at the quotes above. How do you feel about them? What do you know about the Nestl辿 Company? How about Maggi? For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 17. Listening Skills Listen to the article while you read. Take notes as this will help you to answer the questions based on this article. 17息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Listening For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 18. Reading Skills 18息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Exercise Work with a partner and create definitions for the words in bold. Word Definition deemed to be something To be key to something to pick up (phr v) aimed its advertising squarely at the tagline a roaring success flocked into the market For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 19. Reading Skills 19息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Exercise Work with a partner and create definitions for the words in bold. Word Definition started in earnest in a bid to revive interest to revive interest the drawing board micronutrient deficient fortified with enhance peoples lives beverageFor Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 20. Reading Skills 20息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Exercise 1. What is the main reason for Maggis success? ___________________________________________________ 2. What initially did Nestl辿 get wrong? ___________________________________________________ 3. Who were the main audience for the noodles? ___________________________________________________ 4. What product extensions did Maggi introduce in the 80s and 90s? ___________________________________________________ 5. Why do you think West Bengal was targeted for Masala-ae-Magic? ___________________________________________________For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 21. Reading Skills 21息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Exercise 1. What is the main reason for Maggis success? ___________________________________________________ 2. What initially did Nestl辿 get wrong? ___________________________________________________ 3. Who were the main audience for the noodles? ___________________________________________________ 4. What product extensions did Maggi introduce in the 80s and 90s? ___________________________________________________ 5. Why do you think West Bengal was targeted for Masala-ae-Magic? ___________________________________________________ It introduced noodles into the market It targeted women Children Soup, sauces, ketchup and cooking aids Nutritionally poor area Answers For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 22. Speaking Skills 22息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Exercise In small groups discuss: 6. How has the image of Nestl辿 changed over the years? 7. What is your opinion of the Nestl辿 philosophy? 8. What other companies do you know that have a strong brand image? For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 23. Reading Skills 23息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Exercise Label each of the following as a Star, a Dog, a Cash Cow or a Question Mark in the case study of the Maggi Case Study in 14.3. 9. Maggi soups and noodles ____________________________ 10. Masala-ae-magic ____________________________ 11. New taste formula noodles ____________________________ 12. Maggi Vegetable Atta Noodles ____________________________ For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 24. Reading Skills 24息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Exercise Answers 9. Maggi soups and noodles ____________________________ 10. Masala-ae-magic ____________________________ 11. New taste formula noodles ____________________________ 12. Maggi Vegetable Atta Noodles ____________________________ cash cow question mark dog star (possibly now a cash cow) For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 25. Brand Quiz There are three choices for each question. Discuss with your partner which you think is best and then choose one you both agree with. 25息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Brand quiz For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 26. SCORING Number of as x 1 point = _____________ Number of bs x 2 points = _____________ Number of cs x 3 points = _____________ Sub Total = _____________ If you answered: 6 or more as then - 10 _____________ 6 or more bs then - 0 _____________ 6 or more cs then + 10 _____________ Brand IQ = _____________ 26息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Brand quiz For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 27. 27息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Test Your Knowledge 1. Match the words to their description. Words Description 1 Product a. How customers are informed about products 2 Price b. The point where products are made available to customers 3 Place c. The features and appearance of goods and services 4 Promotion d. How much customer pays for a product For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 28. 28息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Test Your Knowledge 1. Answers Words Description 1 Product c. The features and appearance of goods and services 2 Price d. How much customer pays for a product 3 Place b. The point where products are made available to customers 4 Promotion a. How customers are informed about products For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 29. 29息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Test Your Knowledge 2. Match the four categories with their description. Words Description 1 Stars a. high market share in low growing market 2 Cash cows b. low market share in a high growing market 3 Question marks c. low market share and low market growth problems 4 Dogs d. high market share in a fast growing industry For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 30. 30息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE Test Your Knowledge 2. Answers Words Description 1 Stars d. high market share in a fast growing industry 2 Cash cows a. high market share in low growing market 3 Question marks b. low market share in a high growing market 4 Dogs c. low market share and low market growth problems For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 31. 31息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE In a Nutshell In this lesson you learnt to: Understand the function of the Marketing Mix Understand the function of the Boston Matrix Understand the concept of brand stretching For Aptech Centre Use Only
  • 32. 32 Thank You 息 Aptech Training Ltd. FZE For Aptech Centre Use Only