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Ahmed Farid Abd Elhameed Ahmed Farid
Dear Sir,
Please accept the attached Curriculum Vitae for a Job
Vacancy. I've had the pleasure to review your Company Name
through your nice Mail you sent.
I am an Egyptian, with 16 years of practical, working
experience; really keen for my career and my dependents
support, so Im seeking a promising opportunity in your
respected company. Also, self-confident have the desire to do
well in my life and will work hard to achieve objectives. I am a
fast learner; self-motivated, and have the benefit of
Professional communication and relationship development
skills I have gained through working in national & international
I enjoy my work and have done very well in my previous jobs;
still I have a lot to give; if offered to satisfy my appetite for
hard work and my desire to reach high standards.
I never was obsessed to be upper hand and giving orders to
people. However, my obsession is to achieve goals and to
overcome challenges that my employer, colleges, and I would
face. Team work and / or leading, is a passion that I
professionally execute even when having a few slow,
irresponsible individuals.
I greatly appreciate you taking the time to review my
Qualifications and Experiences. I hope you'll find my
experiences, Interests, and Character attractive enough to
warrant a Face-to-Face Meeting.
Ahmed Farid
Seeking a challenging career in a leading Company as an Engineer, that matches my field
of interest in mechanical Engineering, where my abilities and skills can be developed and
knowledge can be applied.
GHABBOUR AUTO COMPANY is Leading Company in EGYPT in Hyundai Vehicle
Services, Sales, and Spare Parts. Also, it is an International Company has many branches
between countries. It is my Pleasure to be one of GHABBOUR AUTO Teamwork. I worked
in GB Auto from 01-06-2002
From 2002 till 2003 as a team leader.
From 2003 till 2007 as a service advisor.
Reception Manager Abo Rawash
January 2007  January 2013
Acting Service Manger KALUIB
January 2014 till Now
 Follow & implement the HMC six steps
Ahmed Farid Abd Elhameed Ahmed Farid
12 Street Gamalat Medny from Ezz Eldeen Omar St. Haram Giza.
Cellular: (002) 01150050029 & 01018710001
Email : afarid688@yahoo.com
 Ensure the CSI evaluation score and achievements of target are
not less than 80%.
 Motive the fellow service advisors.
 On job training for new service advisors.
 Evaluate the service advisor and conducts meeting s to set
strategic plans and individual training required
 Ensure customer satisfaction.
 Ensures that customers vehicles
are fixed right 1st time by implementing the quality procedures
 Ensures that repair estimates are reasonable.
 Plan, organize, lead and control service management operations
 Share customer satisfaction information with service personnel
 Monitor complaint resolutions
 Customer complains handling
 Back job process.
 Understands computerized time control.
 Promote dealer service benefits to potential customers.
 Increase customer market share.
 Increase service and parts sales.
 Contribute to new vehicle sales.
 Reduce customer No Show rate.
 Meet dealerships sales goals.
 Maintains high level of grooming, hygiene and uniform appearance
for him and his staff
 Ensure to go on the right track by following up the company policy,
SOP and working process to achieve the company vision and
 Ensure that every service advisor achieve his target with high CSI
Training :
1995 - 2000
Bachelor Degree of Engineering, Cairo University
(Faculty of Engineering)
Power Mechanical Department.
Average Grade: Good (July2000)
(GB) Academy :
 S e r v i c e advisor level one.
 S e r v i c e advisor level two.
 Certified service advisor.
 Master Service advisor.
1. Communication skills.
2. Team Building.
3. Critical Thinking.
4. stress management
5. Problem solving.
6. time management
7. business writing
8. conflict management
9. Art of leadership.
10. Dealer parts service management.
11.Fixed operations basics.
12. Project Planning.
13. Finance Basics.
14. GB Auto's Smile Program.
15. Excel Basics.
16. Consultative selling.
17. Change management.
18. Meeting management.
19. Conflict management.
20. Up selling.
21. Customer service principles.
22. Handling difficult customers.
1. Shell Product (Gasoline Oil & Diesel Oil).
2. Different Between (Synthetic Oil & Mineral Oil).
3. Lubrication Benefits.
Computer skills:
 International Computer License (ICDL).
Language Skills:
Arabic: Mother
English: Good.
Reading, Travelling, Football Games, Sports activities.
Date & Place of Birth: 07/04/1978- Giza  Egypt.
Nationality: Egyptian.
Military Status: Finished.
Marital Status: Married.
Driving License: Have Driving License.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to be one of your team work

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  • 2. Ahmed Farid Abd Elhameed Ahmed Farid Dear Sir, Please accept the attached Curriculum Vitae for a Job Vacancy. I've had the pleasure to review your Company Name through your nice Mail you sent. I am an Egyptian, with 16 years of practical, working experience; really keen for my career and my dependents support, so Im seeking a promising opportunity in your respected company. Also, self-confident have the desire to do well in my life and will work hard to achieve objectives. I am a fast learner; self-motivated, and have the benefit of Professional communication and relationship development skills I have gained through working in national & international companies. I enjoy my work and have done very well in my previous jobs; still I have a lot to give; if offered to satisfy my appetite for hard work and my desire to reach high standards. I never was obsessed to be upper hand and giving orders to people. However, my obsession is to achieve goals and to overcome challenges that my employer, colleges, and I would face. Team work and / or leading, is a passion that I professionally execute even when having a few slow, irresponsible individuals. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to review my Qualifications and Experiences. I hope you'll find my experiences, Interests, and Character attractive enough to warrant a Face-to-Face Meeting. Ahmed Farid Sincerely, 2
  • 3. SemantisCandidaciesmanagementsolutionwww.semantis.fr JOB OBJECTIVE: Seeking a challenging career in a leading Company as an Engineer, that matches my field of interest in mechanical Engineering, where my abilities and skills can be developed and knowledge can be applied. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ANDSIGNIFICANT ACHIEVEMENTS 1- (GB) AUTO COMPANY "CURRENT JOB" GHABBOUR AUTO COMPANY is Leading Company in EGYPT in Hyundai Vehicle Services, Sales, and Spare Parts. Also, it is an International Company has many branches in SYRIA, and IRAQ. GHABBOUR AUTO has HYUNDAI, MAZDA, and BAJAJ Distributor between countries. It is my Pleasure to be one of GHABBOUR AUTO Teamwork. I worked in GB Auto from 01-06-2002 From 2002 till 2003 as a team leader. From 2003 till 2007 as a service advisor. Reception Manager Abo Rawash January 2007 January 2013 Acting Service Manger KALUIB January 2014 till Now Responsibilities: Follow & implement the HMC six steps 3 Ahmed Farid Abd Elhameed Ahmed Farid 12 Street Gamalat Medny from Ezz Eldeen Omar St. Haram Giza. Egypt Cellular: (002) 01150050029 & 01018710001 Email : afarid688@yahoo.com
  • 4. Ensure the CSI evaluation score and achievements of target are not less than 80%. Motive the fellow service advisors. On job training for new service advisors. Evaluate the service advisor and conducts meeting s to set strategic plans and individual training required Ensure customer satisfaction. Ensures that customers vehicles are fixed right 1st time by implementing the quality procedures Ensures that repair estimates are reasonable. Plan, organize, lead and control service management operations Share customer satisfaction information with service personnel Monitor complaint resolutions Customer complains handling Back job process. Understands computerized time control. Promote dealer service benefits to potential customers. Increase customer market share. Increase service and parts sales. Contribute to new vehicle sales. Reduce customer No Show rate. Meet dealerships sales goals. Maintains high level of grooming, hygiene and uniform appearance for him and his staff Ensure to go on the right track by following up the company policy, SOP and working process to achieve the company vision and mission. Ensure that every service advisor achieve his target with high CSI score. 4
  • 5. EDUCATION & DEGREES SemantisCandidaciesmanagementsolutionwww.semantis.fr EDUCATION & DEGREESEDUCATION & DEGREES Training : 1995 - 2000 Bachelor Degree of Engineering, Cairo University (Faculty of Engineering) Power Mechanical Department. Average Grade: Good (July2000) (GB) Academy : S e r v i c e advisor level one. S e r v i c e advisor level two. Certified service advisor. Master Service advisor. 1. Communication skills. 2. Team Building. 3. Critical Thinking. 4. stress management 5. Problem solving. 6. time management 7. business writing 8. conflict management 9. Art of leadership. 10. Dealer parts service management. 11.Fixed operations basics. 12. Project Planning. 13. Finance Basics. 14. GB Auto's Smile Program. 15. Excel Basics. 16. Consultative selling. 17. Change management. 18. Meeting management. 19. Conflict management. 20. Up selling. 21. Customer service principles. 22. Handling difficult customers. Shell: 5
  • 6. 1. Shell Product (Gasoline Oil & Diesel Oil). 2. Different Between (Synthetic Oil & Mineral Oil). 3. Lubrication Benefits. Computer skills: International Computer License (ICDL). Language Skills: Arabic: Mother English: Good. Interest: Reading, Travelling, Football Games, Sports activities. PERSONAL DATA Date & Place of Birth: 07/04/1978- Giza Egypt. Nationality: Egyptian. Military Status: Finished. Marital Status: Married. Driving License: Have Driving License. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to be one of your team work 6