1. The document discusses logical thinking and provides examples of logic questions with multiple choice answers.
2. Step-by-step working is shown for questions involving ratios, proportions, time conversions and interpreting data in tables and graphs.
3. Common logical reasoning concepts like mutually exclusive/collectively exhaustive principles are explained alongside sample questions.
The document provides an introduction and background about the speaker, Kenichi Matsui. It discusses his career experience working for several large companies in software development, communications, and consulting. It then covers some of his current responsibilities related to data analysis and machine learning as a data scientist and group manager. Specific topics covered include an overview of data science skills and roles, machine learning techniques like classification and regression, and data analysis competitions.
1. The document discusses logical thinking and provides examples of logic questions with multiple choice answers.
2. Step-by-step working is shown for questions involving ratios, proportions, time conversions and interpreting data in tables and graphs.
3. Common logical reasoning concepts like mutually exclusive/collectively exhaustive principles are explained alongside sample questions.
The document provides an introduction and background about the speaker, Kenichi Matsui. It discusses his career experience working for several large companies in software development, communications, and consulting. It then covers some of his current responsibilities related to data analysis and machine learning as a data scientist and group manager. Specific topics covered include an overview of data science skills and roles, machine learning techniques like classification and regression, and data analysis competitions.
AI Home lighting control system
利用Linebot方式控制居家燈光,在語音轉成文字後 ,我們的Linebot程式會處理所輸入的文字(NLP) 利用JIEBA斷詞再用word embedded 進行正面(開燈)或負面(關燈)語句的判斷....
Linebot 程式分析完語句話後, ,會透過MQTT方式送給對應號碼的Pi。在每個燈光下都包含一個Pi,,主要用來接收來自Linebot的命令並判斷是否要開啓或關閉Relay。
#2018 艾鍗學院 AIoT工程師訓練班
艾鍗學院學員AI專題 - AI 熱量管理師
成員: 杜O慧、駱O慧、楊O民
有鑑於此,本專題針對此問題提出解決方案。系統將根據使用者輸入的基本資料,包括性別、身高、體重和年齡,我們可以估算其基礎代謝率(BMR)。再結合運動消耗的熱量,便能計算出使用者每日的總熱量消耗。若每日攝取的熱量低於總消耗熱量,使用者便能有效降低肥胖風險。在運動消耗熱量的估算上,我們先透過 OpenCV 擷取影像,並利用 Google AI Studio API 辨識四種運動類型:伏地挺身、仰臥起坐、引體向上及深蹲。確定運動類型後,通過 Mediapipe 即時追蹤人體骨架和關節位置,根據關節角度的變化來計算運動次數,進而推算出不同運動類型與次數所消耗的熱量。
我們設計了一個網頁使用者介面,包含 BMR 計算、運動影片上傳與食物選擇區。使用者選取食物後,系統會自動累加食物熱量,若超過每日總消耗熱量,系統將發出警示。此外,我們還運用檢索增強生成(RAG)技術,為使用者提供專業的健康建議,協助他們做出更健康的飲食選擇。
The document outlines the 7 step enumeration sequence for a USB device: 1) Get the device descriptor using the default address, 2) Set the address, 3) Get the device descriptor with the new address, 4) Get the configuration descriptor, 5) Get the string descriptor, 6) Get all subordinate descriptors, 7) Set the configuration. This ensures the host has all necessary information to communicate with the device using the assigned address.
7. 2.4G RF
Data-Parser and
Device Controller
(Node.js Server)
Convenient Home
Media Data Treatment Center
(Flask Stream Center)
Real-time Monitoring
System Security Control Center
(Flask Security Center)
Data Collector
Raspberry Pi
Cloud AI
Security Management