This guide provides information and activities for children ages 8-10 who have a parent deployed in the military. It discusses how deployment can be difficult but also an adventure. It offers ways for children to understand deployment, cope with separation from their parent, and prepare for their parent's return, such as keeping a journal, asking questions, spending time with their parent before they leave, and staying in touch through letters, care packages, and other creative ideas. The guide aims to help children feel informed and supported during their parent's deployment.
Your four year old is developing quickly across physical, cognitive, social, and emotional domains. They are beginning to understand bigger social concepts and ask many questions to learn about the world. Physically, they are improving skills like running, jumping, and riding tricycles. Socially, they enjoy making friends but also need structure and your support as their world expands beyond the home. Your four year old's development will unfold uniquely, so focus on following their lead with patience and encouragement.
The document discusses several topics related to children and parenting:
1. Sometimes skipping school is okay and children should always live with their biological parents.
2. If someone hurts you, you should figure out how to "get them back."
3. Parents should always want what's best for their children.
The biography discusses Anne Schraff's background and career as the author of over 80 books, many focused on young adult issues. She used a pen name initially because her editor thought a woman couldn't write the stories.
The document summarizes 12 things that three deceased loved ones of the author taught her about living a happy life. The angels showed an approach to life of wanting what they had and not dwelling on what they lacked. They found joy in small moments and made time each day for peace, laughter and fun pursuits. They avoided complaints, comparisons to others, and didn't wait for milestones to find happiness in life.
This document provides tips on how to declutter and organize different areas of one's life, including the home, mind, relationships, time management, and work area. It discusses how clutter in these areas can cause stress and prevent success and achievement of goals. Specific strategies are given for each area, such as getting rid of unused items, paying attention to thoughts, evaluating friendships, waking up earlier, and creating compartments at the desk. The overall message is that decluttering multiple domains can help reduce anxiety and allow one to reach their full potential.
This document provides a table of contents and descriptions for over 30 activities, games, projects, recipes and songs that can be done with children. The activities are organized into sections and include details on appropriate ages, materials needed and instructions. Some activities, like read books, roll the ball and hide and seek are for toddlers. Others, like role play, imagine and board games are more for preschoolers and up. The document also includes recipes for homemade play dough, bubbles and snacks like frozen yogurt pops.
Focused on the limitless nature of the human spirit, this presentation encourages us all to go beyond our failures and regrets and do that thing which makes us come alive. Written by Justin Miller and designed by me David Crandall, this presentation is meant to encourage us all to come alive and make an impact on the world around us.
This document provides 40 icebreaker activities for small groups. It introduces the icebreakers and explains they are simple, require few materials, and are suitable for a range of ages. The icebreakers are intended to encourage sharing, openness, cooperation and discussion. They cover topics like facts about participants, interviews, names, conversations, and questions. Examples of specific icebreakers are provided like "Fact or Fiction" where participants share true and false facts, and "The Question Web" where string is thrown between participants as they answer questions.
The document outlines the weekly social media strategy for the Army Community Service (ACS) at JBMHH. It includes focusing on a monthly program or activity each week through different themes like family focus. It also assigns goals and metrics like page impressions and new fans to different social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and a blog to help users get to know the JBMHH ACS and increase engagement throughout the week.
This document shares 35 life lessons, with each lesson corresponding to one year of the author's life. For each year of his life, the author Srini shares a brief life lesson or piece of advice. The lessons cover topics like embracing failures as learning experiences, living in the present moment, making time for fun and leisure activities, falling in love, and surrounding oneself with supportive people. Srini asked his business partner David to illustrate the 35 lessons.
This document discusses the importance of honoring one's parents. It recalls experiences the author had disagreeing with their parents' decisions as a child but later realizing the parents were often right. It notes that parents aim to help their children learn and grow, not just be right. The document encourages honoring parents by respecting them, listening to their counsel, and making choices aligned with the values they imparted. Honoring parents helps preserve the parent-child relationship and avoids disappointment. God promises those who honor their parents will live a long, good life.
This book provides a summary of 1 Corinthians 13 in a way that is accessible for children. It breaks down the key concepts of love into 13 short passages with illustrations. At the end, it includes discussion questions to help children understand the message and apply it to their lives. The goal is to help children live with love each day through exploring and discussing Bible passages as a family.
This document provides tips for handling homework. It recommends using any free time in school to work on homework. When starting homework at home, tackle the hardest assignments first while your focus is highest. Take breaks every hour to rest your attention span. Work in a quiet place away from distractions like the TV. Get help from others if stuck on a problem instead of obsessing over it.
Self-Harm Alternatives Over 130 Ideas for Use in RecoveryPooky Knightsmith
At the moment when a young person is overcome by an urge or need to self-harm, it can be very helpful for them to have a range of different strategies they can tap into to try and cope with the way they are feeling right now without actually inflicting harm on themselves.These resources contain in excess of 130 ideas which a young person could use as an alternative to self-harm.
These ideas were all suggested by former self-harmers.
These ideas are shared as a powerpoint file which can be used for information and training and are also presented in a separate handout designed to be shared with young people youre working with. Different things work for different people at different times so there are a wide range of ideas here to try. Its always worth having follow up conversations with the young person youre working with to find out whats worked and what hasnt so they can refine their list and determine the best strategies to employ at the moment theyre overcome with the need to harm.
About the author:
Dr Pooky Knightsmith specialises in mental health and emotional well-being in the school setting. She can provide training sessions or workshops for school staff, parents or students on a variety of topics, including self-harm and eating disorders.
For further information and free resources visit
The document discusses various topics related to childhood memories, hobbies, and future plans. For childhood memories, the author discusses enjoying the simple game of hide-and-seek and the freedom of childhood. Reading and spending time with family are described as relaxing hobbies. The author's 10-year plan involves career success, family, and travel. Factors like discipline and hard work are seen as important for achieving life plans.
Good Enough Parenting: Introduction - Wade and Deb Cook 2-4-17DenverCoC
For the next few months, our parents will have the opportunity to go through Good Enough Parenting! While we've done this series before, we'll be experiencing a fresh take on how to truly meet our teen's core emotional needs as they grow and mature! You do not want to miss this time!
This document is an excerpt from a book written for children ages 7-12 who stutter. It discusses stuttering in a way to help children understand what causes it and that it is normal. The summary includes:
1) The book is written for children who stutter to help them understand stuttering and that it is a normal thing experienced by many children.
2) It explains that stuttering can vary in different situations, such as sometimes being able to speak easily and other times having difficulty. Contexts like singing, talking to pets or younger siblings may be easier than talking to adults.
3) The document aims to help children who stutter understand their experience is shared and to empower
7 Steps to Success: Goals, Motivations, ConnectionsLinda Ferguson
A 7 step program for discovering what you want and moving forward to get results and build influence using the principles of NLP (neurolinguistic programming)
10 things every teenager needs to know about their parentsEsen Sand脹raz
The document outlines 10 things that every teenager needs to know about their parents. It discusses how parents are not perfect but are still learning and growing, just like teenagers. It acknowledges that parents may seem uncool or out of touch at times but were once teenagers themselves. The document also emphasizes that parents truly love their children and are trying to guide them based on their own life experiences in order to help their children and prevent mistakes.
The document provides guidance on preparing for and managing deployments in three phases: pre-deployment, during deployment, and post-deployment. In the pre-deployment phase, it recommends communicating feelings, taking care of home repairs, spending quality family and couple time, and preparing children by telling them about the deployment and creating mementos. During deployment, it suggests keeping busy, taking care of oneself, connecting with others, and helping children through the separation by reading together and keeping the absent parent involved. The post-deployment phase focuses on allowing for adjustment, getting to re-know each other, helping the returning partner readjust, and openly discussing feelings with support available through the MFRC if needed.
Merle Haggard's classic lament describes the difficulties the holidays pose if we are in hard places. This PowerPoint focuses on kids in out of home care but there are many common truths to help us bring about kinder, gentler, peaceful holidays for all.
This is day 5 of my 31 days of Fearlessness Campaign. Find out how to be a fearless parent. Get tips on how to approach parenthood if you are expecting and how to keep moving fearlessly as you pave the way for your children. Don't forget your children are God's children too.
This is a slide based on Stay At home
It Is a SILENT video please subscribe to Yoga With Manav...
This Video Explains lockdown , Tips And Many more things..
This Is a Small Explainery Video Hope You Will Understant Anything From This Video...
Thank You..
Stay Safe ,Be Healthy ,Protect yourself From corona Virus....
This document provides advice and encouragement for older students returning to college. It discusses preparing financially and physically for college life. Key points include budgeting money, asking family for support, making a schedule to remember assignments, joining a support group of other older students, and most importantly, not giving up and remembering your goal of completing your education.
This document provides tips for effective communication between teens and parents. It advises finding a relaxed time to talk, focusing fully on the conversation without distractions, being honest but also listening without interrupting, and discussing both serious topics and everyday things to build understanding. Effective communication requires maturity, respect, honesty and staying calm even during disagreements. Building a daily habit of small talk can strengthen relationships for more meaningful future discussions.
The document provides 20 suggestions for teaching children about patriotism around upcoming patriotic holidays, including discussing what patriotism means, finding flags in the local community, showing how to fold a flag, volunteering with veterans, reading founding documents, writing letters to soldiers, and participating in patriotic activities and traditions. The goal is to help kids learn about patriotism through fun and interesting activities that also teach them about American history.
The document outlines relocation readiness programs and services provided to military members and families who are moving, including sponsorship training, pre-move counseling, cultural awareness briefings, social media networks, lending closets, welcome packets, relocation resources, ESL resources, spouse meetups and groups, and online portals providing relocation information, transportation details, and installation guides. Various briefings and trainings are offered covering topics like Korea, Germany, Alaska, and naturalization, and services can be requested for other locations.
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This document shares 35 life lessons, with each lesson corresponding to one year of the author's life. For each year of his life, the author Srini shares a brief life lesson or piece of advice. The lessons cover topics like embracing failures as learning experiences, living in the present moment, making time for fun and leisure activities, falling in love, and surrounding oneself with supportive people. Srini asked his business partner David to illustrate the 35 lessons.
This document discusses the importance of honoring one's parents. It recalls experiences the author had disagreeing with their parents' decisions as a child but later realizing the parents were often right. It notes that parents aim to help their children learn and grow, not just be right. The document encourages honoring parents by respecting them, listening to their counsel, and making choices aligned with the values they imparted. Honoring parents helps preserve the parent-child relationship and avoids disappointment. God promises those who honor their parents will live a long, good life.
This book provides a summary of 1 Corinthians 13 in a way that is accessible for children. It breaks down the key concepts of love into 13 short passages with illustrations. At the end, it includes discussion questions to help children understand the message and apply it to their lives. The goal is to help children live with love each day through exploring and discussing Bible passages as a family.
This document provides tips for handling homework. It recommends using any free time in school to work on homework. When starting homework at home, tackle the hardest assignments first while your focus is highest. Take breaks every hour to rest your attention span. Work in a quiet place away from distractions like the TV. Get help from others if stuck on a problem instead of obsessing over it.
Self-Harm Alternatives Over 130 Ideas for Use in RecoveryPooky Knightsmith
At the moment when a young person is overcome by an urge or need to self-harm, it can be very helpful for them to have a range of different strategies they can tap into to try and cope with the way they are feeling right now without actually inflicting harm on themselves.These resources contain in excess of 130 ideas which a young person could use as an alternative to self-harm.
These ideas were all suggested by former self-harmers.
These ideas are shared as a powerpoint file which can be used for information and training and are also presented in a separate handout designed to be shared with young people youre working with. Different things work for different people at different times so there are a wide range of ideas here to try. Its always worth having follow up conversations with the young person youre working with to find out whats worked and what hasnt so they can refine their list and determine the best strategies to employ at the moment theyre overcome with the need to harm.
About the author:
Dr Pooky Knightsmith specialises in mental health and emotional well-being in the school setting. She can provide training sessions or workshops for school staff, parents or students on a variety of topics, including self-harm and eating disorders.
For further information and free resources visit
The document discusses various topics related to childhood memories, hobbies, and future plans. For childhood memories, the author discusses enjoying the simple game of hide-and-seek and the freedom of childhood. Reading and spending time with family are described as relaxing hobbies. The author's 10-year plan involves career success, family, and travel. Factors like discipline and hard work are seen as important for achieving life plans.
Good Enough Parenting: Introduction - Wade and Deb Cook 2-4-17DenverCoC
For the next few months, our parents will have the opportunity to go through Good Enough Parenting! While we've done this series before, we'll be experiencing a fresh take on how to truly meet our teen's core emotional needs as they grow and mature! You do not want to miss this time!
This document is an excerpt from a book written for children ages 7-12 who stutter. It discusses stuttering in a way to help children understand what causes it and that it is normal. The summary includes:
1) The book is written for children who stutter to help them understand stuttering and that it is a normal thing experienced by many children.
2) It explains that stuttering can vary in different situations, such as sometimes being able to speak easily and other times having difficulty. Contexts like singing, talking to pets or younger siblings may be easier than talking to adults.
3) The document aims to help children who stutter understand their experience is shared and to empower
7 Steps to Success: Goals, Motivations, ConnectionsLinda Ferguson
A 7 step program for discovering what you want and moving forward to get results and build influence using the principles of NLP (neurolinguistic programming)
10 things every teenager needs to know about their parentsEsen Sand脹raz
The document outlines 10 things that every teenager needs to know about their parents. It discusses how parents are not perfect but are still learning and growing, just like teenagers. It acknowledges that parents may seem uncool or out of touch at times but were once teenagers themselves. The document also emphasizes that parents truly love their children and are trying to guide them based on their own life experiences in order to help their children and prevent mistakes.
The document provides guidance on preparing for and managing deployments in three phases: pre-deployment, during deployment, and post-deployment. In the pre-deployment phase, it recommends communicating feelings, taking care of home repairs, spending quality family and couple time, and preparing children by telling them about the deployment and creating mementos. During deployment, it suggests keeping busy, taking care of oneself, connecting with others, and helping children through the separation by reading together and keeping the absent parent involved. The post-deployment phase focuses on allowing for adjustment, getting to re-know each other, helping the returning partner readjust, and openly discussing feelings with support available through the MFRC if needed.
Merle Haggard's classic lament describes the difficulties the holidays pose if we are in hard places. This PowerPoint focuses on kids in out of home care but there are many common truths to help us bring about kinder, gentler, peaceful holidays for all.
This is day 5 of my 31 days of Fearlessness Campaign. Find out how to be a fearless parent. Get tips on how to approach parenthood if you are expecting and how to keep moving fearlessly as you pave the way for your children. Don't forget your children are God's children too.
This is a slide based on Stay At home
It Is a SILENT video please subscribe to Yoga With Manav...
This Video Explains lockdown , Tips And Many more things..
This Is a Small Explainery Video Hope You Will Understant Anything From This Video...
Thank You..
Stay Safe ,Be Healthy ,Protect yourself From corona Virus....
This document provides advice and encouragement for older students returning to college. It discusses preparing financially and physically for college life. Key points include budgeting money, asking family for support, making a schedule to remember assignments, joining a support group of other older students, and most importantly, not giving up and remembering your goal of completing your education.
This document provides tips for effective communication between teens and parents. It advises finding a relaxed time to talk, focusing fully on the conversation without distractions, being honest but also listening without interrupting, and discussing both serious topics and everyday things to build understanding. Effective communication requires maturity, respect, honesty and staying calm even during disagreements. Building a daily habit of small talk can strengthen relationships for more meaningful future discussions.
The document provides 20 suggestions for teaching children about patriotism around upcoming patriotic holidays, including discussing what patriotism means, finding flags in the local community, showing how to fold a flag, volunteering with veterans, reading founding documents, writing letters to soldiers, and participating in patriotic activities and traditions. The goal is to help kids learn about patriotism through fun and interesting activities that also teach them about American history.
The document outlines relocation readiness programs and services provided to military members and families who are moving, including sponsorship training, pre-move counseling, cultural awareness briefings, social media networks, lending closets, welcome packets, relocation resources, ESL resources, spouse meetups and groups, and online portals providing relocation information, transportation details, and installation guides. Various briefings and trainings are offered covering topics like Korea, Germany, Alaska, and naturalization, and services can be requested for other locations.
The document outlines the standard operating procedure for the Army Community Service's social media outreach initiative at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. The initiative aims to increase visibility of ACS activities and services, provide news and information to the community, and encourage feedback. The ACS Outreach Coordinator manages Facebook and blog platforms to engage the community, while staff contribute content. Responsibilities include adhering to social media policies and monitoring interactions to ensure appropriate content.
This document is a photo release form for the Army Community Service (ACS) social media outreach initiative. It gives consent for ACS to use the signee's photograph and likeness in its publications, including websites and official external presences. It also releases any expectation of confidentiality for minor children listed and confirms the signee is the parent or legal guardian of those children. The form requests the printed name, signature, and names and ages of any minor children.
The Army Community Service social media weekly report outlines key social media metrics for Facebook, Twitter, and their blog for the week, month-to-date, and year-to-date, including the number of fans, posts, likes, comments, and impressions on Facebook, as well as followers, tweets, retweets, and reach on Twitter. It provides performance data for their social media outreach initiative to track engagement across multiple online platforms.
The document outlines the JBMHH ACS Social Media Strategy for the week of March 7-13, 2011. Each day focuses on a different theme and program, including Army Emergency Relief, family focus, community focus, and resource Thursday. The strategy details the content that will be posted to platforms like Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, and a blog to promote programs, resources, and build engagement with the community around spring activities in the region. Interactions and metrics like page impressions and new fans will be monitored.
The Army Community Service social media weekly report outlines key social media metrics for Facebook, Twitter, and their blog for the week, month-to-date, and year-to-date, including the number of fans, posts, likes, comments, and impressions on Facebook, as well as followers, tweets, retweets, and reach on Twitter. It provides an overview of their social media outreach efforts for the week ending March 1st, 2011.
The document provides guidelines and terms of use for the Army Community Service Facebook page. It welcomes users and provides background on the page's purpose to share news, information and resources. It notes this is a family friendly forum and outlines posting guidelines including prohibiting graphic, obscene, abusive or illegal comments, and advertisements. It also states users participate at their own risk and external links don't imply endorsement.
Computer Network Unit IV - Lecture Notes - Network LayerMurugan146644
Lecture Notes - Unit IV - The Network Layer
Welcome to the comprehensive guide on Computer Network concepts, tailored for final year B.Sc. Computer Science students affiliated with Alagappa University. This document covers fundamental principles and advanced topics in Computer Network. PDF content is prepared from the text book Computer Network by Andrew S. Tenanbaum
Key Topics Covered:
Main Topic : The Network Layer
Sub-Topic : Network Layer Design Issues (Store and forward packet switching , service provided to the transport layer, implementation of connection less service, implementation of connection oriented service, Comparision of virtual circuit and datagram subnet), Routing algorithms (Shortest path routing, Flooding , Distance Vector routing algorithm, Link state routing algorithm , hierarchical routing algorithm, broadcast routing, multicast routing algorithm)
Other Link :
1.Introduction to computer network - /slideshow/lecture-notes-introduction-to-computer-network/274183454
2. Physical Layer - /slideshow/lecture-notes-unit-ii-the-physical-layer/274747125
3. Data Link Layer Part 1 : /slideshow/lecture-notes-unit-iii-the-datalink-layer/275288798
Target Audience:
Final year B.Sc. Computer Science students at Alagappa University seeking a solid foundation in Computer Network principles for academic.
About the Author:
Dr. S. Murugan is Associate Professor at Alagappa Government Arts College, Karaikudi. With 23 years of teaching experience in the field of Computer Science, Dr. S. Murugan has a passion for simplifying complex concepts in Computer Network
This document is intended for educational purposes only. The content presented here reflects the authors understanding in the field of Computer Network
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
Byron's Best - My Deployment Journal
1. 油
油 油
A Discovery About Deployment
A Deployment Guide
For Children Ages 8 10
2. About This Book
This ideas and activities guide is written for young people with
parents in the Army or Air National Guard. It can be exciting
to have the military as a part of your life, but being separated
from your parent because of their military duties can be
In this guide you will find ways you can create a journal to help
you through this deployment. You will find ways deployment
can affect kids your age. It includes ways to handle separation,
ideas on ways to stay in touch with your parent during the
separation, ways to cope while your parent is away, and how to
prepare for their return.
This guide can help you learn about how to turn the
frightening idea of deployment into an adventure of discovery.
3. 油
Deployment is when one or both of your parents have military duties and
have to leave their families. This can be either for a special training or when
their unit is called to serve in a military crisis. Sometimes you know several
weeks in advance and sometimes you find out just before he or she leaves.
Find Out All You Can
Ask your parents questions about this separation. Sometimes parents on
military duty cant tell you much about where they are going or why. Youll
still feel a lot better knowing as much as you can.
Ask a lot of W questions.
all油about?油 油
Why油are油you油going?油 油
When油are油you油leaving?油 油
油油油油油Will油you油be油gone油long?油 油
4. You may want to find out how this separation will change your daily life. Many
Families find Family meetings a helpful way to get information. You might want
to use the following questions to help you get a talk started with your parents.
Will Family rules change? _______________
What is expected of me during this
deployment? ________________________
Can we write each other? _____________
Who will take care of me if Mom or Dad
has to go away, too? ________________
Other things I want to know. __________
5. What do you want What do you want
to do for your to do for your
parent before he parent before he
or she leaves? or she leaves?
Spend as much time as possible
with your parent before he or she leaves.
Take plenty of pictures and videos of your parent.
Make a special package to send with your parent.
Some kids get together special items for their parents to take with them.
Here are some suggested items you may want to consider.
Pictures you have drawn
Photographs of you and your parent together
Chewing gum
Their favorite candy
Writing paper and pens
Self-addressed envelopes and stamps
Needle and thread and safety pins
A special letter telling your parent how proud you are of them
6. It is hard to say goodbye. It is one of the worst things about having
parents in the military.
When you say goodbye you will have all kinds of mixed up feelings.
So, when you say Goodbye, remember:
Its okay to cry.
Saying goodbye wont
be easy.
Saying goodbye hurts.
Its okay to laugh and giggle.油
7. Deployment can cause you to have many different feelings.
You may get:
SCARED your deployed parent will get hurt, or
ANGRY that they have gone away.
At the same time you may feel
EXCITED because this is a new experience,
GREAT because there is one less person to hassle you,
THRILLED because, I can do what I want.
Youre like a yo yo.
What are some of the feelings you have about being separated from your parent?
8. Deployments are hard. It really helps to talk
with someone that you trust. Youll find out
that you are normal and that these feelings
are okay. Youll feel better about yourself.
9. Picking Fights
Suddenly not doing well in school
Disobeying Parents, Teachers or Rules
Not Wanting to Eat
Nightmares or
Trouble Sleeping
Feeling Confused
Feel Like You Dont Want To Do Anything
Feel Like No One Cares About You
10. Connect with others
Be a volunteer
Fix, grow, or build something with a friend
Listen to music with a friend
Play video games with a friend
Invite your best friend to do something fun
Help Mom or Dad around the house
Get up and move
Go jogging
Take a hike
Go swimming
Go skateboarding
Ride a bike
Try bowling
Play tennis
Get Your Mind Going
Watch a funny movie
Share a joke book with a friend
Draw or paint a picture
Go to a movie
Read a book
Play a board game
Be good to yourself. Remember to do something you enjoy. Find a way to
pack your troubles away. JUST DO IT!
11. When everything seems awful to you, this is called negative self-talk.
Negative self-talk just makes you feel more down. It is important to
think of your troubles with positive statements.
Which roadway will you choose?
You have what it takes to handle being separated from your parent and
other daily challenges.
Dont forget to take time every day to feel good about your
12. Letters are a good way to stay in touch. They are cheap and
can be reread. Remember that they will take a week or more
to reach your parent. Here are some ideas to guide you.
Use the correct mailing address. If you do not use the
correct address, your mail will probably be delayed and
may not arrive at all. Your parent can give this address
to you.
Number your letters so that if more than one letter
arrives at the same time, your parent will know which
one to read first.
Tell news of the neighborhood, friends and relatives.
Clip out newspaper articles your parent might enjoy
When you write, put your parents picture in front of you
so you can feel like you are talking together.
Write often or send cards.
Answer all questions.
Remember, it is important to write I love you.
Mailing Address
13. The good thing about deployment is the fun ways you can stay
in touch with each other. If writing letters is too much like
schoolwork for you, here are some other creative ideas. Youll
be entertaining your parent, and also giving yourself
something fun to do.
Family Newspaper
Keep your deployed parent up to date on local and family news
by being the family reporter. You can make up a newspaper or
tape interviews and stories by family members.
Interview family members and
family friends.
Write short articles about events
happening at home.
Write about local news, like about
your soccer game.
Tell ordinary things like shopping
for school clothes.
Include family pictures.
Write some funny stories.
Create your own comic strip.
Care Packages
Care packages are always welcome. You can have
your deployed parent give you suggestions before
they leave. You can also include other surprises
they would enjoy.
15. A Movie Review
Movie Title: __________________________________________________
Actors: ______________________________________________________
Plot: ________________________________________________________
Rating: (circle one) excellent good fair skip
Recommendation: (check one)
See as soon as you can!
Go if there is nothing else to do.
Dont bother!
This movie shouldnt have been made!
A Book Review
Book title: ___________________________________________________
Main characters: ______________________________________________
Plot: ________________________________________________________
Recommendation: (check one)
what a waste of a tree!
Read as soon as possible!
no rush to read.
Read if you want.
16. When deployment ends, take time to think about all you have
accomplished during this time. Go back through your journal and
find out what you have learned and how you have changed. You will
discover that you have met some challenges, mastered some
difficulties, and done a good job.
What Ive Learned During This Deployment
In your journal, write down some of the things you have
learned during this deployment.
17. Its Time to Celebrate!
Its nice to have some special things prepared to celebrate your
parents return.
You can make a banner
You can create coupons for your parent to use.
Good Helping
for Hand
20 Hugs
Good for
My Help With
Anything You
18. Cut out and put
over a doorknob
Do Not
19. Like deployment, you can learn about a Reunion happening several weeks
in advance and sometimes it happens suddenly. Here are some things to
help you know more about what to expect. Youll probably recognize
some of the same things you went through during the deployment.
You need time to readjust to each other. Everyone has changed.
It takes time to get used to each other again.
Reunions can be stressful but you have learned how to tell if you
are stressed and what you can do.
You might experience strong feelings. These feelings can be
positive, negative or mixed up. You may feel happy to see your
parent or worried about how they have changed. You may feel
uneasy, and that can be upsetting. Its normal to feel this way
and, in time, it will pass.
Reunions can bring misunderstandings. It may take you awhile to
feel comfortable with your returning parent again.
You will have to share your parent with others. Remember that
each family member wants time with the parent or parents who
have been away.
Your deployed parent will need time alone. Be prepared to give
your parents time out.