Amalia Roxana Cojocariu is from Arad, Romania located near the Hungarian border. She attended university in Iasi, Romania where she earned a degree in psychology. She now works as a speech therapist in Arad. She has been involved in several EU projects related to education and training over the years, including projects in Finland, Spain, and Romania. In her personal life, she lives alone in an apartment in Arad and enjoys animals, traveling, reading, photography, and drinking tea.
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Amalia Cojocariu: This is me
1. First step
My name is Amalia Roxana Cojocariu, i`m from the western part of
Romania, from a town called Arad. It is situated in the west part of Romania,
about 40 km from the Hungarian border. This geographical position represents
a certain economical advantage. As a frontier area, the region benefit of certain
advantages. This area of Arad is commonly recognized as one of the Romanian
dynamic regions, having a remarkable development potential and an
impressing capacity of adopting and implementing new development models.
The area is sometimes called the gate to the west. I was born here, and it`s
not a surprise that i`m half hungarian.
I attended the University Alexandru Ioan Cuza from Iasi, Romania, far
away from my hometown. In 2002 i got a licenses degree in Psychology, and
since then i work as a speech therapist in a special school from Arad. I also do
psychodiagnosis, 97% of our kids are with special educational needs. In 2007 i
got a master degree in Medical Psychotherapy.
I live alone, from 2007, in a very nice apartment, in the centre of my
town, in an old building, from 1898. Love it! But i`m still my parents little-only
I was involved in many EU projects. The first one was Phare, for almost
four years, since 2002. In 2004 i applied for an individual mobility, a Comenius
project, and i was lucky to go in Jyvaskyla, Finland. The course was called
SENTRA Supporting Educational Needs Transitions. In 2007 i was co-
coordinator in a Leonardo da Vinci project, in Sevilla, Spain ( VET PRO). I love
Leonardo projects so i was one of the mobility member in Jyvaskyla, Finland
(again). This one was for teacher trainers, because i have a course wich is held
every year at the Teacher`s House in Arad.
In the present i`m in the team who manage another Leonardo project;
the mobility will take part in this year in Granada, Spain.
My hobby`s? I love animals, i have a four year turtle, Louise. Likes:
traveling, reading, making photos, drinking tea, watching waterfalls.