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America's Medicated Kids is an expository British documentary that was presented
by Louis Theroux. This documentary lasts for 60 minutes. Theroux travels to one of
America's leading children's psychiatric treatment centers, in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvaniato find outhow is to having to put children with obsessive compulsive
disorders on prescription medication and how does the medication help the childrens
Louis was lucky enough that one family invited him to live with them so he could find
out more about medication on the children. To find out the effects of the medications
and how does it help the children to improve their life. Louis and his crews cannot
scare the family by showing of like they are making a big deal of it, they have to do
their best to be part of the family to get the family to act like their dairy normal life and
not some fake acts just for the camera but one of them victims doesn.t care about it.
To get to know more about the familys life Louis had to interact with them like:
talking to them, eating and many things.
While Louis was living with the family, he ate and slept just like a family member, for
the interviews he didnt make a big deal of with (such as setting up the backgrounds,
the lightings and etc)
Instead of that the interviews was just a normal conversation with the parents so its
just like a normal conversation between family members about how life is going on
but the questions are more about the child that is having medication.
Louis also had conversations (interviews) with the victims (kid on drugs). He doesnt
go straight to the topic first he starts just a normal chat then he gets into the topic
because that will get the kids more talkative and not afraid of talking about it.
Louis was not just observing the family he was living with, he also went to visit others
family that the child has issues. Louis know that the children he is seeing now is not
their real self, so he tries to do something to see how the children real behaves like.
He bought a game and went to one of the victims house to test it to find out how the
victim real behaves. The victim that he is testing has angry issues; whenever the
victim loses he goes berserkand starts hiding under the table then starts shouting or
flipping the table.
Louis has to let the victim win and loose to find out the difference when the victim is
winning and losing, in the beginning he purposely let the victim win, when the victim
is winning he is full of joy and happy as hell but then Louis starts winning the victims
reaction starts changing to the negative side, first the victim just getting depress and
look like he is about to cry, when the victim loses the game he startsshouting then he
starts hitting the sofa with his head.
In the end of the documentary Louis had a one on one interview with a victim. As the
interviewee was a child, Louis did a child play with him, he let the victim to be the
director and directed the show.
In that interview Louis asked him about how victims sees himself, how he sees
others and how he sees the world.
Louis visited many families and he got almost the same opinion from the parents
none of the parents are against their children in drug because it make their life
easier. Not only from the parents also from the victims, they also think that the drugs
can help them for a better daily life. The doctors also think that the drug can help the
victims without harms.
Comparing this documentary to Michael Moore  Fahrenheit 9 11.
Louiss documentary is more about exploring and opinions, he went to hospitals to
get proves from the doctors and many opinions of the parents in the other hand
Michaels documentary is more about facts in the documentary of 9 11 there are lots
of facts about George bushs life but both documentaries had good story structure
with 5 Ws.
In Louis documentary had more filming by them self and Michaels documentary
there are mostly videos from others and from the news, not much video recording
apart from the voice-over.

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  • 1. America's Medicated Kids is an expository British documentary that was presented by Louis Theroux. This documentary lasts for 60 minutes. Theroux travels to one of America's leading children's psychiatric treatment centers, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvaniato find outhow is to having to put children with obsessive compulsive disorders on prescription medication and how does the medication help the childrens life. Observational: Louis was lucky enough that one family invited him to live with them so he could find out more about medication on the children. To find out the effects of the medications and how does it help the children to improve their life. Louis and his crews cannot scare the family by showing of like they are making a big deal of it, they have to do their best to be part of the family to get the family to act like their dairy normal life and not some fake acts just for the camera but one of them victims doesn.t care about it. To get to know more about the familys life Louis had to interact with them like: talking to them, eating and many things. While Louis was living with the family, he ate and slept just like a family member, for the interviews he didnt make a big deal of with (such as setting up the backgrounds, the lightings and etc) Instead of that the interviews was just a normal conversation with the parents so its just like a normal conversation between family members about how life is going on but the questions are more about the child that is having medication. Louis also had conversations (interviews) with the victims (kid on drugs). He doesnt go straight to the topic first he starts just a normal chat then he gets into the topic because that will get the kids more talkative and not afraid of talking about it. Research: Louis was not just observing the family he was living with, he also went to visit others family that the child has issues. Louis know that the children he is seeing now is not their real self, so he tries to do something to see how the children real behaves like. He bought a game and went to one of the victims house to test it to find out how the victim real behaves. The victim that he is testing has angry issues; whenever the victim loses he goes berserkand starts hiding under the table then starts shouting or flipping the table. Facts: Louis has to let the victim win and loose to find out the difference when the victim is winning and losing, in the beginning he purposely let the victim win, when the victim is winning he is full of joy and happy as hell but then Louis starts winning the victims reaction starts changing to the negative side, first the victim just getting depress and look like he is about to cry, when the victim loses the game he startsshouting then he starts hitting the sofa with his head. In the end of the documentary Louis had a one on one interview with a victim. As the interviewee was a child, Louis did a child play with him, he let the victim to be the director and directed the show. In that interview Louis asked him about how victims sees himself, how he sees others and how he sees the world.
  • 2. Opinions: Louis visited many families and he got almost the same opinion from the parents none of the parents are against their children in drug because it make their life easier. Not only from the parents also from the victims, they also think that the drugs can help them for a better daily life. The doctors also think that the drug can help the victims without harms. Comparing this documentary to Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9 11. Louiss documentary is more about exploring and opinions, he went to hospitals to get proves from the doctors and many opinions of the parents in the other hand Michaels documentary is more about facts in the documentary of 9 11 there are lots of facts about George bushs life but both documentaries had good story structure with 5 Ws. In Louis documentary had more filming by them self and Michaels documentary there are mostly videos from others and from the news, not much video recording apart from the voice-over.