The document describes a two-day self-shooting course offered by the BBC Academy that costs 贈740. It provides training on the operational features of the XF305 camcorder, including workshops and exercises covering HD formats, tapeless workflow, camera setup, focus, exposure, white balance, microphones, and sound recording. The pros are that it could help get a job at the BBC and look good on a CV, while the cons are that the course is expensive and the learning time is short.
New alliance overview (cape town retreat) finalNATEAM
The document provides an overview and background information on the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition. Some key points:
- The New Alliance is a partnership between African governments, private sector, and development partners committed to agricultural development in Africa.
- Progress updates show that most governments have made progress on policy commitments, and development partners have disbursed over half of intended funds. Private sector investments through Letters of Intent are on track in most countries.
- The objective of the new New Alliance Operating Unit is to provide coordination and support to help oversee and increase the effectiveness and sustainability of New Alliance implementation across partner countries.
- The Unit will be staffed by 3 people and will undertake activities like country
El resumen describe las partes m叩s importantes del reglamento de la Universidad UNIMINUTO. Explica que los estudiantes son clasificados como regulares o no regulares, y que la educaci坦n se imparte a trav辿s de diferentes modalidades como presencial y a distancia. Tambi辿n cubre temas como la inscripci坦n, matr鱈cula, transferencias, homologaciones, evaluaciones, calificaciones, graduaci坦n, distinciones y el r辿gimen disciplinario.
Este documento presenta una serie de temas relacionados con la computaci坦n, incluyendo las ventajas de las computadoras, las generaciones de computadoras, los componentes de hardware, caracter鱈sticas del software libre, distribuciones de Linux, instalaci坦n de Ubuntu, el entorno de escritorio de Ubuntu, atajos de teclado y el gestor de archivos Nautilus.
This document discusses the need for libraries to move beyond traditional metrics like usage statistics and journal prices, and instead focus on transformational analytics that provide insights into user experiences and outcomes. It notes that journal prices have risen modestly due to increased research output, not price increases. The document advocates analyzing qualitative and quantitative data through a holistic lens to understand user satisfaction, learning, impacts, and the true value provided by library resources and services.
O documento descreve as etapas do processo de administra巽達o estrat辿gica, incluindo an叩lise da situa巽達o atual, estabelecimento da miss達o, an叩lise ambiental, an叩lise interna, formula巽達o de estrat辿gias, implanta巽達o da estrat辿gia e controle estrat辿gico.
Carlos Alberto Uriarte Olgu鱈n es un renombrado core坦grafo y bailar鱈n boliviano. Estudi坦 danza cl叩sica y contempor叩nea en Bolivia y Argentina y ha tenido una destacada carrera como bailar鱈n y director de compa単鱈as de danza. Actualmente dirige la Academia Superior de Danza "Uriarte" en Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Este documento contiene una serie de bromas y chistes cortos sobre temas como el alcoholismo, el sexo y la muerte. Algunas de las bromas involucran di叩logos absurdos entre personajes estereotipados que hacen comentarios ofensivos o inapropiados.
Este documento resume informaci坦n sobre varios volcanes ecuatorianos destacados como destinos para ascensiones, incluyendo el Pasochoa, Cotopaxi, Chimborazo, Antisana y Cayambe. Proporciona detalles sobre la ubicaci坦n, altura, caracter鱈sticas geogr叩ficas y recomendaciones para ascender a cada volc叩n.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre la productividad agraria en Venezuela. Explica conceptos clave como productividad agraria, funci坦n social de la tierra, rendimiento id坦neo y su c叩lculo. Tambi辿n describe el impuesto sobre tierras ociosas y casos pr叩cticos de an叩lisis de productividad en fincas. En resumen, el documento ofrece una introducci坦n completa sobre la productividad agraria en Venezuela y c坦mo evaluarla en distintas situaciones.
The document discusses theories of passive and active audiences. A passive audience uncritically accepts media messages, while an active audience engages more critically with media. Early theories viewed audiences as passive, but reception theory sees them as active interpreters who make meanings based on their own experiences. The debate continues around how active or passive audiences truly are.
Hawaiian plants and flowers grow best in warm, shaded areas and include the yellow hibiscus state flower as well as many other tropical plants and flowers that are often used to make fresh leis, an important Hawaiian tradition.
Hoja de vida steven trujillo introducciontivencitooo
Steven Trujillo Moscoso naci坦 el 13 de agosto de 1993 en Armenia, Quind鱈o. Es ingeniero de software y vive en la direcci坦n Cra 6 N属17Norte 01 en Armenia. Estudi坦 primaria en el Instituto educativo la Ad鱈ela, secundaria en el Instituto educativo Rufino Jos辿 Cuervo Sur e hizo un t辿cnico en Sistema b叩sico e internet en el INSTITUTO TECNICO EDUCATIVO COMFENALCO.
El documento discute el cambio hacia la dependencia de la video en la sociedad. Explica que las personas ahora aprenden y se comunican principalmente a trav辿s de im叩genes y videos en lugar de texto escrito u oral debido a que es m叩s f叩cil de entender y requiere menos tiempo. Sin embargo, esta dependencia de lo visual puede convertir a las personas en dependientes de una sociedad en constante cambio y reducir el ejercicio de la imaginaci坦n. El documento concluye que es importante considerar el medio a trav辿s del cual se comunica la informaci坦n y asegurarse de que la
El documento lista los a単os desde 2010 hasta 1975 y las p叩ginas web a las que pertenecen diferentes im叩genes de libros para cada a単o, mostrando la evoluci坦n del uso de im叩genes de libros en sitios web a lo largo del tiempo.
Agua Santa Resort-Spa ofrece una variedad de servicios de lujo como alojamiento, alimentaci坦n, spa, sala de conferencias, deportes extremos y caminatas ecol坦gicas en un ambiente relajado y de calidad con una estructura colonial tradicional, con el objetivo de que los clientes se sientan bien durante su estad鱈a.
Johana Gomez se describe como una persona responsable, creativa e iniciativa que disfruta los retos. Ella tiene habilidades para trabajar en equipo y conocimiento de sistemas e Internet, por lo que le interesa la programaci坦n de computadoras. Actualmente estudia Ingenier鱈a Electr坦nica para obtener su t鱈tulo profesional y poder dise単ar, evaluar y mantener tecnolog鱈a electr坦nica.
Google Buzz fue un servicio de microblogging de Google lanzado en 2010 que permit鱈a a los usuarios publicar actualizaciones breves y compartir enlaces. Sin embargo, tuvo problemas de privacidad y fue criticado por vincular autom叩ticamente los contactos de Gmail sin consentimiento. Twitter es m叩s popular y exitoso, ya que permite a los usuarios seguir cuentas de inter辿s y compartir enlaces y actualizaciones breves de manera p炭blica o privada.
Louis Theroux travels to a children's psychiatric treatment center in Pittsburgh to document how medication is used to treat children with obsessive compulsive disorders and how it affects their lives. He interviews families and observes their daily routines to understand the impacts. By living with one family and interacting naturally, he sees how a child acts on and off their medication. Louis also speaks to doctors and gets their views that the drugs can help children without harming them. The documentary explores different perspectives on medicating children for mental health issues.
The production schedule outlines the key tasks and dates for an upcoming project, including the first voice-over recording on March 19th, interviews on March 24th and 31st, additional voice-over recording on March 29th, footage gathering from March 25th to April 2nd from YouTube, and editing from April 2nd to 5th.
The油history of video games油goes as far back as the early 1940sJian Li
The history of video games began in the 1940s-1950s with simple academic simulations and games. Video games grew in popularity during the 1970s and 1980s with the introduction of arcade games and gaming consoles for home use. There have since been eight generations of video game consoles, starting with the Magnavox Odyssey in 1972 and progressing to include popular consoles like the Atari 2600, Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo, PlayStation, and Nintendo 64.
This document outlines the structure and content of an interview-based documentary about video gaming. It includes an opener using video clips and voiceover to introduce the topic. The first interview features a student discussing their gaming experiences and how gaming has impacted them. Additional shots of gaming consoles and gamers' expressions are included to further illustrate gaming. The second interview has another student share their opinions on the good and bad aspects of video games. Concluding shots of the interviewees' environments provide context about their lives. The conclusion summarizes the documentary's goal of helping audiences better understand video games and showing how they are not inherently violent.
Carlos Alberto Uriarte Olgu鱈n es un renombrado core坦grafo y bailar鱈n boliviano. Estudi坦 danza cl叩sica y contempor叩nea en Bolivia y Argentina y ha tenido una destacada carrera como bailar鱈n y director de compa単鱈as de danza. Actualmente dirige la Academia Superior de Danza "Uriarte" en Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Este documento contiene una serie de bromas y chistes cortos sobre temas como el alcoholismo, el sexo y la muerte. Algunas de las bromas involucran di叩logos absurdos entre personajes estereotipados que hacen comentarios ofensivos o inapropiados.
Este documento resume informaci坦n sobre varios volcanes ecuatorianos destacados como destinos para ascensiones, incluyendo el Pasochoa, Cotopaxi, Chimborazo, Antisana y Cayambe. Proporciona detalles sobre la ubicaci坦n, altura, caracter鱈sticas geogr叩ficas y recomendaciones para ascender a cada volc叩n.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre la productividad agraria en Venezuela. Explica conceptos clave como productividad agraria, funci坦n social de la tierra, rendimiento id坦neo y su c叩lculo. Tambi辿n describe el impuesto sobre tierras ociosas y casos pr叩cticos de an叩lisis de productividad en fincas. En resumen, el documento ofrece una introducci坦n completa sobre la productividad agraria en Venezuela y c坦mo evaluarla en distintas situaciones.
The document discusses theories of passive and active audiences. A passive audience uncritically accepts media messages, while an active audience engages more critically with media. Early theories viewed audiences as passive, but reception theory sees them as active interpreters who make meanings based on their own experiences. The debate continues around how active or passive audiences truly are.
Hawaiian plants and flowers grow best in warm, shaded areas and include the yellow hibiscus state flower as well as many other tropical plants and flowers that are often used to make fresh leis, an important Hawaiian tradition.
Hoja de vida steven trujillo introducciontivencitooo
Steven Trujillo Moscoso naci坦 el 13 de agosto de 1993 en Armenia, Quind鱈o. Es ingeniero de software y vive en la direcci坦n Cra 6 N属17Norte 01 en Armenia. Estudi坦 primaria en el Instituto educativo la Ad鱈ela, secundaria en el Instituto educativo Rufino Jos辿 Cuervo Sur e hizo un t辿cnico en Sistema b叩sico e internet en el INSTITUTO TECNICO EDUCATIVO COMFENALCO.
El documento discute el cambio hacia la dependencia de la video en la sociedad. Explica que las personas ahora aprenden y se comunican principalmente a trav辿s de im叩genes y videos en lugar de texto escrito u oral debido a que es m叩s f叩cil de entender y requiere menos tiempo. Sin embargo, esta dependencia de lo visual puede convertir a las personas en dependientes de una sociedad en constante cambio y reducir el ejercicio de la imaginaci坦n. El documento concluye que es importante considerar el medio a trav辿s del cual se comunica la informaci坦n y asegurarse de que la
El documento lista los a単os desde 2010 hasta 1975 y las p叩ginas web a las que pertenecen diferentes im叩genes de libros para cada a単o, mostrando la evoluci坦n del uso de im叩genes de libros en sitios web a lo largo del tiempo.
Agua Santa Resort-Spa ofrece una variedad de servicios de lujo como alojamiento, alimentaci坦n, spa, sala de conferencias, deportes extremos y caminatas ecol坦gicas en un ambiente relajado y de calidad con una estructura colonial tradicional, con el objetivo de que los clientes se sientan bien durante su estad鱈a.
Johana Gomez se describe como una persona responsable, creativa e iniciativa que disfruta los retos. Ella tiene habilidades para trabajar en equipo y conocimiento de sistemas e Internet, por lo que le interesa la programaci坦n de computadoras. Actualmente estudia Ingenier鱈a Electr坦nica para obtener su t鱈tulo profesional y poder dise単ar, evaluar y mantener tecnolog鱈a electr坦nica.
Google Buzz fue un servicio de microblogging de Google lanzado en 2010 que permit鱈a a los usuarios publicar actualizaciones breves y compartir enlaces. Sin embargo, tuvo problemas de privacidad y fue criticado por vincular autom叩ticamente los contactos de Gmail sin consentimiento. Twitter es m叩s popular y exitoso, ya que permite a los usuarios seguir cuentas de inter辿s y compartir enlaces y actualizaciones breves de manera p炭blica o privada.
Louis Theroux travels to a children's psychiatric treatment center in Pittsburgh to document how medication is used to treat children with obsessive compulsive disorders and how it affects their lives. He interviews families and observes their daily routines to understand the impacts. By living with one family and interacting naturally, he sees how a child acts on and off their medication. Louis also speaks to doctors and gets their views that the drugs can help children without harming them. The documentary explores different perspectives on medicating children for mental health issues.
The production schedule outlines the key tasks and dates for an upcoming project, including the first voice-over recording on March 19th, interviews on March 24th and 31st, additional voice-over recording on March 29th, footage gathering from March 25th to April 2nd from YouTube, and editing from April 2nd to 5th.
The油history of video games油goes as far back as the early 1940sJian Li
The history of video games began in the 1940s-1950s with simple academic simulations and games. Video games grew in popularity during the 1970s and 1980s with the introduction of arcade games and gaming consoles for home use. There have since been eight generations of video game consoles, starting with the Magnavox Odyssey in 1972 and progressing to include popular consoles like the Atari 2600, Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo, PlayStation, and Nintendo 64.
This document outlines the structure and content of an interview-based documentary about video gaming. It includes an opener using video clips and voiceover to introduce the topic. The first interview features a student discussing their gaming experiences and how gaming has impacted them. Additional shots of gaming consoles and gamers' expressions are included to further illustrate gaming. The second interview has another student share their opinions on the good and bad aspects of video games. Concluding shots of the interviewees' environments provide context about their lives. The conclusion summarizes the documentary's goal of helping audiences better understand video games and showing how they are not inherently violent.
The documentary is about the positive impacts of the gaming industry, focusing on how some people in London have changed their lives for the better by playing video games. While gaming was traditionally just for fun, modern technology has allowed video games to become much more than entertainment and helped evolve the medium into something that can impact people's lives in meaningful ways since 2014.
Louis Theroux travels to a children's psychiatric treatment center in Pittsburgh to document the use of prescription medication to treat children with obsessive compulsive disorder and other issues. He lives with one family to observe their daily life and the effects of the child's medication firsthand. Through interactions with families and patients, Louis sees how medication can help improve children's symptoms but also documents behaviors that emerge without medication's influence.
This document discusses the principles of privacy, impartiality, fairness, and accuracy as they relate to secret recordings and presenting personal views and information. Regarding privacy, secret recordings are sometimes used for investigative purposes, research, or entertainment that requires capturing natural reactions. Impartiality means not presenting one's personal views as facts, while fairness requires consent before including someone's image or voice. Accuracy means only presenting factual information without opinions and correcting any mistakes.
This document provides an evaluation of an advertisement for a multi-service company called No Problemo. It summarizes the content and production of the advertisement. The ad will air on several BBC and ITV channels and features three people with different problems that are solved by No Problemo workers. While filming went smoothly, the sound quality was impacted by background noise. Overall, the evaluation notes the ad met expectations but could be improved with better lighting.
Alexander is a man who discovers that the government's systems were hacked from the future by a man named Tinkywinky. After being accused of the hack himself, Alexander goes into hiding and studies hacking for years. He eventually connects with his future self, Tinkywinky, through a program. Tinkywinky challenges Alexander but refuses to explain his motives for hacking the past. Their conversation is tense and threatening. Tinkywinky then warns Alexander that the government has found him before disconnecting. True to the warning, security agents rush in, but Alexander escapes by infecting computers with viruses and jumping from a window.
The following items are needed for the filming by jianJian Li
The document lists items needed for filming by Jian from March 20-27, 2013 including a tripod, 8GB SD card, Canon SLR camera, and two lamps for lighting. Some items will be provided by Jian while others will come from City of Westminster College with the listed items having no budget cost.
The document describes a two-day self-shooting course offered by the BBC Academy that costs 贈740. It provides training on the operational features of the XF305 camcorder, including workshops and exercises covering HD formats, tapeless workflow, camera setup, focus, exposure, white balance, microphones, and sound recording. The pros are that it could help get a job at the BBC and look good on a CV, while the cons are that it is expensive and only lasts two days.
The document summarizes a two-day self-shooting course by the BBC Academy that costs 贈740. It provides training on the operational features of the XF305 camcorder, including HD formats, tapeless workflow, camera setup, focusing, exposure, white balance, microphones and sound recording through workshops, demonstrations and practical exercises. The pros are that it can help get a job at the BBC and look good on a CV, while the cons are that the course is expensive and the learning time is short.
JianPeng Li is applying for a runner position advertised on While this would be his first job as a runner, he is a fast learner. He is currently studying media at college and describes himself as a team player, punctual, and responsible. He has a strong interest in the film industry and hopes this job will allow him to learn and contribute to the company. He provides his contact information and signs sincerely.
This curriculum vitae is for Jian Peng Li. It lists his address, phone number, and email. It details his education from 2010-2013 where he earned BTEC Level 1-3 Diplomas in Creative Media Production from City of Westminster College. It lists his skills in using software like Final Cut Pro and his interests in film. It provides referees from his time in college.
The document discusses several individuals' fruit consumption habits:
- Lenis eats fruit once a day but thinks they should eat 5 portions as recommended by health organizations to reduce disease risk. They feel ashamed that they are lazy and don't eat more fruit despite knowing the benefits.
- Mohammed eats fruit every day, having a banana and apple at a minimum. They believe fruit gives energy and is healthy.
- Gloria has at least two portions of fruit daily and will eat from different fruits in their fruit bowl. Their favorite is banana which they consume the most.
- Hamzar eats an apple daily and watermelon once a week, believing three portions is enough fruit intake.