シェーダーを活用した3Dライブ演出のアップデート ~『ラブライブ!スクールアイドルフェスティバル ALL STARS』(スクスタ)の開発事例~?KLab Inc. / Tech
This document discusses updates to 3D live performance rendering in Love Live! School Idol Festival All Stars (SIFAS) using shaders. It describes how vertex shaders were used to animate butterfly wings flapping and fans waving to reduce CPU load while maintaining production efficiency. Particle systems were combined with custom vertex streams and shader modifications to extend the single butterfly implementation to multiple butterflies. GPU instancing was also proposed as an alternative solution.
"Profle-Driven Development in core parts of a game engine" CEDEC 2020hedonizing
This presentation mainly contains an overview of our flexible shader management system and physically-based camera simulation. More details in these slides are also covered in our previous presentations for CEDEC 2007 (about the film simulation and some lens simulations) and CEDEC 2008 (about the flexible shader management). However, unfortunately, they are written in Japanese.
シェーダーを活用した3Dライブ演出のアップデート ~『ラブライブ!スクールアイドルフェスティバル ALL STARS』(スクスタ)の開発事例~?KLab Inc. / Tech
This document discusses updates to 3D live performance rendering in Love Live! School Idol Festival All Stars (SIFAS) using shaders. It describes how vertex shaders were used to animate butterfly wings flapping and fans waving to reduce CPU load while maintaining production efficiency. Particle systems were combined with custom vertex streams and shader modifications to extend the single butterfly implementation to multiple butterflies. GPU instancing was also proposed as an alternative solution.
"Profle-Driven Development in core parts of a game engine" CEDEC 2020hedonizing
This presentation mainly contains an overview of our flexible shader management system and physically-based camera simulation. More details in these slides are also covered in our previous presentations for CEDEC 2007 (about the film simulation and some lens simulations) and CEDEC 2008 (about the flexible shader management). However, unfortunately, they are written in Japanese.
『ラブライブ!スクールアイドルフェスティバル ALL STARS』を支えるビルドパイプライン ?より安定したサービス提供を目指して?KLab Inc. / Tech
CEDEC2020にて、『ラブライブ!スクールアイドルフェスティバル ALL STARS』の開発におけるアセットやソースコードの納品からアセットビルド、バイナリビルド、サーバー展開までの流れを支えるチーム、ワークフロー、アーキテクチャを紹介したセッションの資料です。
※2022/04/27 スライドの一部差し替えのため再アップロード