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English for hotel receptionist
              BY :

Why the receptionist should be use English?
 there are foreign guests
 English as a global language
 so, receptionists are sued to be able to communicate
 by using English language

 Receptionists are hope to be able to use English for
 communicate in serving of the guests, especially to
 foreign guests.
There are four chapters

1. Greeting
2. Handling a phone
3. Receiving the guests
4. Mentioning number of the room and price-tags

Greeting is also important for receptionists because when
  they meet visitors they must greet their visitors.
 Objective :
receptionist is able to greet guest firstly.
 examples :
 Good morning,good afternoon, good evening, good night
Divided based on the time of oclock
00-12.00 = am
12.00-00 = pm
 Can I help you ?
      Welcome to our hotel
 We are very glad for your coming
     Thanks for your coming
        Nice to meet you
  We hope you feel comfortable
  time : two meeting ( 2 x 45 )
Receiving Telephone skill

Receptionists also need the skill to receive telephone from the
  visitors who will reserve the room
 objectives :
1. To receive and respond the telephone from the guests
    who will booking the room.
2. To know the guests request
3.   To develop proper phone skills when at work.
Receiving the guests

 objective :
Recepsionists are be able to receive the guests politely
 use English.
 examples :
 G: Good morning.
 R: Good morning Mr/Mrs, can I help you?
 Or what can I do for you?
 G: I would like to reserve the room.
 R: May I ask your identity card?
 G: Yes, certainly

Time : three meetings ( 3 x 45 )

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  • 1. English for hotel receptionist BY : KARDIANTI
  • 2. Background Why the receptionist should be use English? there are foreign guests English as a global language so, receptionists are sued to be able to communicate by using English language
  • 3. Goal Receptionists are hope to be able to use English for communicate in serving of the guests, especially to foreign guests.
  • 4. There are four chapters 1. Greeting 2. Handling a phone 3. Receiving the guests 4. Mentioning number of the room and price-tags
  • 5. Greeting Greeting is also important for receptionists because when they meet visitors they must greet their visitors. Objective : receptionist is able to greet guest firstly. examples : Good morning,good afternoon, good evening, good night Divided based on the time of oclock 00-12.00 = am 12.00-00 = pm
  • 6. Can I help you ? Welcome to our hotel We are very glad for your coming Thanks for your coming Nice to meet you We hope you feel comfortable time : two meeting ( 2 x 45 )
  • 7. Receiving Telephone skill Receptionists also need the skill to receive telephone from the visitors who will reserve the room objectives : 1. To receive and respond the telephone from the guests who will booking the room. 2. To know the guests request 3. To develop proper phone skills when at work.
  • 8. Receiving the guests objective : Recepsionists are be able to receive the guests politely use English. examples : G: Good morning. R: Good morning Mr/Mrs, can I help you? Or what can I do for you? G: I would like to reserve the room. R: May I ask your identity card? G: Yes, certainly Time : three meetings ( 3 x 45 )