Photorealism and cel-shading are two techniques used in video games to make graphics appear realistic or hand-drawn like a cartoon. Photorealism aims to make games look identical to the real world, and is used in games like Crysis and FIFA. Cel-shading makes games appear hand-drawn and is used in games like Zelda and Borderlands to mimic the style of cartoons. Abstraction is an art style that exaggerates or distorts reality without depicting real people, places or things. It uses color to provoke emotion and has been used in advertising. Exaggeration is also commonly used in video games, movies and art to make scenes more exciting or enhance character traits.
Business Survival Tips - in a tough economyPeter Bolgann
10 Business survival tips intended to assist small businesses weather the storm during a recession or difficult economic period. This discussion is intended as a 45 minute presentation and can be adapted as a practical workshop. For more information:
Photorealism and cel-shading are two techniques used in video games to make graphics appear realistic or hand-drawn like a cartoon. Photorealism aims to make games look identical to the real world, and is used in games like Crysis and FIFA. Cel-shading makes games appear hand-drawn and is used in games like Zelda and Borderlands to mimic the style of cartoons. Abstraction is an art style that exaggerates or distorts reality without depicting real people, places or things. It uses color to provoke emotion and has been used in advertising. Exaggeration is also commonly used in video games, movies and art to make scenes more exciting or enhance character traits.
Business Survival Tips - in a tough economyPeter Bolgann
10 Business survival tips intended to assist small businesses weather the storm during a recession or difficult economic period. This discussion is intended as a 45 minute presentation and can be adapted as a practical workshop. For more information:
Do you have a business case for Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC)?Finn Frisch
This is the slide deck from an Axiomatics webinar held on April 3, 2014. To see the webinar recording itself, visit the webinar section on the Axiomatics home page. There you will also find the questions and answers section - there were a few interesting discussions at the end of the session.
These are the presentation slides from the Axiomatics webinar on June 13. A recording of the webinar with audio can be viewed at
Do you have a business case for Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC)?Finn Frisch
This is the slide deck from an Axiomatics webinar held on April 3, 2014. To see the webinar recording itself, visit the webinar section on the Axiomatics home page. There you will also find the questions and answers section - there were a few interesting discussions at the end of the session.
The document contains job descriptions for several animation roles including:
- Animator - Responsibilities include creating high quality animations and meeting deadlines. Qualifications include a degree in animation and experience with animation software.
- Character Animator - Similar responsibilities to Animator but focused on animating characters. Requires experience developing third person action games.
- Technical Animator - Supports the animation pipeline and ensures tools and workflows are optimal. Background in programming and rigging is required.
- Senior Character Animator - Leads a team of animators and creates complex character performances. Minimum of 5 years experience on AAA titles is required.
- 3D Character Animator - Animates characters for games using software like 3DS
The document discusses corporate governance best practices. It provides an overview of governance structures and principles such as the roles of the board of directors and senior management in oversight, risk management, and internal controls. It also outlines common challenges for boards, governance pitfalls to avoid, and recommendations for establishing strong governance policies and practices in areas like transparency, accountability, and compliance. Sample agenda topics are given for both audit committee and board meetings.
Gold-Shark seeks revenge on fishermen for killing his siblings by attacking their boats and breaking fishing lines. However, after causing trouble, the fishermen call in the navy to stop the pest. Gold-Shark then tries to convince other sea creatures to help him fight the navy, but he starts to mistreat his followers and a revolution breaks out against him.
9 things you must be doing with your content marketingDaniel Oyston
The document provides a list of 9 things that should be done with content marketing. These include using content in sales, re-purposing existing content, writing for a specific audience, using email marketing, regularly publishing new content, aligning content to common questions, not using bleach to clean content, measuring the performance of content, and ensuring all content has a clear purpose.
Rupee voltility, twin deficits and exchange rate policyarnadkarni
This document discusses Rupee volatility, India's twin deficits, and balance of payments. It outlines how exchange rate volatility can negatively impact trade. While Rupee volatility in nominal terms is high, volatility in real terms as measured by the real effective exchange rate has been relatively stable in the long run due to India's exchange rate policy. India faces twin deficits as seen by its large current account deficit, which can be explained by the fiscal deficit absorbing domestic savings. Analysis of quarterly balance of payments data shows exports only cover a small percentage of imports and imports are primarily financed through capital inflows like foreign investment. The export basket needs more diversification to better finance import demand driven by growth.
Presentasi Bisnis E-Life oleh Ir. Johannes Susilo - The Winner Teamelifeid
Presentasi Bisnis E-Life oleh Ir. Johannes Susilo - The Winner Team.
e-Life adalah Komunitas dengan perpaduan teknologi yang menyediakan berbagai jenis fasilitas dan gaya hidup masyarakat modern yang memberikan peluang bisnis setiap anggotanya. Kunjungi
Texture art involves designing the surface appearance of characters or objects in 2D or 3D form. Pixel art uses raster graphics software to edit images at the pixel level. Concept art illustrates ideas that are used in video games, and involves sketching numerous designs of items, characters, or weapons to develop concepts. Background graphics in games set the mood without interaction, like arenas in fighting games. Print and video advertisements for games use gameplay footage, images, and reviews to attract customers and provide information on platforms, release dates, and where to find out more online.
How To Come Up With Content Marketing TopicsDaniel Oyston
Many businesses think that they don't have a lot of content topics. That's true if you try and carry potential content topics around in your head day-to-day. Guaranteed that when you sit down to produce content you won't be able to think of any topics. Or any good ones at least! Here is some advice on finding topics.
Unit 73 ig1 assignment computer game audio cut sequence production 2013_y2Daniel1Nye
This document provides an assignment brief for a unit on sound design for computer games. Students will be tasked with creating audio assets for a cut scene from the video game Grand Theft Auto 5. Over the course of 7 tasks, students will record field recordings, analyze existing game audio, script and record dialogue, and use audio editing software to apply effects and generate sound effects. Their final project will be a 2 minute audio cut scene for a new GTA 5 mission. The assignment aims to teach portable and studio recording, post production techniques, and the process of creating full audio assets to industry standards.
20161222 recull desembre nadal a l escolaPere Verg¨¦s
?El passat 15 i 16 de desembre els nois i noies de cinqu¨¨, de les classes Nausica i Vilamar, van fer la representaci¨® de l¡¯obra Els Pastorets, de Josep Maria Folch i Torres.
Inauguraci¨® del pessebre
?El passat 14 i 15 de desembre van tenir lloc els actes d¡¯Inauguraci¨® del Pessebre de Cicle Inicial i de Cicle Mitj¨¤ i Superior.
La Festa del Ti¨®
?El passat dimarts, 20 de desembre, vam celebrar la Festa del Ti¨® a l¡¯Escola amb els nens i nenes de 1r i de 2n de Prim¨¤ria.
Concert de Nadal
?L¡¯¨²ltima setmana de desembre van tenir lloc a l¡¯Escola els Concerts de Nadal. Dilluns, els nens i nenes de 3r i 4t de Prim¨¤ria van demostrar les seves habilitats musicals tot delectant el p¨²blic amb un repertori ben variat que va donar el toc d¡¯inici a les festes de Nadal.
El dia de la dona treballadora / ?????? ?? ????? ?? /????? ?????? ??????JosepRamonGregoriMuo
El 8 de mar? ¨¦s el Dia Internacional de la Dona Treballadora. Aquesta tradici¨® comen?a al segle XX ( vint). El 1908, un grup de dones treballadores de Nova York va fer una vaga per demanar millors condicions laborals i el dret a vot. El 1910, a una confer¨¨ncia a Copenhaguen (Dinamarca), dones de molts pa?sos van decidir celebrar un dia per reivindicar la igualtat. El 1917, dones de R¨²ssia van organitzar una manifestaci¨® per la pau i la just¨ªcia. Avui, el 8 de mar? hi ha manifestacions, debats i homenatges a tot el m¨®n per recordar la lluita de les dones per la just¨ªcia social.
Assis informa Gener 2013
1. Ass¨ªs Informa
Carrer de la Pla?a,35-41 Gener - N¨²m. 39 Curs 2012/2013
08330 Premi¨¤ de Mar
Fax:937.522.033 La comunitat educativa de l¡¯escola Ass¨ªs us desitja un any nou 2013
ple de PAU i ESPERAN?A.
Benvolguts avis, pares, mares, alumnes, exalumnes... nom¨¦s falten 11
Contingut dies per a l¡¯ACTE INAUGURAL DEL 125¨¨ aniversari de la nostra
Joguina solid¨¤ria 2 escola. TOTS HI SOU CONVIDATS! Comptem amb la vostra
Patges Reials 2
Ass¨ªs es Mou 2
Desplegament de la
Comunicats 3
Les escoles a la
Aniversaris 4
Us mostrem el logo guanyador
del concurs del 125¨¨ aniversari.
Recordem que l¡¯alumne
guanyador ha estat en Sergi
C¨¢rdenas Burgos, de 1r. d¡¯ESO.
2. P¨¤gina 2
Ass¨ªs Informa
Un any m¨¦s, molta gent de la nostra escola va tornar a donar joguines per als nens necessitats. ?s
una bona mostra de la solidaritat de moltes fam¨ªlies de l¡¯escola, a les quals agra?m aquest esfor? i
aquest esperit de solidaritat envers els altres. Aquest any les joguines han anat a la Creu Roja de
Premi¨¤ de Mar per ser repartides entre els nens aquests dies de Nadal.
Gr¨¤cies de tot cor!!! Laia Ribas (6¨¨ prim)
El passat dia 3 de gener vam obrir les portes de l'escola per un motiu molt especial: rebre els
Patges de Ses Majestats, els Reis Mags d'Orient. Vaig tenir l¡¯oportunitat de viure aquesta festa
des de dalt de l¡¯escenari, com a ajudant dels patges reials. Molts nens, il¡¤lusionats, van donar la seva
carta als patges. Des de dalt de l¡¯escenari es veien molts
pares, mares i avis mirant els nenes i nenes amb aquelles
carones, tan il¡¤lusionats. A m¨¦s dels nens de P-3 a 3r, els
altres cursos tamb¨¦ vam fer la carta, tot demanat uns quants
regals... Ja us podeu imaginar: vam demanar coses molt ¨²tils
per aprendre millor i d¡¯una manera m¨¦s divertida; per exemple,
jocs educatius, jocs de taula, bastons, estris de mesura,
v¨ªdeos, pilotes, etc... Despr¨¦s d¡¯aix¨°, l¡¯AMPA de l¡¯escola ens va
convidar a prendre una xocolata amb ¡°melindros¡±. Mmmm...
estava bon¨ªssima!
La veritat ¨¦s que, ¨¦s un
gus t poder gaudir
d¡¯aquestes festes en
fam¨ªlia. Gr¨¤cies a la gent
que ho fa possible.
Laia Ribas (6¨¨ prim)
Agra?m la col¡¤laboraci¨® econ¨°mica que ha fet la
botiga MOTOS RUBIO al voleibol de l¡¯escola
3. P¨¤gina 3
Ass¨ªs Informa
El passat 21 de desembre va tenir lloc a la nostra escola l¡¯ACTE DEL DESPLEGAMENT DE LA
La germana Llu?sa ens va dirigir unes paraules tot convidant-nos a donar GR?CIES, en primer lloc,
a D¨¦u, i a totes les persones que han fet possible que avui pogu¨¦ssim celebrar aquests 125 anys
d¡¯hist¨°ria de la nostra escola. Un cop desplegada la pancarta, els companys de Cicle Superior i 1r
d¡¯ESO ens interpretaren la can?¨®: l¡¯Escola.
Us recordem, que tal i com es va informar a les reunions de principi de curs, a l¡¯espai ?GORA de
l¡¯escola, podeu trobar tots els comunicats que enviem des de l¡¯escola. Per¨° nom¨¦s aquells que
estan vigents. Us deixem l¡¯enlla? per accedir-hi:
4. P¨¤gina 4
Ass¨ªs Informa
Presentem la programaci¨® d¡¯aquest segon trimestre de curs de ¡°Les Escoles a la R¨¤dio¡± en qu¨¨
participa la nostra escola. Per a con¨¨ixer la
programaci¨® completa cal buscar-la al web
de la r¨¤dio. El programa ¨¦s em¨¨s en
directe tots els dimecres a les 12h; en
segona emissi¨®, els dilluns a les 18h. R¨¤dio
Premi¨¤ de Mar es troba al 95.2 FM.
9 de gener Eleccions als Consells Esco- Representats d¡¯alumnes: Escola Ass¨ªs
lars Representats de pares, de mestres, PAS i Ajuntament.
13 de febrer La meva escola: secund¨¤ria Institut, La Salle, Escola Ass¨ªs
13 de mar? 125 anys de l¡¯escola Ass¨ªs a Escola Ass¨ªs, persones vinculades al Centre: exalumnes,
Premi¨¤ de Mar alumnes, pares, germanes, professors...
CALENDARI d¡¯activitats CALENDARI d¡¯activitats
11, divendres Cicle Mitj¨¤ i Sup Teatre: La volta el m¨®n en 80 dies. Matar¨®.
Eleccions Consell Escolar dels representants dels professors,
14, dilluns Tots
alumnes, pares i personal d¡¯administraci¨® i serveis.
16, dimecres 1r. ESO Llegim les pedres. Sta. Coloma de Gramenet
22, dimarts Ed. Infantil Teatre a Badalona (La Caputxeta Vermella)
P-3 Albert Pujol (20)
P-4 Mariona Ribas (30),Theo Vuillemin (09)
Aniversaris del mes
Aniversaris del mes
Aniversaris del mes
Aniversaris del mes
P-5 Gerard Corrons (15),Antoni Serrano (25)
1r Ra¨²l Bocanegra (27), Emma Jim¨¦nez (20), Ona Nicolau (07)
2n ?ric Borrell (17), Aleix Garc¨ªa (24), Jes¨²s Serrano (25)
3r Hicham Errahali (16), Sergi L¨®pez (18), Ventura Subir¨¤ (01)
4t Kevin Calafi (14), ?rik Cuello (23)
5¨¨ Marina Gr¨¤cia (15), Josep Salvador (10), Angela Saldoval (17)
6¨¨ Judit Buf¨ª (27), Eduard Castells (28)
1r Bernat Fern¨¢ndez (07), Maria Llobera (07), Carla Lupi¨®n (28), Nelson
Pemoff (15), Gemma Ponce (31)
2n Farah El Boukrioui (18)
3r Aina Fibla (18), Sergi Donaire (03), Sergi Gal¨ª (15)
4t Jordi Calvo (18), Marcel Jorba (08), Paula Pelegr¨ªn (25), Eva P¨¦rez
Vintr¨® (22), Judit Riera (30)