10 Things You Didn’t Know About Mobile Email from Litmus & HubSpotHubSpotThe document discusses key insights about mobile email usage and optimization. It shows that mobile email opens have grown 600% from 2011-2016, with over 70% of emails now being opened on mobile devices. When emails look bad on mobile, over 80% of users will still read them. The document provides tips for optimizing elements like preview text, links, text sizes, touch targets, and layouts for mobile. It also discusses different mobile email design approaches and resources for templates.
How to Earn the Attention of Today's BuyerHubSpotThe document discusses the importance of connecting with buyers in an inbound way and how to execute the connect stage of the inbound sales methodology. It recommends defining buyer personas, outreach sequences for each persona, and personalized outreach content. It provides examples of developing buyer personas, sequences, and content for different lead sources like inbound leads and common connections. The document also provides examples of scripts for connect calls with different lead types and how to get buyer buy-in for longer exploratory conversations.
25 Discovery Call QuestionsHubSpotDiscovery is the most crucial part of a sales process. Here are HubSpot sales director Dan Tyre's 25 tried-and-true must-ask questions.
Modern Prospecting Techniques for Connecting with Prospects (from Sales Hacke...HubSpotSales is a difficult world to be in because buyers aren't putting up with salespeople anymore. Instead of helping and building relationships, sales reps are still focused on closing prospects - even when they aren't ready to buy! So buyers ignore them. Because of that, even great sales reps would be lucky to get on the phone with someone.
While buyers have evolved and become more sophisticated, sales reps and training programs have been slow to adapt to that change.
Learn actionable modern prospecting techniques you can apply immediately from two best selling authors and sales experts: Max Altschuler CEO of Sales Hacker, and Mark Roberge CRO of HubSpot.
Class 1: Email Marketing Certification course: Email Marketing and Your BusinessHubSpot*From HubSpot Academy*
Over the past few decades, people have radically changed the way they live, work and buy. This class will give you an overview of an adaptive, inbound approach to sending emails that provide value and drive growth for your business. It will also teach you about the four big themes of a modern email marketing program: segmentation, personalization, mobile, and optimization.
HubSpot Diversity Data 2016HubSpotThis document summarizes diversity data from HubSpot in 2016. It shows the breakdown of employees by gender, age, ethnicity, and management level across different departments. While diversity is still lacking, especially in technical roles and leadership, progress was made in 2016 with increases in female representation and hiring of underrepresented ethnic groups. Continued efforts are needed to create a more inclusive workforce.
What is Inbound Recruiting?HubSpotFinding and hiring amazing people is hard. Build your employer brand and create a personalized candidate experience with inbound recruiting.
Add the Women Back: Wikipedia Edit-a-ThonHubSpotThe lack of visible female role models is pervasive in the tech industry, particularly on Wikipedia, where just under 17% of Wikipedia biographies were on women. That's why HubSpot wrote fourteen Wikipedia entries for remarkable women in tech to help inspire young women to reach positions at the highest levels of STEM.
Резюме проекту "Стратегії енергетичної дипломатії" Mykhailo Bno-AiriianПроект "Стратегії енергетичної дипломатії" аналізує можливості та перспективи посилення присутності України на глобальних та регіональних енергетичних ринках, визначає ключові можливості та виклики, а також дає чіткі рекомендації щодо посилення роботи держави на цьому напрямі
Dark clouds over Clayton Valley and green lights for Belmont‘s Kibby Basin Pr...Follow me on Twitter @StockshamanThe document discusses Belmont Resources Inc.'s acquisition of the Kibby Basin lithium exploration property in Nevada. The property has potential to host lithium-bearing brines based on similarities to the geologic setting of Clayton Valley, where lithium is currently produced. Exploration will begin with geophysical surveys to evaluate the basin geometry and potential for hosting aquifers before potential drilling. Albemarle has protested further water rights in nearby Clayton Valley due to concerns over resource depletion, increasing interest in other basins like Kibby Basin for lithium exploration.
End Your Security Nightmares with ePlus and CiscoePlusThreats lurk around every corner. Your network's already been hacked, and you don't even know it. There's also a massive loss of sensitive data. And now it's up to you to pick up all the pieces. Let ePlus and Cisco help you avoid a security nightmare.
Matthias Schoenaerts wordt zakenpartner van Oi MundoThierry DebelsActeur Matthias Schoenaerts is mede-aandeelhouder geworden van Oi Mundo in België.
Oi Mundo richt zich op het casten van films, tv-series en commercials.
نصائح لتطبيق تعلم الآلةFares Al-QunaieerThis document provides recommendations for applying machine learning:
1) Understand the problem you are trying to solve by defining what the problem is exactly and what is the required solution.
2) Understand the available data by analyzing the data size and performing some descriptive statistics.
3) Define algorithms to test based on problem description and available data such as regression, classification, clustering, etc.
4) Design a test by splitting data into training, validation, and testing sets. Evaluate models on test data and select the best performing one.
Some observations regarding the digital future of transportationPer Olof ArnäsA talk on some of the development trends that can be observed now in freight transport. For instance automation, digitalization, blockchain etc.
Donner un avantage de stationnement aux covoitureursFabMobProjet pour construire une solution technologique de controle du stationnement avec un avantage aux covoitureurs
How to efficiently build great products in a startupRoger DudlerThere are many ways to build a software product, but it’s quite hard to find the balance between a sustainable technical foundation, product innovation, implementation speed and prioritization of features. While having thousands of customers in a SaaS market, a start-up might soon have enterprise customers with special needs to take care of. This involves a lot of potential challenges – a tough journey.
In this workshop, you’ll learn about Frontify’s tactics on software product management, pitfalls and learnings as well as practical advice on tools, recruiting and more. Your business-related and technical questions will be answered by the Founder & CTO of Frontify, a fast-growing St. Gallen-based start-up.
Tekoälykuiskaaja - Pärjääkö ihminen robotilleJyrki KasviKnowit AI-aamiaisseminaarissa 30.10.2019 pidetty alustus. Taustat poistettu, koska muuten ݺߣShare ei suostunut lataamaan esitystä.
Vakoilu ja politiikkaJyrki KasviTurun yliopiston valtio-opin ja historian luentosarjassa pidetty alustus. https://nettiopsu.utu.fi/opas/opetusohjelma/marjapuuro.htm?id=17367
Резюме проекту "Стратегії енергетичної дипломатії" Mykhailo Bno-AiriianПроект "Стратегії енергетичної дипломатії" аналізує можливості та перспективи посилення присутності України на глобальних та регіональних енергетичних ринках, визначає ключові можливості та виклики, а також дає чіткі рекомендації щодо посилення роботи держави на цьому напрямі
Dark clouds over Clayton Valley and green lights for Belmont‘s Kibby Basin Pr...Follow me on Twitter @StockshamanThe document discusses Belmont Resources Inc.'s acquisition of the Kibby Basin lithium exploration property in Nevada. The property has potential to host lithium-bearing brines based on similarities to the geologic setting of Clayton Valley, where lithium is currently produced. Exploration will begin with geophysical surveys to evaluate the basin geometry and potential for hosting aquifers before potential drilling. Albemarle has protested further water rights in nearby Clayton Valley due to concerns over resource depletion, increasing interest in other basins like Kibby Basin for lithium exploration.
End Your Security Nightmares with ePlus and CiscoePlusThreats lurk around every corner. Your network's already been hacked, and you don't even know it. There's also a massive loss of sensitive data. And now it's up to you to pick up all the pieces. Let ePlus and Cisco help you avoid a security nightmare.
Matthias Schoenaerts wordt zakenpartner van Oi MundoThierry DebelsActeur Matthias Schoenaerts is mede-aandeelhouder geworden van Oi Mundo in België.
Oi Mundo richt zich op het casten van films, tv-series en commercials.
نصائح لتطبيق تعلم الآلةFares Al-QunaieerThis document provides recommendations for applying machine learning:
1) Understand the problem you are trying to solve by defining what the problem is exactly and what is the required solution.
2) Understand the available data by analyzing the data size and performing some descriptive statistics.
3) Define algorithms to test based on problem description and available data such as regression, classification, clustering, etc.
4) Design a test by splitting data into training, validation, and testing sets. Evaluate models on test data and select the best performing one.
Some observations regarding the digital future of transportationPer Olof ArnäsA talk on some of the development trends that can be observed now in freight transport. For instance automation, digitalization, blockchain etc.
Donner un avantage de stationnement aux covoitureursFabMobProjet pour construire une solution technologique de controle du stationnement avec un avantage aux covoitureurs
How to efficiently build great products in a startupRoger DudlerThere are many ways to build a software product, but it’s quite hard to find the balance between a sustainable technical foundation, product innovation, implementation speed and prioritization of features. While having thousands of customers in a SaaS market, a start-up might soon have enterprise customers with special needs to take care of. This involves a lot of potential challenges – a tough journey.
In this workshop, you’ll learn about Frontify’s tactics on software product management, pitfalls and learnings as well as practical advice on tools, recruiting and more. Your business-related and technical questions will be answered by the Founder & CTO of Frontify, a fast-growing St. Gallen-based start-up.
Tekoälykuiskaaja - Pärjääkö ihminen robotilleJyrki KasviKnowit AI-aamiaisseminaarissa 30.10.2019 pidetty alustus. Taustat poistettu, koska muuten ݺߣShare ei suostunut lataamaan esitystä.
Vakoilu ja politiikkaJyrki KasviTurun yliopiston valtio-opin ja historian luentosarjassa pidetty alustus. https://nettiopsu.utu.fi/opas/opetusohjelma/marjapuuro.htm?id=17367
3. 30.9.2010 www.kasvi.org
Code is law!
- Lawrence Lessig
CC 2.0 Attribution Robert Scolbe
Laki määrittelee sen mitä saa tehdä.
Koodi määrittelee sen, mitä voi tehdä.
Koodi ≠ Laki
Koodi > Laki
11. Kun Hitachi korvasi logistiikan esimiehet Big Datalla koulutetulla
tekoälyllä, varastomiehet työskentelivät 8% tehokkaammin.
Ken Teegardin, CC BY-SA 2.0
12. 29.3.2017TIEKE Tietoyhteiskunnan kehittämiskeskus ry 12
Uusissa suihkumoottoreissa tuhansia sensoreita, jotka lähettävät jatkuvasti dataa,
jota analysoimalla valmistaja tietää, mitä huoltoa tarvitaan.
CC 2.0 BY Mark Kobayashi-Hillary
24. Miksi syrjäseutujen tukiasemana toimivaa yläilmakehässä lentävää aurinko-
lennokkia testataan Skotlannissa eikä Lapissa?
Image: internet.org
25. TimoSImell
Miksi mobiili maksaminen ja käteisetön talous on edennyt nimenomaan Saharan
eteläpuolisessa Afrikassa ja edistänyt talouskasvua ja torjunut harmaata taloutta?