A létesítménygazdálkodás szerepe az építésgazdaság digitális értékláncábanHungarian Facility Management SocietyBedő Gergely előadása a Digitális Építőipar konferencián 2017. november 29-én.
Elektronikus dokumentum menedzsmentHungarian Facility Management SocietyHFMS Free University 16.05.2016
Presentation on document management
Dokumentum menedzsment nem csak létesítménygazdáknak
Story of VELUX FacilitiesHungarian Facility Management SocietyThe document discusses the creation of a global facilities management organization at VELUX. It outlines the process from 2012-2015 of establishing VELUX Facilities, including preparing an operating model, defining the scope of services, issuing a request for proposal, evaluating responses, and selecting partners. The goal was to create a unified global organization to manage all facility services at VELUX sites around the world.
HFMS Free University: Presentation on Asset Management on 30 March 2016 in Bu...Hungarian Facility Management SocietyThis document outlines Sodexo's journey to implement asset management across its global operations. It established a 3 step process to evolve from a technical service provider to an asset steward to a full asset manager. Key aspects of the journey included developing workforce capability through training, standardizing processes using tools like Maximo, and establishing maturity levels to structure delivery methods. The results of these efforts included a 10-20% improvement in performance metrics, reduced risks and costs, and improved staff motivation and retention, contributing an estimated 1.2 billion euros in business opportunities and reputation gains.
Vagyongazdálkodás - LétesítménygazdálkodásHungarian Facility Management SocietyA HFMS Szabadegyetem 2015. november 18-i ISO 55000 Vagyongazdálkodás szemináriumának előadása.
Szabványok és szabványosítás - amit okvetlenül tudnunk kell
HFMS Free University 18.11.2015
Basics on Standards and Standardisation
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Elektronikus dokumentum menedzsmentHungarian Facility Management SocietyHFMS Free University 16.05.2016
Presentation on document management
Dokumentum menedzsment nem csak létesítménygazdáknak
Story of VELUX FacilitiesHungarian Facility Management SocietyThe document discusses the creation of a global facilities management organization at VELUX. It outlines the process from 2012-2015 of establishing VELUX Facilities, including preparing an operating model, defining the scope of services, issuing a request for proposal, evaluating responses, and selecting partners. The goal was to create a unified global organization to manage all facility services at VELUX sites around the world.
HFMS Free University: Presentation on Asset Management on 30 March 2016 in Bu...Hungarian Facility Management SocietyThis document outlines Sodexo's journey to implement asset management across its global operations. It established a 3 step process to evolve from a technical service provider to an asset steward to a full asset manager. Key aspects of the journey included developing workforce capability through training, standardizing processes using tools like Maximo, and establishing maturity levels to structure delivery methods. The results of these efforts included a 10-20% improvement in performance metrics, reduced risks and costs, and improved staff motivation and retention, contributing an estimated 1.2 billion euros in business opportunities and reputation gains.
Vagyongazdálkodás - LétesítménygazdálkodásHungarian Facility Management SocietyA HFMS Szabadegyetem 2015. november 18-i ISO 55000 Vagyongazdálkodás szemináriumának előadása.
Szabványok és szabványosítás - amit okvetlenül tudnunk kell
HFMS Free University 18.11.2015
Basics on Standards and Standardisation
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