Personal, Local and Global Identity Games. Modelling (re)mediated glocal t...Patrick John Coppock
This document discusses managing transworld "glocal" identities in an open world. It explores how analytical cultural semiotics can help identify criteria for successfully blending local and global identities in ethical ways. The document references various philosophers' ideas about experience, consciousness, selfhood and otherness. It also discusses fictional possible worlds and how they relate to our understanding of the actual world. Finally, it proposes some aspects of developing transworld glocal identities, such as taking shared responsibilities globally and learning through shared projects with others.
If it moves: shoot it!!- Comparing Enactive Immersion Processes in Fruitio...Patrick John Coppock
際際滷s for a talk at the VII MAGIS Gorizia-Gradisca International Film Studies
Spring School, March 27-April 2, 2009, for the Workshop: "Playing the Game"
際際滷s for keynote talk at the Nordic Game Research Network PhD-seminar 'Computer Game Research - Theory and Method' June 17-19 2008, InDiMedia / VR Media Lab, Aalborg University (DK) and Dronninglund Slot, June 1719, 2008.
PowerPoint prepared for a presentation at the S辿miotiques et Rh辿torique workshop in Algeria in 2008, at which it was, in the end, unfortunately impossible to participate
This document discusses how digital technologies are changing concepts of materiality, identity, and cognition. It explores how the immaterial can be made material through design, production and cultural innovation processes. New technologies are blurring the boundaries between mind and world, and between reality and play. Our identities are shaped through "identity work and play" using digital tools and virtual environments. The ubiquity of technologies and their integration into many aspects of life are transforming human experience and relationships in complex ways.
Amodal Perception in Hybrid Forms of Experienced Agency in Shared Multimodal ...Patrick John Coppock
際際滷s for a talk at "Forme e Formalizzazioni", XVI Convegno Nazionale of the Societ Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, Cagliari, Italy, 10-12 Settembre 2009
This document discusses the concepts of ludic and social media and their applications in learning and innovation processes. It defines ludic media as media that incorporates playfulness, and ludic interfaces as interfaces designed to connect users to technical systems in a playful manner promoting freedom and creativity. Social interfaces and social media facilitate social interactions and community building. The document explores how elements of play, games, and participatory culture can support learning, problem solving, and knowledge sharing in both formal and informal contexts.
Developing Enactive Political Gameplay in Transworld, Transmedia Genius LociPatrick John Coppock
1. The document discusses how political discourse occurs through building relationships with non-present others using new digital technologies and modalities.
2. Transworld and transmedia games aim to recreate experiences of engaging with non-present people and places through a sense of "presence in absence" enabled by amodal perception.
3. These spaces may facilitate the development of "glocal" political identities as players have enacting experiences that entangle their actual and possible identities across global and local worlds, past, present and future.
Annuaire pr辿nom - www.interpretation-prenom.comPaul France
D辿couvrez lorigine et la signification de votre pr辿nom en consultant notre annuaire qui comporte plus que 10 000 pr辿noms dorigine diff辿rente.
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The Power Point presentation for my talk: "The Ethics of Computer Games", at Games: Design & Research Conference, Volda University College, Norway 3-4 June 2010.
pr辿nom fille - www.interpretation-prenom.comPaul France
Chaque pr辿nom a une histoire et un caract竪re bien d辿termin辿.
D辿couvrez notre annuaire des pr辿noms et cherchez ce quil se cache derri竪re votre pr辿nom. Notre liste de pr辿noms est r辿pertori辿e selon lorigine de chaque pr辿nom
Este documento presenta los objetivos de evaluaci坦n de varias asignaturas. Resume los objetivos centrales de cada asignatura en 叩reas como aprender vocabulario, gram叩tica y estructuras ling端鱈sticas en idiomas, comprender conceptos hist坦ricos y cient鱈ficos, desarrollar habilidades matem叩ticas y mejorar h叩bitos de estudio. Tambi辿n enfatiza la importancia de participar activamente en clase, realizar tareas y mostrar una actitud responsable.
Presentaci坦n en Power Point que explica la construcci坦n y utilizaci坦n del caso gramatical Nork.
Presentaci坦n indicada para alumnos de tercer ciclo de Primaria
PowerPoint prepared for a presentation at the S辿miotiques et Rh辿torique workshop in Algeria in 2008, at which it was, in the end, unfortunately impossible to participate
This document discusses how digital technologies are changing concepts of materiality, identity, and cognition. It explores how the immaterial can be made material through design, production and cultural innovation processes. New technologies are blurring the boundaries between mind and world, and between reality and play. Our identities are shaped through "identity work and play" using digital tools and virtual environments. The ubiquity of technologies and their integration into many aspects of life are transforming human experience and relationships in complex ways.
Amodal Perception in Hybrid Forms of Experienced Agency in Shared Multimodal ...Patrick John Coppock
際際滷s for a talk at "Forme e Formalizzazioni", XVI Convegno Nazionale of the Societ Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, Cagliari, Italy, 10-12 Settembre 2009
This document discusses the concepts of ludic and social media and their applications in learning and innovation processes. It defines ludic media as media that incorporates playfulness, and ludic interfaces as interfaces designed to connect users to technical systems in a playful manner promoting freedom and creativity. Social interfaces and social media facilitate social interactions and community building. The document explores how elements of play, games, and participatory culture can support learning, problem solving, and knowledge sharing in both formal and informal contexts.
Developing Enactive Political Gameplay in Transworld, Transmedia Genius LociPatrick John Coppock
1. The document discusses how political discourse occurs through building relationships with non-present others using new digital technologies and modalities.
2. Transworld and transmedia games aim to recreate experiences of engaging with non-present people and places through a sense of "presence in absence" enabled by amodal perception.
3. These spaces may facilitate the development of "glocal" political identities as players have enacting experiences that entangle their actual and possible identities across global and local worlds, past, present and future.
Annuaire pr辿nom - www.interpretation-prenom.comPaul France
D辿couvrez lorigine et la signification de votre pr辿nom en consultant notre annuaire qui comporte plus que 10 000 pr辿noms dorigine diff辿rente.
Vous cherchez un pr辿nom On vous propose de d辿couvrir la signification de votre pr辿nom.
The Power Point presentation for my talk: "The Ethics of Computer Games", at Games: Design & Research Conference, Volda University College, Norway 3-4 June 2010.
pr辿nom fille - www.interpretation-prenom.comPaul France
Chaque pr辿nom a une histoire et un caract竪re bien d辿termin辿.
D辿couvrez notre annuaire des pr辿noms et cherchez ce quil se cache derri竪re votre pr辿nom. Notre liste de pr辿noms est r辿pertori辿e selon lorigine de chaque pr辿nom
Este documento presenta los objetivos de evaluaci坦n de varias asignaturas. Resume los objetivos centrales de cada asignatura en 叩reas como aprender vocabulario, gram叩tica y estructuras ling端鱈sticas en idiomas, comprender conceptos hist坦ricos y cient鱈ficos, desarrollar habilidades matem叩ticas y mejorar h叩bitos de estudio. Tambi辿n enfatiza la importancia de participar activamente en clase, realizar tareas y mostrar una actitud responsable.
Presentaci坦n en Power Point que explica la construcci坦n y utilizaci坦n del caso gramatical Nork.
Presentaci坦n indicada para alumnos de tercer ciclo de Primaria
1. Azken lana irakasleari bidaltzeko Azken lana jaisteko bi lekutara joan zaitezke Saioko tresna erabiliz Saio bakoitzeko AZKEN LANA aukeratuta, fitxategia zure konputagailuan gorde eta egin ondoren berriro igo. Saio bakoitzeko AZKEN LANA aukeratuta, Word fitxategia deskargatuko duzu eta egin ondoren tresna bera erabiliz plataformara igo eta irakasleari bidali ahal diozu.
2. Azken lana pantaila irekiko zaizu Erabili tresna hau zure AZKEN LANA irakasleari bidaltzeko Lana igo ondoren, Hemen ikusiko duzu
3. Zuzenketa ikusteko Irakasleak AZKEN LANA zuzentzen duenean, bere feedbacka ikusiko duzu pantaila berean: Azken lana. Zuk igotako dokumentu zuzendu gabea Kalifikazioa eta feedbacka
4. Azken lana irakasleari bidaltzeko Azken lana jaisteko bi lekutara joan zaitezke Pantailaren ezkerreko ZEREGINAK erabiliz ZEREGINAK hau aukeratuta kurtsoan zehar egindako AZKEN LAN guztiak ikusi eta kontsultatu ahal izango dituzu.
5. AZKEN LANA noiz bidali duzun eta irakasleak zer kalifikazio eman dion ikusiko duzu. 34.a irakasleak zuzendu du; 35., berriz, oraindik ez. Hemen click eginez gero, saioko pantaila berera joango zara.
6. Zuzenketa ikusteko Irakasleak AZKEN LANA zuzentzen duenean, bere feedbacka ikusiko duzu pantaila berean: Azken lana. Zuk igotako dokumentu zuzendu gabea Kalifikazioa eta feedbacka