The definitive view of baby Boomers in the UK. Originally prepared in 2006.
More in this series:
Introduction to generations: /Steve_Mellor/the-generations-presentation-1-introduction
Generation X: /Steve_Mellor/presentation-3-generation-x
Millenials: /Steve_Mellor/presentation-4-generation-y
Generational Marketing: /Steve_Mellor/presentation-5-how-understanding-the-generations-benefits-marketing
Boomers are single-handedly re-defining what it means to age, giving rise to a brand new lifestage, 'The Second Act'. If you'd like a free PDF of BOOM! visit our site.
The definitive view of baby Boomers in the UK. Originally prepared in 2006.
More in this series:
Introduction to generations: /Steve_Mellor/the-generations-presentation-1-introduction
Generation X: /Steve_Mellor/presentation-3-generation-x
Millenials: /Steve_Mellor/presentation-4-generation-y
Generational Marketing: /Steve_Mellor/presentation-5-how-understanding-the-generations-benefits-marketing
Boomers are single-handedly re-defining what it means to age, giving rise to a brand new lifestage, 'The Second Act'. If you'd like a free PDF of BOOM! visit our site.
The document discusses the Baby Boomer generation, born between 1943-1960. This massive cohort experienced significant post-WWII economic prosperity and stability. Major events during their childhood included the space race, civil rights movement, Vietnam War, and assassinations of JFK and MLK. As adults, Baby Boomers pushed for social change and valued individualism, community, and self-actualization. Now in their 50s and 60s, many Boomers are retiring from the workforce at a rate of thousands per day.
Who are Baby Boomers today? This is the question that this annual report tries to answer. By summarizing and highlighting the most compellingconclusions of academic research, polls,and media on the subject of Boomer
trends, Sabis annual BOOMer Report attempts to define key characteristics of the Boomer generation, as it
stands, today. Taken together, we hope these trends will paint as clear a picture as possible of the Baby Boomer generation in America in 2015.
Marketing to the Baby Boomer generation is going to become more and more prevalent starting now! Beginning January 1st, 2011 every single day more than 10,000 Baby Boomers will reach the age of 65. That is going to keep happening every single day for the next 19 years.
On March 8, 2012 we welcomed Deborah Coleman, the general sales manager of the After 55 Housing & Resource Guide and, a division of For Rent Media Solutions. Deborah Coleman demonstrates a knack for marketing to the senior community and continues to be the driving force in creating and cultivating strong relationships within the senior industry.
Deborah has served as director on the SEFAA board for several years as well as the associate vice president of the Florida Apartment Association Board for two years, co-chairing their annual Educational Conference. She has a keen understanding of the senior market and continues to provide complete and cost-effective marketing marketing solutions for the aging community.
Ericsson ConsumerLab: Connecting the senior generationEricsson
A new study from Ericsson ConsumerLab carried out in the United States shows that seniors who use communications technology feel more enriched, informed, younger and more in touch with others and society.
We consider this a grossly underestimated marketing audience. They wield more consumer power than many think and they are a beautifully unique and socially connected group. This presentation offers advice on both understanding and reaching today's seniors through messaging, media and marketing.
The Millennial and The Baby Boomer ProjectTersur Orsar
This presentation is about Baby Boomers and Millennials, In this presentation, we cover the myths, difference, similarities and what both age groups have to offer in the work place.
SILVER IS THE NEW GOLD - Innovative Marketing Approaches to an Ageing ChinaJonathan Zhang
This document appears to be a marketing research report for an aged care provider called CSGroup exploring expansion opportunities in China. Key points summarized:
1. An environmental analysis was conducted identifying issues and opportunities in China's aged care market, such as rapid population aging, traditional family care expectations, government policies, and lack of professionals.
2. A literature review and consultations suggest relationship building, understanding customer needs, and trust are important for marketing.
3. To succeed, CSGroup must understand Chinese cultural values and priorities to deliver innovative and tailored aged care services that meet those needs. Identifying customer wants is seen as crucial.
Sabi was founded in 2009 in response to the discovery of a white space in the market - namely, a dearth of companies catering to the Baby Boomer population, as it ages.
All products on the market required for aging - such as walking canes, pill carriers and bathroom fixtures -
were designed exclusively to be
functional, with virtually no consideration for streamlined usage or aesthetics. We decided it was time to change
that and offer Boomers stylish and expertly designed alternatives - products they would love to use. So,
thats what we did.
In order to determine the most needed products among this large and growing aging population, we did our research. We read everything we could get our hands on - statistical
reports, academic papers, newspaper articles - you name it. The more we read, the more we realized that while there was a lot of very deep and targeted research out there about
the cohort, there was nothing that presented a full and well-rounded picture of the generation.
That was our objective in piecing together and writing the first annual BOOMer Report: to share our learnings and paint a picture, not of one single aspect of the generation,
but instead a snapshot in time of the generation as a whole.
Our ultimate objective is to inspire the emergence of other initiatives like ours - both public and private - that will consider the needs of the population as it ages and design products and services, accordingly.
Having undertaken this process, and developed three product lines geared to Boomers as they age, a singular universal truth has emerged for our small start-up: when you create products to be better designed and more beautiful than alternatives on
the market, no matter which market youre targeting, youll end up creating products that everyone loves to use.
A New Lease On Millennials | What Do Gen Y Renters Want?AppFolio
Did you know? Nearly 80 Million Gen Y renters are estimated to hit the market in the near future. Property Managers should plan to make the necessary changes to attract these renters. Investing in the right upgrades and amenities now can translate into Gen Y-ers signing leases for your properties later. J Turner Research surveyed renters to find out which key elements affected their choice of rental properties. Flip through these slides to see the survey results so you can learn how you can prepare for attracting the Gen Y renters.
Baby Boomer Marketing - Never Call Them Old!Jodi Rudick
The document provides information on marketing to Baby Boomers, including defining different generations by birth years and notable people of each generation. It discusses distorted self-perceptions of aging and smashed stereotypes of seniors. The document also lists dimensions of diversity for Boomers beyond just age, favorite brands of the Boomer generation, what Boomers say they want, their preferred marketing methods, purchasing power, and dos and don'ts for Baby Boomer marketing.
Nielsen: Dont Ignore Boomers: The Most Valuable Generation ReportVivastream
This document discusses the Baby Boomer generation and their impact and value as consumers. Some key points:
- Boomers, born between 1946-1964, total over 80 million people in the US and have significantly influenced markets their entire lives through their large numbers and spending power.
- Though often thought to be brand loyal and set in their ways, data shows Boomers are actually as open to new brands and responsive to marketing as other age groups. Their loyalty depends more on household needs than age.
- Boomers have high rates of income, workforce participation, and discretionary spending. They account for a major portion of sales in many categories like consumer goods.
- While younger generations adopt new technologies first
Over the past 10 years men have been portrayed as idiotic, coddled, domestically challenged buffoons, never to be trusted (especially with their own children). However, considering recent reports and failed brand efforts targeting contemporary men ... we thought we'd take a closer look. Check out our latest contextual piece exploring contemporary masculinity.