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donderdag 26 januari 2012

              PLAY          CONSULT
donderdag 26 januari 2012
A Brand New Playground
                            How can we use games as a branding and marketing tool?

donderdag 26 januari 2012
                 1. Who is He?

                 2. What makes a game a good game?

                 3. How can we use it as a marketing tool?

                 4. Why use games as a marketing tool?

                 5. Where is more information?

donderdag 26 januari 2012
1/5: Who is He?

donderdag 26 januari 2012
donderdag 26 januari 2012
Download at

donderdag 26 januari 2012
Game Time

donderdag 26 januari 2012
The story of FarmVille

donderdag 26 januari 2012
The story of FarmVille

                     32 million people like Farmville

donderdag 26 januari 2012
The story of FarmVille

                     Its Social

donderdag 26 januari 2012
The story of FarmVille

donderdag 26 januari 2012
The story of FarmVille

                     You want to have what
                     you dont have...

donderdag 26 januari 2012
The story of FarmVille

donderdag 26 januari 2012
The story of FarmVille

donderdag 26 januari 2012
The story of FarmVille

donderdag 26 januari 2012
The story of FarmVille

donderdag 26 januari 2012
The story of FarmVille

donderdag 26 januari 2012
The story of FarmVille

donderdag 26 januari 2012
The story of FarmVille

donderdag 26 januari 2012
The story of FarmVille

donderdag 26 januari 2012
The story of Nespresso
                     on Facebook

donderdag 26 januari 2012
The story of Nespresso
                     on Facebook

donderdag 26 januari 2012
The story of Nespresso
                     on Facebook

donderdag 26 januari 2012
1/4: Whats in a game?
                     The story of CityVille, CastleVille, Sim Social, ...

donderdag 26 januari 2012
Game Time

donderdag 26 januari 2012
Game Time

donderdag 26 januari 2012
Some Facts to kick off?
                     50% of Facebook users log in to play games (= 350 million players)

                     Angry Birds was downloaded 500 million times

                     > 300 million people play games through the portals of Spil Games

                     Call of Duty Black Ops was played by >25 million people (PS3 + Xbox 360 + PC)

                     Average amount of gamers playing through Steam is 4 million daily

                     The average gamer is 37 years old

donderdag 26 januari 2012
2/5: What makes it good?
                     Playing a Game is like entering a Circle

donderdag 26 januari 2012
2/5: What makes it good?
                     Playing a Game is like entering a Circle
                                         Levels of involvement

donderdag 26 januari 2012
2/5: What makes it good?
                     The Flow makes it so Addictive and Fun to play games

donderdag 26 januari 2012
2/5: What makes it good?
                       Games stimulate Gradual learning through Levels

donderdag 26 januari 2012
2/5: What makes it good?
                     Peaks of Frustration create Epic Experiences

donderdag 26 januari 2012
2/5: What makes it good?
                     A Game exists of these elements:

              1.     Objectives (purpose & challenge)
              2.     Variables (freedom)
              3.     Rules
              4.     Feedback system
              5.     Rewards
              6.     Levels
              7.     Theme

donderdag 26 januari 2012
3/5: How can We?
                     Limited Time forces me to show just two examples

donderdag 26 januari 2012
3/5: How can We?
                     Limited Time forces me to show just two examples

                     They show you how games can help to reach objectives in the field of:

                     1. Product
                     2. Price
                     3. Place
                     4. Personnel
                     5. Promotion

donderdag 26 januari 2012
3/5: How can We?
                     2/5: A game that influences the Price (and builds up a CRM dBase)

                     Objective: increase store traffic

                     Target: young minded consumers

                     Essence: being comfortable during uncomfortable situations

donderdag 26 januari 2012
3/5: How can We?
                     2/5: A game that influences the Price (and builds up a CRM dBase)
                                                       H./$1'!:#$.&'      G.2'(377&'
                                 >9+'                                                      4.31/+,'
                                                0$83+''         -.++/&'              ?937/%6'
                            -#+,9.'/+':;..<''                                                    >3&;/#+'
                                                                  !"#$%&''             0+1.$2.3$'     =#B5#$%387.'

                                   F3+:.'                 ()*$+'(#$,''                          =#7#$597''


donderdag 26 januari 2012
2/3: How can We?                                         Price (and builds up a CRM

                     2/5: A game that influences the Price (and builds up a CRM dBase)

                                                            H./$1'!:#$.&'      G.2'(377&'
                                      >9+'                                                      4.31/+,'
                                                     0$83+''         -.++/&'              ?937/%6'
                                 -#+,9.'/+':;..<''                                                    >3&;/#+'
                                                                       !"#$%&''             0+1.$2.3$'     =#B5#$%387.'

                                        F3+:.'                 ()*$+'(#$,''                          =#7#$597''

                                                                               !2.1/&;'          A/+1.1'
                                                                F#2+'%#'                        =#+&9B.$'

donderdag 26 januari 2012
3/5: How can We?
                     2/5: A game that influences the Price (and builds up a CRM dBase)

donderdag 26 januari 2012
3/5: How can We?
                     2/5: A game that influences the Price (and builds up a CRM dBase)


                                         =+/;(8+;&   !"#$%&         1)*+&2,3&


donderdag 26 januari 2012
3/5: How can We?
                     2/5: A game that influences the Price (and builds up a CRM dBase)

donderdag 26 januari 2012
3/5: How can We?
                     2/5: A game that influences the Price (and builds up a CRM dBase)

donderdag 26 januari 2012
3/5: How can We?
                     2/5: A game that influences the Price (and builds up a CRM dBase)

donderdag 26 januari 2012
3/5: How can We?
                     2/5: A game that influences the Price (and builds up a CRM dBase)

donderdag 26 januari 2012
3/5: How can We?
                     2/5: A game that influences the Price (and builds up a CRM dBase)


donderdag 26 januari 2012
3/5: How can We?
                     3/5: New distribution Places

donderdag 26 januari 2012
3/5: How can We?
                     3/5: New distribution Places

donderdag 26 januari 2012
3/5: How can We?
                     3/5: New distribution Places

donderdag 26 januari 2012
3/5: How can We?
                     4/5: Games to train Staff (Personnel)

                     ABN Amro bank merged with Fortis

donderdag 26 januari 2012
3/5: How can We?
                     4/5: Games to train Staff (Personnel)

                     Objective: learn new brand values and way to work

                     Target: all bank employees (retail)

                     Essence: learn how to profile consumers quicker and build trust

donderdag 26 januari 2012
2/3: How can We?
                     4/5: Games to train Staff (Personnel)

donderdag 26 januari 2012
3/5: How can We?
                     4/5: Games to train Staff (Personnel)

donderdag 26 januari 2012
3/5: How can We?
                     4/5: Games to train Staff (Personnel)

donderdag 26 januari 2012
3/5: How can We?
                     Promotion (Gamevertising)

                     1. Product Placement          Light involvement
                     2. In-game advertising
                     3. Branded scripted content
                     4. Visually adapted games
                     5. Advergames                 Maximum involvement

donderdag 26 januari 2012
3/5: How can We?
                     5/5: Games to Promote your organization or brand (Gamevertising)

              5. Advergame

                     Just pay attention to advertising... ;-)

                     An example how you SHOULDNT do it: Autotaalglas.

donderdag 26 januari 2012
4/5: Why should We?
                     You tell me!

donderdag 26 januari 2012
4/5: Why should We?
                     1. 100% Attention
                     2. Fun!
                     3. Active multi-sensory, re-playable, experience
                     4. Hours, weeks, years of engagement
                     5. Immersion - depth

donderdag 26 januari 2012
5/5: Where is More?
                     The objective of this presentation was to show you how games can
                     help to achieve your organizational- or brand objectives

                     I hope I succeeded!

donderdag 26 januari 2012
5/5: Where is More?
                     The objective of this presentation was to show you how games can
                     help to achieve your organizational- or brand objectives

                     I hope I succeeded!

                     If so... reward me by jumping up and down!

donderdag 26 januari 2012
5/5: Where is More?
                     Book: www.brandnewplayground.com

                     Blog: www.gamingandbranding.com

                     Bizz: www.brandnewgame.nl

                     Twitter: @BartHufen

donderdag 26 januari 2012
Book: www.brandnewplayground.com

              PLAY                        CONSULT
                     Blog: www.gamingandbranding.com

                     Bizz: www.brandnewgame.nl

                     Twitter: @BartHufen

donderdag 26 januari 2012
donderdag 26 januari 2012

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Bart Hufen BrandNewGame at MIE 2012 IN Ipsos synovate 2 feb 2012

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  • 3. A Brand New Playground How can we use games as a branding and marketing tool? donderdag 26 januari 2012
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  • 12. The story of FarmVille donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 13. The story of FarmVille You want to have what you dont have... donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 14. The story of FarmVille donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 15. The story of FarmVille donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 16. The story of FarmVille donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 17. The story of FarmVille donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 18. The story of FarmVille donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 19. The story of FarmVille donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 20. The story of FarmVille donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 21. The story of FarmVille donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 22. The story of Nespresso on Facebook donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 23. The story of Nespresso on Facebook donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 24. The story of Nespresso on Facebook donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 25. 1/4: Whats in a game? The story of CityVille, CastleVille, Sim Social, ... donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 26. Game Time donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 27. Game Time donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 28. Some Facts to kick off? 50% of Facebook users log in to play games (= 350 million players) Angry Birds was downloaded 500 million times > 300 million people play games through the portals of Spil Games Call of Duty Black Ops was played by >25 million people (PS3 + Xbox 360 + PC) Average amount of gamers playing through Steam is 4 million daily The average gamer is 37 years old donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 29. 2/5: What makes it good? Playing a Game is like entering a Circle donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 30. 2/5: What makes it good? Playing a Game is like entering a Circle Levels of involvement donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 31. 2/5: What makes it good? The Flow makes it so Addictive and Fun to play games donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 32. 2/5: What makes it good? Games stimulate Gradual learning through Levels Challenges Playtime donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 33. 2/5: What makes it good? Peaks of Frustration create Epic Experiences donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 34. 2/5: What makes it good? A Game exists of these elements: 1. Objectives (purpose & challenge) 2. Variables (freedom) 3. Rules 4. Feedback system 5. Rewards 6. Levels 7. Theme donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 35. 3/5: How can We? Limited Time forces me to show just two examples donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 36. 3/5: How can We? Limited Time forces me to show just two examples They show you how games can help to reach objectives in the field of: 1. Product 2. Price 3. Place 4. Personnel 5. Promotion donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 37. 3/5: How can We? 2/5: A game that influences the Price (and builds up a CRM dBase) Objective: increase store traffic Target: young minded consumers Essence: being comfortable during uncomfortable situations donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 38. 3/5: How can We? 2/5: A game that influences the Price (and builds up a CRM dBase) H./$1'!:#$.&' G.2'(377&' >9+' 4.31/+,' 0$83+'' -.++/&' ?937/%6' -#+,9.'/+':;..<'' >3&;/#+' 4/5.&%67.' !"#$%&'' 0+1.$2.3$' =#B5#$%387.' D3$E.&'' F3+:.' ()*$+'(#$,'' =#7#$597'' @#9+,' !2.1/&;' A/+1.1' F#2+'%#' =#+&9B.$' .3$%;' C883' donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 39. 2/3: How can We? Price (and builds up a CRM 2/5: A game that influences the Price (and builds up a CRM dBase) H./$1'!:#$.&' G.2'(377&' >9+' 4.31/+,' 0$83+'' -.++/&' ?937/%6' -#+,9.'/+':;..<'' >3&;/#+' 4/5.&%67.' !"#$%&'' 0+1.$2.3$' =#B5#$%387.' D3$E.&'' F3+:.' ()*$+'(#$,'' =#7#$597'' @#9+,' !2.1/&;' A/+1.1' F#2+'%#' =#+&9B.$' .3$%;' C883' donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 40. 3/5: How can We? 2/5: A game that influences the Price (and builds up a CRM dBase) donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 41. 3/5: How can We? 2/5: A game that influences the Price (and builds up a CRM dBase) '($(&%)*+& ,$&-).+/,,0& <++9&85+& %)*+&,$& =+/;(8+;& !"#$%& 1)*+&2,3& (45,$+& 6,7.5+3& 8,&/+& 3+9++*+9& ($:;8,3+&& donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 42. 3/5: How can We? 2/5: A game that influences the Price (and builds up a CRM dBase) donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 43. 3/5: How can We? 2/5: A game that influences the Price (and builds up a CRM dBase) donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 44. 3/5: How can We? 2/5: A game that influences the Price (and builds up a CRM dBase) donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 45. 3/5: How can We? 2/5: A game that influences the Price (and builds up a CRM dBase) donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 46. 3/5: How can We? 2/5: A game that influences the Price (and builds up a CRM dBase) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgaVrEu6JRs donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 47. 3/5: How can We? 3/5: New distribution Places donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 48. 3/5: How can We? 3/5: New distribution Places donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 49. 3/5: How can We? 3/5: New distribution Places donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 50. 3/5: How can We? 4/5: Games to train Staff (Personnel) ABN Amro bank merged with Fortis donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 51. 3/5: How can We? 4/5: Games to train Staff (Personnel) Objective: learn new brand values and way to work Target: all bank employees (retail) Essence: learn how to profile consumers quicker and build trust donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 52. 2/3: How can We? 4/5: Games to train Staff (Personnel) donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 53. 3/5: How can We? 4/5: Games to train Staff (Personnel) donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 54. 3/5: How can We? 4/5: Games to train Staff (Personnel) donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 55. 3/5: How can We? Promotion (Gamevertising) 1. Product Placement Light involvement 2. In-game advertising 3. Branded scripted content 4. Visually adapted games 5. Advergames Maximum involvement donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 56. 3/5: How can We? 5/5: Games to Promote your organization or brand (Gamevertising) 5. Advergame Just pay attention to advertising... ;-) An example how you SHOULDNT do it: Autotaalglas. donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 57. 4/5: Why should We? You tell me! donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 58. 4/5: Why should We? 1. 100% Attention 2. Fun! 3. Active multi-sensory, re-playable, experience 4. Hours, weeks, years of engagement 5. Immersion - depth donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 59. 5/5: Where is More? The objective of this presentation was to show you how games can help to achieve your organizational- or brand objectives I hope I succeeded! donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 60. 5/5: Where is More? The objective of this presentation was to show you how games can help to achieve your organizational- or brand objectives I hope I succeeded! If so... reward me by jumping up and down! donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 61. 5/5: Where is More? Book: www.brandnewplayground.com Blog: www.gamingandbranding.com Bizz: www.brandnewgame.nl Twitter: @BartHufen donderdag 26 januari 2012
  • 62. Book: www.brandnewplayground.com PLAY CONSULT ING Blog: www.gamingandbranding.com CONCEPT Bizz: www.brandnewgame.nl Twitter: @BartHufen donderdag 26 januari 2012