This document provides an introduction to basic antenna design concepts for amateur radio operators. It describes a dipole antenna design tested by the author in 2003 that provided 9.5 dB of gain over a standard dipole. The document notes that the same antenna design principles apply across all radio frequencies, not just amateur radio. It directs readers to the author's website and for more information on antenna design and amateur radio.
4. Photo of me testing this design back around
2003. This design give 9.5 dB gain over a dipole.
5. I have taught Amateur Radio classes and done many demonstrations over the years.
These same concepts apply to all RF frequencies, not just HAM radio and can be carried
over into commercial uses.
I have a lot more fun amateur radio antenna designs and other projects I have worked
on over the years and as time permits, I will add more to this document.
If you are interested in learning more, Google N3JNC to find the location of my website.
It may be a little old, I have not updated it in a few years, but there is still a lot of good
information about HAM Radio.
You may also want to visit to learn more about amateur radio.