1. The document describes a project to design an obstacle avoidance robot using an Arduino.
2. An ultrasonic sensor is used to detect obstacles and the Arduino controls a servo motor to change the robot's direction when obstacles are sensed.
3. The objectives are to design a model car that can avoid obstacles detected by the ultrasonic sensor and programmed using Arduino software.
The document describes the design of an autonomous navigation robot that can avoid obstacles. An ATmega328P microcontroller is used to process signals from ultrasonic sensors and direct the robot's movement. When an obstacle is detected, the microcontroller determines the distance and redirects the robot by turning or reversing direction to avoid collisions. The robot's movement is controlled by the microcontroller sending signals to motors through a motor driver. The goal is for the robot to intelligently navigate unknown environments without needing remote control by detecting obstacles with sensors and maneuvering autonomously.
This document is a project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Bachelor of Technology degree in Electrical Engineering. It outlines a project to develop an alcohol detection and engine locking system to prevent drunk driving. The system would constantly monitor a driver's breath for alcohol and lock the engine if alcohol is detected, preventing the vehicle from starting or continuing to operate. The report includes an introduction, lists of components used in the system like an Arduino Uno, MQ3 alcohol sensor, buzzer, motor, LEDs, switch, and relay. It also includes the code, circuit diagram, working, applications, advantages, and conclusion.
Students created a mobile controlled car that can be operated through a Bluetooth connection from an Android application. The car uses an Arduino board, motor driver, ultrasonic distance sensor, Bluetooth module, servo motor and other hardware components. The software on the Arduino allows it to communicate with the mobile application for remote control and uses the distance sensor to avoid obstacles. While the project goal of remote vehicle control was achieved, some components were damaged during testing and future work could explore additional applications like military robotics.
This document summarizes a student project to build an obstacle avoiding car using an Arduino microcontroller. The car uses an ultrasonic sensor to detect obstacles in its path and changes direction to avoid collisions. It consists of an Arduino Uno, motor driver, ultrasonic sensor, DC motors, and power supply. When an obstacle is detected, the ultrasonic sensor measures the distance and sends a signal to the microcontroller, which then controls the motors to divert the car around the obstacle. Potential applications include mining vehicles, driverless transport systems, and autonomous cleaning robots. The project provides an opportunity to develop mechanical and electronics skills while gaining experience in robot construction.
The document describes the design of an obstacle avoiding robot. It uses an Arduino Uno microcontroller along with an L298N motor driver and three ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles and navigate around them. The robot is able to stop when an obstacle is detected within 20cm and can change direction left or right based on sensor readings to avoid the obstacle and resume movement. Some areas of potential improvement discussed are adding additional sensors to monitor environmental conditions and adapting the design for applications like assisting the blind or automatic vacuuming.
Bluetooth Controlled Garbage Collection Robot ArmIRJET Journal
We've designed a semi-autonomous robotic arm that can collect scrap materials. The robotic arm has 5 degrees of freedom and is controlled via an Arduino board and Bluetooth module. It uses servo motors and stepper motors to manipulate the arm and a claw to pick up scrap. The arm was 3D printed using PLA plastic. An Android app was created to send commands to the Arduino via Bluetooth to control the arm's movement and allow remote operation. The goal was to develop an affordable robotic system to assist with scrap collection in a safe and efficient manner.
This document describes the ARCduino, an RC car that can detect collisions and avoid them autonomously using an ultrasonic sensor. The car averages 3 distance readings from the sensor to correct for inaccurate readings. It was designed to be a simple but fun childhood toy that could also serve as a prototype for safety features in future automated vehicles. The document outlines the project objectives of stopping before collisions and backing up, provides diagrams of the design and software flow, and includes manuals for users and programmers as well as references for additional resources.
A simple project on Obstacle Avoiding Robot is designed here. Robotics is an interesting and fast-growing field. Being a branch of engineering, the applications of robotics are increasing with the advancement of technology.
This document describes a project to design a robot using an Arduino board that is controlled by voice commands from an Android device. The objectives are to build a low-cost robot with an Android app interface. The system architecture involves using a microphone on the Android device to recognize voice commands, which are sent via Bluetooth to the Arduino board. The Arduino board controls motors to move the robot in the directions corresponding to the voice commands. The project implements this design and tests voice recognition and robot control. Results show the feasibility of controlling physical objects with just voice commands.
This document describes a smart voice controlled pick and place robot. It discusses the design of a robotic arm with improved accuracy using servos to power the arm joints. The robot is a mobile application robot that can be controlled via a mobile app or voice commands to navigate and perform pick and place tasks. It uses an Arduino microcontroller, servo motors, DC motors, Bluetooth and other hardware. The robot is intended to help disabled people perform daily tasks independently through voice control.
This document describes a smart voice controlled pick and place robot. It discusses the design of a robotic arm using servos for improved accuracy in pick and place operations. The robot is mobile and can be controlled through voice commands to navigate and perform tasks like selecting objects from a cupboard. It uses an Arduino, servos, DC motors, Bluetooth and other hardware. The system is intended to help disabled people perform daily tasks more easily through voice control of the mobile robot.
This document provides an outline and overview of a project to design an autonomous robot that can avoid obstacles using Arduino and ultrasonic sensors. The summary includes:
1) The project aims to design and build a fully autonomous robot that can avoid any obstacles in its path as it moves.
2) The robot uses Arduino, ultrasonic sensors, and a motor driver IC to detect obstacles and navigate around them autonomously without human intervention.
3) The document outlines the components, software, circuit diagram, and working process of the robot, and discusses its applications in dangerous environments or for tasks like automatic vacuum cleaning.
This project aims to build an autonomous obstacle avoidance vehicle using ultrasonic sensors. The vehicle is controlled by a microcontroller and can sense obstacles, avoid them, and find an obstacle-free path on its own. Ultrasonic sensors detect surroundings in real-time and allow the vehicle to move toward its target area while avoiding obstacles. The vehicle is designed using an Arduino Uno microcontroller, ultrasonic sensors, a motor driver, DC motors, and other hardware components to achieve autonomous navigation.
The document describes an autonomous maze solving robot project. The robot uses three ultrasonic sensors to detect the maze walls and two servo motors controlled by a microcontroller to navigate. The microcontroller receives distance readings from the sensors and instructs the motor driver which direction to move the motors to avoid obstacles as it solves the maze. Components include an Arduino, ultrasonic sensors, servo motors, batteries and other basic electronics. The robot is programmed to use an obstacle avoidance algorithm to autonomously solve mazes without human interference.
This document is an obstacle avoiding car project report submitted by three students - Utkarsh Bingewar, Shubham Thakur, and Rupesh Rote - to partially fulfill their project requirements for a bachelor's degree in electronics and telecommunications engineering. The report describes the design and implementation of a robotic vehicle that uses an ultrasonic sensor and microcontroller to detect and avoid obstacles in its path by controlling two DC motors through a motor driver. Experimental results show the car is able to successfully detect and navigate around obstacles.
This document outlines the design and implementation of an Arduino-powered car robot that can detect and measure objects. The robot uses an ultrasonic sensor attached to a servo motor to detect objects, and includes two DC motors connected to wheels for movement. The Arduino code controls the servo motor, ultrasonic sensor, and motor controller to enable object detection and navigation. The project aims to demonstrate how an Arduino car robot can be programmed to move and detect objects from a distance. Challenges in the implementation included incorrect pin connections and issues with importing libraries, but ultimately the robot was able to function as intended.
Obstacle Avoiding Robot
Robotics is a branch of science that deals with Mechanical, Electrical and Software fields. Robots are the machines that are used in our day-to-day to life to reduce men power and work accurately without any distortions. Robots can be classified into two different sections basing upon their skills as Automated and Manual. 油Obstacle detector is a Automated robot which itself recognizes the obstacle in its path and moves in free direction. Robot detects the obstacle by using two IR Sensors placed in front.
油油油 油油油油油油油油油The IR sensors are placed on left and right side of the robot through which continuous Infrared radiation is emitted for detection of obstacles in the path. These IR Sensors are connected to a controlling element AT89c51 袖c. When a obstacle is placed in the path of robot IR beam is reflected to the sensor from the obstacle. On detecting obstacle in the path sensor sends 0 volts to 袖c. This 0 voltage is detected by Microcontroller which avoids the obstacle by taking left or right turn. Similarly if the sensor sends +5v to Microcontroller, the Microcontroller assumes it as clear path and makes the robot to move in straight.
油油油油油油油油油 Two motors namely right motor and left motor are connected to Motor driver IC (L293D). L293D is interface with Microcontroller. Microcontroller sends logic 0 & logic 1 as per the programming to driver IC which makes motors to rotate in clockwise and anticlockwise direction. Wheels attached to the motors rotate accordingly with the motor shaft causing in the moment of the robot by wheels. In front portion of the robot a free wheel is attached to move the robot easily in any direction as per the requirement.
油油油 A 12Volts DC battery is attached to the circuit. As the microcontroller and sensors requires only 5v, set of resistors and capacitors are used to supply 5v DC to them. Power Management System is not maintained in the circuit as the battery can be removed after the usage of robot. So it does not cause any loss in the power of battery. 油油油 油油油 油油
油油油 This type of robots has multiple applications in various fields. They can be used to know the strength of the opposite army in defense system. They can be used as floor and wall cleaners. They are used in automated GPS vehicles to calculate the moment of the vehicle overhead. These robots are easy to construct and 油cheaper in cost with long durability.
This document describes a project to design a remotely controlled robotic vehicle with an arm. The objectives are to allow remote control via Bluetooth and synchronous movement of the vehicle and arm. The proposed method is to combine the vehicle and arm for semi-automated operation. Key components include an Arduino board, motor drivers, Bluetooth module, and chassis. The arm and vehicle can be controlled through a mobile app. Applications include pick and place, material handling, and industrial tasks like welding. Advantages over manual labor include speed, accuracy, reliability and affordability.
collision detector and avoidance robot.....
this presentation is based on collision detector and avoidance robot.....
in which the graphical representation are given about their costs the components which are required in it and their introduction
the main component arduino uno and ultrasonic sensor which sketches are given in the slides and their introduction..
the circuit diagram are also given in the slides which is very helpful,
This document summarizes a presentation on a short range radar system called RANGEFINDER. It describes the components used including an Arduino Uno, ultrasonic sensor, and servo motor. It explains how the radar works by transmitting radio waves and detecting their reflection to determine an object's distance and direction. Programming in Arduino IDE and Processing were used to control the components and display the radar readings visually.
The system allows users to control a robot car through voice commands or touch buttons on a mobile app. The app communicates via Bluetooth with an Arduino microcontroller onboard the car which regulates the motors and interprets commands. Sensors prevent collisions by halting the car if obstacles are near. The easy to use system enables both novice and expert control of the robot car remotely through the mobile interface.
IRJET- Design and Development of Gesture Controlled RobotIRJET Journal
This document describes the design and development of a gesture controlled robot. The robot consists of a transmitter circuit worn on a glove and a receiver circuit mounted on a robot. The transmitter circuit uses an accelerometer to sense hand gestures and transmit corresponding signals via radio frequency to the receiver circuit. The receiver circuit decodes the signals and uses a motor driver to control the robot's movement accordingly. Additional features like a metal detector and camera were added to the robot. The goal is to enhance the robot for applications like landmine detection. The robot is wireless and can be controlled remotely through hand gestures up to a range of 50-80 meters.
1) The document describes an automatic car parking system that uses ultrasonic sensors, infrared sensors, an Arduino Uno, and an LCD display to help drivers find available parking spaces more efficiently.
2) The system obtains information about available parking spaces using sensors, processes the data with the Arduino Uno, and displays the results on the LCD screen to guide drivers to open spots, reducing time spent searching and cutting down on traffic and pollution.
3) The authors developed the system to address the common problem of drivers spending a significant amount of time navigating crowded parking lots in search of a space, which wastes fuel and increases congestion.
In India most of the peoples are using two wheelers .In the recent days it has been found that many people are met with accidents due to several factors such as over speed, not wearing helmet, by not removing side stand, etc.,.. Accidents may happen due to the following reasons viz. 1) During after Consumption of Alcohol 2) overtaking of vehicles 3) Careless driving in speed breakers. This project will be helpful in reducing the possibility of accidents and also for antitheft system. Our Proposed system will overcome the above mentioned drawbacks. In this system, RF Sensor, REED Sensor, Ultrasonic Senor, Gas Sensors are used.
The Business Administration Presentation provides a comprehensive exploration of the core concepts, functions, and importance of business administration in modern organizations. It highlights the key principles of managing business operations, strategic decision-making, and organizational leadership, offering a clear understanding of how businesses operate and thrive in competitive markets.
"Seeing vs. Understanding: The Hidden Psychology of Design", Irene Shkarovska...Fwdays
Looks matter. But do they really help? In design, we often glorify aesthetics, but does making something pretty actually make it more usable? This talk breaks down the psychological battle between visual appeal and functional clarity, exploring how design influences both emotion and cognition.
We'll take you through:
- How composition theory shapes both aesthetics and usability.
- Why visual design is crucial for some products but useless for others.
- The role of cognitive load: real reason users click (or dont).
- How visual triggers manipulate emotions and decision-making.
- The secret to balancing eye candy with functionality to create truly effective design.
Get ready for a mix of psychology, interaction design, and a few hard truths. If you've ever wondered whether you should lean into visuals or focus on usabilitythis talk will help you decide.
This document describes the ARCduino, an RC car that can detect collisions and avoid them autonomously using an ultrasonic sensor. The car averages 3 distance readings from the sensor to correct for inaccurate readings. It was designed to be a simple but fun childhood toy that could also serve as a prototype for safety features in future automated vehicles. The document outlines the project objectives of stopping before collisions and backing up, provides diagrams of the design and software flow, and includes manuals for users and programmers as well as references for additional resources.
A simple project on Obstacle Avoiding Robot is designed here. Robotics is an interesting and fast-growing field. Being a branch of engineering, the applications of robotics are increasing with the advancement of technology.
This document describes a project to design a robot using an Arduino board that is controlled by voice commands from an Android device. The objectives are to build a low-cost robot with an Android app interface. The system architecture involves using a microphone on the Android device to recognize voice commands, which are sent via Bluetooth to the Arduino board. The Arduino board controls motors to move the robot in the directions corresponding to the voice commands. The project implements this design and tests voice recognition and robot control. Results show the feasibility of controlling physical objects with just voice commands.
This document describes a smart voice controlled pick and place robot. It discusses the design of a robotic arm with improved accuracy using servos to power the arm joints. The robot is a mobile application robot that can be controlled via a mobile app or voice commands to navigate and perform pick and place tasks. It uses an Arduino microcontroller, servo motors, DC motors, Bluetooth and other hardware. The robot is intended to help disabled people perform daily tasks independently through voice control.
This document describes a smart voice controlled pick and place robot. It discusses the design of a robotic arm using servos for improved accuracy in pick and place operations. The robot is mobile and can be controlled through voice commands to navigate and perform tasks like selecting objects from a cupboard. It uses an Arduino, servos, DC motors, Bluetooth and other hardware. The system is intended to help disabled people perform daily tasks more easily through voice control of the mobile robot.
This document provides an outline and overview of a project to design an autonomous robot that can avoid obstacles using Arduino and ultrasonic sensors. The summary includes:
1) The project aims to design and build a fully autonomous robot that can avoid any obstacles in its path as it moves.
2) The robot uses Arduino, ultrasonic sensors, and a motor driver IC to detect obstacles and navigate around them autonomously without human intervention.
3) The document outlines the components, software, circuit diagram, and working process of the robot, and discusses its applications in dangerous environments or for tasks like automatic vacuum cleaning.
This project aims to build an autonomous obstacle avoidance vehicle using ultrasonic sensors. The vehicle is controlled by a microcontroller and can sense obstacles, avoid them, and find an obstacle-free path on its own. Ultrasonic sensors detect surroundings in real-time and allow the vehicle to move toward its target area while avoiding obstacles. The vehicle is designed using an Arduino Uno microcontroller, ultrasonic sensors, a motor driver, DC motors, and other hardware components to achieve autonomous navigation.
The document describes an autonomous maze solving robot project. The robot uses three ultrasonic sensors to detect the maze walls and two servo motors controlled by a microcontroller to navigate. The microcontroller receives distance readings from the sensors and instructs the motor driver which direction to move the motors to avoid obstacles as it solves the maze. Components include an Arduino, ultrasonic sensors, servo motors, batteries and other basic electronics. The robot is programmed to use an obstacle avoidance algorithm to autonomously solve mazes without human interference.
This document is an obstacle avoiding car project report submitted by three students - Utkarsh Bingewar, Shubham Thakur, and Rupesh Rote - to partially fulfill their project requirements for a bachelor's degree in electronics and telecommunications engineering. The report describes the design and implementation of a robotic vehicle that uses an ultrasonic sensor and microcontroller to detect and avoid obstacles in its path by controlling two DC motors through a motor driver. Experimental results show the car is able to successfully detect and navigate around obstacles.
This document outlines the design and implementation of an Arduino-powered car robot that can detect and measure objects. The robot uses an ultrasonic sensor attached to a servo motor to detect objects, and includes two DC motors connected to wheels for movement. The Arduino code controls the servo motor, ultrasonic sensor, and motor controller to enable object detection and navigation. The project aims to demonstrate how an Arduino car robot can be programmed to move and detect objects from a distance. Challenges in the implementation included incorrect pin connections and issues with importing libraries, but ultimately the robot was able to function as intended.
Obstacle Avoiding Robot
Robotics is a branch of science that deals with Mechanical, Electrical and Software fields. Robots are the machines that are used in our day-to-day to life to reduce men power and work accurately without any distortions. Robots can be classified into two different sections basing upon their skills as Automated and Manual. 油Obstacle detector is a Automated robot which itself recognizes the obstacle in its path and moves in free direction. Robot detects the obstacle by using two IR Sensors placed in front.
油油油 油油油油油油油油油The IR sensors are placed on left and right side of the robot through which continuous Infrared radiation is emitted for detection of obstacles in the path. These IR Sensors are connected to a controlling element AT89c51 袖c. When a obstacle is placed in the path of robot IR beam is reflected to the sensor from the obstacle. On detecting obstacle in the path sensor sends 0 volts to 袖c. This 0 voltage is detected by Microcontroller which avoids the obstacle by taking left or right turn. Similarly if the sensor sends +5v to Microcontroller, the Microcontroller assumes it as clear path and makes the robot to move in straight.
油油油油油油油油油 Two motors namely right motor and left motor are connected to Motor driver IC (L293D). L293D is interface with Microcontroller. Microcontroller sends logic 0 & logic 1 as per the programming to driver IC which makes motors to rotate in clockwise and anticlockwise direction. Wheels attached to the motors rotate accordingly with the motor shaft causing in the moment of the robot by wheels. In front portion of the robot a free wheel is attached to move the robot easily in any direction as per the requirement.
油油油 A 12Volts DC battery is attached to the circuit. As the microcontroller and sensors requires only 5v, set of resistors and capacitors are used to supply 5v DC to them. Power Management System is not maintained in the circuit as the battery can be removed after the usage of robot. So it does not cause any loss in the power of battery. 油油油 油油油 油油
油油油 This type of robots has multiple applications in various fields. They can be used to know the strength of the opposite army in defense system. They can be used as floor and wall cleaners. They are used in automated GPS vehicles to calculate the moment of the vehicle overhead. These robots are easy to construct and 油cheaper in cost with long durability.
This document describes a project to design a remotely controlled robotic vehicle with an arm. The objectives are to allow remote control via Bluetooth and synchronous movement of the vehicle and arm. The proposed method is to combine the vehicle and arm for semi-automated operation. Key components include an Arduino board, motor drivers, Bluetooth module, and chassis. The arm and vehicle can be controlled through a mobile app. Applications include pick and place, material handling, and industrial tasks like welding. Advantages over manual labor include speed, accuracy, reliability and affordability.
collision detector and avoidance robot.....
this presentation is based on collision detector and avoidance robot.....
in which the graphical representation are given about their costs the components which are required in it and their introduction
the main component arduino uno and ultrasonic sensor which sketches are given in the slides and their introduction..
the circuit diagram are also given in the slides which is very helpful,
This document summarizes a presentation on a short range radar system called RANGEFINDER. It describes the components used including an Arduino Uno, ultrasonic sensor, and servo motor. It explains how the radar works by transmitting radio waves and detecting their reflection to determine an object's distance and direction. Programming in Arduino IDE and Processing were used to control the components and display the radar readings visually.
The system allows users to control a robot car through voice commands or touch buttons on a mobile app. The app communicates via Bluetooth with an Arduino microcontroller onboard the car which regulates the motors and interprets commands. Sensors prevent collisions by halting the car if obstacles are near. The easy to use system enables both novice and expert control of the robot car remotely through the mobile interface.
IRJET- Design and Development of Gesture Controlled RobotIRJET Journal
This document describes the design and development of a gesture controlled robot. The robot consists of a transmitter circuit worn on a glove and a receiver circuit mounted on a robot. The transmitter circuit uses an accelerometer to sense hand gestures and transmit corresponding signals via radio frequency to the receiver circuit. The receiver circuit decodes the signals and uses a motor driver to control the robot's movement accordingly. Additional features like a metal detector and camera were added to the robot. The goal is to enhance the robot for applications like landmine detection. The robot is wireless and can be controlled remotely through hand gestures up to a range of 50-80 meters.
1) The document describes an automatic car parking system that uses ultrasonic sensors, infrared sensors, an Arduino Uno, and an LCD display to help drivers find available parking spaces more efficiently.
2) The system obtains information about available parking spaces using sensors, processes the data with the Arduino Uno, and displays the results on the LCD screen to guide drivers to open spots, reducing time spent searching and cutting down on traffic and pollution.
3) The authors developed the system to address the common problem of drivers spending a significant amount of time navigating crowded parking lots in search of a space, which wastes fuel and increases congestion.
In India most of the peoples are using two wheelers .In the recent days it has been found that many people are met with accidents due to several factors such as over speed, not wearing helmet, by not removing side stand, etc.,.. Accidents may happen due to the following reasons viz. 1) During after Consumption of Alcohol 2) overtaking of vehicles 3) Careless driving in speed breakers. This project will be helpful in reducing the possibility of accidents and also for antitheft system. Our Proposed system will overcome the above mentioned drawbacks. In this system, RF Sensor, REED Sensor, Ultrasonic Senor, Gas Sensors are used.
The Business Administration Presentation provides a comprehensive exploration of the core concepts, functions, and importance of business administration in modern organizations. It highlights the key principles of managing business operations, strategic decision-making, and organizational leadership, offering a clear understanding of how businesses operate and thrive in competitive markets.
"Seeing vs. Understanding: The Hidden Psychology of Design", Irene Shkarovska...Fwdays
Looks matter. But do they really help? In design, we often glorify aesthetics, but does making something pretty actually make it more usable? This talk breaks down the psychological battle between visual appeal and functional clarity, exploring how design influences both emotion and cognition.
We'll take you through:
- How composition theory shapes both aesthetics and usability.
- Why visual design is crucial for some products but useless for others.
- The role of cognitive load: real reason users click (or dont).
- How visual triggers manipulate emotions and decision-making.
- The secret to balancing eye candy with functionality to create truly effective design.
Get ready for a mix of psychology, interaction design, and a few hard truths. If you've ever wondered whether you should lean into visuals or focus on usabilitythis talk will help you decide.
. Construction technology has genesis in Interplay of-- design, manpower, money, machinery, material, resources, software, quality, durability, environment, ecology
-- Technology used during construction helps push Construction industry forward,
-- for driving advancement / innovations/ increased efficiency in construction
New Technologies--Modular construction, Prefab const , Robotics, drone, Artificial intelligence, 3D printing, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality etc.,
--Technology Empowers people to work smarter/ more efficiently.
-- Technology Changing ways industry thinks, looks and operate at --production / construction.- From Construction to Production of Buildings involving making Building parts of a project off-site, to exact specifications and to Mass-produce pieces -- used repeatedly; taking Construction productivity to new level- overcoming labour shortages - increasing speed of construction,- making construction economical,
- promoting time- efficiencyMaking buildings cost effective- Making construction safe
- Addressing complicated /difficult situation -helping industry addressing larger challenges. Technology remains key to address major challenges & adapt to future.- making buildings lean, compact, smart,
Cost-effective, Timeefficient, Energy efficient, Material- efficient, Qualitative, Healthy, Durable, Eco-friendly, Sustainable
The Business Administration Presentation provides a comprehensive exploration of the core concepts, functions, and importance of business administration in modern organizations. It highlights the key principles of managing business operations, strategic decision-making, and organizational leadership, offering a clear understanding of how businesses operate and thrive in competitive markets.
web design and development service designsumairrana3
Introduction to Storytelling Websites
Why storytelling matters in web design and how it enhances user engagement.
2. What Makes a Website a Storytelling Masterpiece?
Key elements like visuals, animations, and narrative flow.
3. Why Storytelling in Web Design is Effective
The psychology behind engaging users with stories.
4. The Power of Visual Storytelling
How images, videos, and illustrations create an immersive experience.
5. The Role of Animation in Storytelling Websites
Using motion effects to enhance engagement and interaction.
6. Typography as a Storytelling Element
How font choices affect mood and readability.
7. Color Theory in Storytelling Web Design
The impact of color schemes on emotions and brand identity.
8. Interactive Storytelling: Engaging the Audience
Examples of how interaction improves storytelling.
9. Parallax Scrolling for Narrative Depth
How this technique creates a dynamic storytelling experience.
Design I.Y. HOUSING at Lonavala by S+PS Architects, Sublime Ordinariness H...JnaneshPreethan
I.Y. Housing located Near Railway Crossing, Nangargaon, Lonavla, Maharashtra
Is located next to a railway track, so to decrease the sound coming from the trains they have designed a green buffer
The sublime ordinariness project is located about 60 km to the north east of Mumbai. Built around already existing g+2
residential buildings needing no such spaces
UNIPAWS: Making Web3 More Human
Transforming complex blockchain experiences into intuitive, high-converting interfaces that drive measurable results.
Who We Are:
We're a strategic UI/UX design studio specializing in making Web3 and crypto products accessible, engaging, and conversion-focused.
Our Services:
Product Design Blending innovation with functionality
Web Design Strategic visual systems that engage users
Design Systems Consistent visual language for efficiency
MidJourney Art AI-driven visuals for modern interfaces
Motion Design Animations that enhance product storytelling
Featured Projects:
CYBRO AI-powered DeFi platform with 50K+ users
Roketo Gamified mini-app with 300K+ users in first month
BlastUP Launchpad driving $26M+ daily trading volume
Pawthereum Charity platform facilitating $480K+ in donations
DOGEN Memecoin UX with 133% price increase by phase 5
Our 4-step process ensures we transform complex Web3 mechanics into intuitive, accessible experiences that deliver measurable business results.
In this presentation, we explore effective strategies for mastering signage in various industries. From design principles to placement techniques, we cover everything you need to know to create impactful, attention-grabbing signage that resonates with your target audience. Whether you're looking to enhance visibility, improve branding, or drive customer engagement, this guide will provide key insights and practical tips to elevate your signage strategy and ensure long-term success.
Craft a logo that speaks volumes! Boost brand recognition & connect emotionally. Learn 5 ways to create a logo that resonates. Click to learn more!
Simple Style Thesis Defense Blue variant by 際際滷sgo.pptxjosmaryguerraur
BATCH 28 PHASE 3.pptx
RV Collegeof
Go, change the world
Project work atRVCE
Minor Project Final Presentation
Dept of Mech. Engg.
Students Name and USN no.
Sadashiva Hebbal 1RV18ME091
Shashank D D
Gagan Shetty
Nithin G
Internal Guide
Sujan Chakraborty
Associate Professor
Dr. Bharatish A
Associate Professor
Department RVCE
2. RV College of
Go, change the world
Overview of the presentation
1. Introduction / Motivation
2. Objective of the research
3. Methodology
4. Selection of Materials / Selection of model / Selection of sensor / selection of Software
5. Design procedure
6. Project progress photos or videos for each task
7. Conclusion
8. Milestones.
3. RV College of
Go, change the world
We proposed a robot that avoids the obstacle which comes in its path. This robot is
introduced to avoid collision like in cars or mars rover.
With this we got idea and we introduced the robot named as Obstacle avoidance
robot using Arduino. Obstacle avoiding robot is designed to allow robot to navigate
in unknown environment by avoiding collisions.
It senses obstacles in the path, avoids it and resumes its running. We have used
sensors to achieve this objective. The construction of the robot circuit is easy and
small. The idea proposed in this paper is by using machine vision to guide the robot.
The field of machine vision has growing at a fast pace.
Machine vision applications can be divided into four types from a technical point of
view. They can be used to locate measure, inspect and identify. The robot proposed
in this paper is guided with the help of machine vision. The best part of our project is
that if any obstacle is encountered by the robot the robot automatically stops.
4. RV College of
Go, change the world
Market Motivation: The ability to avoid obstacles automatically is an important part of
intelligent robotic vehicles, and creates a safety assurance for future travel.
Industrial Motivation: Obstacle Avoidance is the lowest, or zeroth, level of competence,
meaning it is the core functionality of a mobile robot system upon which everything else
be the most suitable for obstacle
Research Motivation: An ultrasonic sensor would
Societal motivation: If a robot can be made to avoid coming into contact with objects in the
environment, then other higher-level capabilities can safely incorporated into the system.
Knowledge Motivation: During execution of the project, students learn about Aduino-uno
IDE, AF Motor library, New ping library, Ultra-sonic sensor library.
Environmental Motivation: Curb air pollution, Avoid physical contact in Pandemic situations,
reusable & recyclable.
5. RV College of
Go, change the world
Objective of the research
Design a model of a Car which can avoid obstacle using Arduino tool and
Ultra sonic sensor.
Design a system which senses obstacles in the path
Avoiding the obstacles in the path
To optimize the design and program
6. RV College of
Go, change the world
The purpose of this project is to develop a robot with an obstacle avoidance
capability . The robot will be built as a fully autonomous vehicle with on board sensor
to get information about the surrounding environment
The robot has an ultrasonic sensor which is mounted in front of it to scan the front
environment. The ultrasonic sensor will trigger a signal to the main controller, Which
is an Arduino UNO controller when detect the obstacle in the path. The motion of an
robot will be controlled y one servo motor.
The other two wheel will
The servo motor will change the direction of the robot.
only for motion purpose.
The stepper motor will be only run forward without influence by obstacle sensed by
ultra sonic sensor.
8. RV College of
Go, change the world
Selection of Materials / Selection of Model / Selection of Sensor /
Selection of Software
Software userinterface
Arduino uno
Arduino UNO Board or Genuino UNO Board is an open-source microcontroller board
based on ATmega328p chip. Arduino UNO features 14 digital I/O pins (6 pins can be used as PWM),
6 analogue inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, Power Jack and a Reset Button
Components of Arduino UNO
Micro Controller.
USB Connector .
Power Port .
USB Interface Chip .
Digital I/O Pins .
Analog Input Pins .
Power Pins.
Power Pins .
Master Reset Button.
ICSP Header Pins .
9. RV College of
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Selection of Materials / Selection of Model / Selection of Sensor /
Selection of Software
An Ultrasonic sensor is a device that can measure the distance to an object by using sound waves. It measures
distance by sending out a sound wave at a specific frequency and listening for that sound wave to bounce back. By
recording the elapsed time between the sound wave being generated and the sound wave bouncing back, it is
possible to calculate the distance between the sonar sensor and the object.
How Ultrasonic Sensor Can Be Used toAvoid Obstacles,
1.The basic principle behind the working of ultrasonic sensor is to note down the time taken by sensor to transmit
ultrasonic beams and receiving the ultrasonic beams after hitting the surface.
2. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor is used in this project.
3. Acrylic sheets are used for chassis .
4. Arduino is attached to the chassis.
This arduino has pre coded program in it so that.
Arduino is an open-source computer hardware and software company, project, and user community .
5. Fix the car and attach it with a battery and you are al set go with model.
10. RV College of
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Selection of Materials / Selection of Model / Selection of Sensor /
Selection of Software
Motor driver - L293D: The L293D is a single H-Bridge motor driver which allows speed and direction
control of two DC motors at the same time. The module drives DC motors that have voltages between
3.5V to 5V, with a peak current up to 2A.
11. RV College of
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Selection of Materials / Selection of Model / Selection of Sensor /
Selection of Software
Arduino UDE
Arduino UDE software is used to write code for the integration of sensors and
actuators with the help of C++ coding
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12. RV College of
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Design procedure
An ultrasonic sensor is used for obstruction detection. The Arduino stops the AGV
when the obstruction signal is given by thissensor.
The ultrasonic sensor sends the signal to theArduino when an obstruction is at a
distance of 10cm from the AGV by emitting a 4 MHz ultrasonic signal
14. RV College of
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Design procedure
The motor controller L293D is connected to the Arduino, then both DC motors are connected to
the motor controller. The motor controller allows speed and direction control of the motors
simultaneously. The code fed to the Arduino controls the gear motor through L293D using the
concept of Pulse Width Modulation with the help of the H bridge in the motor controller.
15. RV College of
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Design procedure
In this step the components of obstacle avoidance car
wiring the components takes place.
are assembled on the chassis.And the
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Project Progress
Codes for obstructionsensing is ready & optimized. It worked successfully in the test run.
Obstruction sensing system is integrated to the AGV and the integration code is ready.
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RV College of
Video Demonstration
Testing phase photos of the obstacle avoiding robot
of the
working of our obstacle avoiding
18. RV College of
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1. We are successful in implementing the line following system based on the ultrasonic sensor and arduino uno
2.The Ultrasonic sensor and ardunio uno chip work together and help in finding the obstacles in its course and
changes it direction
3.The sensor system and uno chip has played a pivotal role in setting up a completely autonomous system. Thus
creating a safe manufacturing environment for both humans and machines.