Dokumen ini memberikan instruksi tentang cara membuat dan menyimpan dokumen baru menggunakan Microsoft Word. Langkahnya adalah membuka menu File, klik New untuk membuka template Blank Document, kemudian menyimpan dokumen dengan memberi nama file dan memilih letak penyimpanan.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan instruksi singkat tentang cara-cara dasar menggunakan Microsoft Word 2007 seperti membuka, membuat, menyimpan, dan memindahkan dokumen serta teks.
Microsoft Word memiliki berbagai fitur untuk pengetikan dokumen seperti naskah, laporan, dan surat. Bab ini memperkenalkan menu Home yang berisi kelompok toolbar untuk memotong, menempel, mengatur font, paragraph, gaya, dan editing. Cara memulai Word adalah dengan mengklik icon Word pada taskbar atau menu Program di Windows.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan instruksi langkah-langkah untuk membuat animasi tulisan GIF menggunakan aplikasi Ulead GIF Animator. Langkah-langkahnya meliputi membuka aplikasi, membuat halaman kerja kosong, menambahkan teks banner, mengatur font, ukuran, warna dan posisi teks, memilih efek masuk dan keluar, mempreview animasi, menyimpan file GIF, dan melihat hasil akhir banner.
1. Neuroeconomics is an interdisciplinary field that studies how the brain influences economic decision making. It combines research from psychology, economics, and cognitive neuroscience.
2. Standard economic models assume rational decision making, but neuroeconomic findings challenge this by showing emotions and psychological factors influence choices. Neuroimaging techniques help identify brain regions and systems involved in processing risks, rewards, and preferences.
3. Key components of decision making studied in neuroeconomics include prospect theory, uncertainty and risk calculations, loss aversion, fairness, and the roles of the amygdala and prefrontal cortex in balancing rational decision making with emotional responses like fear. Neuroeconomics provides insights into human behavior that cannot be gained from standard economic models
El documento describe los principales 坦rganos del aparato digestivo y sus funciones. Comienza con la boca, donde se inicia la digesti坦n mediante la trituraci坦n y mezcla de los alimentos con la saliva. Luego, el bolo alimenticio pasa a la faringe y el es坦fago hasta llegar al est坦mago, donde se mezcla con los jugos g叩stricos para formar el quimo. Este contin炭a su recorrido al intestino delgado, donde se absorben los nutrientes, y luego al intestino grueso para la eliminaci坦n
SC Galatasaray: To work with fans and generate profit in social media (Ertug ...ResultSportsUkraine
Galatasaray, a Turkish soccer club, has successfully used social media to engage with fans and generate revenue. They opened accounts on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, collecting data on over 10 million followers. An official announcement launched their social media strategy. They then partnered with brands like Nike and Nikon, using targeted campaigns to reach over 14 million fans within 5 minutes. This direct engagement with supporters through social media has led to new partnerships and increased revenue for Galatasaray.
This document describes a system to automatically generate a slide show presentation from a research paper in HTML format. It uses a statistical model to summarize the content, parsing the HTML into a DOM tree to extract text and elements. It generates one slide per heading, writing the slides to a LaTeX file using the Beamer class to make them attractive. The system was able to generate good quality slides when given a paper as input and handle images and tables. Future work could improve quality by adding NLP and machine learning techniques.
The document describes the status of a ship's systems after a reboot. It lists that the interface is online, sustained damage was 21, and run tests are set to true. It then provides details on crew members, cargo, and fuel, food, ammo, and other supply levels that were checked as part of the systems check.
Internet Outage Detection allows users to rapidly detect both network and routing outages and understand their scope and likely root cause. Explore data from major outages and learn to use Internet Outage Detection to diagnose issues and their impact. See the webinar recording at
In part 4 of this BGP webinar series, we cover how to optimize Autonomous System paths, especially in cases of suboptimal international routes. Tips include monitoring layer 3 forwarding alongside BGP, monitoring reverse paths, layering covering prefixes, as well as prepending and MED.
Starting from key concepts, you'll learn how to recognize route leaks and hijacks in the data, alert for these events and proactively mitigate their impact. See the webinar recording at
Jeunesse Global adalah perusahaan multi level marketing yang berbasis di Amerika Serikat yang menjual produk kesehatan dan kecantikan. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tahun 2009 dan telah berkembang ke lebih dari 93 negara. Jeunesse menawarkan enam aliran pendapatan kepada para distributor melalui penjualan retail, komisi tim, bonus kepemimpinan, insentif pelanggan, dan bagian dari bonus pool kepemimpinan.
Este documento describe un juego educativo para estudiantes de 9-10 a単os sobre la pir叩mide alimenticia. Los estudiantes se dividen en grupos para construir una pir叩mide alimenticia completa usando recortes de revistas y alimentos emparejados con sus nutrientes correspondientes, trabajando cooperativamente para buscar informaci坦n y completar el proyecto dentro de un tiempo l鱈mite.
Endpoint Agent Part 3: LAN, Wireless, Gateways and ProxiesThousandEyes
Learn to use Endpoint Agent to identify both isolated and systemic issues in every part of your LAN, from wireless connections to gateways and proxies.
Visualizing the Path of InteropNet and BeyondThousandEyes
ThousandEyes presentation at Interop 2014 at the InteropNet NOC theater. ThousandEyes monitored the performance of the conference's network, including data center connectivity, private BGP and DNS performance, and end user application performance. In this presentation, you can see the paths of the show's internet and how users received it.
Managing Network Performance Within and Beyond Your EnterpriseThousandEyes
Your organization relies on the public Internet to deliver both on-premises and SaaS applications across a geographically distributed employee base. In these slides, see traditional enterprise networks vs. the complex topologies you rely on today, three problems with using traditional network performance management tools and the foundational technologies ThousandEyes has built to address the performance challenges of the modern enterprise. View the webinar with live demo here:
El documento presenta la autopromoci坦n de una estudiante de Educaci坦n Infantil llamada Helen Llamatumbi. Describe su trayectoria educativa y experiencias previas trabajando con ni単os, as鱈 como su amor por la docencia. Tambi辿n resume dos entrevistas realizadas a expertas en el campo de la educaci坦n infantil, donde discuten las necesidades prioritarias de los ni単os, las oportunidades profesionales de la carrera y consejos para el desarrollo profesional.
This document discusses various aspects of communication including the communication process, types of communication, barriers to communication, and principles of effective communication. It notes that communication involves a sender encoding a message that is sent through a channel and decoded by the receiver. Principles of good communication include being complete, concise, considerate of the receiver, clear, courteous, and correct. Barriers to communication can occur due to language differences, distractions, cultural factors, and personal or emotional issues. Both verbal and nonverbal forms of communication are addressed.
Present Perfect Tense , cuma iseng gara gara ada tugas jadi sekalian aku upload ke sini,siapa tau ada yang butuh :)
kalo ada yang salah mohon dimaafkan karna saya hanya murid biasa :)
1. Microsoft PowerPoint adalah program presentasi yang dikembangkan oleh Microsoft untuk membuat presentasi. Program ini banyak digunakan oleh perkantoran, pendidik, dan pelatih.
2. Lembar kerja PowerPoint berisi menu, tempat slide, tempat kerja, dan pengatur layout. Menu utama meliputi Home, Insert, Design, Transitions, Animations, 際際滷 Show, dan View.
3. Ada beberapa cara untuk menyimpan presentasi PowerPoint, yaitu menggunakan tombol Save, Save As, atau shortcut Ctrl
SC Galatasaray: To work with fans and generate profit in social media (Ertug ...ResultSportsUkraine
Galatasaray, a Turkish soccer club, has successfully used social media to engage with fans and generate revenue. They opened accounts on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, collecting data on over 10 million followers. An official announcement launched their social media strategy. They then partnered with brands like Nike and Nikon, using targeted campaigns to reach over 14 million fans within 5 minutes. This direct engagement with supporters through social media has led to new partnerships and increased revenue for Galatasaray.
This document describes a system to automatically generate a slide show presentation from a research paper in HTML format. It uses a statistical model to summarize the content, parsing the HTML into a DOM tree to extract text and elements. It generates one slide per heading, writing the slides to a LaTeX file using the Beamer class to make them attractive. The system was able to generate good quality slides when given a paper as input and handle images and tables. Future work could improve quality by adding NLP and machine learning techniques.
The document describes the status of a ship's systems after a reboot. It lists that the interface is online, sustained damage was 21, and run tests are set to true. It then provides details on crew members, cargo, and fuel, food, ammo, and other supply levels that were checked as part of the systems check.
Internet Outage Detection allows users to rapidly detect both network and routing outages and understand their scope and likely root cause. Explore data from major outages and learn to use Internet Outage Detection to diagnose issues and their impact. See the webinar recording at
In part 4 of this BGP webinar series, we cover how to optimize Autonomous System paths, especially in cases of suboptimal international routes. Tips include monitoring layer 3 forwarding alongside BGP, monitoring reverse paths, layering covering prefixes, as well as prepending and MED.
Starting from key concepts, you'll learn how to recognize route leaks and hijacks in the data, alert for these events and proactively mitigate their impact. See the webinar recording at
Jeunesse Global adalah perusahaan multi level marketing yang berbasis di Amerika Serikat yang menjual produk kesehatan dan kecantikan. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tahun 2009 dan telah berkembang ke lebih dari 93 negara. Jeunesse menawarkan enam aliran pendapatan kepada para distributor melalui penjualan retail, komisi tim, bonus kepemimpinan, insentif pelanggan, dan bagian dari bonus pool kepemimpinan.
Este documento describe un juego educativo para estudiantes de 9-10 a単os sobre la pir叩mide alimenticia. Los estudiantes se dividen en grupos para construir una pir叩mide alimenticia completa usando recortes de revistas y alimentos emparejados con sus nutrientes correspondientes, trabajando cooperativamente para buscar informaci坦n y completar el proyecto dentro de un tiempo l鱈mite.
Endpoint Agent Part 3: LAN, Wireless, Gateways and ProxiesThousandEyes
Learn to use Endpoint Agent to identify both isolated and systemic issues in every part of your LAN, from wireless connections to gateways and proxies.
Visualizing the Path of InteropNet and BeyondThousandEyes
ThousandEyes presentation at Interop 2014 at the InteropNet NOC theater. ThousandEyes monitored the performance of the conference's network, including data center connectivity, private BGP and DNS performance, and end user application performance. In this presentation, you can see the paths of the show's internet and how users received it.
Managing Network Performance Within and Beyond Your EnterpriseThousandEyes
Your organization relies on the public Internet to deliver both on-premises and SaaS applications across a geographically distributed employee base. In these slides, see traditional enterprise networks vs. the complex topologies you rely on today, three problems with using traditional network performance management tools and the foundational technologies ThousandEyes has built to address the performance challenges of the modern enterprise. View the webinar with live demo here:
El documento presenta la autopromoci坦n de una estudiante de Educaci坦n Infantil llamada Helen Llamatumbi. Describe su trayectoria educativa y experiencias previas trabajando con ni単os, as鱈 como su amor por la docencia. Tambi辿n resume dos entrevistas realizadas a expertas en el campo de la educaci坦n infantil, donde discuten las necesidades prioritarias de los ni単os, las oportunidades profesionales de la carrera y consejos para el desarrollo profesional.
This document discusses various aspects of communication including the communication process, types of communication, barriers to communication, and principles of effective communication. It notes that communication involves a sender encoding a message that is sent through a channel and decoded by the receiver. Principles of good communication include being complete, concise, considerate of the receiver, clear, courteous, and correct. Barriers to communication can occur due to language differences, distractions, cultural factors, and personal or emotional issues. Both verbal and nonverbal forms of communication are addressed.
Present Perfect Tense , cuma iseng gara gara ada tugas jadi sekalian aku upload ke sini,siapa tau ada yang butuh :)
kalo ada yang salah mohon dimaafkan karna saya hanya murid biasa :)
1. Microsoft PowerPoint adalah program presentasi yang dikembangkan oleh Microsoft untuk membuat presentasi. Program ini banyak digunakan oleh perkantoran, pendidik, dan pelatih.
2. Lembar kerja PowerPoint berisi menu, tempat slide, tempat kerja, dan pengatur layout. Menu utama meliputi Home, Insert, Design, Transitions, Animations, 際際滷 Show, dan View.
3. Ada beberapa cara untuk menyimpan presentasi PowerPoint, yaitu menggunakan tombol Save, Save As, atau shortcut Ctrl
Dokumen tersebut memberikan penjelasan tentang pengertian dan operasi Microsoft PowerPoint 2007. Terdapat penjelasan mengenai lembaran kerja, ribbon tabs, office button, cara mengaktifkan, menutup, dan menyimpan dokumen PowerPoint. Juga dijelaskan indikator dan kompetensi dasar yang terkait dengan penggunaan aplikasi presentasi PowerPoint 2007.
Ms. Word 2007 memiliki fitur baru seperti ribbon yang memudahkan pengguna dalam menemukan tool. Dokumen menjelaskan cara mengaktifkan, membuat, menyimpan, membuka, dan mengedit dokumen di Ms. Word 2007 seperti mengatur ukuran kertas, margin, dan menyeleksi teks.
Microsoft Power Point 2007 adalah program presentasi yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk membuat presentasi yang terdiri dari teks, gambar, dan objek lainnya. Program ini memiliki fitur-fitur seperti ribbon interface, slide layout, dan animasi untuk membuat presentasi interaktif.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian dan cara menggunakan Microsoft PowerPoint 2007. Terdiri dari tujuan pembelajaran untuk memahami pengertian, aktivasi, penutupan, dan penyimpanan PowerPoint serta mengenali bagian-bagiannya seperti office button dan ribbon tab. Juga terdapat contoh soal latihan untuk menguji pemahaman.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan panduan singkat tentang cara menjalankan Microsoft Word 2007 dan mengenal antarmuka penggunaannya. Dijelaskan cara memulai Word 2007, mengaktifkan berbagai menu seperti Home, Insert, dan Review, serta cara membuat dan menyimpan dokumen baru.
Semoga Modul Ajar Seni Musik Kelas VIII ini bisa menjadi referensi untuk kalian dan bermanfaat untuk bersama. Aamiin...
Salam Manis
Widya Mukti Mulyani
2. Belajar Power Point 2007
Cara mmbuat program Power point 2007
Cara membuat file baru
Cara mengedit file
Cara menyimpan file
Cara menutup file
3. Belajar Power Point 2007
Cara membuat
program Power
point 2007
Klik pada Star> pilih
All Program> pilih
Microsoft Office
2007> pilih Microsoft
Office Power Point
2007 dan klik satu
o Cara membuat
file baru
Klik pada Office Button>
klik New> Klik Blank
presentation> klik
4. Belajar Power Point 2007
bahaGunakan tombol
Font untuk merubah jenis
huruf, tombol Font Size
untuk merubah ukuran
huruf gunakan Bolt untuk
menebalkan huruf, Italic
untuk memiringkan huruf
, UnderLine untuk
memberi garis bawah
dan gunakan tombol
tombol yang lain untuk
melakukan perubahan.
Klik Office Button>
klik Save> arahkan
pada save ini pilih
direktor (D:)
kemudian ganti
filename nya di isi
nama file
nya, kemudian klik
tombol save.
Cara mengedit file Cara menyimpan file
5. Belajar Power Point 2007
Klik Office Buttom> klik Close> Klik Exit
6. Kegunaan
Manfaatnya tentu saja besar
Kegunaanya sudah pasti besar
Seperti kegunaanyang lain, bila di
gunakan untuk kebaikan pasti berbuah
kebaikan, dan jika digunakan untuk kejahatan
sudah pasti kan berbuah keburukan.