Mi a belső kommunikáció? Hogyan fogjunk neki a munkahelyi kommunikációs stratégia kiépítésének, és egyáltalán mit, kinek, hogyan érdemes kommunikálni? A Komm365 iránytűje segít!
Employer Branding for Talent Attraction N. Robert Johnson, APRBob Johnson goes beyond the basics to look at how we can strengthen our employer brands. And, he unveils our new All-Way Brand Alignment model. He also looks at the impact of review sites on talent attraction
Employee BrandingbrandblissThe document discusses internal branding and its relevance and role for internal communicators. It asks whether the brand is relevant internally, how it has changed internal communicators' jobs, and what their role is in internal branding. It outlines four expressions of a brand: corporate, product, employee, and employer brands. It notes that the product/corporate brand is experienced through product use and advertising, while the employer/employee brand is experienced through recruitment, training, culture and environment. Marketing communicates the external brands while HR and internal communicators are responsible for the internal brands.
Exit Interview Research Study Abstract: Unlocking Why Employees Quit & How to...RetensaThe document summarizes key findings from an exit interview research study conducted by Talent Management Solutions. The study analyzed how over 350 organizations conduct exit interviews. It found that most organizations conduct exit interviews but there is variability in methods, questions asked, and use of results. The study aims to establish best practices for exit interview programs. It provides recommendations such as using confidential over anonymous interviews and targeting voluntary resignations for interviews.
Business development manager performance appraisalcoreypierBusiness development manager job description, Business development manager goals & objectives, Business development manager KPIs & KRAs, Business development manager self appraisal
Innovation Accounting in PracticeLean Startup Co.This document outlines an innovation accounting framework for startups. It discusses (1) establishing standard metrics like acquisition, activation, retention, revenue, and referral (known as pirate metrics); (2) measuring everything as cohorts over time; (3) focusing on a single key metric while still monitoring the full customer lifecycle; and (4) building continuous feedback loops with customers to rapidly test hypotheses through experiments and lifecycle messaging. The framework emphasizes using metrics, experiments, and a focus on the customer experience and lifecycle to drive business model innovation.
Sales support specialist perfomance appraisal 2tonychoper1704This document provides information and resources for evaluating the performance of a sales support specialist. It includes a 4-page sample performance evaluation form with rating scales for evaluating an employee's performance on factors like administration, communication, teamwork, decision-making, customer service and more. It also gives examples of positive and negative phrases for evaluating different skills areas. Finally, it outlines the top 12 methods for performance appraisal, such as management by objectives, critical incident method, behaviorally anchored rating scales, and 360-degree feedback. The goal is to help managers formally assess a sales support specialist's work.
Programme assistant performance appraisalMichealOwen666This document provides a job performance evaluation form for evaluating the performance of a programme assistant. It includes sections for reviewing performance factors, identifying employee strengths and areas for improvement, setting a plan for improved performance, and obtaining signatures to finalize the evaluation. Rating scales are provided to assess performance on factors such as administration, communication, teamwork, decision-making, customer service, and safety. Sample phrases are also given to help with writing positive or negative comments on an employee's attitude, creativity, and decision-making.
Employee recognitionWorkforceGrowthEmployee recognition is important. It helps to improve overall employee engagement hence increasing the employee productivity. WorkforceGrowth is a cloud based talent management system which also helps to recognize employees socially in an easy and cost effective way.
The Rewards & Recognition Framework - Aditya YadavAditya YadavThis document discusses frameworks for rewards and recognition (R&R) in large organizations. It argues that traditional R&R systems are often dysfunctional and ineffective because they are not properly tied to business goals. The document proposes new, crisper definitions for monetary rewards, non-financial recognition, incentives, and honors that are better aligned with success, contributions, and business objectives. It distinguishes these terms from basic compensation like salary, bonuses, and perks. The overall aim is to build R&R systems from first principles that promote goals, innovation, and collaboration across large, global organizations.
Gamification in employee engagement - 15 compelling case studies - Manu Melw...manumelwinFor more interesting case studies and updates about Gamification, visit my website
Apple Bee Case Study
DWP Case Study
Idea Street
KEAS Success Story
Kudos Badges
LIVE OPS Case Study
Loyalty One Case Study
Microsoft Case Study
Next Jump Case Study
Plant Ville
Target stores
The Wikipedia Adventure
Blue Wolf
Employee Engagement Scholar ConsultantsUnderstand the difference between "satisfaction" and "engagement" plus what process I believe will get the most engagement levels for human capital within organisations.
Simple Yet Strategic Ways of Building Your Employer Brand | WebcastLinkedIn Talent SolutionsEmployer branding - the art of effectively communicating an organization's talent strategies - requires a unique approach with the evolution of social media. Click through to see how organizations have simply leveraged their assets as talent magnets to attract quality professionals on LinkedIn.
See the full Most InDemand Employers list: http://linkd.in/16NfLvj
Find the secrets to InDemand success on the LinkedIn Talent Blog: http://linkd.in/1ebmLY0
Follow the LinkedIn Talent Solutions page for all recruiting updates: http://linkd.in/1cNvIFT
Tweet with us: http://bit.ly/HireOnLinkedIn
Career Fair 2015 Preparation GuideWUCareerPlanningThis document provides information and tips for preparing for and attending a career fair. It discusses developing goals and researching employers attending. Students are advised to create resumes tailored to the positions they seek and prepare an elevator pitch. Appropriate attire and questions to ask employers are also covered. The document concludes with reminders about follow up strategies like sending thank you notes after the career fair.
Internship Final Report_eClerxShrey ChaurasiaThe document is a summer internship project report for eClerx Services Pvt. Ltd. The project involved streamlining regional differences across loans processes for three different cities. The intern identified opportunities for automation and standardization by analyzing error trends and process maps. Specific recommendations included automating an external email tracker and GRM IPD process, and providing standardized checklists and templates for activities. The project aimed to reduce time, improve accuracy and eliminate manual errors.
When & How To Start A Reward & Recognition ProgramBambooHRThis presentation shares the in and outs of why a reward and recognition program is important to a company. Includes stats on why it's important and how it helps your employee retention.
Replacement Planning PowerPoint Presentation ݺߣs ݺߣTeamPresenting this set of slides with name - Replacement Planning Powerpoint Presentation ݺߣs. All slides are completely editable and professionally designed by our team of expert PowerPoint designers. The presentation content covers all areas of Replacement Planning Powerpoint Presentation ݺߣs and is extensively researched. This ready-to-use deck comprises visually stunning PowerPoint templates, icons, visual designs, data-driven charts and graphs and business diagrams. The deck consists of a total of thirty slides. You can customize this presentation as per your branding needs. You can change the font size, font type, colors as per your requirement. Download the presentation, enter your content in the placeholders and present with confidence.
Sample 360 Feedback Report, Gordon Curphy, PhDGordon (Gordy) Curphy, PhDThis 360-degree feedback report provides John Anderson with feedback from surveys completed by himself, his manager, direct reports, peers, and others. The report is organized into 5 sections that provide an introduction, competency profiles and ratings, highest and lowest rated items, and comparisons between respondent groups. The highest rated competencies for John were Adaptability, Personal Drive, Analyzing Problems & Making Decisions, Planning and Organizing, and Customer Focus. Respondents noted John's greatest strengths as being optimistic, resilient, flexible to change, goal-oriented, and maintaining confidentiality. The report aims to provide insights for John to enhance his effectiveness through identifying development opportunities.
Dissertation report on performance appraisalMonika DeswalThis document appears to be a dissertation project report submitted for an MBA degree. It discusses a study conducted on employee satisfaction with performance appraisals at Hotel Samrat in New Delhi. The report includes an introduction to the hotel industry and Hotel Samrat, objectives and scope of the study, a literature review on relevant concepts like human resource management and performance appraisal, the research methodology used, data analysis and findings, and conclusions and suggestions.
Project-performance appraisalabhisaxenaThe document discusses performance appraisal at Jindal Brothers Pvt. Ltd. It includes:
1) An introduction to performance appraisal, its definition, objectives, characteristics of an effective appraisal system, and the role it plays in areas like motivation, training, and employee evaluation.
2) An overview of common performance appraisal methods like graphic rating scales, paired comparisons, forced choice, and 360 degree feedback.
3) Details of Jindal Brothers' performance appraisal process, including pre-appraisal steps to define objectives, participants, criteria, frequency, and methods of appraisal.
4) Benefits of performance appraisal for both the organization and
Leader Development Roadmap by CCLSergey Golubkov, PhD, BCCThe Center for Creative Leadership designed Leader Development Roadmap which integrates within itself the logic and content of developing leaders in organizations on the basis of many years of research done by CCL.
Managing TrainingManage Train LearnThe “Course Topics” series from Manage Train Learn and ݺߣ Topics is a collection of over 4000 slides that will help you master a wide range of management and personal development skills. The 202 PowerPoints in this series offer you a complete and in-depth study of each topic. This presentation is on "Managing Training".
Employee EngagementNational HRD NetworkThis document discusses employee engagement and provides information on defining engagement, measuring engagement, and strategies for improving engagement. Some key points:
- Employee engagement refers to an employee's emotional commitment and positive attachment to their organization. Highly engaged employees are enthusiastic about their work and further the interests of the organization.
- Common models for measuring engagement include the Gallup Q12 survey, which measures 12 factors like clear expectations, resources, development opportunities, and praise. Other models look at engagement drivers like career development, leadership, rewards, and work-life balance.
- Managers play a critical role in driving engagement through coaching, communicating goals, team development initiatives, and believing in employees' abilities. Regular communication, feedback
Employee Training and Development: How to Measure Effectiveness and Impact | ...BizLibraryAccording the ATD State of the Industry, overall spending on employee training in U.S. organizations is $164 billion, the average cost per learning hour used is $89 and the cost per learning hour available is $1,772.
How can we make sure the investment of time and resources is making a positive business impact? How can we measure the effectiveness of our training initiatives?
• Business development executive job description • Business development execu...richardclark986Business development executive job description,Business development executive goals & objectives,Business development executive KPIs & KRAs,Business development executive self appraisal
Facility security officer perfomance appraisal 2tonychoper6204This document contains a job performance evaluation form for a facility security officer. It includes sections for identifying employee information, rating performance factors, identifying strengths and areas for improvement, setting performance goals, and obtaining signatures to finalize the evaluation. It also provides examples of performance review phrases that could be used when evaluating different skills and behaviors for a facility security officer, such as attitude, decision-making, problem-solving, and teamwork. Finally, it lists the top 12 methods that can be used for performance appraisal, such as management by objectives, critical incident method, and 360-degree feedback.
STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROJECT University of DuhokThis document discusses strategic human resource management. It defines HRM and outlines several models of HRM, including the matching model, strategic management model, and control-based model. It also discusses the strategic management process, strategic planning, types of strategies, and strategic HRM. Strategic HRM aims to improve business performance by taking a strategic approach to managing human capital. While strategic HRM can benefit organizations, it also faces some limitations that must be addressed. Overall, managing human resources strategically is important for organizations to gain a competitive advantage.
Belső kommunikációs iránytű 2021 | Komm365Ádám NagyAz éves belső kommunikációs stratégia megtervezése nem kis feladat: megannyi különböző szempontot, stakeholdert, elvárást és célt kell összeegyeztetned, hogy aztán ezekből egy hatékony, egységes koncepció kerekedjen ki. Ehhez nyújtok némi támpontot az ingyenesen letölthető belső kommunikációs iránytű segítségével, végigvezetve téged a stratégiai tervezés legfontosabb lépésein és a kérdéseken, melyeket mindenképp meg kell válaszolnod!
The Rewards & Recognition Framework - Aditya YadavAditya YadavThis document discusses frameworks for rewards and recognition (R&R) in large organizations. It argues that traditional R&R systems are often dysfunctional and ineffective because they are not properly tied to business goals. The document proposes new, crisper definitions for monetary rewards, non-financial recognition, incentives, and honors that are better aligned with success, contributions, and business objectives. It distinguishes these terms from basic compensation like salary, bonuses, and perks. The overall aim is to build R&R systems from first principles that promote goals, innovation, and collaboration across large, global organizations.
Gamification in employee engagement - 15 compelling case studies - Manu Melw...manumelwinFor more interesting case studies and updates about Gamification, visit my website
Apple Bee Case Study
DWP Case Study
Idea Street
KEAS Success Story
Kudos Badges
LIVE OPS Case Study
Loyalty One Case Study
Microsoft Case Study
Next Jump Case Study
Plant Ville
Target stores
The Wikipedia Adventure
Blue Wolf
Employee Engagement Scholar ConsultantsUnderstand the difference between "satisfaction" and "engagement" plus what process I believe will get the most engagement levels for human capital within organisations.
Simple Yet Strategic Ways of Building Your Employer Brand | WebcastLinkedIn Talent SolutionsEmployer branding - the art of effectively communicating an organization's talent strategies - requires a unique approach with the evolution of social media. Click through to see how organizations have simply leveraged their assets as talent magnets to attract quality professionals on LinkedIn.
See the full Most InDemand Employers list: http://linkd.in/16NfLvj
Find the secrets to InDemand success on the LinkedIn Talent Blog: http://linkd.in/1ebmLY0
Follow the LinkedIn Talent Solutions page for all recruiting updates: http://linkd.in/1cNvIFT
Tweet with us: http://bit.ly/HireOnLinkedIn
Career Fair 2015 Preparation GuideWUCareerPlanningThis document provides information and tips for preparing for and attending a career fair. It discusses developing goals and researching employers attending. Students are advised to create resumes tailored to the positions they seek and prepare an elevator pitch. Appropriate attire and questions to ask employers are also covered. The document concludes with reminders about follow up strategies like sending thank you notes after the career fair.
Internship Final Report_eClerxShrey ChaurasiaThe document is a summer internship project report for eClerx Services Pvt. Ltd. The project involved streamlining regional differences across loans processes for three different cities. The intern identified opportunities for automation and standardization by analyzing error trends and process maps. Specific recommendations included automating an external email tracker and GRM IPD process, and providing standardized checklists and templates for activities. The project aimed to reduce time, improve accuracy and eliminate manual errors.
When & How To Start A Reward & Recognition ProgramBambooHRThis presentation shares the in and outs of why a reward and recognition program is important to a company. Includes stats on why it's important and how it helps your employee retention.
Replacement Planning PowerPoint Presentation ݺߣs ݺߣTeamPresenting this set of slides with name - Replacement Planning Powerpoint Presentation ݺߣs. All slides are completely editable and professionally designed by our team of expert PowerPoint designers. The presentation content covers all areas of Replacement Planning Powerpoint Presentation ݺߣs and is extensively researched. This ready-to-use deck comprises visually stunning PowerPoint templates, icons, visual designs, data-driven charts and graphs and business diagrams. The deck consists of a total of thirty slides. You can customize this presentation as per your branding needs. You can change the font size, font type, colors as per your requirement. Download the presentation, enter your content in the placeholders and present with confidence.
Sample 360 Feedback Report, Gordon Curphy, PhDGordon (Gordy) Curphy, PhDThis 360-degree feedback report provides John Anderson with feedback from surveys completed by himself, his manager, direct reports, peers, and others. The report is organized into 5 sections that provide an introduction, competency profiles and ratings, highest and lowest rated items, and comparisons between respondent groups. The highest rated competencies for John were Adaptability, Personal Drive, Analyzing Problems & Making Decisions, Planning and Organizing, and Customer Focus. Respondents noted John's greatest strengths as being optimistic, resilient, flexible to change, goal-oriented, and maintaining confidentiality. The report aims to provide insights for John to enhance his effectiveness through identifying development opportunities.
Dissertation report on performance appraisalMonika DeswalThis document appears to be a dissertation project report submitted for an MBA degree. It discusses a study conducted on employee satisfaction with performance appraisals at Hotel Samrat in New Delhi. The report includes an introduction to the hotel industry and Hotel Samrat, objectives and scope of the study, a literature review on relevant concepts like human resource management and performance appraisal, the research methodology used, data analysis and findings, and conclusions and suggestions.
Project-performance appraisalabhisaxenaThe document discusses performance appraisal at Jindal Brothers Pvt. Ltd. It includes:
1) An introduction to performance appraisal, its definition, objectives, characteristics of an effective appraisal system, and the role it plays in areas like motivation, training, and employee evaluation.
2) An overview of common performance appraisal methods like graphic rating scales, paired comparisons, forced choice, and 360 degree feedback.
3) Details of Jindal Brothers' performance appraisal process, including pre-appraisal steps to define objectives, participants, criteria, frequency, and methods of appraisal.
4) Benefits of performance appraisal for both the organization and
Leader Development Roadmap by CCLSergey Golubkov, PhD, BCCThe Center for Creative Leadership designed Leader Development Roadmap which integrates within itself the logic and content of developing leaders in organizations on the basis of many years of research done by CCL.
Managing TrainingManage Train LearnThe “Course Topics” series from Manage Train Learn and ݺߣ Topics is a collection of over 4000 slides that will help you master a wide range of management and personal development skills. The 202 PowerPoints in this series offer you a complete and in-depth study of each topic. This presentation is on "Managing Training".
Employee EngagementNational HRD NetworkThis document discusses employee engagement and provides information on defining engagement, measuring engagement, and strategies for improving engagement. Some key points:
- Employee engagement refers to an employee's emotional commitment and positive attachment to their organization. Highly engaged employees are enthusiastic about their work and further the interests of the organization.
- Common models for measuring engagement include the Gallup Q12 survey, which measures 12 factors like clear expectations, resources, development opportunities, and praise. Other models look at engagement drivers like career development, leadership, rewards, and work-life balance.
- Managers play a critical role in driving engagement through coaching, communicating goals, team development initiatives, and believing in employees' abilities. Regular communication, feedback
Employee Training and Development: How to Measure Effectiveness and Impact | ...BizLibraryAccording the ATD State of the Industry, overall spending on employee training in U.S. organizations is $164 billion, the average cost per learning hour used is $89 and the cost per learning hour available is $1,772.
How can we make sure the investment of time and resources is making a positive business impact? How can we measure the effectiveness of our training initiatives?
• Business development executive job description • Business development execu...richardclark986Business development executive job description,Business development executive goals & objectives,Business development executive KPIs & KRAs,Business development executive self appraisal
Facility security officer perfomance appraisal 2tonychoper6204This document contains a job performance evaluation form for a facility security officer. It includes sections for identifying employee information, rating performance factors, identifying strengths and areas for improvement, setting performance goals, and obtaining signatures to finalize the evaluation. It also provides examples of performance review phrases that could be used when evaluating different skills and behaviors for a facility security officer, such as attitude, decision-making, problem-solving, and teamwork. Finally, it lists the top 12 methods that can be used for performance appraisal, such as management by objectives, critical incident method, and 360-degree feedback.
STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROJECT University of DuhokThis document discusses strategic human resource management. It defines HRM and outlines several models of HRM, including the matching model, strategic management model, and control-based model. It also discusses the strategic management process, strategic planning, types of strategies, and strategic HRM. Strategic HRM aims to improve business performance by taking a strategic approach to managing human capital. While strategic HRM can benefit organizations, it also faces some limitations that must be addressed. Overall, managing human resources strategically is important for organizations to gain a competitive advantage.
Belső kommunikációs iránytű 2021 | Komm365Ádám NagyAz éves belső kommunikációs stratégia megtervezése nem kis feladat: megannyi különböző szempontot, stakeholdert, elvárást és célt kell összeegyeztetned, hogy aztán ezekből egy hatékony, egységes koncepció kerekedjen ki. Ehhez nyújtok némi támpontot az ingyenesen letölthető belső kommunikációs iránytű segítségével, végigvezetve téged a stratégiai tervezés legfontosabb lépésein és a kérdéseken, melyeket mindenképp meg kell válaszolnod!
Dr. Kollár Csaba: A PR-ben használt marketinges módszerekCsaba KOLLAR (Dr. Dr. habil. PhD.)Dr. Kollár Csaba: A PR-ben használt marketinges módszerek, avagy mit adott egymásnak és kapott egymástól a marketing és a PR
Mit csinál egy online marketinges? BeacheggKÜRT Akadémia NET-WORKS képzés nyitó előadás - áttekintő és szemléletformáló óra leendő online marketingeseknek.
Dolgozói márkaképviselet Erzsébet KatonaIII. DivatMarketing Konferencia - 2014. október 8. - MÁRKA-MOTIVÁCIÓ-(E)MARKETING
Az előadásom címe: "Dolgozói márkaképviselet – avagy hol/hogy terem „az elkötelezett munkatárs”?"
Minden bolt, üzlet- akár hálózathoz tartozó, akár önálló, egyedi üzlet – vezetője, tulajdonosa számára a vevők minőségi kiszolgálása a legfontosabb. Sok esetben a vevők alig pár perc alatt eldöntik, hogy az adott helyen mi "igaz" mindabból, amit elgondoltak a termékekről, választékról, minőségről, árakról, kiszolgálásról, vevőbánásmódról.
Mi alapján? – hogy milyen az ott dolgozók márkaképviselete!
Azért arról beszéltem az előadásom keretében, hogy hogyan lehet elérni, hogy az eladók lojalitása magasabb szintű legyen, és képesek legyenek a hatékonyabb vevőmegtartásra, vevőkör bővítésére önállóan, kreatívan, hitelesen?
Az előadásom kapcsán foglalkoztam a dolgozói márkaképviselet jelentőségével, az Ügyfél-dolgozói elégedettség jelentőségével, a képzés, tréning, motiváció szükségességéről, és a kiválasztásról, mint a megelőzés módszeréről.
B2B marketing - ICT kkv vállalatoknak - IVSZ meetupBalazs KESZEIÖsszefoglaló a működő B2B taktikákról - mi működik és miért.
Nem az a lényeg, hogy mit használsz, hanem az hogy hogyan!
Figyelj oda az ügyfél vásárlási útvonalára, legyen mindig releváns üzeneted minden helyzetben.
Reklamok Ertelmezese 4Zoltan Havasiaz utolsó alkalom keretében megrendelői szempontból viszgáljuk meg a reklámelemzés és kutatás lehetőségeit, szempontjait, valamint átvesszük, hogyan kezdjünk saját kutatásba
Online kutatásmódszertan: netnográfiaRobert PinterA Dgitális Világ Gazdaságtana kurzusomon (Corvinus Egyetem, 2011 ősz) belül folyó online kutatásmódszertani blokk 3. része, amely a kutatási blogokkal, kutatási közösségekkel (MROC) és a social média elemzésével (netnográfia) foglalkozik.
A marketing terv tartalma : Mit tartalmazzon egy marketing terv?Miklovicz Norberthttp://www.marketing112.hu - A marketing terv és marketing stratégia elkészítése az egyik legfontosabb dolog a cég életében. Viszont sok döntézhozó nem tudja, hogy a marketing terv fejezetei mit tartalmaznak. Az ők döntéseit kívánjuk megkönnyítenzi ezzel.
2. Éves belső
stratégiát tervezel?
Az alábbi útmutató lépésről lépésre
végigvezet a tervezés legfontosabb
kérdésein és pontjain.
A ceruzával jelölt mezőkből fog
összeállni saját stratégiád alapja:
nyomtasd ki a tervezőt és töltsd ki
őket, hogy könnyebben kezdhess
neki az év összeállításának!
3. Tartalom
0. Mi a belső kommunikáció?
1. Miért kommunikálunk?
2. Kinek kommunikálunk?
3. Hogyan kommunikálunk?
4. Mit kommunikálunk?
5. Összefoglaló
4. #00
Mi a belső kommunikáció?
Egy kicsit HR, egy kicsit marketing, van
benne némi pszichológia és
szociológia is, valójában pedig a
szervezet egészének a felelőssége,
hogy hatékonyan, a vállalati stratégia
szerves részeként működjön – vajon
mi lehet a szóban forgó terület?
Természetesen nem más, mint a belső
kommunikáció, egy viszonylag
nehezen definiálható, ám annál
fontosabb szelete a sikeres munkahelyi
5. Belső kommunikáció...
kapcsolatba lépsz
...ahogy a vezetőd
kommunikál veled
nap mint nap.
...ahogy értesülsz
egy-egy céges
...az is, hogy a
vállalati értékek
hogyan jelennek
meg munkádban.
...hogy hogyan élsz
meg egy-egy
szervezeti változást.
Olvass többet a
témáról itt:
...ahogy hírekről
értesülsz a
6. #01
Miért kommunikálunk?
Minden sikeres vállalkozás, minden
lefutott maraton és minden elnyert
egyetemi ösztöndíj mögött van egy jól
felépített “miért” – egy definíció, egy
ütős, átfogó gondolat, amiben benne
van minden motiváció, személyes
gondolat és elképzelés az adott
Ha a belső kommunikáció kapcsán
megválaszoljuk ezt a kérdést,
megkaphatjuk stratégiánk alapköveit.
7. A belső
fő céljai
Közösségi érzés
Elismerés és
All staff
Céges értékek,
vízió erősítése
A kommunikáció
céljai piramisként
épülnek egymásra:
először a szilárd
alapokról kell
gondoskodni, hogy
hosszútávon igazán
komoly eredményeket
érhessünk el.
8. Az idei év végére azt szeretném elérni
a belső kommunikáció által, hogy...
Ehhez a következő lépésekre lesz
Próbáld meg egyetlen mondatban
összefoglalni a célodat!
Milyen nagyobb mérföldkövek,
akciók kellenek a cél eléréséhez?
9. #02
Kinek kommunikálunk?
A belső kommunikáció csak akkor tud jól
működni, ha ismerjük a célközönséget.
Akár egy jó újságírónak vagy profi
marketingesnek, úgy kell
megragadnunk célcsoportjaink
figyelmét az őket érdeklő kérdésekkel
és témákkal. Ehhez első körben meg
kell ismerkednünk a szokásaikkal,
elvárásaikkal, jellemzőikkel, hogy később
igazán testre tudjuk szabni
Egy rövid beszélgetés a
reggeli kávé mellett vagy akár
egy céges csapatépítőn
értékes információkat
hordozhat kollégáid
elvárásaival kapcsolatban.
Hívj össze néhány
munkatársat, és azonosítsátok
közösen, egy irányított
beszélgetés keretében a
belső kommunikáció
legnagyobb kérdéseit és
Inkább a számok
érdekelnének? Küldj ki egy
kérdőívet, és/vagy ellenőrizd a
belső e-mailek, Intranet
statisztikáit, hogy jobban
megismerd kollégáid
11. Célközönségek 1.
Használt csatornák:
Releváns témák:
Használt csatornák:
Releváns témák:
Használt csatornák:
Releváns témák:
Használt csatornák:
Releváns témák:
Vázold fel, milyen nagyobb
célközönségek felé irányul a
Ezek lehetnek pl. egyes
üzletágak, csapatok, de akár
különböző szintek is (gyakornok,
manager, stb).
Később ez alapján tudod majd
szegmentálni és jobban célozni
belső kommunikációdat.
12. #03
Hogyan kommunikálunk?
Nem csak az fontos, hogy miért és kinek
kommunikálsz, hanem az is, milyen
módon teszed ezt.
Manapság már több tucatnyi csatorna és
platform áll rendelkezésedre, hogy
kollégáid felé kommunikálj - a kérdés
már csak az, melyeket érdemes ezekből
Mérhető csatornák
Belső hírlevél
Social collaboration platform (pl. MS Teams)
Fali tévék / kijelzők
Nem mérhető csatornák
Fali tévék / kijelzők
Személyes meetingek
Nyomtatott anyagok
(pl. plakát, szórólap, magazin)
Ebből a munkahelyemen jelenleg a következők állnak rendelkezésre...
15. #04
Mit kommunikálunk?
Megvan a cél, behatároltad a
célközönséget, és a megfelelő csatornák
is a rendelkezésedre állnak - ideje rátérni
a következő lépésre, és kitalálni, hogy
pontosan mit fogunk kommunikálni.
Fontos: az egyenletnek csak az egyik
oldala, hogy a vállalat milyen üzeneteket
közvetít - érdemes a másik oldalt is
folyamatosan nyomon követni, vagyis
hogy mi az, ami valóban foglalkoztatja a
16. Üzleti témák
Szakmai sikerek, projektek,
eredmények, szervezeti
változások, amik egész céges
szinten érdekesek lehetnek.
Közösségi témák
Közösségi események, alulról
jövő kezdeményezések, belső
employer branding aktivitások,
17. Idén a következő főbb témakörökben fogunk
A téma mellett próbáld meg a gyakoriságot,
illetve a tervezett feladót / ownert is feltüntetni!
A következő oldalon egy tervező sablont
találsz, mellyel kisebb kommunikációs
kampányokat, egy-egy téma köré
felépített belső kommunikációkat
rendezhetsz struktúrába felhasználva a
korábban megismert elemeket és