NEEL2015 challenge summaryGiuseppe RizzoThe document summarizes the Named Entity Extraction and Linking (NEEL) challenge held at WWW2015. The NEEL challenge aimed to explore new approaches for recognizing and linking named entities in microposts (short social media posts). 21 teams participated in the challenge involving recognizing named entities and linking them to entries in the DBpedia knowledge base. The winning team, Ousia, achieved an overall score of 0.8067 by accurately recognizing and linking named entities in tweets.
23desacehepaperTiga kalimat:
1. Kasus Prita merupakan contoh arogansi aparat hukum yang mengabaikan nilai keadilan dan kemanusiaan.
2. KY menangani 11 hakim yang diduga melakukan korupsi dengan memeras dan menerima suap.
3. Jasad wartawan yang dibunuh ditemukan di laut setelah dibuang dari arah barat.
University Of Antwerp The Uk Digital Television Landscape Ken LawrenceThiscoThis document discusses interactive digital television in the UK. It covers the benefits of digital TV for viewers and broadcasters, the different ways to receive digital TV in the UK, research on adoption of digital TV, UK providers like Freeview, BSkyB, NTL and Telewest, the failure of ITV Digital, and the UK government's plans for digital switchover by 2010. Research shows price is a major barrier to adoption, and some experts question if the government's 95% target can be met on time.
8 Des AcehepaperPilkada serentak di seluruh Indonesia beresiko tinggi karena akan banyak kasus yang muncul. Menteri Dalam Negeri mengatakan akan ada ratusan pilkada dari tahun 2010 hingga 2013 sehingga anggarannya besar. KPK menolak izin penyadapan karena sering melakukan operasi mendadak dan integritas penyelenggara negara di Indonesia relatif rendah. Ratusan ribu massa akan menggelar aksi memperingati Hari Anti Korupsi di 33
Star Ccm604 Features FinalEd ErbThe release of STAR-CCM+ v6.04 includes many new features across the simulation workflow with a focus on multiphase modeling. Key additions include enhancements to Eulerian and Lagrangian multiphase simulations, new fluid film modeling, discrete element method particle bonding, and improved vortex core detection. The release also expands application areas through new combustion and RELAP5-3D coupling models.
Edisi18 Sep NasioanlepaperSerangan bom bunuh diri di Kabul menewaskan enam tentara Italia dan sepuluh warga sipil Afghanistan. Serangan itu dilakukan oleh seorang pengebom bunuh diri yang menabrakkan mobil berbahan peledak ke kendaraan militer Italia. Sementara itu, dua tentara Inggris tewas dalam pertempuran di Afghanistan.
Panduan Subsidi Pengawas 2007LPMP GorontaloProgram Subsidi Pengawas merupakan upaya pemerintah untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan kinerja pengawas sekolah dengan memberikan insentif dan bantuan operasional sebesar Rp. 100.000 per bulan. Mekanisme pelaksanaannya meliputi penetapan penerima subsidi oleh komite tingkat pusat, provinsi, dan kabupaten/kota serta pendistribusian dana subsidi tiga kali setahun untuk memantau dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan program.
Supplementing Literacy Through Technology in Elementary Educational Enrichmen...salmThis document proposes an elementary enrichment program that combines literacy and technology. The program would have students act as junior authors to compose, narrate, and illustrate a book using technology. There is a need for such a program as there are currently no gifted/talented programs and students have limited computer access. The budget proposes $26,398 for the program, with $23,500 requested from various foundations and government grants, and the remaining $2,898 supplemented by the school. The program aims to develop students' reading, writing, and technology skills.
PropNex Real Estate Market Analysis July 2009John Tan Yi Shin- The Singapore economy grew by 20.4% in Q2 2009 after four consecutive quarters of contraction, driven mainly by a surge in pharmaceutical production. However, concerns remain about the sustainability of this growth.
- Unemployment rates hit a 5-year high of 4.8% while overall unemployment rose to 3.3% in Q1 2009.
- Private home sales rebounded strongly in Q2 2009, with a 77% increase in units sold compared to Q1 2009. This was driven by factors such as improved market sentiment, attractive pricing and discounts by developers, and low interest rates on housing loans.
Paper Con 2011 Presentation Continuous Coloration Of Coatings For Coated Pa...Mark CrableThe document discusses continuously coloring coated paper and board by adding dyes and optical brightening agents directly to the coater. Pilot tests showed that adding the colorants just before the coating head provided thorough mixing and uniform color coverage across the coated sheet. Continuously adjusting color could eliminate shade issues, waste, and inefficiencies compared to the traditional batch-wise coloring method.
OS Mapping and Industrial LocationdouglasgreigThis document discusses key concepts related to changes in industry and landscapes over time:
- Industrialisation refers to the growth of industry in an area. De-industrialisation is the decline or loss of industry. Re-industrialisation is the revival or growth of industry after a period of decline.
- It provides examples of using map evidence to identify features and explain the location of industries like the Honda factory in Swindon. Both advantages like new jobs and infrastructure, and disadvantages like congestion and loss of green spaces are discussed.
- The impacts of de-industrialisation and the shift to knowledge-based industries are examined for places like Manchester and Swindon. Re-industrialisation
20 J An AcehepaperMantan agen CIA yang buron akan dideportasi dari Indonesia pada 23 Januari. Polri juga menangkap warga negara asing lainnya berdasarkan permintaan pemerintah negaranya. Pembentukan Komunitas Pengusaha Antisuap diharapkan menciptakan dunia usaha bebas suap. Pansus Bank Century akan memanggil mantan Kabareskrim untuk memberi keterangan.
Lect 6 - vels, vce and vet 2013Geoff AdamsThe document discusses outdoor education (OE) in the school curriculum across five levels: 1) as extracurricular activities, 2) camping programs, 3) residential experiences, 4) as a subject, and 5) incorporated into other subjects. It also addresses OE in the context of the Australian Curriculum for Health and Physical Education, noting opportunities for OE to provide contact with nature, develop outdoor skills, and foster critical thinking about human-nature relationships. The document questions what unique outcomes justify expanding OE in the curriculum and encourages giving feedback to those shaping the national standards.
Анализ кадрового рынка ИТ-специалистов в г. Тверь 2014 годМатвеева СветланаЦель исследования: проанализировать кадровый рынок ИТ-специалистов и потребность работодателей Твери в данных специалистах.
University Of Antwerp The Uk Digital Television Landscape Ken LawrenceThiscoThis document discusses interactive digital television in the UK. It covers the benefits of digital TV for viewers and broadcasters, the different ways to receive digital TV in the UK, research on adoption of digital TV, UK providers like Freeview, BSkyB, NTL and Telewest, the failure of ITV Digital, and the UK government's plans for digital switchover by 2010. Research shows price is a major barrier to adoption, and some experts question if the government's 95% target can be met on time.
8 Des AcehepaperPilkada serentak di seluruh Indonesia beresiko tinggi karena akan banyak kasus yang muncul. Menteri Dalam Negeri mengatakan akan ada ratusan pilkada dari tahun 2010 hingga 2013 sehingga anggarannya besar. KPK menolak izin penyadapan karena sering melakukan operasi mendadak dan integritas penyelenggara negara di Indonesia relatif rendah. Ratusan ribu massa akan menggelar aksi memperingati Hari Anti Korupsi di 33
Star Ccm604 Features FinalEd ErbThe release of STAR-CCM+ v6.04 includes many new features across the simulation workflow with a focus on multiphase modeling. Key additions include enhancements to Eulerian and Lagrangian multiphase simulations, new fluid film modeling, discrete element method particle bonding, and improved vortex core detection. The release also expands application areas through new combustion and RELAP5-3D coupling models.
Edisi18 Sep NasioanlepaperSerangan bom bunuh diri di Kabul menewaskan enam tentara Italia dan sepuluh warga sipil Afghanistan. Serangan itu dilakukan oleh seorang pengebom bunuh diri yang menabrakkan mobil berbahan peledak ke kendaraan militer Italia. Sementara itu, dua tentara Inggris tewas dalam pertempuran di Afghanistan.
Panduan Subsidi Pengawas 2007LPMP GorontaloProgram Subsidi Pengawas merupakan upaya pemerintah untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan kinerja pengawas sekolah dengan memberikan insentif dan bantuan operasional sebesar Rp. 100.000 per bulan. Mekanisme pelaksanaannya meliputi penetapan penerima subsidi oleh komite tingkat pusat, provinsi, dan kabupaten/kota serta pendistribusian dana subsidi tiga kali setahun untuk memantau dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan program.
Supplementing Literacy Through Technology in Elementary Educational Enrichmen...salmThis document proposes an elementary enrichment program that combines literacy and technology. The program would have students act as junior authors to compose, narrate, and illustrate a book using technology. There is a need for such a program as there are currently no gifted/talented programs and students have limited computer access. The budget proposes $26,398 for the program, with $23,500 requested from various foundations and government grants, and the remaining $2,898 supplemented by the school. The program aims to develop students' reading, writing, and technology skills.
PropNex Real Estate Market Analysis July 2009John Tan Yi Shin- The Singapore economy grew by 20.4% in Q2 2009 after four consecutive quarters of contraction, driven mainly by a surge in pharmaceutical production. However, concerns remain about the sustainability of this growth.
- Unemployment rates hit a 5-year high of 4.8% while overall unemployment rose to 3.3% in Q1 2009.
- Private home sales rebounded strongly in Q2 2009, with a 77% increase in units sold compared to Q1 2009. This was driven by factors such as improved market sentiment, attractive pricing and discounts by developers, and low interest rates on housing loans.
Paper Con 2011 Presentation Continuous Coloration Of Coatings For Coated Pa...Mark CrableThe document discusses continuously coloring coated paper and board by adding dyes and optical brightening agents directly to the coater. Pilot tests showed that adding the colorants just before the coating head provided thorough mixing and uniform color coverage across the coated sheet. Continuously adjusting color could eliminate shade issues, waste, and inefficiencies compared to the traditional batch-wise coloring method.
OS Mapping and Industrial LocationdouglasgreigThis document discusses key concepts related to changes in industry and landscapes over time:
- Industrialisation refers to the growth of industry in an area. De-industrialisation is the decline or loss of industry. Re-industrialisation is the revival or growth of industry after a period of decline.
- It provides examples of using map evidence to identify features and explain the location of industries like the Honda factory in Swindon. Both advantages like new jobs and infrastructure, and disadvantages like congestion and loss of green spaces are discussed.
- The impacts of de-industrialisation and the shift to knowledge-based industries are examined for places like Manchester and Swindon. Re-industrialisation
20 J An AcehepaperMantan agen CIA yang buron akan dideportasi dari Indonesia pada 23 Januari. Polri juga menangkap warga negara asing lainnya berdasarkan permintaan pemerintah negaranya. Pembentukan Komunitas Pengusaha Antisuap diharapkan menciptakan dunia usaha bebas suap. Pansus Bank Century akan memanggil mantan Kabareskrim untuk memberi keterangan.
Lect 6 - vels, vce and vet 2013Geoff AdamsThe document discusses outdoor education (OE) in the school curriculum across five levels: 1) as extracurricular activities, 2) camping programs, 3) residential experiences, 4) as a subject, and 5) incorporated into other subjects. It also addresses OE in the context of the Australian Curriculum for Health and Physical Education, noting opportunities for OE to provide contact with nature, develop outdoor skills, and foster critical thinking about human-nature relationships. The document questions what unique outcomes justify expanding OE in the curriculum and encourages giving feedback to those shaping the national standards.
Анализ кадрового рынка ИТ-специалистов в г. Тверь 2014 годМатвеева СветланаЦель исследования: проанализировать кадровый рынок ИТ-специалистов и потребность работодателей Твери в данных специалистах.
Знакомство с группой компаний NAUMENNAUMEN. Информационные системы управления растущим бизнесомДоклад на бизнес-завтраке «Контактный центр как хедлайнер процессов обслуживания в розничном банкинге» (Екатеринбург, 16 апреля 2014 г.).
Спикер: Андрей Зайцев, генеральный директор NODA Interaction Platforms (бренд NAUMEN в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе), Naumen
Государственно-частное партнерство: серийное создание стартаповSergey LourieПрезентация генерального директора наноцентра "Дубна" Алексея Гостомельского для круглого стола "Законодательное обеспечение деятельности институтов развития. РОСНАНО: итоги первой пятилетки", 15 апреля 2013 года.
An Introduction to the IT Industry_СПИК 17.05.2011Dmitry OrlovСлайды с выступления Орлова Дмитрия про курс "Введение в индустрию ИТ" на СПИК 17.05.2011
IT Job market in Ukraine 2015: Overview & trendsMax IschenkoThe document summarizes trends in Ukraine's IT job market and developer salaries from 2014-2015. It finds that the number of developers grew 20% to around 75,000 in 2014 and salaries have remained stable when adjusting for currency devaluation, ranging from $1,000-$3,000 depending on role, experience, and location. The majority of IT jobs and developers are concentrated in a few major cities like Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Lviv. Most companies employing developers have fewer than 80 employees.
Ukraine IT industry 2014: jobs and trendsMax IschenkoThis document summarizes IT industry trends in Ukraine in 2014. It reports that there are approximately 75,000 developers in Ukraine, with the largest numbers working in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Dnepropetrovsk and Odessa. The median age of developers is 27 years old. There are over 2,000 IT companies, most with less than 50 employees. The largest areas are outsourcing, offshore development centers and product companies. Job openings number around 2,000 per year, with the most applications for junior roles but few actual junior jobs available. Salaries declined slightly from 2011-2014 after an increase in previous years. Risks for 2015 include the conflict with Russia and a potential cooling of
Ukraine job market overview (Tallinn, June 2014)Max IschenkoThis document discusses the IT outsourcing and startup market in Ukraine. It notes that there are approximately 1,000 IT companies, 60,000-90,000 developers, with the top 5 companies employing over 2,000 people each. While outsourcing currently generates more revenue, startups are growing and have an estimated market capitalization of $1.5-2 billion, though they generate under $100 million in revenue. Job postings and applicants on the largest job site for developers have increased significantly from May 2013 to May 2014. Senior developers remain in high demand.
Почему проджект менеджеры убьют ваш стартапMax IschenkoThe document discusses problems with project managers at startups. It notes that startups are not smaller versions of large companies and that founders need to focus on building, selling, or leaving. It also provides links to resources about management culture at successful companies like Valve, Netflix, and Supercell that emphasize autonomy and minimal management. The document suggests that management is overrated at startups.
BE AWESOME OR ELSE!Max IschenkoThe document discusses the growth of the programming industry in Ukraine from 2001 to 2011 and provides advice for programmers. It notes that connects over 35,000 programmers and that the number of IT and outsourcing professionals in Ukraine grew significantly from 2001 to 2011. The document encourages programmers to make things people want, learn English, listen to themselves, and provides additional career advice and resources. It concludes by inviting questions.
Networking tools for startupsMax IschenkoThe document discusses several networking platforms that can be useful for startups: LinkedIn for recruiting and research, Quora for gaining insights from industry experts, Lanyrd for tracking conferences and contacts, and AngelList as a platform for startups to connect with investors. It also briefly mentions StackOverflow as a source of startup advice but notes it requires too much work to compare to Quora. The document provides pros and cons of each platform and recommends focusing on gaining traction before seeking funding advice on AngelList.
7 уроков управления IschenkoМой опыт и ошибки управления проектом
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4. (скриншот из 2010) история: изначально мы даже не собирались сравнивать компании. первоначальная идея была делать обзоры отдельных компаний. которая в августе 2010 превратилась в идею делать “глобальный” рейтинг. в 2011 поменялось название на “конкурс...”
5. Цель конкурса Помочь компаниям более эффективно конкурировать на рынке труда. программисты при это тоже оказываются в выигрыше.
10. 33 вопроса · 5 групп — Проекты и команда · Team — Компенсация · Compensation — Карьера и самореализация · Career — Офис · Work environment — Менеджмент · Management
11. Формула оценки В анкетировании используется семибальная шкала Лайкерта для оценки набора утверждений Пример: “Мне нравится проект, над которым я работаю”