The document provides guidance and activities for students to analyze the character of Slim in Of Mice and Men. It instructs students to choose three quotations from the novel that characterize Slim and comment on how the quotations inform the reader about him. Students are also asked to consider Slim's importance or status by arranging character cards from least to most important. Finally, students work in groups to annotate a passage describing Slim and discuss the techniques used by the author to present Slim's character and the impression he makes on the reader.
How Content Strategy can get you a date - Defuse Dublin 2012Cory-Ann Joseph
Not sure what content strategy is? Don't care? Hopefully this talk will change your mind...
Forget boring case studies - instead I'll be looking at content strategy in the real world, particularly an area near and dear to my (and maybe your) heart - online dating!
From a year in the wilds of Plenty of Fish and OkCupid, find out what on earth we content strategists do, why it matters, and most importantly how it can help you get to first base.
Bloom's taxonomy categorizes levels of thinking skills from low to high order. Low order thinking includes remembering and comprehending information such as defining, listing, and describing. Higher order thinking involves applying knowledge to solve problems, analyzing by breaking ideas into parts, synthesizing parts into new wholes through creating or planning, and evaluating ideas or solutions through judging or critiquing. The highest level is evaluation.
This document discusses key concepts related to changes in industry and landscapes over time:
- Industrialisation refers to the growth of industry in an area. De-industrialisation is the decline or loss of industry. Re-industrialisation is the revival or growth of industry after a period of decline.
- It provides examples of using map evidence to identify features and explain the location of industries like the Honda factory in Swindon. Both advantages like new jobs and infrastructure, and disadvantages like congestion and loss of green spaces are discussed.
- The impacts of de-industrialisation and the shift to knowledge-based industries are examined for places like Manchester and Swindon. Re-industrialisation
What if we could start over again? What startups have to teach big businessCory-Ann Joseph
Content strategy has had a lot of lightbulb moments since the first CS Forum four years ago. However after seeing the same problems over and over again I started to wonder how big businesses got themselves into such a hot mess of content in the first place.
So, I went back to the start and talked to four startups a mix of digital and physical products, those who relish content and those who struggle with it. I asked how much content they produce (a lot), do they have a content person (nope), do they plan to hire a content person (nope to that too), and how that all makes sense if content is valued to them (and it was).
Discover what I learnt, including where good practices and bad habits start, and how to create, grow and maintain a content strategy as your organisation grows.
Este documento habla sobre los elementos de la vida (pensamientos, agua, aire, fuego y tierra) y c坦mo nuestras acciones deben reflejar valores puros como el amor, la paz, la fortaleza, el respeto y la cooperaci坦n. Tambi辿n enfatiza la importancia de sembrar semillas virtuosas en nuestras vidas.
Ethiopia has valuable metal and stone resources like copper, platinum, gold and rubies that are used locally for jewelry and exported internationally to boost Ethiopia's economy. Ethiopia aims to trade these natural resources until 2020 to raise living standards and provide basic necessities for its people, thereby creating a more prosperous future.
1) Argentina meningkatkan ketegangan dengan Inggris mengenai klaim kedaulatan atas Kepulauan Malvinas dengan memerintahkan kapal-kapal yang menuju kepulauan itu untuk mendapat izin terlebih dulu dari pemerintah Argentina;
2) Front Pembebasan Islam Moro menolak usulan perdamaian terbaru dari pemerintah Filipina karena dianggap sebagai pengulangan kembali tawaran terdahulu;
3) Rusia menang
The document summarizes the Named Entity Extraction and Linking (NEEL) challenge held at WWW2015. The NEEL challenge aimed to explore new approaches for recognizing and linking named entities in microposts (short social media posts). 21 teams participated in the challenge involving recognizing named entities and linking them to entries in the DBpedia knowledge base. The winning team, Ousia, achieved an overall score of 0.8067 by accurately recognizing and linking named entities in tweets.
Gubernur sekarang memiliki kewenangan untuk memecat bupati dan walikota jika mereka melanggar kebijakan pemerintah pusat. Kasus kerasukan pelajar di sekolah mengganggu proses belajar mengajar dan persiapan ujian nasional siswa. Rencana kerja DPRK Banda Aceh tahun 2010 disahkan.
IT Job market in Ukraine 2015: Overview & trendsMax Ischenko
The document summarizes trends in Ukraine's IT job market and developer salaries from 2014-2015. It finds that the number of developers grew 20% to around 75,000 in 2014 and salaries have remained stable when adjusting for currency devaluation, ranging from $1,000-$3,000 depending on role, experience, and location. The majority of IT jobs and developers are concentrated in a few major cities like Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Lviv. Most companies employing developers have fewer than 80 employees.
Bloom's taxonomy categorizes levels of thinking skills from low to high order. Low order thinking includes remembering and comprehending information such as defining, listing, and describing. Higher order thinking involves applying knowledge to solve problems, analyzing by breaking ideas into parts, synthesizing parts into new wholes through creating or planning, and evaluating ideas or solutions through judging or critiquing. The highest level is evaluation.
This document discusses key concepts related to changes in industry and landscapes over time:
- Industrialisation refers to the growth of industry in an area. De-industrialisation is the decline or loss of industry. Re-industrialisation is the revival or growth of industry after a period of decline.
- It provides examples of using map evidence to identify features and explain the location of industries like the Honda factory in Swindon. Both advantages like new jobs and infrastructure, and disadvantages like congestion and loss of green spaces are discussed.
- The impacts of de-industrialisation and the shift to knowledge-based industries are examined for places like Manchester and Swindon. Re-industrialisation
What if we could start over again? What startups have to teach big businessCory-Ann Joseph
Content strategy has had a lot of lightbulb moments since the first CS Forum four years ago. However after seeing the same problems over and over again I started to wonder how big businesses got themselves into such a hot mess of content in the first place.
So, I went back to the start and talked to four startups a mix of digital and physical products, those who relish content and those who struggle with it. I asked how much content they produce (a lot), do they have a content person (nope), do they plan to hire a content person (nope to that too), and how that all makes sense if content is valued to them (and it was).
Discover what I learnt, including where good practices and bad habits start, and how to create, grow and maintain a content strategy as your organisation grows.
Este documento habla sobre los elementos de la vida (pensamientos, agua, aire, fuego y tierra) y c坦mo nuestras acciones deben reflejar valores puros como el amor, la paz, la fortaleza, el respeto y la cooperaci坦n. Tambi辿n enfatiza la importancia de sembrar semillas virtuosas en nuestras vidas.
Ethiopia has valuable metal and stone resources like copper, platinum, gold and rubies that are used locally for jewelry and exported internationally to boost Ethiopia's economy. Ethiopia aims to trade these natural resources until 2020 to raise living standards and provide basic necessities for its people, thereby creating a more prosperous future.
1) Argentina meningkatkan ketegangan dengan Inggris mengenai klaim kedaulatan atas Kepulauan Malvinas dengan memerintahkan kapal-kapal yang menuju kepulauan itu untuk mendapat izin terlebih dulu dari pemerintah Argentina;
2) Front Pembebasan Islam Moro menolak usulan perdamaian terbaru dari pemerintah Filipina karena dianggap sebagai pengulangan kembali tawaran terdahulu;
3) Rusia menang
The document summarizes the Named Entity Extraction and Linking (NEEL) challenge held at WWW2015. The NEEL challenge aimed to explore new approaches for recognizing and linking named entities in microposts (short social media posts). 21 teams participated in the challenge involving recognizing named entities and linking them to entries in the DBpedia knowledge base. The winning team, Ousia, achieved an overall score of 0.8067 by accurately recognizing and linking named entities in tweets.
Gubernur sekarang memiliki kewenangan untuk memecat bupati dan walikota jika mereka melanggar kebijakan pemerintah pusat. Kasus kerasukan pelajar di sekolah mengganggu proses belajar mengajar dan persiapan ujian nasional siswa. Rencana kerja DPRK Banda Aceh tahun 2010 disahkan.
IT Job market in Ukraine 2015: Overview & trendsMax Ischenko
The document summarizes trends in Ukraine's IT job market and developer salaries from 2014-2015. It finds that the number of developers grew 20% to around 75,000 in 2014 and salaries have remained stable when adjusting for currency devaluation, ranging from $1,000-$3,000 depending on role, experience, and location. The majority of IT jobs and developers are concentrated in a few major cities like Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Lviv. Most companies employing developers have fewer than 80 employees.
Ukraine IT industry 2014: jobs and trendsMax Ischenko
This document summarizes IT industry trends in Ukraine in 2014. It reports that there are approximately 75,000 developers in Ukraine, with the largest numbers working in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Dnepropetrovsk and Odessa. The median age of developers is 27 years old. There are over 2,000 IT companies, most with less than 50 employees. The largest areas are outsourcing, offshore development centers and product companies. Job openings number around 2,000 per year, with the most applications for junior roles but few actual junior jobs available. Salaries declined slightly from 2011-2014 after an increase in previous years. Risks for 2015 include the conflict with Russia and a potential cooling of
Ukraine job market overview (Tallinn, June 2014)Max Ischenko
This document discusses the IT outsourcing and startup market in Ukraine. It notes that there are approximately 1,000 IT companies, 60,000-90,000 developers, with the top 5 companies employing over 2,000 people each. While outsourcing currently generates more revenue, startups are growing and have an estimated market capitalization of $1.5-2 billion, though they generate under $100 million in revenue. Job postings and applicants on the largest job site for developers have increased significantly from May 2013 to May 2014. Senior developers remain in high demand.
The document discusses problems with project managers at startups. It notes that startups are not smaller versions of large companies and that founders need to focus on building, selling, or leaving. It also provides links to resources about management culture at successful companies like Valve, Netflix, and Supercell that emphasize autonomy and minimal management. The document suggests that management is overrated at startups.
The document discusses the growth of the programming industry in Ukraine from 2001 to 2011 and provides advice for programmers. It notes that connects over 35,000 programmers and that the number of IT and outsourcing professionals in Ukraine grew significantly from 2001 to 2011. The document encourages programmers to make things people want, learn English, listen to themselves, and provides additional career advice and resources. It concludes by inviting questions.
The document discusses several networking platforms that can be useful for startups: LinkedIn for recruiting and research, Quora for gaining insights from industry experts, Lanyrd for tracking conferences and contacts, and AngelList as a platform for startups to connect with investors. It also briefly mentions StackOverflow as a source of startup advice but notes it requires too much work to compare to Quora. The document provides pros and cons of each platform and recommends focusing on gaining traction before seeking funding advice on AngelList.