Презентация Компании "Административный ресурс"Административный ресурсКонсалтинговая компания «Административный Ресурс».
Наши услуги:
- подбор персонала (Executive Search, Headhunting);
- кадровый аудит;
- индивидуальное исследование заработных плат;
- исследование Тайный покупатель;
- корпоративное обучение (тренинги и семинары);
- аттестация, оценка и тестирование сотрудников.
Talent Sourcing and Matching - Artificial Intelligence and Black Box Semantic...Glen CatheyA deep dive into resume and LinkedIn sourcing and matching solutions claiming to use artificial intelligence, semantic search, and NLP, including how they work, their pros, cons, and limitations, and examples of what sourcers and recruiters can do that even the most advanced automated search and match algorithms can't do. Topics covered include human capital data information retrieval and analysis (HCDIR & A), Boolean and extended Boolean, semantic search, dynamic inference, dark matter resumes and social network profiles, and what I believe to be the ideal resume search and matching solution.
La Valoracion En El Distrito Metropolitano De QuitolamalamalaEl documento describe el proceso de valoración de bienes inmuebles en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito. La valoración consiste en determinar el valor actual de los bienes siguiendo la ley municipal y la ley de régimen municipal. El proceso implica dos actividades: trabajo de campo para investigar y recopilar información sobre infraestructura y precios, y trabajo de gabinete para analizar la información y determinar el valor que servirá de base para establecer los impuestos prediales.
2006 Iarep Parigi PaperFabioBuoncristianoThis document summarizes a research study that examined how decoys and background information impact consumer preferences and decision making. The study tested how an attraction effect caused by decoys is impacted by conflicting or non-conflicting background information. It also tested whether the attraction effect is stronger when the decoy is a real option or a phantom (unavailable) option. An online experiment with over 1,100 Italian consumers presented choice sets involving personal computers. The study aimed to provide empirical evidence about the interaction between attraction effects and background information, as well as between real and phantom decoys. The results could provide useful insights for retailers on how context effects influence consumer decision making.
Waspada 09 NasionalepaperBerita utama mencakup serangan Taliban di Kabul yang menewaskan 2 orang, serangan NATO di Afghanistan yang menewaskan puluhan sipil, dan pilot India yang melakukan mogok sehingga ribuan penumpang terdampak. Taliban menuntut penyelidikan serangan NATO, sementara NATO mengakui adanya korban sipil.
Gardner Media SolutionsPeter GardnerThe document provides information about advertising solutions through the Midwest Classified Network, which publishes ads across 10 upper Midwest states and reaches 3.1 million households. It outlines the zones available which include all-zone, Iowa-zone, western zone and eastern zone. It provides circulation numbers and costs for 30-word classified ads in each zone. The document also lists advertising guidelines and restrictions and provides information about display advertising and other regional classified networks available.
C I S 532 Software Modelingdeepha4278This document outlines the key steps in an online ordering process including registration, recommendations, ordering, payment, and shipping. A customer would sign in after registering an account, receive product or service recommendations, place an order, provide payment details, and have their purchase shipped to them.
Five Lessons in Real Estate MarketingThisco1. The document provides 5 lessons for real estate marketing: define target groups and unique selling points; turn properties into brands; leverage 3D technologies; engage in online dialogues; and leverage location.
2. It then introduces "hooox" which provides strategic real estate communication services with a focus on 3D technologies and online engagement.
3. hooox offers services to speed up new property sales, market empty assets, convince local stakeholders, and provide an integrated one-stop-shop for real estate communication with fast, better, and cost-effective services due to their expertise and experience.
Introduction to regular expressionsnobull A quick start introduction to the world of regular expressions, through special characters, quantifiers, character classes..
Assumes no knowledge of regular expressions.
2016 cornerstone Chapter Leaders ConferenceTim RichardsonThe document discusses the importance of thinking and transforming thinking within organizations. It encourages readers to identify innovators and early adopters to convince of new ideas first rather than trying to convince the mass. It suggests using divergent thinking to better serve members and move chapters forward. It advises utilizing strengths and overcoming weaknesses to be more effective. It provides recommendations for expanding brain power through books, events, audio/video programs, and continuing learning. It asks readers to identify what blocks their ideas and provides tips on how to unlock blocks through analysis, addressing frustration, taking action, and finding resources and mentors.
nlp, bank demo, alabot for banksalabotThis document discusses an intelligent interactive system that is intuitive and seamless across 3 languages. The system can automatically detect language and context to instantly reply to SMS, WAP, J2ME and Widget messages, ensuring true convergence across different platforms and languages.
090601 V Blox Short IntroductionMvBruggenSense® is a telephony middleware developed by New Bridges that acts as a layer between telephony networks and applications, and can handle millions of calls across thousands of channels. V-Blox is an application development environment built on Sense® that allows users to visually design voice applications using configurable building blocks without extensive coding. V-Blox applications are web-based, can be customized through both standard and custom building blocks, and provide administration and call logging functionality.
Binder22nasepaperRingkasan dari dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. KPK menahan mantan Menteri Kesehatan Achmad Sujudi, mantan Direktur Utama PT Kimia Farma Tbk Gunawan Pranoto dan Direktur Utama PT Rifa Jaya Mulia Rinaldi Yusuf terkait dugaan korupsi pengadaan alat kesehatan pada 2003.
great Frank lloyd wright Saroj SahooFrank Lloyd Wright was born in 1867 in Wisconsin to parents who wanted him to become an architect. After his father left when he was a teenager, Wright took drafting classes and began working for architects in Chicago, including Louis Sullivan. Two of Wright's most famous works are Fallingwater, a private home built over a Pennsylvania stream in 1936, and the Guggenheim Museum in New York, which features a distinctive spiral design and was completed in 1959. Wright is considered one of the greatest architects of all time.
Vim Cards - Powerpoint FormatAdam Loweݺߣ deck for memorizing the Vim commands that I've found most useful over my first few months as a Vim user.
This was purposefully kept free of any styling etc as this is the actual deck I use for memorization and don't like distractions.
Ovarianreservepamphlet4aleeocThe biological clock refers to the age-related decline in a woman's ability to reproduce. As women age, their ovarian reserve decreases, meaning their supply of eggs declines. This begins immediately after birth and accelerates in the late 30s. Various tests can estimate a woman's remaining ovarian reserve, including measuring follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels and doing an antral follicle count. While these tests provide information, they cannot determine a woman's exact reproductive potential, as fertility declines well before test results become abnormal. Treatment options for women with low ovarian reserve are limited in their ability to increase chances of pregnancy.
Case Study: Bringing Social Data to the Business: Geeks in Jock's WorldVladimir MatovicThe presentation (edited version) was presented at Simply Measured's social media conference in Seattle, WA, in September 2016.
University Of Antwerp Ken Lawrence Contemporary Film Auteurs Haute TensionThiscoThis document provides an analysis of the 2003 French horror film Haute Tension directed by Alexandre Aja. It examines how the film uses various postmodern concepts and techniques. The analysis discusses how the film presents itself as a simulacrum or fabrication, with evidence that the entire narrative is constructed by the character Marie. It also explores how the film deconstructs concepts of identity, particularly through the subject fragmentation of Marie and her creation of an imaginary killer. Finally, it notes how the open-ended conclusion presents a relativity of narrative that is postmodern in nature.
The Ultimate Player's CoachmfieldenThey say he can be an intense and intimidating fellow at times.
But get Jeff Sposito talking about dogs (he loves animals), or classic cars and
motorcycles (he owns more than a dozen), and he reveals a side that is counter
to the “all business” image that time after time has helped him transform upstart
brokerages into real estate gold.
Seminario con Humberto Maturana en Bilbao. Notas Junio 2004Javier RuizSeminario sobre la biología del conocer y sus implicaciones en el mundo de las organizaciones con Humberto Maturana y Gimena Dávila. Santurce, Junio 2004
Dealing With Conflictguest83b4b30The document discusses misconceptions about conflict and provides strategies for effectively dealing with conflict. It outlines workshop objectives related to recognizing signs of conflict and learning approaches to conflict resolution. Some common misconceptions about conflict are that it is inherently bad, doesn't occur often, is always about right vs wrong, and results from personalities. The document recommends diagnosing the root causes of conflicts and taking action based on this diagnosis. It provides a model for moving beyond conflict through venting emotions and then resolving issues.
IT Job market in Ukraine 2015: Overview & trendsMax IschenkoThe document summarizes trends in Ukraine's IT job market and developer salaries from 2014-2015. It finds that the number of developers grew 20% to around 75,000 in 2014 and salaries have remained stable when adjusting for currency devaluation, ranging from $1,000-$3,000 depending on role, experience, and location. The majority of IT jobs and developers are concentrated in a few major cities like Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Lviv. Most companies employing developers have fewer than 80 employees.
Waspada 09 NasionalepaperBerita utama mencakup serangan Taliban di Kabul yang menewaskan 2 orang, serangan NATO di Afghanistan yang menewaskan puluhan sipil, dan pilot India yang melakukan mogok sehingga ribuan penumpang terdampak. Taliban menuntut penyelidikan serangan NATO, sementara NATO mengakui adanya korban sipil.
Gardner Media SolutionsPeter GardnerThe document provides information about advertising solutions through the Midwest Classified Network, which publishes ads across 10 upper Midwest states and reaches 3.1 million households. It outlines the zones available which include all-zone, Iowa-zone, western zone and eastern zone. It provides circulation numbers and costs for 30-word classified ads in each zone. The document also lists advertising guidelines and restrictions and provides information about display advertising and other regional classified networks available.
C I S 532 Software Modelingdeepha4278This document outlines the key steps in an online ordering process including registration, recommendations, ordering, payment, and shipping. A customer would sign in after registering an account, receive product or service recommendations, place an order, provide payment details, and have their purchase shipped to them.
Five Lessons in Real Estate MarketingThisco1. The document provides 5 lessons for real estate marketing: define target groups and unique selling points; turn properties into brands; leverage 3D technologies; engage in online dialogues; and leverage location.
2. It then introduces "hooox" which provides strategic real estate communication services with a focus on 3D technologies and online engagement.
3. hooox offers services to speed up new property sales, market empty assets, convince local stakeholders, and provide an integrated one-stop-shop for real estate communication with fast, better, and cost-effective services due to their expertise and experience.
Introduction to regular expressionsnobull A quick start introduction to the world of regular expressions, through special characters, quantifiers, character classes..
Assumes no knowledge of regular expressions.
2016 cornerstone Chapter Leaders ConferenceTim RichardsonThe document discusses the importance of thinking and transforming thinking within organizations. It encourages readers to identify innovators and early adopters to convince of new ideas first rather than trying to convince the mass. It suggests using divergent thinking to better serve members and move chapters forward. It advises utilizing strengths and overcoming weaknesses to be more effective. It provides recommendations for expanding brain power through books, events, audio/video programs, and continuing learning. It asks readers to identify what blocks their ideas and provides tips on how to unlock blocks through analysis, addressing frustration, taking action, and finding resources and mentors.
nlp, bank demo, alabot for banksalabotThis document discusses an intelligent interactive system that is intuitive and seamless across 3 languages. The system can automatically detect language and context to instantly reply to SMS, WAP, J2ME and Widget messages, ensuring true convergence across different platforms and languages.
090601 V Blox Short IntroductionMvBruggenSense® is a telephony middleware developed by New Bridges that acts as a layer between telephony networks and applications, and can handle millions of calls across thousands of channels. V-Blox is an application development environment built on Sense® that allows users to visually design voice applications using configurable building blocks without extensive coding. V-Blox applications are web-based, can be customized through both standard and custom building blocks, and provide administration and call logging functionality.
Binder22nasepaperRingkasan dari dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. KPK menahan mantan Menteri Kesehatan Achmad Sujudi, mantan Direktur Utama PT Kimia Farma Tbk Gunawan Pranoto dan Direktur Utama PT Rifa Jaya Mulia Rinaldi Yusuf terkait dugaan korupsi pengadaan alat kesehatan pada 2003.
great Frank lloyd wright Saroj SahooFrank Lloyd Wright was born in 1867 in Wisconsin to parents who wanted him to become an architect. After his father left when he was a teenager, Wright took drafting classes and began working for architects in Chicago, including Louis Sullivan. Two of Wright's most famous works are Fallingwater, a private home built over a Pennsylvania stream in 1936, and the Guggenheim Museum in New York, which features a distinctive spiral design and was completed in 1959. Wright is considered one of the greatest architects of all time.
Vim Cards - Powerpoint FormatAdam Loweݺߣ deck for memorizing the Vim commands that I've found most useful over my first few months as a Vim user.
This was purposefully kept free of any styling etc as this is the actual deck I use for memorization and don't like distractions.
Ovarianreservepamphlet4aleeocThe biological clock refers to the age-related decline in a woman's ability to reproduce. As women age, their ovarian reserve decreases, meaning their supply of eggs declines. This begins immediately after birth and accelerates in the late 30s. Various tests can estimate a woman's remaining ovarian reserve, including measuring follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels and doing an antral follicle count. While these tests provide information, they cannot determine a woman's exact reproductive potential, as fertility declines well before test results become abnormal. Treatment options for women with low ovarian reserve are limited in their ability to increase chances of pregnancy.
Case Study: Bringing Social Data to the Business: Geeks in Jock's WorldVladimir MatovicThe presentation (edited version) was presented at Simply Measured's social media conference in Seattle, WA, in September 2016.
University Of Antwerp Ken Lawrence Contemporary Film Auteurs Haute TensionThiscoThis document provides an analysis of the 2003 French horror film Haute Tension directed by Alexandre Aja. It examines how the film uses various postmodern concepts and techniques. The analysis discusses how the film presents itself as a simulacrum or fabrication, with evidence that the entire narrative is constructed by the character Marie. It also explores how the film deconstructs concepts of identity, particularly through the subject fragmentation of Marie and her creation of an imaginary killer. Finally, it notes how the open-ended conclusion presents a relativity of narrative that is postmodern in nature.
The Ultimate Player's CoachmfieldenThey say he can be an intense and intimidating fellow at times.
But get Jeff Sposito talking about dogs (he loves animals), or classic cars and
motorcycles (he owns more than a dozen), and he reveals a side that is counter
to the “all business” image that time after time has helped him transform upstart
brokerages into real estate gold.
Seminario con Humberto Maturana en Bilbao. Notas Junio 2004Javier RuizSeminario sobre la biología del conocer y sus implicaciones en el mundo de las organizaciones con Humberto Maturana y Gimena Dávila. Santurce, Junio 2004
Dealing With Conflictguest83b4b30The document discusses misconceptions about conflict and provides strategies for effectively dealing with conflict. It outlines workshop objectives related to recognizing signs of conflict and learning approaches to conflict resolution. Some common misconceptions about conflict are that it is inherently bad, doesn't occur often, is always about right vs wrong, and results from personalities. The document recommends diagnosing the root causes of conflicts and taking action based on this diagnosis. It provides a model for moving beyond conflict through venting emotions and then resolving issues.
IT Job market in Ukraine 2015: Overview & trendsMax IschenkoThe document summarizes trends in Ukraine's IT job market and developer salaries from 2014-2015. It finds that the number of developers grew 20% to around 75,000 in 2014 and salaries have remained stable when adjusting for currency devaluation, ranging from $1,000-$3,000 depending on role, experience, and location. The majority of IT jobs and developers are concentrated in a few major cities like Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Lviv. Most companies employing developers have fewer than 80 employees.
Ukraine IT industry 2014: jobs and trendsMax IschenkoThis document summarizes IT industry trends in Ukraine in 2014. It reports that there are approximately 75,000 developers in Ukraine, with the largest numbers working in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Dnepropetrovsk and Odessa. The median age of developers is 27 years old. There are over 2,000 IT companies, most with less than 50 employees. The largest areas are outsourcing, offshore development centers and product companies. Job openings number around 2,000 per year, with the most applications for junior roles but few actual junior jobs available. Salaries declined slightly from 2011-2014 after an increase in previous years. Risks for 2015 include the conflict with Russia and a potential cooling of
Ukraine job market overview (Tallinn, June 2014)Max IschenkoThis document discusses the IT outsourcing and startup market in Ukraine. It notes that there are approximately 1,000 IT companies, 60,000-90,000 developers, with the top 5 companies employing over 2,000 people each. While outsourcing currently generates more revenue, startups are growing and have an estimated market capitalization of $1.5-2 billion, though they generate under $100 million in revenue. Job postings and applicants on the largest job site for developers have increased significantly from May 2013 to May 2014. Senior developers remain in high demand.
Почему проджект менеджеры убьют ваш стартапMax IschenkoThe document discusses problems with project managers at startups. It notes that startups are not smaller versions of large companies and that founders need to focus on building, selling, or leaving. It also provides links to resources about management culture at successful companies like Valve, Netflix, and Supercell that emphasize autonomy and minimal management. The document suggests that management is overrated at startups.
BE AWESOME OR ELSE!Max IschenkoThe document discusses the growth of the programming industry in Ukraine from 2001 to 2011 and provides advice for programmers. It notes that Dou.ua connects over 35,000 programmers and that the number of IT and outsourcing professionals in Ukraine grew significantly from 2001 to 2011. The document encourages programmers to make things people want, learn English, listen to themselves, and provides additional career advice and resources. It concludes by inviting questions.
Networking tools for startupsMax IschenkoThe document discusses several networking platforms that can be useful for startups: LinkedIn for recruiting and research, Quora for gaining insights from industry experts, Lanyrd for tracking conferences and contacts, and AngelList as a platform for startups to connect with investors. It also briefly mentions StackOverflow as a source of startup advice but notes it requires too much work to compare to Quora. The document provides pros and cons of each platform and recommends focusing on gaining traction before seeking funding advice on AngelList.
7 уроков управления developers.org.uaMax IschenkoМой опыт и ошибки управления проектом developers.org.ua.
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