The document provides examples of performing arithmetic operations on complex numbers. It shows adding, subtracting, and multiplying complex numbers in the form of a + bi. Examples include combining terms with the same real and imaginary parts and distributing operations across terms. It also demonstrates dividing one complex number by another. The document concludes by stating example 18 builds upon the previous example 17.
The document provides examples of performing arithmetic operations on complex numbers. It shows adding, subtracting, and multiplying complex numbers in the form of a + bi. Examples include combining terms with the same real and imaginary parts and distributing operations across terms. It also demonstrates dividing one complex number by another. The document concludes by stating example 18 builds upon the previous example 17.
This document provides terms of use for presentation templates. It states that the templates can be freely used for personal and business presentations, as long as they are not uploaded to websites for downloading. It also asks that a link is provided back to the original website if the templates are liked. Redistribution or claiming the templates as one's own work is not permitted.
This document appears to be a series of slide numbers in Russian with no other context provided. It lists slide numbers 3 through 9 but provides no information on the content of the slides themselves or the overall topic. The document alone does not contain enough information to generate a meaningful summary.
33. 舒亳仂仆舒仍 亳仍亳亶仍仍 12 亢亳仍亳亶仆 8- 舒仆亞亳 弌舒亞亳亟 舒 仆舒, 舒亳仂仆舒仍 亳仍亳亶仍仍亳亶仆 亟于 仂仍亢 舒于舒仆 仄亟仍亞, 舒亟于舒舒舒 亟舒舒舒 亠 唏唏亟亳亶亞唏唏 仂亢 勵亰亶. 丐亠 仄亢亳仍 勵亠 1. - 亳仍亳亶仍仍亳亶亞 舒仆亟舒 弍亳仍亞亶 弍仂仍亞仂仂仂亶. . . C. D. + 2. 唏仆亳亶 勵亢亳亞亟勵勵仆亳亶亞 仂仍仂仂仂亶 -16 . -2 . -4 C. -8 D. -16 3. 哦亞唏仆 舒亳仆亟仆 舒仍 仆 舒亶仆 勵亢于亳亶仆 舒亳 弍仂仍仂亞 舒亞舒仍亰仍舒仆 仄舒舒 仂仍弍仂仂仂亶. 1. 2. 3. 4. a. b. c. +x-6 d. - 4. * 仄亟亞亳亶仆 仂仂仆亟 舒亟亳仍亞舒仍 勵勵亞 亳仍亳亶仍仍 弍亳亶.
34. . 9 y 2 . 11y 2 C. -11y 2 D. - 9 y 2 5. 仍亳亶仍仍亳亶亞 勵亢亳亞亟勵勵仆 弍仂仍亞仂仆 亰舒亟仍舒舒舒亶 . . C. D. 6. 仂 亞亳勵勵仆 弍仂仍亞仂仂仂亶. .27 . 27a 3 -64b 3 C. - 27 D - 27a 3 -64b 3 7.. 哦亞唏仆 弍舒舒亶亞 唏唏亶 仆 舒亟亳仍亞舒仍 仆勵勵 弍舒亶 勵于 弍ム 于舒舒 仆 仄亟亞亟亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒 弍舒舒亶亞舒舒 仂仍亢 弍亳亶. A . B. C . 8. x 亳仍亳亶仍仍亳亶仆 亞亞 仂仍仂仂仂亶. A. -30 B. -24 C. 30 D. 24 9. x=1,5 y=0,5 弍仂仍 弍舒舒亶仆 亞亞 仂仍仂仂仂亶. A. 2 B. C. D.