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Lambton Kent
District School Board
Student Achievement Community Success
November 12, 2014
To whom it may concern,
During my four years at Harwich Raleigh, Life Touch has provided our school with
unparalleled service with regard to our school photography needs. This involves
Spring and Fall photos, Graduation photos, composites and diploma sleeves, CDs for
use in Student Identification and placement in OSRs, etc. Tina and her crew are very
professional and are constantly seeking out ways in which to improve the level of
service they offer. Needless to say, the parents in our school community are very
content with the quality of product they receive.
In the past year Tina and the Lifetouch team have gone well above the call of duty.
Sadly, one of our 2014 graduates lost his life in a tragic drowning the first week of July.
When Tina found out about this she provided the family with a photo package of the
young man throughout his school life here at Harwich Raleigh. They were deeply
touched by this gesture, as were we, the staff.
Last month one of our families lost their house and all their belongings in a house fire.
Within two days Tina had once again come through with photo packages for the family
for their two boys along with grad photos and a composite for the oldest son. They
were thrilled!
Life Touch has also offered us yearbook support, signage to support school initiatives
and much more. Life Touch is very much a part of the Harwich Raleigh school family!
Bill Vermeersch
Harwich Raleigh Public School
Box 1060, 231 Chatham St S, Blenheim ON N0P 1A0
519.676.5481 519.676.5482 Fax
Mr. B. Vermeersch, Principal Mrs. L Rota, Vice-Principal
Bill Vermeersch

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Bill Vermeersch

  • 1. Lambton Kent District School Board Student Achievement Community Success November 12, 2014 To whom it may concern, During my four years at Harwich Raleigh, Life Touch has provided our school with unparalleled service with regard to our school photography needs. This involves Spring and Fall photos, Graduation photos, composites and diploma sleeves, CDs for use in Student Identification and placement in OSRs, etc. Tina and her crew are very professional and are constantly seeking out ways in which to improve the level of service they offer. Needless to say, the parents in our school community are very content with the quality of product they receive. In the past year Tina and the Lifetouch team have gone well above the call of duty. Sadly, one of our 2014 graduates lost his life in a tragic drowning the first week of July. When Tina found out about this she provided the family with a photo package of the young man throughout his school life here at Harwich Raleigh. They were deeply touched by this gesture, as were we, the staff. Last month one of our families lost their house and all their belongings in a house fire. Within two days Tina had once again come through with photo packages for the family for their two boys along with grad photos and a composite for the oldest son. They were thrilled! Life Touch has also offered us yearbook support, signage to support school initiatives and much more. Life Touch is very much a part of the Harwich Raleigh school family! Sincerely, Bill Vermeersch Principal Harwich Raleigh Public School Box 1060, 231 Chatham St S, Blenheim ON N0P 1A0 519.676.5481 519.676.5482 Fax Mr. B. Vermeersch, Principal Mrs. L Rota, Vice-Principal