Injoos Teamware is a social collaboration and knowledge management platform. It provides integrated team communications including blogs, discussions, file sharing and web conferencing to improve productivity. The platform captures both structured and unstructured knowledge to easily find information. Key advantages include bringing all team interactions into one place, delivering software as a service with no upfront costs, and providing a quick and easy to use setup with powerful enterprise features.
This document provides guidance for a lesson on Cesar Chavez's "Agents of Change" speech. It includes learning objectives, points from the speech, definitions of rhetorical strategies, and instructions for an analysis activity where students analyze paragraphs of the speech and identify the rhetorical strategies used. The activity guides students to understand how Chavez persuades his audience through emotionally charged language, statistics, establishing his credibility, rhetorical questions, and including a counterclaim.
This document provides instructions for integrating projects created in various layouts to create interactive presentations and web pages. The steps include designing an interactive web page in Microsoft Word by inserting text, images, and bookmarks before saving as a web page. It also includes creating a sales spreadsheet in Excel with data, formatting, formulas, and a chart before saving as a web page. Finally, it describes creating an interactive presentation in PowerPoint by changing slide layouts and inserting a table and images.
La filosof鱈a surge de la conciencia humana de sus propias limitaciones frente a la naturaleza y del deseo de comprender la realidad mediante un an叩lisis cr鱈tico y racional. Los fil坦sofos buscan respuestas a preguntas fundamentales sobre el ser humano, su existencia, la naturaleza y el universo. La actitud filos坦fica implica ver las cosas con perspectiva, desvelar lo oculto y plantear preguntas sobre qui辿n es el ser humano, de d坦nde viene y a qu辿 aspira.
This document appears to be an agenda or schedule for an event called "SurfPort Interactive" taking place on February 4, 2009. It lists the time, speakers, and topics for several sessions throughout the day, including on music downloading, mobile advertising, mobile platforms and content trends, and visions for the future. It also allocates time for meeting sponsors in the demo area. The document ends by welcoming the reader to the event on February 4th.
This document provides instructions and learning objectives for a lesson on Cesar Chavez's Commonwealth Club speech. It directs students to take notes on paragraphs 16-29 of the speech and identify Chavez's central claim. The lesson also defines rhetoric and has students work with partners to determine one claim from the selected speech paragraphs. For homework, students are assigned 15-20 minutes of independent reading.
El documento profetiza sobre el d鱈a en que Jerusal辿n ser叩 defendida por Dios contra todas las naciones que se levanten contra ella. Jerusal辿n se convertir叩 en una piedra pesada para todos los pueblos, y aquellos que traten de atacarla ser叩n destruidos. Habr叩 gran lamento en Jerusal辿n ese d鱈a, pero Dios proteger叩 a los habitantes de la ciudad y derramar叩 su esp鱈ritu sobre ellos.
Mula is a city located in southwestern Turkey along the Mediterranean coast. It has a population of over 715,000 people and has the longest coastline in Turkey. Mula's economy is based on tourism along the coast as well as agriculture, forestry, and marble quarries. The document provides brief descriptions and images of various locations within Mula including Fethiye, Yerkesik, and highlights Turkey's natural beauty and history in the region.
Injoos corporate presentation webinar oct 2009 ver1Injoos
Injoos Teamware is a cloud-based social collaboration and knowledge management platform that allows teams to improve communication and productivity. The presentation will demonstrate the key features of Injoos Teamware, including social workspaces, team knowledge sharing, integrated communications, and its functional model. Injoos Teamware offers advantages like capturing all team interactions in one place, being delivered as a software-as-a-service with no hardware or maintenance costs, and providing a cost-effective pay-as-you-grow model.
This document discusses how to insert and format images in HTML documents. It covers using the <IMG> tag and attributes like src, width, height, and border to embed images. Images can also be used as hyperlinks by placing them inside <A> tags. Hands-on examples demonstrate inserting images, formatting images, and creating image hyperlinks.
This document discusses the importance of teaching thinking skills rather than just facts. It provides examples of how teachers can get students to think more deeply about topics like the Civil War by asking questions about its parts, relationships, and different perspectives instead of just what the Civil War was. The document also lists examples of how different grades are focusing on thinking skills like perspectives when studying the Crusades and Virginia history. It promotes teaching thinking as a skill and provides resources for teachers on this approach.
The document repeatedly lists the same LinkedIn profile URL for "Eddie Choi" and "SES Singapore 2012". It appears to be a list of over 100 repetitions of the same information, providing no unique or essential details. The document essentially promotes a single LinkedIn profile without offering any other meaningful content.
The document summarizes the speaker's experience with developing and improving the architecture for a Ruby on Rails application hosted on a customer's VMware infrastructure. It describes initial flaws with logging and database issues. It then discusses efforts to improve the architecture using tools like Chef but facing challenges, and moving to a model of customizing VMs using Capistrano scripts. Key lessons learned include the importance of monitoring performance, being aware of virtualization impacts, and hiring strong technical staff.
The document discusses how to add tables to web pages. It explains that the <TABLE> tag is used to create a table, the <TR> tag is used to insert rows, and the <TD> tag is used to insert cells. The <CAPTION> tag is used to add a caption to a table, and the border attribute of the <TABLE> tag is used to add borders. Hands-on examples are provided to illustrate creating simple tables, adding headings, captions and borders. The rowspan and colspan attributes are described for joining cells across rows and columns.
My slides for JISC's Greening ICT Programme Meeting. There are notes from slide 26 onwards.
And more at:
City Tracks add a metaphor to exercise, an extra motivation, a rewarding stimulus so that walking and jogging be more than just that.
Run in the Formula 1 circuits, jog in the most appealing cities in the world, walk for a cause. This Rexona app will lead you to DO:MORE.
This document discusses different types of lists that can be added to web pages, including ordered lists, unordered lists, and definition lists. It provides details on how to create each type of list using HTML tags like <OL>, <UL>, and <DL>. Code samples and screenshots are included to demonstrate how to add lists that display items in logical or alphabetical order, with or without numbers or bullets. The reading aims to help readers insert well-organized lists into web pages.
The document provides instructions for students to work on creating an e-brochure about a book in the computer lab. Students are told to sit with their partner, work only on the brochure project, and complete their slides that day. They are also assigned 15-20 minutes of independent reading for homework to be finished the next day.
際際滷s with notes used to support a keynote at the UKSG FE event 'Resourcing a rich and varied curriculum' at The King's Fund, London, on 30 November 2016. Event information at
This document provides an introduction and overview of Microsoft Office tools. It explains that Office XP is a collection of applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It then lists some common features of Office tools, including the Task Pane for accessing commands, the Microsoft Script Editor for editing code, the Office Clipboard for cut or copied items, and the Help System for finding information.
1.2 Estimating With Whole #S And DecimalsAmy Langelli
This document provides instructions for estimating calculations involving whole numbers and decimals. It explains how to estimate products by rounding each number and then multiplying. It describes how to estimate quotients by writing numbers in a compatible format and then dividing. Finally, it explains that the same process of rounding applies for estimating decimal multiplication and using compatible numbers for decimal division. Examples are provided to illustrate each type of estimation.
Adrian Mironescu - Cum creezi branduri cu suflet?Business Days
Prezentarea lui Adrian Mironescu din cadrul evenimentului Business made Visible by Promer din 11 aprilie de la Hotel Pleiada din Iasi
La filosof鱈a surge de la conciencia humana de sus propias limitaciones frente a la naturaleza y del deseo de comprender la realidad mediante un an叩lisis cr鱈tico y racional. Los fil坦sofos buscan respuestas a preguntas fundamentales sobre el ser humano, su existencia, la naturaleza y el universo. La actitud filos坦fica implica ver las cosas con perspectiva, desvelar lo oculto y plantear preguntas sobre qui辿n es el ser humano, de d坦nde viene y a qu辿 aspira.
This document appears to be an agenda or schedule for an event called "SurfPort Interactive" taking place on February 4, 2009. It lists the time, speakers, and topics for several sessions throughout the day, including on music downloading, mobile advertising, mobile platforms and content trends, and visions for the future. It also allocates time for meeting sponsors in the demo area. The document ends by welcoming the reader to the event on February 4th.
This document provides instructions and learning objectives for a lesson on Cesar Chavez's Commonwealth Club speech. It directs students to take notes on paragraphs 16-29 of the speech and identify Chavez's central claim. The lesson also defines rhetoric and has students work with partners to determine one claim from the selected speech paragraphs. For homework, students are assigned 15-20 minutes of independent reading.
El documento profetiza sobre el d鱈a en que Jerusal辿n ser叩 defendida por Dios contra todas las naciones que se levanten contra ella. Jerusal辿n se convertir叩 en una piedra pesada para todos los pueblos, y aquellos que traten de atacarla ser叩n destruidos. Habr叩 gran lamento en Jerusal辿n ese d鱈a, pero Dios proteger叩 a los habitantes de la ciudad y derramar叩 su esp鱈ritu sobre ellos.
Mula is a city located in southwestern Turkey along the Mediterranean coast. It has a population of over 715,000 people and has the longest coastline in Turkey. Mula's economy is based on tourism along the coast as well as agriculture, forestry, and marble quarries. The document provides brief descriptions and images of various locations within Mula including Fethiye, Yerkesik, and highlights Turkey's natural beauty and history in the region.
Injoos corporate presentation webinar oct 2009 ver1Injoos
Injoos Teamware is a cloud-based social collaboration and knowledge management platform that allows teams to improve communication and productivity. The presentation will demonstrate the key features of Injoos Teamware, including social workspaces, team knowledge sharing, integrated communications, and its functional model. Injoos Teamware offers advantages like capturing all team interactions in one place, being delivered as a software-as-a-service with no hardware or maintenance costs, and providing a cost-effective pay-as-you-grow model.
This document discusses how to insert and format images in HTML documents. It covers using the <IMG> tag and attributes like src, width, height, and border to embed images. Images can also be used as hyperlinks by placing them inside <A> tags. Hands-on examples demonstrate inserting images, formatting images, and creating image hyperlinks.
This document discusses the importance of teaching thinking skills rather than just facts. It provides examples of how teachers can get students to think more deeply about topics like the Civil War by asking questions about its parts, relationships, and different perspectives instead of just what the Civil War was. The document also lists examples of how different grades are focusing on thinking skills like perspectives when studying the Crusades and Virginia history. It promotes teaching thinking as a skill and provides resources for teachers on this approach.
The document repeatedly lists the same LinkedIn profile URL for "Eddie Choi" and "SES Singapore 2012". It appears to be a list of over 100 repetitions of the same information, providing no unique or essential details. The document essentially promotes a single LinkedIn profile without offering any other meaningful content.
The document summarizes the speaker's experience with developing and improving the architecture for a Ruby on Rails application hosted on a customer's VMware infrastructure. It describes initial flaws with logging and database issues. It then discusses efforts to improve the architecture using tools like Chef but facing challenges, and moving to a model of customizing VMs using Capistrano scripts. Key lessons learned include the importance of monitoring performance, being aware of virtualization impacts, and hiring strong technical staff.
The document discusses how to add tables to web pages. It explains that the <TABLE> tag is used to create a table, the <TR> tag is used to insert rows, and the <TD> tag is used to insert cells. The <CAPTION> tag is used to add a caption to a table, and the border attribute of the <TABLE> tag is used to add borders. Hands-on examples are provided to illustrate creating simple tables, adding headings, captions and borders. The rowspan and colspan attributes are described for joining cells across rows and columns.
My slides for JISC's Greening ICT Programme Meeting. There are notes from slide 26 onwards.
And more at:
City Tracks add a metaphor to exercise, an extra motivation, a rewarding stimulus so that walking and jogging be more than just that.
Run in the Formula 1 circuits, jog in the most appealing cities in the world, walk for a cause. This Rexona app will lead you to DO:MORE.
This document discusses different types of lists that can be added to web pages, including ordered lists, unordered lists, and definition lists. It provides details on how to create each type of list using HTML tags like <OL>, <UL>, and <DL>. Code samples and screenshots are included to demonstrate how to add lists that display items in logical or alphabetical order, with or without numbers or bullets. The reading aims to help readers insert well-organized lists into web pages.
The document provides instructions for students to work on creating an e-brochure about a book in the computer lab. Students are told to sit with their partner, work only on the brochure project, and complete their slides that day. They are also assigned 15-20 minutes of independent reading for homework to be finished the next day.
際際滷s with notes used to support a keynote at the UKSG FE event 'Resourcing a rich and varied curriculum' at The King's Fund, London, on 30 November 2016. Event information at
This document provides an introduction and overview of Microsoft Office tools. It explains that Office XP is a collection of applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It then lists some common features of Office tools, including the Task Pane for accessing commands, the Microsoft Script Editor for editing code, the Office Clipboard for cut or copied items, and the Help System for finding information.
1.2 Estimating With Whole #S And DecimalsAmy Langelli
This document provides instructions for estimating calculations involving whole numbers and decimals. It explains how to estimate products by rounding each number and then multiplying. It describes how to estimate quotients by writing numbers in a compatible format and then dividing. Finally, it explains that the same process of rounding applies for estimating decimal multiplication and using compatible numbers for decimal division. Examples are provided to illustrate each type of estimation.
Adrian Mironescu - Cum creezi branduri cu suflet?Business Days
Prezentarea lui Adrian Mironescu din cadrul evenimentului Business made Visible by Promer din 11 aprilie de la Hotel Pleiada din Iasi
Lambutchi Calin-Claudiu pune la dispoziie materiale despre branding personalGeani7
Personal branding is the process of defining and promoting what you stand for as an individual. Your personal brand is a culmination of the experiences, skills and values that differentiate you.
Intre amant i so: cum optimizezi prezena brandului 樽n reelele socialeCiprian Gavriliu
Prezentare despre prezenta brandurilor in Social Media sus釘inut pe 3 Iunie 2011 la Marketing 24/7 Sibiu.
Februarie 2011 樽n cadrul workshop-urilor de la Digital Marketing Forum.
Studiu de caz brand de angajator Lambutchi Calin claudiuGeani7
Astazi, brandingul reprezinta o parte importanta a strategiei de business. Extrem
de lamuritoare este analiza lui Olins despre brand-uri, o analiza care puncteaza cu o eleganta
stilistica si o inteligenta vie ce au fost marcile, cum au devenit branduri si incotro se
indreapta brandurile:
Odata ca niciodata, brandurile erau simple bunuri casnice sapun, ceai, praf de
spalat, crema de pantofi, produse cotidiene plictisitoare care erau consumate si inlocuite.
Brandul era un simbol al consecventei. Intr-o vreme in care produsele se contrafaceau,
calitatea productiei era inconstanta iar pretul variabil, brandul insemna calitate, cantitate si
pret standard. Imaginea brandului proiecta si sustinea produsul.
Astazi, toate acestea s-au schimbat radical; brandurile si-au afirmat locul in lume.
Cel mai adesea, consideram calitatile functionale ale unui produs ca fiind de la sine intelese
si, in vreme ce brandurile continua sa aiba de-a face cu imaginea, acum nu mai este vorba
doar de propria lor imagine, ci si de a noastra.
In zilele noastre, brandingul tine in principal de implicare si asociere, de
demonstrarea exterioara si vizibila a afilierii private si personale. Brandingul ne permite sa
ne definim pe noi insine cu ajutorul unei prescurtari imediat inteligibile pentru lumea din
jurul nostru. Diesel, Adidas, si hotelurile W inseamna un stil de viata; Herm竪s, Ralph Lauren
si Ritz sunt un altul. Poti sa le combini si sa le asortezi pentru a-ti ajusta, amplifica si sublinia
perceptia despre tine insuti.
Agentia de publicitate Mind Shop - Prezentare Angela Calina
Valorile noastre sunt: NCREDERE, PASIUNE, CREATIVITATE. Pe acestea le aducem i le exprimm 樽n fiecare proiect pe care 樽l facem pentru clienii notri. Afl mai multe despre noi din aceast prezentare i te invitm cu plcere s ne vizitezi i la birourile noastre din Cluj-Napoca sau din Bucureti.
Marketing-ului ar trebui sa ii fie foame de InstagramDragos Alexa
Prezentare sustinuta in cadrul primei conferinte dedicat exclusiv Instagramului din Romania. Evenimentul a fost organizat de Robi Katai (Markataing) in 13.12.2012 in Cluj-Napoca.
Cum sa-t巳i construies巳ti un brand personalCalin Biris
Urmrete aceast prezentare dac vrei s-i construieti un brand personal. Este o mare diferen 樽ntre a-i construi caracterul, a avea grij de propria imagine i a crea un brand personal.
Nu toat lumea are nevoie de un brand personal, 樽ns cu toii ar trebui s avem grij de imaginea noastr pe internet.
4. Adrian Mironescu
consultant i designer
de identitate de brand
Abordarea este una complet,
clar, proaspt, simpl, difereniatoare.
Printre clienii i/sau brandurile cu care a lucrat:
ApaVital SA Iai, CCT Consultants, Universitatea Alexandru
Ioan Cuza din Iai, Centrul Cultural Francez din Iai, British
Council Iai, Microsoft Academic Program Rom但nia, Sinergy
Communications, Erste Bank, Habitat for Humanity Rom但-
nia, Innopay Olanda, Ecolab Romania, Arhipelago, Ayon,
Saviso, Metromind, Premian, Origyn-fertility center...
C但tigtor al premiului Merit la Rebrand 2010
7. Rebranding
impreun cu
Nucu Florea
8. Despre ce discutm:
1. Brandul
2. Termeni importani
3. Brand personal
4. Istorie i prezent
5. Cum construiesc i am grij de brandul personal?
6. La final
7. Q&A
19. Un brand nu e un logo, nu e un nume, nu e un site.
Ce cred, simt i g但ndesc oamenii
despre produs, serviciu, companie, loc, OM.
Procesul de creare i administrare a
asociaiilor care genereaz imagini i
sentimente 樽n legtur cu un brand.
Totalitatea cilor prin care organizaia se prezint
pe sine.
Perceprerea identitii
21. 3. Brand personal
Branding Personal:
Modul prin care o persoan 樽i construiete reputaia.
Procesul de a aduce skilurile, personalitatea i caracteristicile
unice 樽ntr-o identitate ce te ridic deasupra competitorilor.
22. 4. Istorie i prezent
n trecut
Afrodita - Zei a iubirii i frumuseii (greci)
Neptun - zeul mrilor (romani)
Fiecare zeu avea c但te o trstur.
Cum era recunoscut eful tribului?
25. 5. Cum construiesc brandul personal (online)?
Fii cine vrei s fii.
nva, f share
Colegii, prietenii, cunoscuii i necunoscuii sunt audiena ta
Cum te prezini?
Fii diferit. Concurena e la un pas distan.
E nevoie s crezi cu adevarat 樽n brandul tu!
Relaia e de 1 la 1.
Adu Relaia 1 la n 樽n avantajul tau.
Branding > Advertising
Coninut i informaie, experiene, context
Dac tu nu te defineti, altcineva o va face!
26. Cum poi fi 樽n online? C但teva tipuri.
30. 4. Cum am grij de brand? Managementul reputaiei.
Reacioneaz imediat!
Onestitate. Totul se afl.
Puterea e a utilizatorilor.
Reputaie - Conversaie: Vorbete cu utilizatorii, atrage
influeniatori, fii transparent, acioneaz rapid.
32. 6. La final If youre not
having fun
1. Fii tu 樽nsui! then whats
2. Ai 樽ncredere 樽n Tine! the point?
3. nva i f share.
4. Muncete mult.
5. Ascult, observ, acioneaz.
6. Fii prezent 樽n diverse medii.
7. Fii onest.
8. Ai rbdare.
9. Distreaz-te!
10. F ceva care s conteze!