It's about Brazilian IT and possibility from Japanese point of view:
-Changing economy
- IT keyword
Broadband, wifi, Smartphone, SNS, etc.
- Case of Japanese Digital TV recorder, challenging into Brazilian market
About Brazil, Online, Mobile Market (edit)
Presentation @StartUpDating , March 28 Talked about Summery of Online, Mobile Market , infra-structure in Brazil, Tech Center, VCs, Most Popular Services,
Kidding Around Case Study: British Museum (#mw2012)Shelley Mannion
Passport to the Afterlife is a 45-60 minute drop-in activity for families with children ages 7-10 that uses augmented reality and comic making to teach lessons about death. The activity has two parts, an AR mobile trail where participants find markers to scan and decode, and a classroom part where they collect answers and create their own passport. It requires facilitators, phones that can run the AR app, markers, and content on death designed for children.
SmartKoala - Happen to be learning Startup weekend tokyo #swtokyoNaoko Tsubaki
O documento descreve uma nova plataforma de aprendizagem de idiomas chamada SmartKoala que usa algoritmos de processamento de linguagem natural para fornecer conte┣do relevante aos usu│rios. Ele discute o modelo de neg┏cios baseado em publicidade, o p┣blico-alvo de aprendizes de idiomas s└rios e casuais, e os planos iniciais para lan?amento com suporte a 6 idiomas e aquisi??o de 100.000 usu│rios.
appmom, Recommendation of Android Apps, at Geeks on a Plane #GOAPNaoko Tsubaki
Appmom is a recommendation service that uses user behavior, app usage, and demographic data to recommend which Android apps users should install or uninstall. It aims to help users discover their favorite apps among over 1 million available by seeing what apps are popular among different demographic groups and what apps others with similar usage patterns have installed. Appmom promises to act as a "concierge of apps" that automatically manages a user's home screen by removing unused apps and reminding them to try popular apps tailored to their profile.
appmom - Recommendation of Android AppsNaoko Tsubaki
appmom [beta version] is the best way to find new apps on Android, and manage your apps.
With appmom you can:
- Manage(fast uninstall) your apps on "My apps"
- Get app recommendations on "Recommendation"
- New and hot apps of the day on "Ranking" "Category"
- Share your best apps (eg twitter/facebook)
Install in Android Market
This lightning talk discusses an Android app called "appmom" that recommends new apps to users based on analyzing aggregated app usage data from multiple users. The app makes personalized recommendations based on a user's demographics, favorite categories, and similar apps that other users with similar tastes have installed. The presenter encourages attendees to follow the app's Twitter account and tweet that they want to be a test user.
appmom, Recommendation of Android Apps, at Geeks on a Plane #GOAPNaoko Tsubaki
Appmom is a recommendation service that uses user behavior, app usage, and demographic data to recommend which Android apps users should install or uninstall. It aims to help users discover their favorite apps among over 1 million available by seeing what apps are popular among different demographic groups and what apps others with similar usage patterns have installed. Appmom promises to act as a "concierge of apps" that automatically manages a user's home screen by removing unused apps and reminding them to try popular apps tailored to their profile.
appmom - Recommendation of Android AppsNaoko Tsubaki
appmom [beta version] is the best way to find new apps on Android, and manage your apps.
With appmom you can:
- Manage(fast uninstall) your apps on "My apps"
- Get app recommendations on "Recommendation"
- New and hot apps of the day on "Ranking" "Category"
- Share your best apps (eg twitter/facebook)
Install in Android Market
This lightning talk discusses an Android app called "appmom" that recommends new apps to users based on analyzing aggregated app usage data from multiple users. The app makes personalized recommendations based on a user's demographics, favorite categories, and similar apps that other users with similar tastes have installed. The presenter encourages attendees to follow the app's Twitter account and tweet that they want to be a test user.
FUSIONDRIVER, INC.によるU嘔泣〜AI 6ヶ埖パッケ`ジのご宛坪唆牝攫嶄侏AIコンサルティングFUSIONDRIVER, INC.
830 Stewart Drive, Suite 277, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA
毅輝; 縳 再望
晩云 050-5534-1114 (忽坪で宥じます)
3. Naoko Tsubaki:
Wife of Brazilian,
Dreaming to create BIG business
to make people more happy.
Business in Brazil, and all over
the world.
Starting with´appmom.
Recommendation of Android Apps.
20. 亊。窮三1.89叮岬
20% of celular is
Pirates from China
Pre-Paid 82,20%
Pos-Paid 17,80%
Vivo 30,25
Claro 25,42%
TIM 24,05%
OI 19,93%
@Tenente Portela, Rio Grande do Sul
38. 寄返キャリア意鴛珂,
TIM: internet gr│tis no Blackberry pr└-pago TIM
ドイペリプの BlackBerry
39. 峠譲公創2護雨永,
Sal│rio de profissionais de TI aumentou 20% em 2010
40. フレッシュジュ`ス
Outdoor: intera??o via SMS d│ brinde em Porto Alegre
Sa┣de no Copo, de Porto Alegre, divulga uma promo??o que tem o SMS
41. 櫃砲覆襯縫紿`ス匯E
TIM: internet gr│tis no Blackberry pr└-pago TIM ドイペ リ プ の BlackBerry 。 たき て 竃 が 創 oトッ ネ で Br
5 empresas j│ produzem tablets no Brasil Samsung, Motorola, Semp Toshiba, Positivo e Aix
Para cada 10 brasileiros, h│ 15 acessos a servi?os de telecomunica??es BB Brasil
かたっだ繁ルジラ ブ Instagram 》 k_の ^@igtecnologia: Brasileiro criador do Instagram conta a hist┏ria - ̄
Pesquisa: 35% dos donos de tablets usam o aparelho no banheiro
侭う聞をトッレブタ。ンラトスレ、晩俚、ドッベ、レイト br
Banda larga cresce no Brasil. Acesso ┐ Internet, nem tanto 周る い て び 阜 が ドン バド `ロブ の ルジラ ブ
Brasil passa o Jap?o em vendas de PCs no 2? trimestre PC
。るえ階を云晩 で方岬嗹 がル ジラブ
Em breve, voc┷ vai beliscar algu└m pelo smartphone ¥ ねも かう そ
Smartphone Xperia Play chega ao Brasil por quase R$ 2000 ,じ
Sal│rio de profissionais de TI aumentou 20% em 2010 IT 20%
なかいらくけ の云晩。るが貧創o 、Bv 8 br
M-payment precisa de padr?o para crescer no Brasil, afirma especialista
¥ていつに るけおにルジラブ mobile payment
posted at 08:57:50
MTV e Taco Bell estampam QR Code em copos de bebida MTV QR
。ン`ペンャキ佚塘ツンテンコたっ聞をド`コ でんさ塁スコタと br
Smartphone j│ chegou ┐s massas no Brasil, aponta pesquisa Stats android user Brasil
Oito tend┷ncias do mobile marketing para os pr┏ximos anos
ないもりよ云晩が湖業梁のへトッレブタ Aのつ のグンィテケ`マルイバモ 8 br
M-commerce: 79% dos brasileiros j│ usaram celular em compras かのういと M-commerce
、ス`マコ ルイ バモ
Brasil ter│ cadastro na Interrnet de procurados pela Justi?a web
ねも か る な に 議 豚 鮫 が | 。 _ 巷 に をト スリ 麗 繁 沫 Br
Mercado brasileiro espera vender 62 mi de celulares em 2011 、協嚠 嗹岬嵐 挑極イ タ`ケでルジラ ブ 定書 6200 stats
An┣ncio brasileiro derrapa no QR Code QRcode br 箭並ン`ペンャキ
Outdoor: intera??o via SMS d│ brinde em Porto Alegre Sa┣de no Copo, de Porto Alegre, divulga uma promo??o que tem o SMS
43. Startpが438芙も鞠h
Startupi was launched in December 2008. It is a
blog which covers the market for technology
startups and related subjects such as venture
capital, incubators and web applications. The focus
is on Brazil. The name is a play on the words
^startup ̄ and ^Tupi, ̄ the latter being one of the
predominant indigenous groups in Brazil at the time
of Portuguese settlement.
52. VCs List 誘Y?貧方
CRP - Companhia de Participa??es のF彜は???
Confrapar - A Confrapar └ a principal gestora para fundos de capital semente
no Brasil.
DGF - A DGF Investimentos tem como objetivo a gest?o de carteiras de ativos
alternativos, em especial fundos de participa??o
FIR Capital Partners - └ uma gestora de fundos de capital empreendedor
(venture capital) para investimentos em pequenas e m└dias empresas com
faturamento anual de at└ R$150 milh?es e grande potencial de crescimento.
IdeiasNet - A Ideiasnet └ uma Venture Capital de capital aberto, com foco em
empresas do setor de tecnologia no Brasil e na Am└rica Latina.┘優奪範毅
Monashees Capital - Somos uma empresa de Venture Capital com foco em
m┴dias digitais e tecnologias de educa??o. ┘優奪範毅
54. ?Partner at Sapiens Global LLP, Tokyo based,
in charge of South American market.
Matchmaking for Japanese and Brazilian
?Advisor for SOFTEX Brasil IT+ in Asia
(Brazilian Government agency to promote
Helio Galvao Ciffoni, MSc. software export, with 350 affiliated
?From 1987 to 2007, Professor at Computer
Science Dept. The Catholic University,
Parana State, Brazil
?Board Member from 2003-2007 at CITS C
International Centre for Software Technology,
Brazil. Non-profitable organization
(Government, Academia and Private Companies)
55. Q. Why Brazilian market attractive now?
? -Economy is emerging in Brazil.
? -Any other country in the world without
? -Many high-quality engineer but very few
funding (real-estate and another industry
is much more attractive )
? - Hub to Latin America, and Africa.
56. Q. What does Japanese company
needs to go to Brazilian market?
? Tie-up with small-middle company
? Invest Brazilian startup company
? SmartPhone , Game, and e-
commerce, digital TV
57. Q. Smartphone?
? Save energy狼┐靴腓辰舛紊νkのため
? Bank狼
Banking systems (electronic banking services
such as account management, transfers, e-
payment, credit cards balance and payments,
insurance acquired by smartphone)
58. Q. Tax?
? 37% of revenue. Different kinds of tax (federal,
state and cities).
? High labor costs and tax over payment to the
employee (almost 100% in tax. If you pay
R$ 1,000 for a programmer, you have to pay
almost R$ 1,000 in tax. It's horrible.