I chanced on this assignment written by Bro. Sugumar of the SDM. Fr. Basil SJ encouraged his students to present a very creative assignments. This was one such assignment.
Powerpoint that accompanies a sermon preached Nov. 30, 2014 at Plymouth Meeting E.C. Church by Pastor Bob Brown.
Listen to the sermon at: www.pmecc.org
This document provides instructions for creating a basic PHP form and database application using concepts like PHP, HTML forms, MySQL, and variables. It includes steps to create a database and table, a PHP form to insert data, and includes code examples to connect to the database and sanitize user input. The document also covers making a WordPress theme by starting with an existing template, editing the style.css file, and uploading the theme files.
The document discusses arrays and pointers in C programming. It defines arrays as homogeneous data types that allow a group of data items to be accessed using a single name and index. The document describes properties of arrays like type, length, and size. It also discusses initialization of one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays. The document also covers strings as character arrays and functions in C including parameter passing, return values, and different types of functions.
This document summarizes notes from an October 4th office hours session about Drupal and WordPress. It outlines that both content management systems are built with PHP and use MySQL databases. They deliver content to users through jQuery, HTML, and CSS. Both have pluggable architectures and are open source. Drupal and WordPress also have commercial partners and very active user communities. The document provides instructions for getting started with each platform and the typical installation process. It stresses the importance of regular updates for security.
- There are 4 weeks left in the course, with milestones on September 24th, October 1st, and October 8th, and all badges awarded by October 15th. Students are encouraged to finish HTML5 Core this weekend and knock out CSS by September 24th.
- When creating a single webpage, the main parts include the HTML file, CSS stylesheet, images, and other media files. All parts need to be uploaded to the website when posting the page.
- Browser developer tools like the Web Developer toolbar for Firefox and Chrome, and Firebug for Firefox, can help with webpage development and troubleshooting.
A review of Dreamforce announcements including Lighting, Engage, SalesforceIQ, Data.com, and Wave. I also discuss product announcements from InsideView, Dun & Bradstreet / DocuSign, CircelBack, and Lattice Engines.
This is an issue of my weekly subscription newsletter which covers the Sales Intelligence, DaaS, Data Hygiene, and Predictive Analytics spaces.
Powerpoint that accompanies a sermon preached Nov. 30, 2014 at Plymouth Meeting E.C. Church by Pastor Bob Brown.
Listen to the sermon at: www.pmecc.org
This document provides instructions for creating a basic PHP form and database application using concepts like PHP, HTML forms, MySQL, and variables. It includes steps to create a database and table, a PHP form to insert data, and includes code examples to connect to the database and sanitize user input. The document also covers making a WordPress theme by starting with an existing template, editing the style.css file, and uploading the theme files.
The document discusses arrays and pointers in C programming. It defines arrays as homogeneous data types that allow a group of data items to be accessed using a single name and index. The document describes properties of arrays like type, length, and size. It also discusses initialization of one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays. The document also covers strings as character arrays and functions in C including parameter passing, return values, and different types of functions.
This document summarizes notes from an October 4th office hours session about Drupal and WordPress. It outlines that both content management systems are built with PHP and use MySQL databases. They deliver content to users through jQuery, HTML, and CSS. Both have pluggable architectures and are open source. Drupal and WordPress also have commercial partners and very active user communities. The document provides instructions for getting started with each platform and the typical installation process. It stresses the importance of regular updates for security.
- There are 4 weeks left in the course, with milestones on September 24th, October 1st, and October 8th, and all badges awarded by October 15th. Students are encouraged to finish HTML5 Core this weekend and knock out CSS by September 24th.
- When creating a single webpage, the main parts include the HTML file, CSS stylesheet, images, and other media files. All parts need to be uploaded to the website when posting the page.
- Browser developer tools like the Web Developer toolbar for Firefox and Chrome, and Firebug for Firefox, can help with webpage development and troubleshooting.
A review of Dreamforce announcements including Lighting, Engage, SalesforceIQ, Data.com, and Wave. I also discuss product announcements from InsideView, Dun & Bradstreet / DocuSign, CircelBack, and Lattice Engines.
This is an issue of my weekly subscription newsletter which covers the Sales Intelligence, DaaS, Data Hygiene, and Predictive Analytics spaces.
The document provides notes from a week 4 office hours meeting. It discusses that there are 3 weeks remaining in the course and deadlines for final assignments. It acknowledges that not everyone may earn the endorser badge due to timing and proposes a new "Sisyphus badge" for those who persistently work towards a badge but may not complete it in time. It asks for comments on the proposed new badge. The document also provides an overview of some basic SQL statements and demonstrates examples of SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE queries in phpMyAdmin. It then outlines 4 steps for interacting with a database in PHP: 1) connecting to the database, 2) fetching data from a table, 3) displaying results, and 4) inserting
#6 digestive system general maintenance and disordersHome Makers
Sample herbal protocols for general maintenance and healing of the digestive system using herbal products from Inno-Vita and Systemic formulas. This information is for education purposes only and specific programs should be monitored by a qualified health professional.
Salmonid fishes viz. pacific salmon (oncorhynchus sp.) Atlantic salmon (Salmo sp.)
Trouts are grown in cold areas of world. Both pacific salmon & Atlantic salmon are Anadromous fishes and they need saline environment for growth.
But trouts can be grown in inland waters.
Contribution of salmonid to global aquaculture production of fishes is next to that of carps. Hundreds of hatcheries operate in several parts of cold areas of the world which are meant not only for providing stocking materials for aqua farms but also for stock enhancement in natural waters through ranching.
Hatcheries of oncorhynchus and Salmo sp.Are engaged in the production of smolt for farming and ranching.Trouts hatcheries are established in several cold regions of the world including India. In India trouts were introduced from other countries. Mahseer found in the cold streams and lakes are endogenous fishes in India.
The document discusses data structures and algorithms. It defines data structures as a way of organizing data that considers both the items stored and their relationship. Common data structures include stacks, queues, lists, trees, and graphs. Linear data structures store data in a sequence, while non-linear data structures have no inherent sequence. The document also defines algorithms as finite sets of instructions to accomplish tasks and discusses properties like input, output, definiteness, and termination. Common algorithms manipulate linear data structures like arrays and linked lists.
The document discusses AVL trees, which are self-balancing binary search trees. It explains that AVL trees ensure that the heights of the left and right subtrees of every node differ by at most one. This balancing property is maintained during insertions and deletions by performing single or double rotations if the balancing factor becomes too large. The document provides examples of insertions that require single or double rotations to rebalance the tree. It also notes some pros and cons of using AVL trees compared to other search tree structures.
This document discusses binary search trees and provides source code to implement binary search tree traversal operations. It explains that a binary search tree is a binary tree where the left child of a node is less than the parent and the right child is greater. It provides code for preorder, inorder, and postorder traversals of the binary search tree and outputs the traversal order for a sample tree.
This document discusses trees and binary trees. It defines key tree concepts like nodes, edges, roots, leaves. It also covers different types of trees like binary trees and expression trees. Binary tree traversal algorithms like preorder, inorder and postorder are explained along with pseudocode. The document also discusses representation of trees using classes and balanced binary trees.
This document provides an introduction to data structures and algorithms. It defines data structures as a way of organizing data that considers both the items stored and their relationship. Common data structures include stacks, queues, lists, trees, graphs, and tables. Data structures are classified as primitive or non-primitive based on how close the data items are to machine-level instructions. Linear data structures like arrays and linked lists store data in a sequence, while non-linear structures like trees and graphs do not rely on sequence. The document outlines several common data structures and their characteristics, as well as abstract data types, algorithms, and linear data structures like arrays. It provides examples of one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays and how they are represented in
C is a general-purpose programming language developed in the early 1970s. It has been widely used for operating systems, language compilers, text editors and other system-level programs due to its high performance and portability. The document provides an overview of C programming basics including the history of C, why C is still useful today, C character set, tokens, constants, variables, data types, expressions and operators. It also describes the basic structure of a C program and the execution process.
This document describes the array-based representation of linear lists as a data structure. It defines a linear list as a collection of elements in the form (e1, e2, ..., en) where ei is an individual element and n is the length of the list. An array is used to store the elements, where the ith element is stored at location i-1. It then provides code for a LinearList class that implements basic linear list operations like find, search, delete, insert using this array-based representation in O(1) or O(n) time.
Computers represent data using binary digits (bits) that can have only two values: 0 or 1. Eight bits are grouped together to form a byte that can represent a character, number, or symbol using coding systems like ASCII. When a key is pressed on the keyboard, an electronic signal is sent to the computer's system unit where it is converted to a binary code and stored in memory before being processed and output to a device.
This document provides an introduction to the C programming language. It discusses why C was created, its historical development, and where it stands among other computer languages. It also covers basic C concepts like variables, constants, and data types. The document uses examples to explain how to write simple C programs, including how to declare variables, perform arithmetic operations, and use input/output functions like printf() and scanf().
This document discusses the C programming language and data structures. It covers the basic structure of C programs, including functions, main functions, and sections like documentation, definitions, declarations, and subprograms. It also discusses basic C programs, data types, operators, control structures, arrays, pointers, structures, unions, and file I/O. The document is intended to introduce students to C language concepts and data structures.
The document contains C code for multiple programs that perform various calculations and operations on arrays and numbers. The programs include:
1. Evaluating mathematical expressions by taking input values, performing calculations defined by the expressions, and outputting results.
2. Performing logical operations and comparisons on input values to determine output values based on if/else or switch statements.
3. Calculating factorials, digit sums, reversing numbers, checking for palindromes, and other numeric operations using loops.
4. Generating patterns and diagrams by iterating with for loops.
5. Performing array operations like reversing elements, calculating sums, and swapping arrays.
The document provides information about C language and its features. It discusses that C was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 and is a general purpose programming language well suited for business and scientific applications. It also summarizes the basic structure of a C program and describes various C language components like data types, operators, and conditional statements.
The document discusses the C programming language and data structures. It covers the basic structure of C programs, data types, operators, control flow statements, arrays, strings, functions, pointers, structures, unions and file I/O. The chapters are outlined and key concepts like algorithms, flowcharts and program development steps are explained in detail. The history and evolution of C language is presented along with its features, applications and importance. A simple C program example is also provided and analyzed.
The document discusses different approaches to dynamically allocating memory for arrays in C programs. It covers using malloc() to allocate memory at runtime rather than compile-time, avoiding memory leaks, and creating linked lists in memory using structs. The examples show how to dynamically allocate memory for arrays, add elements to linked lists using structs, and iterate through linked lists without memory leaks.
The document discusses various ways of interacting with hardware and low-level operations in C programming. It covers opening files, reading and writing files, modifying files, calling BIOS and DOS routines, manipulating CPU registers, and interacting directly with hardware through standard library functions. Examples are provided for copying files, positioning the cursor, clearing the screen, deleting and renaming files by calling interrupt functions. Structures and unions are also explained with examples.
The document discusses various unformatted console I/O functions in C like printf, getchar, putchar, fgetchar, getch, and getche. It explains that getch doesn't wait for enter while getche echoes the character. It also covers low-level disk I/O functions like fgetc and fputc that read and write characters individually from files. The document provides examples of opening a file, reading contents character by character using getc, and copying the contents of one file to another.
This document contains information about the boot sector of a disk, including:
1. It describes the contents and layout of a disk boot sector, including fields like the jump instruction, system ID, bytes per sector, etc.
2. It provides sample code to read the boot sector and display the values of the different fields.
3. It compares the typical/expected values of the boot sector fields with the values obtained from reading an actual disk boot sector.
The document describes the structure and organization of data on floppy disks and hard disks. It defines structures like employee, book, and address to store different data types. It also shows how to declare, initialize, copy, and pass structure variables. Structure elements can be accessed using dot (.) and arrow (->) operators. Structures are useful for database management, graphics, disk operations and other applications.
The document describes code for a calendar program in C. It includes functions to calculate the number of days between dates, store months and days in arrays, display the calendar for a given month and year with day names and dates, and allow the user to navigate to the next or previous month or year. Structures are used to store employee records with name, age, and salary fields. Arrays of structures hold multiple records. Pointers to structures are also demonstrated.
5. 55
The pointer Pi can point ttoo eeiitthheerr aa ffiillee rreeccoorrdd oorr
aa bbuucckkeett ooff ppooiinntteerrss wwhhiicchh eeaacchh ppooiinntt ttoo aa ffiillee
lleeaaff nnooddee,, nn == 33
Brighton Downtown
A 212 Brighton 750
A 101 Brighton 750
A 212 Brighton 750
6. 66
Each leaf can hhoolldd uupp ttoo nn 11 vvaalluueess aanndd mmuusstt
ccoonnttaaiinn aatt lleeaasstt [[((nn 11)) // 22]] vvaalluueess..
NNoonnlleeaaff nnooddee ppooiinntteerrss ppooiinntt ttoo ttrreeee nnooddeess ((lleeaaff
nnooddeess)).. NNoonnlleeaaff nnooddeess ccaann hhoolldd uupp ttoo nn ppooiinntteerrss
aanndd mmuusstt hhoolldd aatt lleeaasstt [[nn//22]] ppooiinntteerrss..
ii..ee.. nn == 33
Mianus Redwood
Brighton Downtown Mianus Redwood Round Hill
13. 1133
BB -- TTrreeee IInnddeexx FFiilleess
Similar to B+-tree, but B-tree allows search-key values to appear only
once; eliminates redundant storage of search keys.
Search keys in nonleaf nodes appear nowhere else in the B-tree; an
additional pointer field for each search key in a nonleaf node must be
NNoonnlleeaaff nnooddee ppooiinntteerrss BBii aarree tthhee bbuucckkeett oorr ffiillee rreeccoorrdd ppooiinntteerrss..