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Environmentally sustainable

John Griffiths
Moderators heading back to the agency

the way we practice research
is unsustainable

Omnibus survey
weve either talked to just about everybody
or were talking to the same people.
over and over and over again


research industry
Incompetent or Mendacious?
clients are voicing their disquiet
about the research quality


sample selection

analysis & interpretation

of findings
technology also enables intimacy 
so why are we fixated on security?

Respondent history

Respondent validation
isnt it time we chose real over
representative relationships?
continuity of relationship instead of
dicing and slicing market segments

longitude vs latitude
yielding control to those whose
quality of contribution is central
I think this bit is
- shall I switch the
recorder on?
why respondents participate
its not
In the 1990s organisations flattened
Now organisations are opening out

stakeholder consultations
joint venture partnerships
virtual teams
Ill answer your questions
If youll answer my
questions in return
people often participate in order
to engage with other people

even if theyd rather
talk to each other
their contribution
is just as valid
content is the emerging incentive

Direct access
Product testing
Multimedia participation
Equipped to provide feedback
Other relevant content
via the web

They want something
others dont have
access to

Expect cash to decline in importance as a way
to incentivise participation
researchers will have to
change their role..
no longer deciding
who gets in
and whose opinions
are worth conveying
to the boss
more like party hosts or
social entrepreneurs

whose intervention
makes rich
Clients will love it
Stakeholder panel



the new workhorse



 What ifs
Fast response
 Qual subtlety
 Quant significance
Many respondents will welcome it

New role as
 Co- creator
 Content generator
 Insight hunter

Because they
value a greater
degree of
It will be a painful transition
for researchers
Dinosaur 1.0
Research 1.0

Dinosaur 2.0
Research 2.0

Ad hoc quant and qual research will become narrower & more specialised
Whats the alternative?
More slash and burn
 adult to child
No going back..

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Environmentally sustainable research

  • 2. Moderators heading back to the agency the way we practice research is unsustainable Omnibus survey
  • 3. weve either talked to just about everybody or were talking to the same people. over and over and over again You decide research industry Incompetent or Mendacious?
  • 4. clients are voicing their disquiet about the research quality methodology sample selection analysis & interpretation communication of findings
  • 5. technology also enables intimacy so why are we fixated on security? Respondent history Respondent validation
  • 6. isnt it time we chose real over representative relationships?
  • 7. continuity of relationship instead of dicing and slicing market segments longitude vs latitude
  • 8. yielding control to those whose quality of contribution is central I think this bit is important - shall I switch the recorder on?
  • 10. In the 1990s organisations flattened
  • 11. Now organisations are opening out stakeholder consultations joint venture partnerships virtual teams contractors homeworking/hotdesking
  • 12. Ill answer your questions If youll answer my questions in return
  • 13. people often participate in order to engage with other people even if theyd rather talk to each other their contribution is just as valid
  • 14. content is the emerging incentive Direct access Expertise Product testing Multimedia participation Equipped to provide feedback Other relevant content via the web They want something others dont have access to Expect cash to decline in importance as a way to incentivise participation
  • 15. researchers will have to change their role.. no longer deciding who gets in and whose opinions are worth conveying to the boss
  • 16. more like party hosts or social entrepreneurs whose intervention makes rich communication happen
  • 17. Clients will love it Stakeholder panel Share holders Employees Opinion Leaders the new workhorse Customers Prospects Continuous Interactive What ifs Affordable Fast response Qual subtlety Quant significance
  • 18. Many respondents will welcome it New role as Participant Co- creator Content generator Insight hunter Because they value a greater degree of involvement
  • 19. It will be a painful transition for researchers Dinosaur 1.0 Research 1.0 Dinosaur 2.0 Research 2.0 Ad hoc quant and qual research will become narrower & more specialised
  • 20. Whats the alternative? More slash and burn transactional artificial representative adult to child No going back..

Editor's Notes

  • #2: This talk is about whats wrong with market research which prides itself on being environmentally unsustainable Recruiting large numbers of respondents and throwing them away afterwards In this paper I want to outline why sustainable research will actually produce better findings than we do now. It should make research more accessible to clients than todays start stop projects
  • #3: The way we practice research is unsustainable. Its astounding how wasteful both qualitative and quantitative research is we may value longstanding client and supplier relationships but where it comes to research we dispose of the respondents within minutes after extracting a fraction of the experience they offer. Blind to the reality that respondents like everything else on this planet are a finite resource. Who has calculate the wear and tear on customer behaviour of rejecting respondents, of people resorting to fraud to try to be selected or of the effect on consumer behaviour first they want you then if you say the wrong thing theyll disqualify you
  • #4: There is an ongoing debate about how extensive fraud is. After that last half century of research in the UK, either a significant proportion of the population can be considered damaged goods they have been researched at least once there arent enough people to go round. Which makes us rather incompetent. Or were researching the same remnant over and over again. And we pretend theyre brand new when theyre not which makes us liars then. You decide.
  • #5: Clients have become quite vocal about research quality. About the methods were using, why theyre being charged so much for more of the same the same faces turning up in research groups, the quick turnarounds and the usefulness of the findings.
  • #6: Whats bizarre is that technology has made it easy to keep tabs on respondents so slash and burn really makes no sense. Actually Internet and database culture makes it possible to sustain relationships building up histories and increasing our knowledge of those we reach why do we presume that respondents are fraudulent and need to be monitored why not capture their experience and recruit for continuity and enrichment?
  • #7: Isnt it time to get real about respondent contamination? Surely we can make allowances for the increasing research experience of someone who has been serially interviewed? The real issue that we only value their contribution insofar as it represents not the individual but a whole group of people. Isnt it time we chose real relationships pver representative ones?
  • #8: Longitudinal research works on the basis of continuity quality of relationship is privileged over having dozens of different types of horizontal relationship each of which have to be monitored separately and comparisons made purely by content. With longitudinal research the respondent is much more aware of research as a process and can reflect on it. Respondents can change their minds and say so.
  • #9: Theres a political issue here. We have to give up control. In a recent conversation Claire Goodman Professor of Healthcare Research was describing to me how she was giving control of the tape recording to children. Peer group reviews and ethical committees supplemented by presenting back to respondents are better than no accountability or feedback at all
  • #10: Why do respondents participate? Well some of the reasons theyve given me in the past year are the following Because they find research interesting and validating Because theyre interested in the product area Because they admire the brand. Because its like a job Because meeting other respondents affirms them socially Because its a great way to meet people with the same interests or who understand them terminal patients can often prefer to band together - The Ciao research suggests that money is really not one of the main motivators for people joining their panels. These are all reasons which respondents have given me in the last year about why they are participating all of which I ignore because all that matters is that Ive paid them. Only of course its not a payment otherwise the Inland revenue would get involved. So if respondents are not our employees does this mean that we have obligations to them?
  • #11: Not only does the technology make continuity of relationship with respondents possible it has raged through our businesses flattening them as it has gone through.Now large enterprises manage with a fraction of the vertical layers.
  • #12: Charles Handy predicted the redistribution of employees in and outside work premises but the real culture change is when companies start to open themselves up to involving stakeholder groups who arent employees. But the democratising of technology has made it possible for unprecedented levels of participation from those who buy and use the products. This isnt necessarily CRM. Customers dont want a relationship with any old company who has a CRM program but they may choose to have some form of connection but they will expect to play an active and sometimes critical role.
  • #13: The Nature of the interactions with different stakeholder groups will be very different. It will be a relationship between equals. Theyll answer our questions but well have to start to answer theirs.
  • #14: Part of the attraction of their involvement will be because they can interact with other stakeholder groups and it will be the job of the company to make this easier and not to try to control it.
  • #15: A consequence is that content is going to become a lot less dependent on paying people to respond. In fact the insider content is going to be the big draw. You dont keep people interested for months on end with money only. The reward for involvement must be continual access and exposure to privileged information - not waiting to be asked questions respondent is being given things to do.
  • #16: Researchers arent going to like this it was easy fixing a price going to ask the questions and decided who to allow in and which bits to report back to HQ
  • #17: The emerging role will be favour those researchers who function as party hosts or social entrepreneurs. Creating value to the client through the imaginativeness with which they construct and sustain rich communication running in different directions.
  • #18: We are talking about stakeholder panels here. Conducted mostly online. Clients are going to love this. Continual access , Interactivity Ability to hypothesise and check what ifs Fast response And for perhaps the first time to be able to afford to combine qualitative subtlety with the security of big numbers
  • #19: I dont believe it will be a problem filling these panels. Because enough people will want to get involved because they value a greater degree of involvement. They are being treated like participants and equals and no longer as disposable respondents.
  • #20: The transition isnt going to be easy for those researchers conducting adhoc projects. Because the business model is changing. Ad hoc qualitative and quantitative research is set to become narrower and more specialised as huge swathes of research projects are swallowed up inside the emerging client stakeholder panels.
  • #21: There isnt time to argue both sides of this. But I close with the question is there really an alternative? The current model is unsustainable. Do we really want to persist with slash and burn Continuing with artificial representative adult to child transations when a richer alternative beckons? I put it to you that its time we put in some changes from the ground up. the customer is getting smarter most of the smartness is being discarded by our current interviewing methods. the question is really how long the current model is going to be sustainable do we want to move from artifically anonymous discrete relationships recruited face to face to artificially anonymous discrete relationships on line we need continuity and quality of relationship