Roel Morales Magda completed a 3-week course called "How to Teach Online: Providing Continuity for Students" through FutureLearn. The course provided a practical approach to rapidly moving teaching and student support online. Learners reflected on their work, adapted their approaches, and connected with other educators to begin and continue online teaching during uncertain times. The course covered developing plans for student success, engaging students online, and adapting practices to the online context.
Roel Morales Magda completed a 3-week course called "How to Teach Online: Providing Continuity for Students" through FutureLearn. The course provided a practical approach to rapidly moving teaching and student support online. Learners reflected on their work, adapted their approaches, and connected with other educators to begin and continue online teaching during uncertain times. The course covered developing plans for student success, engaging students online, and adapting practices to the online context.
Managing online tutorials at scale at the open university (staff support webi...EADTU
The Open University has been providing open and flexible education to over 2 million students worldwide since 1969. In response to increasing demand for online learning, the university has been managing tutorials and events at scale using the Adobe Connect platform. Over the past years, the university trained over 4,500 staff and hosted over 40,000 online events annually with up to 5,500 concurrent users. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of online rooms tripled to support remote learning and community building. Key considerations for managing online tutorials at scale include ensuring users have proper technical setups, providing training, and adapting delivery methods for different types of virtual events.
Course InformationCourse Number and TitleMG6615 OperatioCruzIbarra161
Course Information
Course Number and Title:MG6615 Operational Planning and Policy (CRN 228) Term and Year:Fall I 2021
Term Dates:August 23rd, 2021 December 12th, 2021
Delivery Method:Online with Virtual Residency Meeting Place and Time:Online via Blackboard and Zoom
Live Session:You will be contacted by your LIVE Residency Instructor. This individual
may/may not be the instructor for your Blackboard course. Please be sure to check your NEC email daily. LIVE Zoom Faculty will reach out in weeks 3 or 4 of the term. Students will meet during the term to complete the required 8 hours of LIVE Zoom contact. In accordance to federal and campus guidelines in response to COVID, these sessions are all required and replace the Henniker Residency that has been moved online due to COVID. In addition to the 8 hours of LIVE Zoom instruction, you have 10 hours of self-directed research to assist in your studies for your required 18 hours of residency for this course.
Instructor Information
Faculty Name:Dr. Sherwin L. Stewart
Email Address:[email油protected]
Phone Number:423-665-9701. I am available Thursdays, 7p.m. 8p.m. EST, or by appointment Response time:I will respond within 24 hours.
Required Materials and Textbook(s)
Thompson Jr. A. A, Peteraf, M. A., Gamble, J. E., and Strickland III, A. J. (2022). Crafting & Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases. 23rd Edition. McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 978-1-260-73517-8
STRATSIMMANAGEMENT Strategic Management Simulation
Available for purchase via eCampus, NECs Online bookstore
Note: Students will receive a welcome email from Interpretive Simulations that will contain a unique user ID and password for each student, as well as instructions on how to log in, register, and gain access to (redeem the access code from eCampus) their resources and simulation. It is highly recommended that students log in and complete the registration as soon as possible to get quickly acclimated to the simulation part of this course. Please note:
揃 Students cannot register their accounts before Interpretive Simulations receives their contact information from their instructor.
揃 Students who purchase the access code early (weeks ahead of time) from eCampus will have to wait until the instructor provides the name/email list in order to receive the Welcome email with their user ID and password.
揃 Students need to keep track of their access code (it will be sitting in their eCampus account in their digital bookshelf) until the time comes to register at start of term.
Once students begin the simulation during week 9, they will be put in teams of 2 or 3 to complete each of ten
(10) simulated moves (approximately 2 per week) over a 5-week period. There will be a brief quiz during week 8 to measure students understanding of the simulation tool and situation. This is designed to have students quickly study the initial case and get acclimated to the simulation tool prior to group wor ...
Vajiram and Ravi - Indias best upsc preparation InstituteVajiram Ravi
Vairam & Ravi is one of Indias leading institutes for Civil Services examination preparation. The institute prepares students for all the three levels of exams Preliminary, Mains and Personal Interview. The handpicked faculties at Vajiram & Ravi include highly qualified teachers from the Central Universities and other reputed institutes in India. Our sole objective is to prepare students for different civil services exams and help them in their goal achievement.
This webinar discussed research needs and priorities for three K-12 virtual schools: Michigan Virtual School, The Virtual High School, and North Carolina Virtual Public School. Key research topics included effective instructional strategies for online learning, student engagement, collaboration tools, blended learning models, and teacher evaluation processes for online instructors. Representatives from each virtual school provided details on their programs and outlined potential research partnerships and opportunities.
BLC Management During Covid Pandemic_Presentation-Final Defense.pptruhul17432
The document summarizes a final year defense presentation on Blended Learning Center (BLC) management during the Covid-19 pandemic. It includes sections on introduction, motivation, objectives, related work, explanation of steps, results from surveys of faculty and students on BLC, limitations, and conclusions. The presentation analyzes how BLC helped continue education in Bangladesh during the pandemic through its online platform and surveys faculty and students' perspectives on online learning experiences with BLC. It finds that most faculty and students felt online classes lacked interaction but BLC organization of material and classes was rated highly. The conclusion discusses BLC's role in supporting education during difficult times and areas for future improvement.
The document discusses a program in the Colleton County School District that uses Web 2.0 tools to increase parental involvement. The program's goals are to increase the quality, quantity, and attendance of information and sessions for parents by 15% in order to improve student achievement. The program utilizes various online platforms and tools like websites, text messaging, social media, and videos to provide content to parents and engage them both in the office and at home. Surveys were used to revise session content, times and locations. Initial results showed increased content, attendance, excitement and opportunities for parent involvement through the use of technology.
The document outlines 10 things that could be improved about Minnesota Online, such as establishing common course evaluations, tuition rates, and accessibility training for faculty. It also suggests providing more flexible scheduling and degree options for students, as well as better information sharing between participating institutions to make Minnesota Online function more like a coordinated system through increased cooperation and resource sharing. The key debate is whether institutions should opt into Minnesota Online and follow common guidelines to receive benefits or remain independent in their online efforts.
This course offered a practical approach to moving teaching and student support online rapidly. Learners reflected on their own work, adapted their approaches, and connected with a global community of educators in order to get started and keep going with online teaching in uncertain times.
Through the year 2022 we will start many classroom and online programmes in General Studies (Prelim cum Main) every month until October 2022, Optional Subjects would begin in the months of June and October 2022 and Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT) batches every two months until March 2023.
1. The document outlines the agenda for the 1st HPTA meeting and orientation for grade 12 caregiving and CSS-B students.
2. The agenda includes welcoming remarks, attendance checking, a presentation of the class program and subjects, distribution and submission of modules, discussion of the weekly home learning plan and grading system, and election of homeroom officers.
3. The meeting will also cover recognition of honor students with health kits, instructions for a virtual graduation ceremony where students will submit photos to be edited with togas, and time for questions.
The quarterly Collaborative Meetings are designed for researchers in the field of K-12 online and blended learning. It is a space for researchers to come together, get feedback on their work, and share any opportunities for collaborations for grants, research, publications, etc. These Collaborative Meetings are held in January, April, July, and October.
CTD Annual Report April 2020- March 2021.pptPranavUchil1
This annual report from CTD summarizes their education programs from April 2020 to March 2021. It provides an executive summary of their implementation strategy focusing on educating, evaluating, and engaging students. It then gives overviews and details of their various programs including an SSLC helpline, Learn From Home program, teacher training, alumni support, teaching through television, virtual quiz competitions, mask and sanitizer distributions, and career counseling. The report concludes with testimonials, case stories, key performance indicators, and plans for future challenges.
The document outlines the Boundless Learning school reopening plan for 2020-2021. It discusses that learning can occur anywhere and the school's educational philosophy. It then details how the school will make decisions based on guidance from health experts and partners. The plan outlines options for in-person, hybrid, and remote learning depending on the county COVID-19 alert level. It also discusses health and safety protocols, educational delivery approaches, special education, behavioral support, and how the community can stay informed.
OER 2022- Investigating the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) and or Op...Viviane Vladimirschi
In Brazil, the Covid-19 pandemic has deeply impacted and disrupted the lives of both teachers and students of the public basic education sector. All face-to-face classes were suspended in March, 2020 and teachers were required to resort to emergency remote teaching with little or no funds, guidance, resources, skills and knowledge to do so. In most states, emergency remote teaching and learning was the primary mode of education delivery until May, 2021. As the Covid-19 vaccine only began to be offered to teachers in June, 2021, most basic public education schools across the country began as of this date to offer a mix of blended learning or face-to-face classes. In February, 2022, with high vaccination rates among public school teachers and children (ages 5 to 11) currently receiving their first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, all students are now required to attend face-to-face classes following basic sanitary protocols such as use of masks, social distancing and testing for suspect cases.
In this context, its imperative we understand the myriad of obstacles faced by teachers and if, at all, basic public education teachers who had received prior professional development on the use of OER and OEPs did indeed resort to their use and which ways during this pandemic period. This study, funded by the Global OER Graduate Networks (GO-GN) Fellowship program, is aimed at exploring these questions. To achieve the outcome of the study, fifteen potential participants were initially invited to participate in the study. Criteria for inclusion was participants prior familiarity with OER. However, only six teachers volunteered to participate in forty-five-to-sixty-minute online interviews. Interviews were structured around questions regarding participants perspectives of challenges and actions required to teach during the pandemic and how existing obstacles were overcome; what kind of instructional material they resorted to (i.e. OER, others?); which pedagogies were used to teach remotely; which collaborative practices they engaged in (i.e. OEPs, others?); how they assessed student engagement and learning, to cite a few. This presentation explores preliminary findings, which were presented at OER 22.
NoteBowl is a social learning platform that aims to bring courses, campus communities, and related information together in one place. It allows students, professors, and administrators to access resources, communicate, and engage with their university. NoteBowl piloted its platform in three University of Arizona summer courses and found high rates of student and professor satisfaction compared to other learning management systems. Features like anonymous questions and real-time collaboration tools helped improve the classroom experience. The CIO of the University of Arizona was impressed with the pilot results and looks forward to continued partnership with NoteBowl.
What Does Access & Equity Mean in Online Education?Raymond Rose
The document discusses several scenarios related to issues of access and equity in online education programs. It describes situations where not all students have access to broadband internet or computers required for online coursework. It also provides examples where certain groups of students, such as those with visual impairments or from minority racial/ethnic groups, may face barriers to equitable access. Finally, the document presents a checklist of factors programs should consider to promote equitable access to technology, courses, instruction, and quality online education experiences for all students.
This document presents a project called "Free Rights, Education for Everyone (FREE)" which aims to improve the academic performance and quality of life of needy primary school students in Singapore by providing free tuition. The project will partner with World Vision Singapore and recruit volunteers to tutor around 12-15 students at various community centers. Details about preparing human resources, physical resources, and financing for the project are provided. The ongoing phase will involve selecting eligible students, conducting tutoring programs, and evaluating the project's effectiveness. Potential issues and solutions are also discussed.
Involving Digital Parents in Digital Learning - Event 3 in a 4-part seriesSchoolwires, Inc.
The New Digital Parents have high expectations when it comes to using technology to support their childs learning experience both in and out of school. From mobile devices to online learning, digital parents advocate for effective use of a wide range of technologies to personalize learning. Discover how digital tools can drive parental support, how to involve parents and inform them about whats happening in the classroom, and how other K-12 school districts are using technology to drive parental involvement.
Vajiram & Ravi Best IAS coaching in DelhiVajiram Ravi
M/S Vajiram & Ravi, Indias well-known Institute preparing candidates for the Civil Services Examination. Since its inception, the Institute has helped over 5,000 students to enter the Civil Services including I.A.S., I.F.S., I.P.S. and other Central Services.
If you're already a nurse, a Graduate Diploma in Midwifery leads to a career as a registered midwife, working in partnership with each woman to give the necessary support, care and advice during pregnancy, labour, birth and the post-partum period.
This slideshow is from the June 2022 postgraduate info session.
ON MoE 2019: Overview of e-Learning in CanadaMichael Barbour
Barbour, M. K. (2019, April). Overview of e-learning in Canada. An invited presentation to the Education Research & Evaluation Strategy Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Education, Toronto ON.
This document provides requirements, rules and support services for online classes. It outlines that students must be muted during classes, submit attendance forms before and after each session, and use the chat box to ask questions after all speakers. Notebooks are advised for taking notes. Expected behavior from students, teachers and parents is described. Finally, available learning resource services like online libraries and advisory time are mentioned.
This webinar discussed research needs and priorities for three K-12 virtual schools: Michigan Virtual School, The Virtual High School, and North Carolina Virtual Public School. Key research topics included effective instructional strategies for online learning, student engagement, collaboration tools, blended learning models, and teacher evaluation processes for online instructors. Representatives from each virtual school provided details on their programs and outlined potential research partnerships and opportunities.
BLC Management During Covid Pandemic_Presentation-Final Defense.pptruhul17432
The document summarizes a final year defense presentation on Blended Learning Center (BLC) management during the Covid-19 pandemic. It includes sections on introduction, motivation, objectives, related work, explanation of steps, results from surveys of faculty and students on BLC, limitations, and conclusions. The presentation analyzes how BLC helped continue education in Bangladesh during the pandemic through its online platform and surveys faculty and students' perspectives on online learning experiences with BLC. It finds that most faculty and students felt online classes lacked interaction but BLC organization of material and classes was rated highly. The conclusion discusses BLC's role in supporting education during difficult times and areas for future improvement.
The document discusses a program in the Colleton County School District that uses Web 2.0 tools to increase parental involvement. The program's goals are to increase the quality, quantity, and attendance of information and sessions for parents by 15% in order to improve student achievement. The program utilizes various online platforms and tools like websites, text messaging, social media, and videos to provide content to parents and engage them both in the office and at home. Surveys were used to revise session content, times and locations. Initial results showed increased content, attendance, excitement and opportunities for parent involvement through the use of technology.
The document outlines 10 things that could be improved about Minnesota Online, such as establishing common course evaluations, tuition rates, and accessibility training for faculty. It also suggests providing more flexible scheduling and degree options for students, as well as better information sharing between participating institutions to make Minnesota Online function more like a coordinated system through increased cooperation and resource sharing. The key debate is whether institutions should opt into Minnesota Online and follow common guidelines to receive benefits or remain independent in their online efforts.
This course offered a practical approach to moving teaching and student support online rapidly. Learners reflected on their own work, adapted their approaches, and connected with a global community of educators in order to get started and keep going with online teaching in uncertain times.
Through the year 2022 we will start many classroom and online programmes in General Studies (Prelim cum Main) every month until October 2022, Optional Subjects would begin in the months of June and October 2022 and Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT) batches every two months until March 2023.
1. The document outlines the agenda for the 1st HPTA meeting and orientation for grade 12 caregiving and CSS-B students.
2. The agenda includes welcoming remarks, attendance checking, a presentation of the class program and subjects, distribution and submission of modules, discussion of the weekly home learning plan and grading system, and election of homeroom officers.
3. The meeting will also cover recognition of honor students with health kits, instructions for a virtual graduation ceremony where students will submit photos to be edited with togas, and time for questions.
The quarterly Collaborative Meetings are designed for researchers in the field of K-12 online and blended learning. It is a space for researchers to come together, get feedback on their work, and share any opportunities for collaborations for grants, research, publications, etc. These Collaborative Meetings are held in January, April, July, and October.
CTD Annual Report April 2020- March 2021.pptPranavUchil1
This annual report from CTD summarizes their education programs from April 2020 to March 2021. It provides an executive summary of their implementation strategy focusing on educating, evaluating, and engaging students. It then gives overviews and details of their various programs including an SSLC helpline, Learn From Home program, teacher training, alumni support, teaching through television, virtual quiz competitions, mask and sanitizer distributions, and career counseling. The report concludes with testimonials, case stories, key performance indicators, and plans for future challenges.
The document outlines the Boundless Learning school reopening plan for 2020-2021. It discusses that learning can occur anywhere and the school's educational philosophy. It then details how the school will make decisions based on guidance from health experts and partners. The plan outlines options for in-person, hybrid, and remote learning depending on the county COVID-19 alert level. It also discusses health and safety protocols, educational delivery approaches, special education, behavioral support, and how the community can stay informed.
OER 2022- Investigating the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) and or Op...Viviane Vladimirschi
In Brazil, the Covid-19 pandemic has deeply impacted and disrupted the lives of both teachers and students of the public basic education sector. All face-to-face classes were suspended in March, 2020 and teachers were required to resort to emergency remote teaching with little or no funds, guidance, resources, skills and knowledge to do so. In most states, emergency remote teaching and learning was the primary mode of education delivery until May, 2021. As the Covid-19 vaccine only began to be offered to teachers in June, 2021, most basic public education schools across the country began as of this date to offer a mix of blended learning or face-to-face classes. In February, 2022, with high vaccination rates among public school teachers and children (ages 5 to 11) currently receiving their first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, all students are now required to attend face-to-face classes following basic sanitary protocols such as use of masks, social distancing and testing for suspect cases.
In this context, its imperative we understand the myriad of obstacles faced by teachers and if, at all, basic public education teachers who had received prior professional development on the use of OER and OEPs did indeed resort to their use and which ways during this pandemic period. This study, funded by the Global OER Graduate Networks (GO-GN) Fellowship program, is aimed at exploring these questions. To achieve the outcome of the study, fifteen potential participants were initially invited to participate in the study. Criteria for inclusion was participants prior familiarity with OER. However, only six teachers volunteered to participate in forty-five-to-sixty-minute online interviews. Interviews were structured around questions regarding participants perspectives of challenges and actions required to teach during the pandemic and how existing obstacles were overcome; what kind of instructional material they resorted to (i.e. OER, others?); which pedagogies were used to teach remotely; which collaborative practices they engaged in (i.e. OEPs, others?); how they assessed student engagement and learning, to cite a few. This presentation explores preliminary findings, which were presented at OER 22.
NoteBowl is a social learning platform that aims to bring courses, campus communities, and related information together in one place. It allows students, professors, and administrators to access resources, communicate, and engage with their university. NoteBowl piloted its platform in three University of Arizona summer courses and found high rates of student and professor satisfaction compared to other learning management systems. Features like anonymous questions and real-time collaboration tools helped improve the classroom experience. The CIO of the University of Arizona was impressed with the pilot results and looks forward to continued partnership with NoteBowl.
What Does Access & Equity Mean in Online Education?Raymond Rose
The document discusses several scenarios related to issues of access and equity in online education programs. It describes situations where not all students have access to broadband internet or computers required for online coursework. It also provides examples where certain groups of students, such as those with visual impairments or from minority racial/ethnic groups, may face barriers to equitable access. Finally, the document presents a checklist of factors programs should consider to promote equitable access to technology, courses, instruction, and quality online education experiences for all students.
This document presents a project called "Free Rights, Education for Everyone (FREE)" which aims to improve the academic performance and quality of life of needy primary school students in Singapore by providing free tuition. The project will partner with World Vision Singapore and recruit volunteers to tutor around 12-15 students at various community centers. Details about preparing human resources, physical resources, and financing for the project are provided. The ongoing phase will involve selecting eligible students, conducting tutoring programs, and evaluating the project's effectiveness. Potential issues and solutions are also discussed.
Involving Digital Parents in Digital Learning - Event 3 in a 4-part seriesSchoolwires, Inc.
The New Digital Parents have high expectations when it comes to using technology to support their childs learning experience both in and out of school. From mobile devices to online learning, digital parents advocate for effective use of a wide range of technologies to personalize learning. Discover how digital tools can drive parental support, how to involve parents and inform them about whats happening in the classroom, and how other K-12 school districts are using technology to drive parental involvement.
Vajiram & Ravi Best IAS coaching in DelhiVajiram Ravi
M/S Vajiram & Ravi, Indias well-known Institute preparing candidates for the Civil Services Examination. Since its inception, the Institute has helped over 5,000 students to enter the Civil Services including I.A.S., I.F.S., I.P.S. and other Central Services.
If you're already a nurse, a Graduate Diploma in Midwifery leads to a career as a registered midwife, working in partnership with each woman to give the necessary support, care and advice during pregnancy, labour, birth and the post-partum period.
This slideshow is from the June 2022 postgraduate info session.
ON MoE 2019: Overview of e-Learning in CanadaMichael Barbour
Barbour, M. K. (2019, April). Overview of e-learning in Canada. An invited presentation to the Education Research & Evaluation Strategy Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Education, Toronto ON.
This document provides requirements, rules and support services for online classes. It outlines that students must be muted during classes, submit attendance forms before and after each session, and use the chat box to ask questions after all speakers. Notebooks are advised for taking notes. Expected behavior from students, teachers and parents is described. Finally, available learning resource services like online libraries and advisory time are mentioned.
Comprehensive Guide to Antibiotics & Beta-Lactam Antibiotics.pptxSamruddhi Khonde
Comprehensive Guide to Antibiotics & Beta-Lactam Antibiotics
Antibiotics have revolutionized medicine, playing a crucial role in combating bacterial infections. Among them, Beta-Lactam antibiotics remain the most widely used class due to their effectiveness against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. This guide provides a detailed overview of their history, classification, chemical structures, mode of action, resistance mechanisms, SAR, and clinical applications.
What Youll Learn in This Presentation
History & Evolution of Antibiotics
Cell Wall Structure of Gram-Positive & Gram-Negative Bacteria
Beta-Lactam Antibiotics: Classification & Subtypes
Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Carbapenems & Monobactams
Mode of Action (MOA) & Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR)
Beta-Lactamase Inhibitors & Resistance Mechanisms
Clinical Applications & Challenges.
Why You Should Check This Out?
Essential for pharmacy, medical & life sciences students.
Provides insights into antibiotic resistance & pharmaceutical trends.
Useful for healthcare professionals & researchers in drug discovery.
Swipe through & explore the world of antibiotics today!
Like, Share & Follow for more in-depth pharma insights!
AI and Academic Writing, Short Term Course in Academic Writing and Publication, UGC-MMTTC, MANUU, 25/02/2025, Prof. (Dr.) Vinod Kumar Kanvaria, University of Delhi,
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
Mastering Soft Tissue Therapy & Sports Taping: Pathway to Sports Medicine Excellence
This presentation was delivered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, at the Institute of Sports Medicine to an audience of sports physiotherapists, exercise scientists, athletic trainers, and healthcare professionals. Led by Kusal Goonewardena (PhD Candidate - Muscle Fatigue, APA Titled Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist) and Gayath Jayasinghe (Sports Scientist), the session provided comprehensive training on soft tissue assessment, treatment techniques, and essential sports taping methods.
Key topics covered:
Soft Tissue Therapy The science behind muscle, fascia, and joint assessment for optimal treatment outcomes.
Sports Taping Techniques Practical applications for injury prevention and rehabilitation, including ankle, knee, shoulder, thoracic, and cervical spine taping.
Sports Trainer Level 1 Course by Sports Medicine Australia A gateway to professional development, career opportunities, and working in Australia.
This training mirrors the Elite Akademy Sports Medicine standards, ensuring evidence-based approaches to injury management and athlete care.
If you are a sports professional looking to enhance your clinical skills and open doors to global opportunities, this presentation is for you.
Hannah Borhan and Pietro Gagliardi OECD present 'From classroom to community ...EduSkills OECD
Hannah Borhan, Research Assistant, OECD Education and Skills Directorate and Pietro Gagliardi, Policy Analyst, OECD Public Governance Directorate present at the OECD webinar 'From classroom to community engagement: Promoting active citizenship among young people" on 25 February 2025. You can find the recording of the webinar on the website
Wait for the link of the private FB group.
Remind the learners to wear their best behavior and discipline during the
event. Advisers may use reward system.
Certificates will be given to the attendees as well as learners will have to wait
for the attendance link and evaluation link during the duration of the program.
Motivate learners to attend though this activity is not compulsory.
Secure waiver from the parents indicating their approval for the learner to
attend this virtual activity.