As turmas do CEIP Nuestra Se?ora de Navahonda ir?o se apresentar no carnaval de 2015 com os seguintes temas: 101 D¨¢lmatas para a turma de infantil, Peixes para o 1o e 2o ano do prim¨¢rio, Tucanos para o 3o e 4o ano, e Le?es e Drag?o para o 5o e 6o ano.
As turmas do CEIP Nuestra Se?ora de Navahonda ir?o se apresentar no carnaval de 2015 com os seguintes temas: 101 D¨¢lmatas para a turma de infantil, Peixes para o 1o e 2o ano do prim¨¢rio, Tucanos para o 3o e 4o ano, e Le?es e Drag?o para o 5o e 6o ano.
The document discusses rules for using verbs in the present tense in English. It provides examples of using "am/are/is", "have/has" with different subjects, such as "I", "you", "he/she/it", "we", "they". It also gives additional examples of using regular verbs like "listen", "walk", "look", "want", "dance" in the present tense.
This survey of over 1,500 young Europeans between the ages of 18-40 aimed to understand their views on the European Union and priorities for the future. Key findings include:
- Most have a positive view of the EU and support further unity, but have significant concerns around job creation, reducing bureaucracy, and climate change.
- Top achievements of the EU are free movement, peace/stability, and global influence. However, political parties are seen as not addressing youth issues.
- Respondents want the EU to focus on growth, jobs, and the environment in the next five years through initiatives like education/skills training and reducing red tape.
This document discusses the relationship between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and hypertension. It first defines hypertension and lists its risk factors. It then explains how OSA can cause hypertension through increasing sympathetic nervous system activity and disrupting blood pressure during sleep. Several studies are cited that show treating OSA with CPAP reduces blood pressure and hypertension risk over time. The summary concludes that scientific evidence clearly links OSA and hypertension, and treating OSA can significantly lower blood pressure and reduce risks of related diseases like stroke.
Diferents t¨¨cniques, activitats i propostes per treballar el modelatge amb infants. Les activitats poden ser adaptades a les edats i caracter¨ªstiques dels infants
Dossier Setmana de la Llengua cicle Infantilcanmisses
This document summarizes activities during the 8th Week of Language at the Can Misses school in Ibiza. It describes how students dressed up related to Ibiza's flora and fauna, an excursion to Ses Salines Natural Park where they saw flamingos and salt flats, workshops on experiments and art projects about local animals, a theater performance of a story, and a concluding concert of Ibizan songs.
El documento describe una excursi¨®n de un grupo de ni?os a Santa Agn¨¨s de Corona para observar y dibujar almendros. Antes de la excursi¨®n, los ni?os aprendieron sobre las caracter¨ªsticas de los almendros a trav¨¦s de actividades como decorar un almendro y mirar im¨¢genes. Tambi¨¦n se les cont¨® una leyenda sobre un pr¨ªncipe musulm¨¢n que plant¨® almendros para hacer feliz a su amada princesa rusa. Durante la excursi¨®n, los ni?os disfrutaron del paseo en autocar
2. Aquest curs la tem¨¤tica del
carnestoltes ha anat relacionada
amb la que treballarem per la
Setmana de la Llengua
?Els jocs populars i tradicionals
de sempre?.
Despr¨¦s de pensar-ho molt varem
decidir anar de retallables.
3. El primer que varem fer va ser
investigar a la web el que eren els
retallables i com s'hi jugava.
4. Despr¨¦s cada un de naltros va decidir de qu¨¨ volia
anar. Per no anar tots del mateix no podia haver-hi
m¨¦s de dos disfresses iguals. Ens varem posar a
pensar i v¨¤rem fer els nostres dissenys.
5. El cartr¨® mos va semblar un bon material de
confecci¨® i despr¨¦s de recopilar-lo v¨¤rem comen?ar
a treballar en les nostres disfresses individuals,
per¨° aix¨° s¨ª, ajudant-mos entre tots.
La primera passa va ser dibuixar els dissenys.