
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Christina B
Skinny Girl Models
Both of these
products that are
trying to be sold
have models that
are abnormally
skinny.Versace is
selling perfume
and Ralph Lauren
is selling clothes.
This is offensive
to girls because
they encourage
girls to try to have
these kind of
bodies that are
unhealthy to
there bodies.
Male Models
Both of these models
are from abercrombie
and they are telling
boys and men to have
abs and muscles and
still be skinny and
have there version of
perfect bodies.
Shave Your Head?
This advertisement is
for McDonalds. It is a
bad advertisement
because it is telling
people to shave there
heads to get a cookie .
This is not right
because people
shouldnt change their
appearances just to
get something extra.
This advertisement is also for
McDonalds. It is influencing kids
to eat a burger and greasy fries.
It is not healthy for you but they
are making the appearance look
good for the kids.These foods
cause headaches, wheezing, and
they have chemicals in them
that are harmful for you body.
Doctors Agree
This advertisement is for
Camel cigarettes and it is
showing people that if
doctors smoke then it is
okay to smoke
themselves. It is basically
saying that smoking is
good , because people
trust their doctors
Dont Over Drink
It says drink
responsibly but what
does it mean to be
responsible if you
drink. If you have an
over dose you could
kill someone and
your own self. Dont
ever drink and drive
and drink
I Vant to suck you blood
This is a bad ad
because they are
selling tampons in a
vampires mouth. It is
just a silly ad that does
not show anything
about the use of the
Listen To Your Doctor
I just dont get this
advertisement at all. It
is a silly advertisement
and does not make that
much sense to the
viewers. It is about a
show company but it is
a doctor. I'm just so
confused and think it is
Bad For You And Your Baby
This is a stupid
advertisement because it
has a pregnant woman
advertising beer. Women
are not supposed to drink
alcohol when they are
pregnant so it is
influencing pregnant
woman to drink while
they have a baby.
Would you like lies on that
This advertisement is
bad because it is lying to
the media. It only has 6
grams of fat when you
dont put any of your
favorite condiments on
it . Just the bread and
the meat are 6 grams.
You cant add anything
or else it will be over 6
The Geico commercials
are just stupid.They try
to make them funny
when they are just
ridiculous.The money
stack and the cave men
are just plane silly.
No God???
This is offensive
because it is going
against religious
beliefs. It is hurtful to
people that worship
God.This is just a
advertisement that is
Doo Dah Dippity
This advertisement has
a catchy tune to lure
kids and teenagers to
ask their parents to get
this car. It is bad because
it doesnt tell you
anything about the car it
just has hamsters
singing a rap to lure
This ad is a stupid ad
because it has an old
lady with a small
nose. It is saying that
she could smell
febreze even with her
small sniffer. It also
has the bottle a lot
smaller than it should
be. It is steriotypical
because it is saying
that only old ladies
use febreze.http://www.picbloom.com/wp-
Old Spice Aint So Nice
This guy isn't even using the
equipment right. He is using the
thing that you are supposed to put
on your chest on his nose. Also it is
about odor protection as some sort
of disease.This is just a stupid
advertisement that makes no
Thank You Four Watching!!!

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  • 1. MEDIA SAVY KIDS BAD ADS By: Christina B
  • 2. Skinny Girl Models Both of these products that are trying to be sold have models that are abnormally skinny.Versace is selling perfume and Ralph Lauren is selling clothes. This is offensive to girls because they encourage girls to try to have these kind of bodies that are unhealthy to there bodies. http://www.albany.edu/~cs1461/skinny4.jpg http://extratv.warnerbros.com/images/news/1008ralphlaurenad.jpg
  • 3. Male Models Both of these models are from abercrombie and they are telling boys and men to have abs and muscles and still be skinny and have there version of perfect bodies. http://www.cheapsters.org/wp- content/uploads/2009/07/abercrombie_londo n.jpg
  • 4. Shave Your Head? This advertisement is for McDonalds. It is a bad advertisement because it is telling people to shave there heads to get a cookie . This is not right because people shouldnt change their appearances just to get something extra. http://www.saynotocrack.com/wp- content/uploads/2007/03/britney-bald-ad.jpg
  • 5. McDonalds This advertisement is also for McDonalds. It is influencing kids to eat a burger and greasy fries. It is not healthy for you but they are making the appearance look good for the kids.These foods cause headaches, wheezing, and they have chemicals in them that are harmful for you body. http://www.independent.co.uk/life- style/food-and-drink/news/on-the-menu- at-mcdonalds-78-additives-some-may-be- harmful-767533.html http://static2.stuff.co.nz/1186401600/384/7038 4.jpg
  • 6. Doctors Agree This advertisement is for Camel cigarettes and it is showing people that if doctors smoke then it is okay to smoke themselves. It is basically saying that smoking is good , because people trust their doctors opinion. http://www.nutrexsolutions.com/wp- content/images/Doctors_Smoke.jpg
  • 7. Dont Over Drink It says drink responsibly but what does it mean to be responsible if you drink. If you have an over dose you could kill someone and your own self. Dont ever drink and drive and drink responsibly. http://www.drinkbudlight.com/wp- content/uploads/2009/08/bud-light-otter11.jpg
  • 8. I Vant to suck you blood This is a bad ad because they are selling tampons in a vampires mouth. It is just a silly ad that does not show anything about the use of the product http://www.momlogic.com/2009/03/idiotic_ad _campaigns_aimed_at_women.php
  • 9. Listen To Your Doctor I just dont get this advertisement at all. It is a silly advertisement and does not make that much sense to the viewers. It is about a show company but it is a doctor. I'm just so confused and think it is silly. http://www.momlogic.com/2009/03/idiotic_ad _campaigns_aimed_at_women.php
  • 10. Bad For You And Your Baby This is a stupid advertisement because it has a pregnant woman advertising beer. Women are not supposed to drink alcohol when they are pregnant so it is influencing pregnant woman to drink while they have a baby. http://www.momlogic.com/2009/03/idiotic_ad _campaigns_aimed_at_women.php
  • 11. Would you like lies on that sandwich? This advertisement is bad because it is lying to the media. It only has 6 grams of fat when you dont put any of your favorite condiments on it . Just the bread and the meat are 6 grams. You cant add anything or else it will be over 6 grams. http://library.thinkquest.org/4485/advertiseme nts.htm http://www.1fastfoodcoupon.com/images/sub way.jpg
  • 12. Geico The Geico commercials are just stupid.They try to make them funny when they are just ridiculous.The money stack and the cave men are just plane silly. http://steve.theszone.com/wp- content/uploads/2009/09/geico.jpg http://no4corners.com/life/wp- content/uploads/2010/08/geico-logo-with- gecko-450x280.jpg
  • 13. No God??? This is offensive because it is going against religious beliefs. It is hurtful to people that worship God.This is just a advertisement that is hurtful. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/01/08/article -0-02F61967000005DC-412_468x330.jpg
  • 14. Doo Dah Dippity This advertisement has a catchy tune to lure kids and teenagers to ask their parents to get this car. It is bad because it doesnt tell you anything about the car it just has hamsters singing a rap to lure kids. http://www.egmcartech.com/wp- content/uploads/2010/05/kia_soul_hamster_hi p_hop_main.jpg
  • 15. Febreze This ad is a stupid ad because it has an old lady with a small nose. It is saying that she could smell febreze even with her small sniffer. It also has the bottle a lot smaller than it should be. It is steriotypical because it is saying that only old ladies use febreze.http://www.picbloom.com/wp- content/uploads/2008/04/picture-3.png
  • 16. Old Spice Aint So Nice This guy isn't even using the equipment right. He is using the thing that you are supposed to put on your chest on his nose. Also it is about odor protection as some sort of disease.This is just a stupid advertisement that makes no sense http://images1.fanpop.com/images/photos/16 00000/Old-Spice-neil-patrick-harris-1627183- 450-600.jpg
  • 17. Thank You Four Watching!!!