CCNA شهادة FahadYAZZED Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) تعمل شهادة شركاء شبكة
على التحقق من قدرتك على تثبيت الشبكات التي تم توجيهها وتبديلها وتكوينها وتشغيلها وإصلاحها. وفي الوقت نفسه ، يمكن للمهنيين المعتمدين في CCNA إنشاء اتصالات بالمواقع البعيدة عبر شبكة واسعة WAN، لتخفيف التهديدات الأساسية لأمن الشبكة. وكذلك فهم المفاهيم والمصطلحات الأساسية للشبكة.
200 301-ccnaJasser KoukiThe CCNA Exam v1.0 (200-301) is a 120-minute exam that tests a candidate's knowledge of network fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, IP services, security fundamentals, and automation and programmability. The exam covers topics like network components, IP addressing, routing protocols, network security concepts, and controller-based networking architectures. The Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions (CCNA) course helps candidates prepare for this exam.
mis en place dun vpn site à site Manuel Cédric EBODE MBALLA ici nous allons mètre en place un réseau privé virtuel entre deux site distant par le billet du réseau internet
CCNA 200-301 Chapter 3-Fundamentals of WANs and IP Routing.pptxBabarYunus1This chapter discusses fundamentals of wide area networks (WANs) and IP routing. It covers topics such as leased line WANs using T1 circuits, Ethernet WAN technologies, and accessing the Internet. Specific concepts explained include the components and cabling of a leased line, HDLC framing, IP routing logic over local area networks and WANs, Ethernet links to connect customer premises equipment routers to service provider networks, Ethernet over MPLS functioning as a simple Ethernet link, and routing protocols advertising network and subnet information.
projet sur le vpn presentationManuel Cédric EBODE MBALLA tutoriel sur le vpn pour créer votre réseau a distence facilement
Mise en place d'une solution VOIP sécuriséeOlivierMawourkagosseMemoire de Master
Ccnp presentation [Day 1-3] ClassSagarR24This document summarizes a presentation about Cisco's CCNP Enterprise ENCOR and ENARSI certification program. It provides information about the trainer, an overview of the CCNP certification requirements and exams, discussion of exam topics, and a question and answer section. The presentation aims to help attendees learn about the CCNP Enterprise certification track and prepare for the ENCOR and ENARSI exams.
Etude Technique et Dimensionnement suivant
une architecture 3GPP Release 5
Implémentation de la QoS au sein d'un IP/MPLS - RapportRihab ChebbahCe rapport est le complément de ma présentation " Implémentation de la QoS au sein d'un IP/MPLS - Présentation". Le sujet traité est : implémentation de la QoS sur le réseau IP/MPLS avec une solution de secours ADSL Pro Data.. éspérons qu'elle vous aide et vous plait !! :)
Concept et réalisation d’un système de communication unifiée multi-sitesAmadou DiaMise en place d'un système de communication unifiée Cisco avec le CUCM, CUC et le CUP.
Ccna rse dynamic routingnewbie2019This document provides planning materials for instructors to teach a chapter on dynamic routing. It includes an overview of the chapter sections and objectives, best practices for teaching the content, and lists the activities students should complete. The planning guide gives details on dynamic and static routing concepts, configuring RIPv2, and components of routing tables to help instructors understand the content and prepare to teach it effectively.
Support formation vidéo : Cisco CCNA Routing & Switching - Examen (200-125) (3)SmartnSkilledPréparez l'examen (200-125) afin d'obtenir la certification Cisco CCNA V3.
A l'issue de cette formation vous allez :
- Aborder les divers thèmes qui font sujet de l’examen CCNA routage et commutation à travers des démonstrations et des questions réponses, nous essayons d’exposer le maximum des cas pratiques qui sont posés souvent comme questions au cours de l’examen;
- Découvrir ce qui est apporté de neuf par cette nouvelle version CCNA v3;
- Avoir une vision claire sur le passage de certification dans le domaine IT en général et le passage de la certification CCNA routage et commutation en particulier;
- Avoir des réponses en détails et des conseils sur la procédure de passage de certification CCNA routage et commutation.
Suivez la formation complète par ici :
Lte epc kp is and signalling (sf)Cesar Cardozo BarriosThe document discusses key performance indicators (KPIs) for the E-UTRAN and EPC components of an LTE network, including accessibility, retainability, integrity, availability, and mobility metrics for E-UTRAN and accessibility, mobility, and utilization KPIs for EPC. It provides definitions and formulas for calculating various KPIs related to EPS attach success rate, dedicated bearer creation success rate, handover success rates, and other measures of network and service performance.
Support formation vidéo : Cisco CCNA Routing & Switching - Examen (200-125) (1)SmartnSkilledPréparez l'examen (200-125) afin d'obtenir la certification Cisco CCNA V3.
A l'issue de cette formation vous allez :
- Aborder les divers thèmes qui font sujet de l’examen CCNA routage et commutation à travers des démonstrations et des questions réponses, nous essayons d’exposer le maximum des cas pratiques qui sont posés souvent comme questions au cours de l’examen;
- Découvrir ce qui est apporté de neuf par cette nouvelle version CCNA v3;
- Avoir une vision claire sur le passage de certification dans le domaine IT en général et le passage de la certification CCNA routage et commutation en particulier;
- Avoir des réponses en détails et des conseils sur la procédure de passage de certification CCNA routage et commutation.
Suivez la formation complète par ici :
Simplified Call Flow Signaling: 2G/3G Voice Call3G4GThe document summarizes the simplified call flow signaling process for a 2G/3G voice call. It shows that UE1 establishes a connection with the access network and core network to page UE2. UE2 responds and a connection is established between the two user equipments through the core network, with a notification that they are now connected.
Mise en place d'une infrastructure basée sur OpenStack Ahmed SlimRapport de stage Mise en place d'une infrastructure basée sur OpenStack
CCNA v6.0 ITN - Chapter 03Irsandi HasanThis document provides an overview of network protocols and communication. It discusses how rules and protocols govern communication and facilitate the exchange of information across networks. Standards organizations help establish common protocols to ensure interoperability. The document also examines how data is encapsulated and transferred across network layers using protocols like TCP/IP. Local devices access resources by using network and data link layer addresses.
MISE EN PLACE D’ UN VPN (SITE-TO-SITE) AU SEIN D’ UNE ENTREPRISE : CAS DE LA ...DENAGNON FRANCK ✔Il est de tradition, pour notre prestigieuse institution de formation qu'à la fin du cursus académique, les futurs lauréats au titre du Bachelor, entreprennent au sein d’une entreprise des travaux de recherche sur un thème d'actualité proposé par leurs structures d'accueil.
Ce projet permet aux étudiants de mettre en application les connaissances théoriques acquises pendant les trois années de formation.
Le thème de recherche qui nous a été confié est intitulé : "Mise en place d’un VPN (Site - to - Site) au sein d’une entreprise ".
40 capabilities of Enterprise Project ManagementTwinkle SebastianEPM is a disciplined approach to project management and resource management that looks at all the project (and sometimes non-project) work in an organization as a collective whole.
A comprehensive PPM tool investment is likely to provide an ROI of more than 250%"
Forrester: The ROI of Project Portfolio Management Tools
May 2009
The presentation discusses some of the interesting and innovative capabilities of Enterprise project management.
Cisco 640-864 Complete Study GuidenustouchPass4sure Cisco 640-864 Materials Includes Easy To Use 640-864 Testing Engine and 640-864 Study Guides.
200 301-ccnaJasser KoukiThe CCNA Exam v1.0 (200-301) is a 120-minute exam that tests a candidate's knowledge of network fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, IP services, security fundamentals, and automation and programmability. The exam covers topics like network components, IP addressing, routing protocols, network security concepts, and controller-based networking architectures. The Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions (CCNA) course helps candidates prepare for this exam.
mis en place dun vpn site à site Manuel Cédric EBODE MBALLA ici nous allons mètre en place un réseau privé virtuel entre deux site distant par le billet du réseau internet
CCNA 200-301 Chapter 3-Fundamentals of WANs and IP Routing.pptxBabarYunus1This chapter discusses fundamentals of wide area networks (WANs) and IP routing. It covers topics such as leased line WANs using T1 circuits, Ethernet WAN technologies, and accessing the Internet. Specific concepts explained include the components and cabling of a leased line, HDLC framing, IP routing logic over local area networks and WANs, Ethernet links to connect customer premises equipment routers to service provider networks, Ethernet over MPLS functioning as a simple Ethernet link, and routing protocols advertising network and subnet information.
projet sur le vpn presentationManuel Cédric EBODE MBALLA tutoriel sur le vpn pour créer votre réseau a distence facilement
Mise en place d'une solution VOIP sécuriséeOlivierMawourkagosseMemoire de Master
Ccnp presentation [Day 1-3] ClassSagarR24This document summarizes a presentation about Cisco's CCNP Enterprise ENCOR and ENARSI certification program. It provides information about the trainer, an overview of the CCNP certification requirements and exams, discussion of exam topics, and a question and answer section. The presentation aims to help attendees learn about the CCNP Enterprise certification track and prepare for the ENCOR and ENARSI exams.
Etude Technique et Dimensionnement suivant
une architecture 3GPP Release 5
Implémentation de la QoS au sein d'un IP/MPLS - RapportRihab ChebbahCe rapport est le complément de ma présentation " Implémentation de la QoS au sein d'un IP/MPLS - Présentation". Le sujet traité est : implémentation de la QoS sur le réseau IP/MPLS avec une solution de secours ADSL Pro Data.. éspérons qu'elle vous aide et vous plait !! :)
Concept et réalisation d’un système de communication unifiée multi-sitesAmadou DiaMise en place d'un système de communication unifiée Cisco avec le CUCM, CUC et le CUP.
Ccna rse dynamic routingnewbie2019This document provides planning materials for instructors to teach a chapter on dynamic routing. It includes an overview of the chapter sections and objectives, best practices for teaching the content, and lists the activities students should complete. The planning guide gives details on dynamic and static routing concepts, configuring RIPv2, and components of routing tables to help instructors understand the content and prepare to teach it effectively.
Support formation vidéo : Cisco CCNA Routing & Switching - Examen (200-125) (3)SmartnSkilledPréparez l'examen (200-125) afin d'obtenir la certification Cisco CCNA V3.
A l'issue de cette formation vous allez :
- Aborder les divers thèmes qui font sujet de l’examen CCNA routage et commutation à travers des démonstrations et des questions réponses, nous essayons d’exposer le maximum des cas pratiques qui sont posés souvent comme questions au cours de l’examen;
- Découvrir ce qui est apporté de neuf par cette nouvelle version CCNA v3;
- Avoir une vision claire sur le passage de certification dans le domaine IT en général et le passage de la certification CCNA routage et commutation en particulier;
- Avoir des réponses en détails et des conseils sur la procédure de passage de certification CCNA routage et commutation.
Suivez la formation complète par ici :
Lte epc kp is and signalling (sf)Cesar Cardozo BarriosThe document discusses key performance indicators (KPIs) for the E-UTRAN and EPC components of an LTE network, including accessibility, retainability, integrity, availability, and mobility metrics for E-UTRAN and accessibility, mobility, and utilization KPIs for EPC. It provides definitions and formulas for calculating various KPIs related to EPS attach success rate, dedicated bearer creation success rate, handover success rates, and other measures of network and service performance.
Support formation vidéo : Cisco CCNA Routing & Switching - Examen (200-125) (1)SmartnSkilledPréparez l'examen (200-125) afin d'obtenir la certification Cisco CCNA V3.
A l'issue de cette formation vous allez :
- Aborder les divers thèmes qui font sujet de l’examen CCNA routage et commutation à travers des démonstrations et des questions réponses, nous essayons d’exposer le maximum des cas pratiques qui sont posés souvent comme questions au cours de l’examen;
- Découvrir ce qui est apporté de neuf par cette nouvelle version CCNA v3;
- Avoir une vision claire sur le passage de certification dans le domaine IT en général et le passage de la certification CCNA routage et commutation en particulier;
- Avoir des réponses en détails et des conseils sur la procédure de passage de certification CCNA routage et commutation.
Suivez la formation complète par ici :
Simplified Call Flow Signaling: 2G/3G Voice Call3G4GThe document summarizes the simplified call flow signaling process for a 2G/3G voice call. It shows that UE1 establishes a connection with the access network and core network to page UE2. UE2 responds and a connection is established between the two user equipments through the core network, with a notification that they are now connected.
Mise en place d'une infrastructure basée sur OpenStack Ahmed SlimRapport de stage Mise en place d'une infrastructure basée sur OpenStack
CCNA v6.0 ITN - Chapter 03Irsandi HasanThis document provides an overview of network protocols and communication. It discusses how rules and protocols govern communication and facilitate the exchange of information across networks. Standards organizations help establish common protocols to ensure interoperability. The document also examines how data is encapsulated and transferred across network layers using protocols like TCP/IP. Local devices access resources by using network and data link layer addresses.
MISE EN PLACE D’ UN VPN (SITE-TO-SITE) AU SEIN D’ UNE ENTREPRISE : CAS DE LA ...DENAGNON FRANCK ✔Il est de tradition, pour notre prestigieuse institution de formation qu'à la fin du cursus académique, les futurs lauréats au titre du Bachelor, entreprennent au sein d’une entreprise des travaux de recherche sur un thème d'actualité proposé par leurs structures d'accueil.
Ce projet permet aux étudiants de mettre en application les connaissances théoriques acquises pendant les trois années de formation.
Le thème de recherche qui nous a été confié est intitulé : "Mise en place d’un VPN (Site - to - Site) au sein d’une entreprise ".
40 capabilities of Enterprise Project ManagementTwinkle SebastianEPM is a disciplined approach to project management and resource management that looks at all the project (and sometimes non-project) work in an organization as a collective whole.
A comprehensive PPM tool investment is likely to provide an ROI of more than 250%"
Forrester: The ROI of Project Portfolio Management Tools
May 2009
The presentation discusses some of the interesting and innovative capabilities of Enterprise project management.
Cisco 640-864 Complete Study GuidenustouchPass4sure Cisco 640-864 Materials Includes Easy To Use 640-864 Testing Engine and 640-864 Study Guides.
EPM Episode #002 Microsoft Project Server 2013 Functional FeaturesMohamad Tantawy, MBA, PMP, MCTThis Presentation Introduces the features of Microsoft Project Server 2013. it shows the features of Demand Management,
Resource Management, Schedule Management, Financial Management, Time & Task Management, Team Collaboration,
Issues & Risk Management, and Integration Scenarios
Enterprise Project ManagementMartin MehalchinThis document discusses enterprise project management from Lenati's perspective. It covers the benefits of establishing governance over a project portfolio using tools like a stage/gate approach. It emphasizes using an Enterprise Project Management Office (EPMO) to establish standard processes, templates, and training. The EPMO also supports executive oversight of the project portfolio. Lenati offers services to help clients set up these governance structures and manage projects more successfully.
Microsoft SharePoint & Project Server are Better TogetherC/D/H Technology ConsultantsThis document discusses how Microsoft Project and SharePoint can be used together for project management. It provides an overview of Project and SharePoint, their requirements and architectures. It describes how projects can be managed using SharePoint task lists or using the full capabilities of Project Server. The document concludes with a demo showing SharePoint and Project Server being used in collaboration for project management.
Networking Projectscegonsoft1999In the last academic year, 2012-13, we have trained more than 8000 project students. So far we have trained more than 35000 project students. We have been conducting seminars on the recent trends of technology in various colleges. Our research projects had participated in various National and International Conferences. Most of our projects were identified by the industries as suitable for their needs. Our number of projects were focused by media and awarded by various industrial & Government bodies. We have offered Projects to students of various Engineering Colleges in India as well as abroad.
234821765 ccna-virtual-labITALTEL S.A.CThis document provides an overview of the CCNA Virtual Lab Titanium Edition 3.0 software. It allows users to set up custom network configurations in a virtual lab environment using drag-and-drop functionality. The software contains over 150 hands-on labs covering CCNA exam objectives to help users hone their skills and get feedback on their progress. It allows an unlimited number of switches, routers, and hosts to be used in building virtual networks.
CCNA Security 06- AAAAhmed HabibThis document discusses authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) security on Cisco devices. It provides an overview of authentication methods including password-only, local database, and remote access. It also covers the configuration of AAA features such as usernames, passwords, and authentication.
A review of network concepts base on CISCO by Ali ShahbaziAli Shahbazi KhojastehThis document summarizes network concepts based on a Cisco book. It discusses how PCs communicate, network devices like hubs and switches, IP and MAC addressing, the OSI model and its seven layers, network segmentation using bridges routers and gateways, Ethernet operations, and concepts like cut-through forwarding, interframe gap, carrier signals, and CSMA/CD. The document is presented as a review of key topics in networking and internetworking.
CCNA Security 03- network foundation protectionAhmed HabibNetwork Foundation Protection (NFP) is a framework that breaks network infrastructure into smaller components and systematically secures each one. NFP divides the infrastructure into three planes - the management plane, control plane, and data plane - to focus security efforts.
computer network designing- final year projectAboubacar MchangamaA computer network connects computers together to share resources like files, printers and emails. It uses network hardware, media, protocols and an operating system to enable communication between connected computers. There are different types of networks including personal area networks, local area networks, metropolitan area networks and wide area networks. Windows Server 2008 is a widely used network operating system that provides services like Active Directory for user account management, DNS for name resolution, and DHCP for dynamic IP address assignment. It also enables remote access to computers through terminal services and supports joining additional computers to the domain network.
Wireless networkingMETHODIST COLLEGE OF ENGG & TECHThe document provides information on the evolution of wireless networks from 1G to 3G. It discusses the key components and architecture of cellular systems including base stations, mobile switching centers and their connection to the public switched telephone network. It also compares the differences between wireless and wired networks, and describes some of the limitations of early wireless networking. Finally, it covers topics like traffic routing, circuit switching, packet switching and the X.25 protocol.
CCNA Security 02- fundamentals of network securityAhmed HabibThis document provides an overview of network security. It discusses what network security is, the rationale for it including increases in cybercrime and threats. It covers types of attacks, vulnerabilities, and countermeasures. It also discusses security policies, standards, risk assessment, and careers in network security such as network security administrator and chief information security officer.
Network designcsk selvaThis document discusses the key components of a network design process by drawing an analogy to building design. It states that a network design consists of describing the technology, topology, products, device configurations, services, vendors, locations, and general structure. It also includes network functions like security and management. Similarly, a building design needs to understand the purpose and layout, including how occupants will move and what resources they will need. The output of both processes are blueprints. A network design specifically produces blueprints, a component plan, vendor selection, equipment choice, service provider selection, and metrics. It takes architecture and analysis products as input to evaluate and produce these design outputs and layout the network.
Enterprise Project Management Essential (2009)Nah Wee YangThis document discusses the relevance of enterprise portfolio and project management (EPPM) solutions in times of economic recession. It summarizes that EPPM solutions from Microsoft can help organizations maximize business value by selecting the right investments, and realize business value by successfully delivering projects. The document outlines key capabilities of EPPM solutions such as portfolio prioritization, resource capacity planning, project planning and tracking, and portfolio performance measurement.
Ms project 2016 overviewMaher AlmohamadThis document provides an overview of MS Project and project management basics. It discusses what a project is, the typical project life cycle phases of initiation, planning, execution, and closure. Project management is defined as applying skills and tools to meet stakeholder needs within scope, time, cost and quality constraints. The core functions of a project manager are also outlined. The document then demonstrates how to use key MS Project features like creating tasks, assigning resources and durations, setting relationships between tasks, and tracking the critical path. Various views and reports are described to monitor the project schedule, costs, and resources.
Project Management Cycle and MS Project 2013 By Subodh Kumar PMPSubodh KumarThis document introduces project management concepts including the project management cycle, project and product lifecycles, and the Project Management Institute (PMI) framework. It discusses that a project has a definite beginning and end and is created to deliver a unique product or service. It then explains the five process groups that make up the project management cycle according to PMI: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and control, and closing. Finally, it provides an overview of how Microsoft Project 2013 can be used to manage the schedule, resources, and other aspects of a project.
Types of Networks,Network Design Issues,Design ToolsSurabhi GosaviThis document discusses computer networks and network design. It begins by defining what a computer network is and describing different types of networks like LAN, WAN, MAN, PAN, CAN, and HAN. It then discusses some key issues in network design such as data transfer rules, packet sequencing, data size, addressing, error control, and matching send/receive rates. Finally, it introduces network design tools that can analyze network performance, predict traffic loads, and model different scenarios to help optimize network design. Common tools from vendors like Analytical Engine, Compuware, NetCracker, and Opnet are listed.
Ccna new lab_manual_by_esp_teamRaja MazharThis document provides instructions for setting up web and FTP servers on a single computer. It describes how to use the Internet Information Services (IIS) tool in Windows to create a web server and configure it with a website document folder. It then explains how to use IIS to similarly create an FTP server and specify its file path. Finally, it indicates how to verify the functionality of both servers from the local host computer. The steps provided configure basic file and web hosting on a single machine using IIS.
CcnpiiNwaFXهي شهادة معتمده من شركة سيسكو تمنح للحاصلين عليها اكبر قدر من المعلومات التفصيلية في المستوى المتقدم في عالم الشبكات
الحاصلون على هذه الشهادة يمكنهم اعداد التطبيقات الامنية الأجهزة الطبقة الثانية والثالثة من طبقات الشبكات.بالاضافة الى تعلم التقنيات المتقدمة في تثبيت ،توزيع، وإصلاح الجدار الناري.
Saud alqahtanisaud2018قمت بهذا العمل في كلية الاتصالات و الالكترونيات بجدة
ادى الاستاذ ابراهيم العديني في مادة الشادات الاحترافية وقد جمعت كماً من المعلومات عن مسار الشبكات وشهادة cisco الاحترافية ccnp
اود ان تنال على اعجابكم
كنتم مع الطالب سعود القحطاني