Feliz cumplea?os Tía Calita. Diferentes grupos de familiares y amigos envían saludos a Tía Calita en su cumplea?os, incluyendo a Ed, Evelin, Alex y Emily; Kathy, Felice y Sienna; Jorge, Johanna y Melanie; y Vanessa, Kevin, Justin y Dominick.
This document appears to be notes for a presentation about global issues and a person's life goals. It mentions wolves, movies, water polo, cheese, ice cream, oceans, graduating college, becoming a doctor, swimming, learning about the world and other countries, and making an effort. The notes cover both personal interests and broader global topics.
10 lessons on how to position your agency for growth by Karla Morales-LeeThe UK Agency Awards
In today’s over-saturated and ever-changing market, only the agencies that think and act like brands will survive.
In this highly inspiring presentation (a summary of a talk Karla did for the Taan Network) Karla shares key insights on how to stand out in a sea of sameness and win new business as a result.
Putting your research deliverables together and starting down the path to a discovery report, recommendations and a content strategy. Beautiful images from Jonathan Colman and my recent trip to South Africa inspired this presentation.
This document appears to be notes for a presentation about global issues and a person's life goals. It mentions wolves, movies, water polo, cheese, ice cream, oceans, graduating college, becoming a doctor, swimming, learning about the world and other countries, and making an effort. The notes cover both personal interests and broader global topics.
Collaboration of the Masses: Crowdsourcing & CrowdfundingLaura Amole
This document discusses crowdsourcing and crowdfunding frameworks. It defines crowdsourcing as outsourcing tasks traditionally done by employees to an online group. Categories include cloud labor, crowd creativity, distributed knowledge, and open innovation. Crowdfunding involves financial contributions from online investors or donors to fund for-profit or non-profit initiatives. Models include donations, lending, and investment exchanges. Popular crowdfunding platforms are discussed along with pros, cons, and examples of successful crowdfunded projects. The future of crowdfunding, such as funding college tuition through games, is also mentioned.
Retrometabolic drug design approaches aim to develop safer drugs by designing drugs (soft drugs or chemical delivery systems) that selectively target tissues and undergo deactivation through predictable metabolism. Soft drugs are active but designed to metabolize into inactive species, while chemical delivery systems are inactive prodrugs activated by sequential metabolism. Examples include soft corticosteroids designed to metabolize quickly into inactive compounds to reduce side effects, and brain-targeting prodrugs designed to cross the blood-brain barrier then metabolize to release the active drug sustained in the brain. These approaches rely on metabolism to control drug distribution and action while increasing safety.
Misty Weaver Content Strategy in the Bush - CS SeattleMisty Weaver
Misty Weaver gave a presentation reframing metaphors for content strategy using examples from wildlife in South Africa's Kruger National Park. [1] She likened website users to elephants who choose their own paths, and search engine spiders and users to predators that are elusive. [2] She differentiated between accurate and inaccurate content using the example of American bison versus buffalo. [3] She advocated for high-quality rare content like rhinoceroses to improve people's online experiences.
Putting your research deliverables together and starting down the path to a discovery report, recommendations and a content strategy. Beautiful images from Jonathan Colman and my recent trip to South Africa inspired this presentation.
This document appears to be notes for a presentation about global issues and a person's life goals. It mentions wolves, movies, water polo, cheese, ice cream, oceans, graduating college, becoming a doctor, swimming, learning about the world and other countries, and making an effort. The notes cover both personal interests and broader global topics.
Collaboration of the Masses: Crowdsourcing & CrowdfundingLaura Amole
This document discusses crowdsourcing and crowdfunding frameworks. It defines crowdsourcing as outsourcing tasks traditionally done by employees to an online group. Categories include cloud labor, crowd creativity, distributed knowledge, and open innovation. Crowdfunding involves financial contributions from online investors or donors to fund for-profit or non-profit initiatives. Models include donations, lending, and investment exchanges. Popular crowdfunding platforms are discussed along with pros, cons, and examples of successful crowdfunded projects. The future of crowdfunding, such as funding college tuition through games, is also mentioned.
Retrometabolic drug design approaches aim to develop safer drugs by designing drugs (soft drugs or chemical delivery systems) that selectively target tissues and undergo deactivation through predictable metabolism. Soft drugs are active but designed to metabolize into inactive species, while chemical delivery systems are inactive prodrugs activated by sequential metabolism. Examples include soft corticosteroids designed to metabolize quickly into inactive compounds to reduce side effects, and brain-targeting prodrugs designed to cross the blood-brain barrier then metabolize to release the active drug sustained in the brain. These approaches rely on metabolism to control drug distribution and action while increasing safety.
Misty Weaver Content Strategy in the Bush - CS SeattleMisty Weaver
Misty Weaver gave a presentation reframing metaphors for content strategy using examples from wildlife in South Africa's Kruger National Park. [1] She likened website users to elephants who choose their own paths, and search engine spiders and users to predators that are elusive. [2] She differentiated between accurate and inaccurate content using the example of American bison versus buffalo. [3] She advocated for high-quality rare content like rhinoceroses to improve people's online experiences.
【第54回 プログラミング?シンポジウム 発表資料 7-2】
Many new software development methods such as agile and iterative development require closer communication among developers compared to traditional ones. However today, many IT engineers are not good at communicating with others. Therefore, we are developing software engineer education curriculum with enhancement of communication skills (more specifically, consensus-building skills) in mind. We are adopting case-centered methods, in which both software development process and importance of consensus can be understood through actual experiences. For evaluation, we have applied our educational case method to six computer science undergraduates, composed in two groups of three persons each. As the result, consensus-building workshop in our curriculum was effective in achieving closer communication.
近年、アシ?ャイルや反復開発なと?緊密なコミュニケーションを前提とする開発手法か?普及してきている。しかし、他者とのコミュニケーションを拒むソフトウェア技術者の存在をはし?め、現在 のソフトウェア業界て?はコミュニケーションスキルの向上は必す?しも実現されていない。そこて?筆者らは、新人に対しコミュニケーションスキル、特に合意形成スキルを重視した技術者教育を行うことか?重要た?と考え、教育手法を設計?試行している。具体的には、開発フ?ロセスをこなす中て?合意形成の重要性を体験て?きるような、ケース中心の教育手法を採用している。その検証のため、大学4年生6名に集まってもらい、それそ?れ3名のク?ルーフ?に分かれ、ケースを基に開発を進める実験を行った。その結果、コンセンサスを体感するワークショッフ?を行う事て?、コミュニケーションをより密にする開発を行う事か?出来ることを確認した。
Programming with your own body using TV program "Karada de Programming" by Fuji Television Network, Inc in Japan as a project of Ministry of Public Management.
College students taught children with disabilities as mentors in Nara Prefectural School for the disabled children.
1. 高等学校での「プログラミング」教育の導入 – PEN を用いて
中村 亮太* 西田 知博** 松浦 敏雄***
*大阪府立泉北高等学校 **大阪学院大学 情報学部 ***大阪市立大学 大学院創造都市研究科
おいて,1 年生を対象とした総合科学 I,および 2 年生を対象とした情報 A の授業で,初学者用プログラ
ミング環境 PEN を用いてプログラミング教育を実践した.ここでは,その授業の内容とアンケート結果
Programming Education at a High School with PEN
Ryota Nakamura* Tomohiro Nishida** Toshio Matsuura***
*Semboku High School **Faculty of Informatics, Osaka Gakuin University ***Graduate School for
Creative Cities, Osaka City University
Programming is generally considered a dif?cult subject and often not taught at all in high schools. However,
with an appropriate support tool, we believe that it will not take a long time for students to understand what is
programming and essential characteristics of computers. One of the authors conducted programming lessons in
the subject of “Comprehensive Science I” (for ?rst grade) and “Information A” (for second grade) at Semboku
High School with PEN: Programming Environment for Novices. In this paper, we report the lessons and the
results of the questionnaire and the examination.
1 はじめに ログラマの養成を目指すのではなく,プログラミン
情報教育は,高等学校を始めとした初等中等教育 ることと定めるならば,適切なサポートツールを用
でも行われるようになり,その裾野は広がってきて 意することで,比較的短い時間でこの目標を達成で
いる.しかし,その内容は「情報自体の理解」を重 きると考えた.我々は,そのツールとして初学者用
視し,コンピュータ等の情報機器の利活用教育が中 プログラミング環境 PEN (Programming Environment
心となっているのが現実である.しかし,社会に普 for Novices)[2] を構築し,2005 年度から大学の授業
及している情報システムの特性を理解するためは, において用い,実践を重ねてきた [3][4][5].その結
中等教育の段階から,単に使うだけではなく,プロ 果として,文系の学生を対象とした 3 コマ程度の短
グラミングなどを通じて,コンピュータの自動処理 期間の授業において,JavaScript を用いたクラスと
「情報処 比べてプログラミング理解度が高くなるなど,PEN
理」の本質を学ぶことも不可欠である [1]. のプログラミング入門教育における有用性が確認で
一方で,プログラミングは大学においてでさえ教 きている.
育されない場合が多い.この理由としては,プログラ これらの実践は,大学においてのものであるが,
ミング言語は難しいものであり,その習得には多く 我々は,上に述べたようにプログラミングの入門教
の時間が必要と思われていることが挙げられる.し 育は,中学,高校などより早い時期に行うことが望