Primena IKT u nastavi srpskog jezika. Izra転ajno itanje teksta i ubacivanje glasa u PPT prezentaciju. Korelacija: srpski jezik - od igrake do raunara-Tematski dan
This document provides statistics from a dog show held on Sunday. It lists the number of dogs entered in each breed and class. A total of 29 different breeds are represented with several classes shown for most breeds, including puppy, junior, intermediate, open, champion and veteran. The top three breeds based on number of entries are Chinese Crested Dog (Hairless) with 16 entries, Poodle (All sizes) with 27 entries, and Maltese with 7 entries.
This document provides statistics from a dog show held on Sunday. It lists the number of dogs entered in each breed and class. A total of 38 different breeds are represented with several hundred dogs entered across classes from puppy to champion. The top breeds by number of entries are Chinese Crested Dog with 16 entries, Poodle with 27 entries across various sizes and colors, and Maltese with 7 entries.