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Chad Aimes
,12 Sandown Drive Ottery 7800
Languages: &English Afrikaans DOB: 24 February 1987 Driver s
:License Code B
( )H - -021 715 4958 ( )C - - / - -071 850 3383 079 843 5856 ( )W / - -021 400 3828 021 400 2063
:Email . . .Chad Aimes@capetown gov za
Professional profile
& ,A young dynamic individual with extensive strategic support development performance management
.reporting and project management experience within the public sector at senior management level A
, , ,competent analytical thinker with in depth knowledge of strategic business planning analysis and Corporate
reporting principles and procedures capable of developing innovative systems and processes designed to
. ,facilitate transversal integration across various disciplines Possesses excellent interpersonal communication
,and facilitation skills the ability to influence decisions and to develop positive relationships both internally
. ,and externally Knowledge extends to governmental legislation and procedures understanding the legislation
,and policy frameworks and guidelines applicable to local government with years of institutional knowledge
.relating to local municipal government
, , , ,Enjoys being part of as well as managing motivating training and developing a successful and productive
.team and thrives in highly pressurised and challenging working environments
Career summary
.1 Period:  March 2013 Current : ( )Senior Professional Officer SPO
--February 2012 February 2013 : Professional Officer
( )Acting Senior Professional Officer
City of Cape Town
:Directorate ( )Corporate Services CS
:Department ( )Strategic Support to the Executive Director ED
:Job Title : ( )Senior Professional Officer Strategic Support SPO
:Purpose of the Job , ,To provide specialised technical and strategic support to the Directorate Executive
, , & -Director and the Directorate management team through the implementation management alignment co
:ordination of the following functions
 & ,Organisational Performance Management Corporate Strategy
 &Implementation of corporate programs projects within the Directorate and departments
 Integrating systems of the various departments in corporate Services and ensuring integrated
support to the Executive Director
 & - , , &Ensuring that information Knowledge management is co ordinated operational maintained
integrated at a Directorate Management level
.i , :IDP SDBIP and Organisational Performance Management
 Guide and quality assure the development process of the Directorate and departmental Business
(  )Plans and Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plans SDBIP s by ensuring Strategic Alignment
&of the Business Plans annually to the Corporate Strategy processes
 &Ensure alignment of the Corp Services Directorate to the IDP Organisational Performance
( )Management OPM outcomes through development of performance measures and measurable
targets in order for departments to implement action plans effectively
 &  ( )Provide quality assurance advisory support on the City s Strategy IDP by ensuring that the
1 | P a g e
procedural and legislative compliance requirements are adhered to and communicated to the
relevant stakeholders in the Directorate in respect of the SDBIP and OPM processes
 To facilitate the process of the Annual and Quarterly performance reports through the monitoring of
Directorate quarterly performance and ensure compilation and submission of quarterly reports to
&relevant political management committees
 ( )Managing and facilitating Directorate progress by means of regular Plan Do Review sessions PDR
( ).together with the Departments and Executive Director at least quarterly
.ii &  & :Project Programme Management Corporate Cross cutting projects
 ( )Facilitate a National Government Programme of the Expanded Public Works Programme EPWP
,and participate in the development of other projects systems and processes which are initiated
,corporately and communicate with other professionals working in the same discipline
 Establish a Directorate Implementation Plan for projects like EPWP and roll this out across
Corporate Services Line departments
 . . ( Facilitate the implementation of a Corporate Programme i e SSM SAP Strategy Management
) , -Performance management system through developing an internal toolkit providing and co ordinating
the change management process and training of all relevant stakeholders in the implementation of
the SSM SAP tool in order to ensure that the Directorate SDBIP s are fully automated Audit
compliant for the Corporate Services Directorate
.iii (Specialised Strategic Support Strategic Support to the Office of the Executive
:Providing Support to the office of the Executive Director through
 Conducting research and investigations to collect data to complete minor and support the work of
/ :the Director Executive Director Corporate Services
 Providing administrative and technical support to the Executive Support Manager and the
, ,Management Team by providing guidance and support to immediate staff ensuring that the
Strategic Support unit is operating at optimal level and that sufficient capacity exist to provide
&admin technical support to the office of the ED and related management staff
 Managing the tracking of all related correspondence and report approval processes for the ED and
ensure compliance standards of reports that are directed to the ED in line with the City s system of
delegation s
 : ,Maintaining a recordkeeping and register of the ED CS Decisions provide and maintain a monitoring
and reporting system for the ED and the Management Team to track Strategic Issues and reports
 Draft correspondence and respond to enquiries and requests regarding systems and work of the
Corporate Services Directorate
 / ,Participating in meetings conducting presentations to management to give or receive information on
, , /projects programs policies and systems and providing comments opinions on matters related the
functional area
.iv &Information Knowledge Management Function
 To provide and manage a supportive information data warehousing service to the departments
within the Corporate Services Directorate relating to the function
 - & .Ensuring the development of an inter departmental management information reporting dashboard
2 | P a g e
 ,Managing monitoring and administering the data and information management process and function
within the department
.2 Period : October 2010 January 2012 : :Assistant Professional Officer Reporting and
City of Cape Town
:Directorate Office of the City Manager
Department: &Integrated Development Plan Organisational Performance
( & )Management Department IDP OPM
:Job Title :Assistant Professional Officer Reporting and Monitoring
 Facilitate and implement the process of monitoring and reporting on corporate quarterly performance
 Assist in the facilitation of the process of monitoring and reporting on directorate and departmental
( - ).quarterly including the mid year report performance reports
 Conduct the compilation of corporate quarterly and annual performance reports
 -  Assist in the facilitation of the Auditor General s audit process with regard to the City s Integrated
, Development Plan measurement of the City s performance and Performance Management System
 Assist in the implementation of the City s Annual and Oversight Report processes
 Assist in the compilation of the City s Annual Report
 Ensure the capturing of quarterly performance information on SAP Strategy Management
( )Performance tool
 ,Provide technical support to all directorates and departments on IDP SDBIP and annual report
related matters
. :3 Period April 2009 September 2010 : ( )Clerk Grade 3 Senior Clerk
City of Cape Town
:Directorate Strategy and Planning
:Department Strategic Support
: ( )Job Title Clerk Grade 3 Senior Clerk
 &Facilitating Training for district level management staff for a Corporate Management Service
Request SAP System roll out in the City of Cape Town
 , ,Reporting and Monitoring providing statistics for management meetings regarding citizen complaints
queries and performance management reports
 Conduct presentations on the Service Management Requests programme to District Managers and
provide support to all districts as the Super User of the Directorate
 Dealing with Complaints directed from the Mayor s office to the Executive Directors office
 Monitoring and generating C3 SAP reports and updating the Mayors Performance Dashboard
,relating to performance management Briefing the Support services Manager on outstanding issues
relating to the ED s office
& :Tertiary Education Formal Qualifications
:Cape Peninsula University of Technology : ( )National Diploma Management 3 Years
: ( )BTech Degree Management 4 Years
:Year :Subject
:1st Year Communication Business
Management 1
Administrative Management 1
Personal Function 1
3 | P a g e
Financial Accounting 1
:2nd Year Management 2
Industrial Relations 1
Financial Management 2
Administrative management 2
Mercantile Law 1
:3rd Year Management 3
Financial Management 3
Economics 1
: :Completed November 2007 National Diploma Management
:4th Year Management 4
Financial Management 4
Administrative management 3
Research Methodology
: :Completed November 2008 BTech Degree Management
:Secondary Education details Windsor Senior Secondary
: Year 2004 Passed Matric Certificate
Matric Subjects: Level Symbol
English HG D
Afrikaans HG D
Economics HG C
Accounting SG A
Math SG D
Computer studies SG C
:Achiever Awards and Short Courses
  ( )Economics 2003 Top Achiever
  ( )Economics 2004 Top Achiever
 - Nominated for Inter schools JSE Competition Economics HG
 & &SAP Super User Trainer for Strategy Planning Directorate City of Cape Town
 ( ) & -SAP Strategy Management SSM Administrator Trainer Automated Performance Management
System for Public Sector
 ( ) Quality Management Assessor ISO Quality Engineered systems
 ( ) Quality Management Facilitator ISO Quality engineered systems
 & Project Management Tools Techniques Expert training academy
 & ( )Service Delivery Budget Implementation Planning SDBIP expert for the Public Sector
/ :Computer Experience packages
 MS Word
 -Excel Advanced
 MS Access
 MS Visio
 MS Project
 - & / / -SAP Modules SAP Production BI Reporting SAP Administrator Various Modules City of Cape
  &SAP Reservations Requisitions
  &SAP Cost Centre Overview CC Manager
4 | P a g e
  & ( )SAP HR Training Development General
  -SAP Project Systems Budgeting
 &PS Cost Planning Investment management
 , &PS Project execution period end closing Project Analysis
  ( / )SAP C3 Notifications External Complaints Queries
 ( &SAP Strategy Management_ SSM Corporate Scorecard Reporting Performance Management
)  / -Administrator Training Qualified Trainer Co ordinator
  ( , , , )SAP BI Reporting Various HR Finance Plant Maintenance Management Reports
:Part time employment
City of Cape Town ( )Strategy and Planning Department
:Job Title -Intern Student
:Period April 2007 April 2009
& :Previous Duties Responsibilities
 ( )Budgetary Control SAP
 & ( )Procuring of stationery Assets SAP
 , - &Asset procurement bar coding verification
 ( )Liaising with buyers for Requisitions SAP
, ( )Central News Agency CNA Claremont
:Period -November 2004 November 2006
:Job title Retail Assistant
, , &Cashier Merchandising Sales assistant Stock controlling
/ :Interests Hobbies
My interests include attending and tracking the RSA Annual National Rally Championships and Track
;racing I also enjoy collecting books referencing Historical events and mechanical engineering in the form of
,  & .motor mechanics I m very much into hiking I am actively involved in professional cricket
:Gavin Van Schalkwyk :Manager Support services - City of Cape Town 021 400 1993
:Cheryl Basson :Manager Performance Management - City of Cape Town 400 3331
:Willem Claassens : &Head Reporting Monitoring  . IDP OPM Department 021 400 9823
:Zukiswa Mandlana Executive Support Manager: -City of Cape Town 021 400 4912
5 | P a g e
  & ( )SAP HR Training Development General
  -SAP Project Systems Budgeting
 &PS Cost Planning Investment management
 , &PS Project execution period end closing Project Analysis
  ( / )SAP C3 Notifications External Complaints Queries
 ( &SAP Strategy Management_ SSM Corporate Scorecard Reporting Performance Management
)  / -Administrator Training Qualified Trainer Co ordinator
  ( , , , )SAP BI Reporting Various HR Finance Plant Maintenance Management Reports
:Part time employment
City of Cape Town ( )Strategy and Planning Department
:Job Title -Intern Student
:Period April 2007 April 2009
& :Previous Duties Responsibilities
 ( )Budgetary Control SAP
 & ( )Procuring of stationery Assets SAP
 , - &Asset procurement bar coding verification
 ( )Liaising with buyers for Requisitions SAP
, ( )Central News Agency CNA Claremont
:Period -November 2004 November 2006
:Job title Retail Assistant
, , &Cashier Merchandising Sales assistant Stock controlling
/ :Interests Hobbies
My interests include attending and tracking the RSA Annual National Rally Championships and Track
;racing I also enjoy collecting books referencing Historical events and mechanical engineering in the form of
,  & .motor mechanics I m very much into hiking I am actively involved in professional cricket
:Gavin Van Schalkwyk :Manager Support services - City of Cape Town 021 400 1993
:Cheryl Basson :Manager Performance Management - City of Cape Town 400 3331
:Willem Claassens : &Head Reporting Monitoring  . IDP OPM Department 021 400 9823
:Zukiswa Mandlana Executive Support Manager: -City of Cape Town 021 400 4912
5 | P a g e

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Chad Aimes CV_ 2nd Edition

  • 1. Chad Aimes ,12 Sandown Drive Ottery 7800 Languages: &English Afrikaans DOB: 24 February 1987 Driver s :License Code B ( )H - -021 715 4958 ( )C - - / - -071 850 3383 079 843 5856 ( )W / - -021 400 3828 021 400 2063 :Email . . .Chad Aimes@capetown gov za Professional profile & ,A young dynamic individual with extensive strategic support development performance management .reporting and project management experience within the public sector at senior management level A , , ,competent analytical thinker with in depth knowledge of strategic business planning analysis and Corporate reporting principles and procedures capable of developing innovative systems and processes designed to . ,facilitate transversal integration across various disciplines Possesses excellent interpersonal communication ,and facilitation skills the ability to influence decisions and to develop positive relationships both internally . ,and externally Knowledge extends to governmental legislation and procedures understanding the legislation ,and policy frameworks and guidelines applicable to local government with years of institutional knowledge .relating to local municipal government , , , ,Enjoys being part of as well as managing motivating training and developing a successful and productive .team and thrives in highly pressurised and challenging working environments Career summary .1 Period: March 2013 Current : ( )Senior Professional Officer SPO --February 2012 February 2013 : Professional Officer ( )Acting Senior Professional Officer City of Cape Town :Directorate ( )Corporate Services CS :Department ( )Strategic Support to the Executive Director ED :Job Title : ( )Senior Professional Officer Strategic Support SPO :Purpose of the Job , ,To provide specialised technical and strategic support to the Directorate Executive , , & -Director and the Directorate management team through the implementation management alignment co :ordination of the following functions & ,Organisational Performance Management Corporate Strategy &Implementation of corporate programs projects within the Directorate and departments Integrating systems of the various departments in corporate Services and ensuring integrated support to the Executive Director & - , , &Ensuring that information Knowledge management is co ordinated operational maintained integrated at a Directorate Management level & :CURRENT DUTIES RESPONSIBILITIES .i , :IDP SDBIP and Organisational Performance Management Guide and quality assure the development process of the Directorate and departmental Business ( )Plans and Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plans SDBIP s by ensuring Strategic Alignment &of the Business Plans annually to the Corporate Strategy processes &Ensure alignment of the Corp Services Directorate to the IDP Organisational Performance ( )Management OPM outcomes through development of performance measures and measurable targets in order for departments to implement action plans effectively & ( )Provide quality assurance advisory support on the City s Strategy IDP by ensuring that the 1 | P a g e
  • 2. procedural and legislative compliance requirements are adhered to and communicated to the relevant stakeholders in the Directorate in respect of the SDBIP and OPM processes To facilitate the process of the Annual and Quarterly performance reports through the monitoring of Directorate quarterly performance and ensure compilation and submission of quarterly reports to &relevant political management committees ( )Managing and facilitating Directorate progress by means of regular Plan Do Review sessions PDR ( ).together with the Departments and Executive Director at least quarterly .ii & & :Project Programme Management Corporate Cross cutting projects ( )Facilitate a National Government Programme of the Expanded Public Works Programme EPWP ,and participate in the development of other projects systems and processes which are initiated ,corporately and communicate with other professionals working in the same discipline Establish a Directorate Implementation Plan for projects like EPWP and roll this out across Corporate Services Line departments . . ( Facilitate the implementation of a Corporate Programme i e SSM SAP Strategy Management ) , -Performance management system through developing an internal toolkit providing and co ordinating the change management process and training of all relevant stakeholders in the implementation of the SSM SAP tool in order to ensure that the Directorate SDBIP s are fully automated Audit compliant for the Corporate Services Directorate .iii (Specialised Strategic Support Strategic Support to the Office of the Executive )Director :Providing Support to the office of the Executive Director through Conducting research and investigations to collect data to complete minor and support the work of / :the Director Executive Director Corporate Services Providing administrative and technical support to the Executive Support Manager and the , ,Management Team by providing guidance and support to immediate staff ensuring that the Strategic Support unit is operating at optimal level and that sufficient capacity exist to provide &admin technical support to the office of the ED and related management staff Managing the tracking of all related correspondence and report approval processes for the ED and ensure compliance standards of reports that are directed to the ED in line with the City s system of delegation s : ,Maintaining a recordkeeping and register of the ED CS Decisions provide and maintain a monitoring and reporting system for the ED and the Management Team to track Strategic Issues and reports Draft correspondence and respond to enquiries and requests regarding systems and work of the Corporate Services Directorate / ,Participating in meetings conducting presentations to management to give or receive information on , , /projects programs policies and systems and providing comments opinions on matters related the functional area .iv &Information Knowledge Management Function To provide and manage a supportive information data warehousing service to the departments within the Corporate Services Directorate relating to the function - & .Ensuring the development of an inter departmental management information reporting dashboard 2 | P a g e
  • 3. ,Managing monitoring and administering the data and information management process and function within the department .2 Period : October 2010 January 2012 : :Assistant Professional Officer Reporting and Monitoring City of Cape Town :Directorate Office of the City Manager Department: &Integrated Development Plan Organisational Performance ( & )Management Department IDP OPM :Job Title :Assistant Professional Officer Reporting and Monitoring &PREVIOUS DUTIES RESPONSIBILITIES: Facilitate and implement the process of monitoring and reporting on corporate quarterly performance Assist in the facilitation of the process of monitoring and reporting on directorate and departmental ( - ).quarterly including the mid year report performance reports Conduct the compilation of corporate quarterly and annual performance reports - Assist in the facilitation of the Auditor General s audit process with regard to the City s Integrated , Development Plan measurement of the City s performance and Performance Management System Assist in the implementation of the City s Annual and Oversight Report processes Assist in the compilation of the City s Annual Report Ensure the capturing of quarterly performance information on SAP Strategy Management ( )Performance tool ,Provide technical support to all directorates and departments on IDP SDBIP and annual report related matters . :3 Period April 2009 September 2010 : ( )Clerk Grade 3 Senior Clerk City of Cape Town :Directorate Strategy and Planning :Department Strategic Support : ( )Job Title Clerk Grade 3 Senior Clerk & :PREVIOUS DUTIES RESPONSIBILITIES &Facilitating Training for district level management staff for a Corporate Management Service Request SAP System roll out in the City of Cape Town , ,Reporting and Monitoring providing statistics for management meetings regarding citizen complaints queries and performance management reports Conduct presentations on the Service Management Requests programme to District Managers and provide support to all districts as the Super User of the Directorate Dealing with Complaints directed from the Mayor s office to the Executive Directors office Monitoring and generating C3 SAP reports and updating the Mayors Performance Dashboard ,relating to performance management Briefing the Support services Manager on outstanding issues relating to the ED s office & :Tertiary Education Formal Qualifications :Cape Peninsula University of Technology : ( )National Diploma Management 3 Years : ( )BTech Degree Management 4 Years :Year :Subject :1st Year Communication Business Management 1 Administrative Management 1 Personal Function 1 3 | P a g e
  • 4. Financial Accounting 1 :2nd Year Management 2 Industrial Relations 1 Financial Management 2 Administrative management 2 Mercantile Law 1 :3rd Year Management 3 Financial Management 3 Economics 1 : :Completed November 2007 National Diploma Management :4th Year Management 4 Financial Management 4 Administrative management 3 Research Methodology : :Completed November 2008 BTech Degree Management :Secondary Education details Windsor Senior Secondary : Year 2004 Passed Matric Certificate Matric Subjects: Level Symbol English HG D Afrikaans HG D Economics HG C Accounting SG A Math SG D Computer studies SG C :Achiever Awards and Short Courses ( )Economics 2003 Top Achiever ( )Economics 2004 Top Achiever - Nominated for Inter schools JSE Competition Economics HG & &SAP Super User Trainer for Strategy Planning Directorate City of Cape Town ( ) & -SAP Strategy Management SSM Administrator Trainer Automated Performance Management System for Public Sector ( ) Quality Management Assessor ISO Quality Engineered systems ( ) Quality Management Facilitator ISO Quality engineered systems & Project Management Tools Techniques Expert training academy & ( )Service Delivery Budget Implementation Planning SDBIP expert for the Public Sector / :Computer Experience packages MS Word -Excel Advanced PowerPoint MS Access MS Visio MS Project - & / / -SAP Modules SAP Production BI Reporting SAP Administrator Various Modules City of Cape Town &SAP Reservations Requisitions &SAP Cost Centre Overview CC Manager 4 | P a g e
  • 5. & ( )SAP HR Training Development General -SAP Project Systems Budgeting &PS Cost Planning Investment management , &PS Project execution period end closing Project Analysis ( / )SAP C3 Notifications External Complaints Queries ( &SAP Strategy Management_ SSM Corporate Scorecard Reporting Performance Management ) / -Administrator Training Qualified Trainer Co ordinator ( , , , )SAP BI Reporting Various HR Finance Plant Maintenance Management Reports :Part time employment City of Cape Town ( )Strategy and Planning Department :Job Title -Intern Student :Period April 2007 April 2009 & :Previous Duties Responsibilities ( )Budgetary Control SAP & ( )Procuring of stationery Assets SAP , - &Asset procurement bar coding verification ( )Liaising with buyers for Requisitions SAP , ( )Central News Agency CNA Claremont :Period -November 2004 November 2006 :Job title Retail Assistant , , &Cashier Merchandising Sales assistant Stock controlling / :Interests Hobbies My interests include attending and tracking the RSA Annual National Rally Championships and Track ;racing I also enjoy collecting books referencing Historical events and mechanical engineering in the form of , & .motor mechanics I m very much into hiking I am actively involved in professional cricket :References :Gavin Van Schalkwyk :Manager Support services - City of Cape Town 021 400 1993 :Cheryl Basson :Manager Performance Management - City of Cape Town 400 3331 :Willem Claassens : &Head Reporting Monitoring . IDP OPM Department 021 400 9823 :Zukiswa Mandlana Executive Support Manager: -City of Cape Town 021 400 4912 5 | P a g e
  • 6. & ( )SAP HR Training Development General -SAP Project Systems Budgeting &PS Cost Planning Investment management , &PS Project execution period end closing Project Analysis ( / )SAP C3 Notifications External Complaints Queries ( &SAP Strategy Management_ SSM Corporate Scorecard Reporting Performance Management ) / -Administrator Training Qualified Trainer Co ordinator ( , , , )SAP BI Reporting Various HR Finance Plant Maintenance Management Reports :Part time employment City of Cape Town ( )Strategy and Planning Department :Job Title -Intern Student :Period April 2007 April 2009 & :Previous Duties Responsibilities ( )Budgetary Control SAP & ( )Procuring of stationery Assets SAP , - &Asset procurement bar coding verification ( )Liaising with buyers for Requisitions SAP , ( )Central News Agency CNA Claremont :Period -November 2004 November 2006 :Job title Retail Assistant , , &Cashier Merchandising Sales assistant Stock controlling / :Interests Hobbies My interests include attending and tracking the RSA Annual National Rally Championships and Track ;racing I also enjoy collecting books referencing Historical events and mechanical engineering in the form of , & .motor mechanics I m very much into hiking I am actively involved in professional cricket :References :Gavin Van Schalkwyk :Manager Support services - City of Cape Town 021 400 1993 :Cheryl Basson :Manager Performance Management - City of Cape Town 400 3331 :Willem Claassens : &Head Reporting Monitoring . IDP OPM Department 021 400 9823 :Zukiswa Mandlana Executive Support Manager: -City of Cape Town 021 400 4912 5 | P a g e