24/Apr/2017 1730-1900 JST
洛和会音羽病院総合内科 AARM
Department of General Internal Medicine, Rakuwakai Otowa Hospital, Kyoto, JAPAN
"Efficient serach methods and how to use the PubMed"
24/Apr/2017 1730-1900 JST
洛和会音羽病院総合内科 AARM
Department of General Internal Medicine, Rakuwakai Otowa Hospital, Kyoto, JAPAN
"Efficient serach methods and how to use the PubMed"
知識技術を教えるだけでなく、学生の将来であう状況をストーリーにして呈示し自己学習促進する試み。SchankのStory-centered Curriculumに準じた教材開発ことはじめです。
Application of Story-centered Curriculum for Anesthesia Education.
Instructor Competencies to improve retention and translation with newly developed safety theory.