5. Thorough
Plans are more comprehensive
The critical input will ensure : Well thought out
Less prone to unexpected setbacks.
6. They keep us
motivated and
committed to achieve our goals.
A challenging colleague can be an
accountable partner,
ensuring to keep us on track and
maintain high standard of work.
By questioning
the progress,
Dead lines, and
7. They create environment
leaning and improvement
The continuous
questioning inspire us to
seek out
New knowledge.
Industrial trends.
Refining skills.
Resulting into personal and professional growth
8. It is important to note that
challenging colleague should maintain
constructive and respectful approach.
The function should be to encourage
critical thinking, stimulate growth,
instead of creating confrontational
10. Sometimes its just good to sit back
and get a different perspective.
opportunity to
gain new
Rather than reacting defensively or with dismissal.
Rather than
defensively or
with dismissal.
11. Actively listen to
their questions and
concerns without
being defensive.
This will allow us to
understand their
perspective and
adjust our plans
17. The actual goal is to foster a
collaborative growth oriented
relationship with our challenging
colleague, leading to better
outcomes and professional
19. Competitors :
Highly ambitious, consistently sets
higher goal, pushes you to improve your
Micromanagers :
closely monitor and control your work,
impacts decision making abilities. It
creates unnecessary stress and hinder
our productivity.
20. Negative Nancies :
Pessimistic attitude, focus only on
problem rather than solutions. To tackle
them keep a high positive mindset.
Office politicians :
often know how to navigate political
landscape for their advantage. They
always manipulate for their own
21. Ineffective communicator :
creates misunderstanding and delays in
projects. We have to invest extra
efforts to clear miscommunication and
align to work.
Under Performer :
These fail to meet their
responsibilities creating extra
workloads and stress. We have to find
ways and means to reduce their impact
and shortcomings on to project.
22. Know it all :
These believe they have right answers.
They tend to disregards or dismiss idea /
opinions of others. We have to challenge
their perspective for effectiveness.
Gatekeepers :
These control access to everything, viz info,
resources,etc to limit growth.
We have to build relationship or alternative
routes to get access to everything for progress.