Mia traduzione dell'articolo "Triple whammy" - Bassi tassi d'interesse, mercati in subbuglio e ristrutturazione: 竪 troppo - pubblicato nella sezione "Finance and economics" di "The Economist" del 14 maggio 2016.
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This document contains basic math equations that equal 4. It shows that 2 + 2, 3 + 2, 9 - 8, 6 - 4, 2 x 3, 10 x 2, and 4 / 2 all equal 4, while 6 / 6 equals 1.
O documento lista e compara v叩rios modelos de avi探es de luxo, incluindo o Airbus 340-600, Airbus A380, Airbus 350, Boeing 787, Boeing 777 e 767-400, bem como o jato particular G550 e outros avi探es.
El documento discute los requerimientos nutricionales y el potencial uso de suplementos vitam鱈nicos y minerales en diferentes etapas de la vida, incluyendo la lactancia, edad escolar, adolescencia, edad f辿rtil y adultez mayor. Resalta que una dieta balanceada es lo ideal, pero que los suplementos pueden ser 炭tiles para cubrir deficiencias cuando la dieta no provee los nutrientes necesarios.
This document provides information on various vehicle systems including:
- Airbags that cushion occupants during collisions
- Seat belts that restrain occupants and minimize injuries during collisions
- The steering system that allows the front wheels to be oriented for driving
- The brake system that stops the vehicle through fluid pressure exerted by the driver
- Auto ignition and starting the engine by pressing the clutch and accelerator
- Changing the oil by draining the old oil and replacing it with new oil
- Changing the brake fluid by loosening a hose nut, pumping the brake pedal to drain old fluid, and refilling with new brake fluid.
This document provides a sample lesson plan template covering two weeks of instruction on teaching English with songs. The plan includes the topic, performance objective, level, group, segment description, didactic resources, materials, and time for each lesson. Week 1 focuses on pronunciation, vocabulary, listening skills, and activities. Week 2 emphasizes reading skills, techniques, and applying patterns and comprehension strategies to short texts. The detailed plan models scaffolding techniques and integrating various skills and media into the English language lessons.
The document discusses factors driving changes in the US economy including globalization, technology, and demographics. It presents data showing declines in manufacturing employment but growth in professional services and education/health services across various metro areas from 1990-2010. The trends suggest an ongoing shift toward a knowledge-based economy. Key strategies discussed for cities include investing in infrastructure, education, research institutions, and fostering entrepreneurship through partnerships between universities and industry. Overall the document advocates that cities build on innovation and human capital to compete successfully in the 21st century global economy.
PDHPE is an important subject in primary school curriculums as it uniquely contributes to students' overall education. It promotes physical activity, which improves health and reduces disease risk. Engaging in team sports through PDHPE also allows students to develop positive social skills and relationships. The subject further promotes making healthy lifestyle choices that result in improved quality of life. Finally, PDHPE teaches students to recognize risky situations and protects their personal safety.
The document is an owner's manual for the Yamaha YBR125 motorcycle. It welcomes the owner to Yamaha and explains that the manual provides instructions for operating, maintaining and inspecting the motorcycle safely. It lists important items to inspect including fuel levels, engine oil, brakes, wheels, tires and controls. It also provides a maintenance schedule specifying checks to perform every 500km, 2000km and so on up to 16,000km. The manual describes controls like switches, indicators and operation of the clutch and brakes. It aims to help owners enjoy and properly maintain their Yamaha motorcycle.
Malcolm Fraser founded the Stuttering Foundation of America in 1947 after struggling with stuttering since childhood and receiving therapy. He had a successful career with his brother at their company, NAPA-Genuine Parts. Fraser generously supported the Foundation over time, with endowment income now covering over 50% of operating costs. He received awards for his commitment to helping people who stutter, including the Charles Van Riper award from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Fraser worked to increase awareness of stuttering and help people constructively address it.
The document appears to be a crossword puzzle containing common English past tense and past participle verbs. The crossword grid is labeled with numbers across the top and down the side with 27 squares to be filled. Common English verbs are listed below the grid that could be used to complete the crossword puzzle in their simple past or past participle forms.
The document discusses the various names used to refer to Tibet over history and across different languages, including the Tibetan name "Bod" meaning Tibet or Tibetan Plateau, although originally referring to the Lhasa region, as well as names used in Chinese like "Tufan" or modern "Xizang", and the origin of the name "Tibet" in European languages deriving from an Arabic term. It explores different transliterations of the Tibetan and Chinese names and theories about the earliest references to Tibet in ancient works.
Genre conventions are elements that distinguish one genre from another, such as setting, characters, and themes. They provide expectations for audiences but also allow for innovation. Steve Neale asserts that audiences find pleasure both in repetitive genre conventions as well as innovations that differ from expectations. For horror films specifically, common conventions include isolated settings, low-key lighting, diegetic and non-diegetic sounds to build atmosphere, editing techniques like suspenseful pacing to create tension, camera angles like high and low shots to convey fear, protagonists on a mission to resolve a threat, and visual icons like blood red colors and props like knives.
The document provides information on the Irish Fisheries Inspectorate (IFI), including its vision, mission, formation, responsibilities, and activities. Specifically:
1) IFI was formed in 2010 through the amalgamation of several agencies and is responsible for conserving and managing Ireland's inland fisheries and sea angling resources.
2) IFI protects fish stocks through extensive patrols and enforcement of fisheries laws, and protects the aquatic environment by monitoring developments and pollution incidents.
3) IFI deals with reports of pollution, carries out farm inspections, and conducts water quality monitoring programs to protect water quality and fisheries resources.
Here are the answers:
1. A Conservation Limit (CL) is the number of spawning salmon required in a river to produce the next generation.
2. The CL is drawn up using scientific indices like juvenile abundance surveys, rod catch data, smolt counts, redd counts, and fish counter data.
3. A river has to meet at least 65% of its Conservation Limit to be granted 'Catch and Release' status.
4. The annual bag limit for salmon is 10 fish per angler of salmon or sea trout (>40cm).
5. If you have caught your daily bag limit, you are permitted to continue fishing using single barbless hooks and practicing catch and release (no worms
El documento discute los requerimientos nutricionales y el potencial uso de suplementos vitam鱈nicos y minerales en diferentes etapas de la vida, incluyendo la lactancia, edad escolar, adolescencia, edad f辿rtil y adultez mayor. Resalta que una dieta balanceada es lo ideal, pero que los suplementos pueden ser 炭tiles para cubrir deficiencias cuando la dieta no provee los nutrientes necesarios.
This document provides information on various vehicle systems including:
- Airbags that cushion occupants during collisions
- Seat belts that restrain occupants and minimize injuries during collisions
- The steering system that allows the front wheels to be oriented for driving
- The brake system that stops the vehicle through fluid pressure exerted by the driver
- Auto ignition and starting the engine by pressing the clutch and accelerator
- Changing the oil by draining the old oil and replacing it with new oil
- Changing the brake fluid by loosening a hose nut, pumping the brake pedal to drain old fluid, and refilling with new brake fluid.
This document provides a sample lesson plan template covering two weeks of instruction on teaching English with songs. The plan includes the topic, performance objective, level, group, segment description, didactic resources, materials, and time for each lesson. Week 1 focuses on pronunciation, vocabulary, listening skills, and activities. Week 2 emphasizes reading skills, techniques, and applying patterns and comprehension strategies to short texts. The detailed plan models scaffolding techniques and integrating various skills and media into the English language lessons.
The document discusses factors driving changes in the US economy including globalization, technology, and demographics. It presents data showing declines in manufacturing employment but growth in professional services and education/health services across various metro areas from 1990-2010. The trends suggest an ongoing shift toward a knowledge-based economy. Key strategies discussed for cities include investing in infrastructure, education, research institutions, and fostering entrepreneurship through partnerships between universities and industry. Overall the document advocates that cities build on innovation and human capital to compete successfully in the 21st century global economy.
PDHPE is an important subject in primary school curriculums as it uniquely contributes to students' overall education. It promotes physical activity, which improves health and reduces disease risk. Engaging in team sports through PDHPE also allows students to develop positive social skills and relationships. The subject further promotes making healthy lifestyle choices that result in improved quality of life. Finally, PDHPE teaches students to recognize risky situations and protects their personal safety.
The document is an owner's manual for the Yamaha YBR125 motorcycle. It welcomes the owner to Yamaha and explains that the manual provides instructions for operating, maintaining and inspecting the motorcycle safely. It lists important items to inspect including fuel levels, engine oil, brakes, wheels, tires and controls. It also provides a maintenance schedule specifying checks to perform every 500km, 2000km and so on up to 16,000km. The manual describes controls like switches, indicators and operation of the clutch and brakes. It aims to help owners enjoy and properly maintain their Yamaha motorcycle.
Malcolm Fraser founded the Stuttering Foundation of America in 1947 after struggling with stuttering since childhood and receiving therapy. He had a successful career with his brother at their company, NAPA-Genuine Parts. Fraser generously supported the Foundation over time, with endowment income now covering over 50% of operating costs. He received awards for his commitment to helping people who stutter, including the Charles Van Riper award from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Fraser worked to increase awareness of stuttering and help people constructively address it.
The document appears to be a crossword puzzle containing common English past tense and past participle verbs. The crossword grid is labeled with numbers across the top and down the side with 27 squares to be filled. Common English verbs are listed below the grid that could be used to complete the crossword puzzle in their simple past or past participle forms.
The document discusses the various names used to refer to Tibet over history and across different languages, including the Tibetan name "Bod" meaning Tibet or Tibetan Plateau, although originally referring to the Lhasa region, as well as names used in Chinese like "Tufan" or modern "Xizang", and the origin of the name "Tibet" in European languages deriving from an Arabic term. It explores different transliterations of the Tibetan and Chinese names and theories about the earliest references to Tibet in ancient works.
Genre conventions are elements that distinguish one genre from another, such as setting, characters, and themes. They provide expectations for audiences but also allow for innovation. Steve Neale asserts that audiences find pleasure both in repetitive genre conventions as well as innovations that differ from expectations. For horror films specifically, common conventions include isolated settings, low-key lighting, diegetic and non-diegetic sounds to build atmosphere, editing techniques like suspenseful pacing to create tension, camera angles like high and low shots to convey fear, protagonists on a mission to resolve a threat, and visual icons like blood red colors and props like knives.
The document provides information on the Irish Fisheries Inspectorate (IFI), including its vision, mission, formation, responsibilities, and activities. Specifically:
1) IFI was formed in 2010 through the amalgamation of several agencies and is responsible for conserving and managing Ireland's inland fisheries and sea angling resources.
2) IFI protects fish stocks through extensive patrols and enforcement of fisheries laws, and protects the aquatic environment by monitoring developments and pollution incidents.
3) IFI deals with reports of pollution, carries out farm inspections, and conducts water quality monitoring programs to protect water quality and fisheries resources.
Here are the answers:
1. A Conservation Limit (CL) is the number of spawning salmon required in a river to produce the next generation.
2. The CL is drawn up using scientific indices like juvenile abundance surveys, rod catch data, smolt counts, redd counts, and fish counter data.
3. A river has to meet at least 65% of its Conservation Limit to be granted 'Catch and Release' status.
4. The annual bag limit for salmon is 10 fish per angler of salmon or sea trout (>40cm).
5. If you have caught your daily bag limit, you are permitted to continue fishing using single barbless hooks and practicing catch and release (no worms
Peer to Peer financing is growing fast and is getting increasing recognition and capital from the Venture Capital Industry. This short presentation (in italian) explore what's going on in this field to try to understand what's lie behind the hype
Mi ha rattristato leggere che Newsweek magazine americano che ha accompagnato i miei viaggi di pendolare per anni porr fine alla sua edizione cartacea il 31 dicembre di quest'anno. Purtroppo, la chiusura del giornale riflette la realt che viviamo oggi di molti media tradizionali che cercano di sopravvivere in un futuro sempre pi湛 incerto. In questi anni che ho lavorato in uno degli editori pi湛 grandi al mondo ho imparato una cosa che nulla pu嘆 essere salvato dalla digitalizzazione e nessun brand 竪 sacro: anche il Financial Times o Newsweek.
I media che un tempo erano visti come potenti hanno dovuto reinventarsi al fine di adattarsi al contesto attuale. Newsweek purtroppo non ha trovato un pubblico di nicchia e come lo stesso Life chiude i battenti sperando di ritrovare linfa su tablet e online.
Ironia della sorte, i brand commerciali hanno colto loccasione e lanciato i loro contenuti per la creazione e comunicazione del loro messaggio. In ambito legale abbiamo visto come comunicare pu嘆 determinare una esposizione delle proprie capacit laddove non si pensava fino a pochi anni fa.
L'Italia e' stata declassata dall'agenzia di rating Moody's. Le agenzie di rating sono un attore chiave dei mercati finanziari ed i loro giudizi possono influenzare mercati e politiche economiche. Ma chi sono queste Agenzie? Come attribuiscono i loro giudizi? Che ruolo hanno nei mercati e nella crisi finanziaria?
In questa breve serie di slides diamo una risposta a queste ed altre domande.
Lagenzia di rating Dbrs ha abbassato il rating per lItalia da A a BBB.
Il problema 竪 che le valutazioni delle agenzie di rating sono prese in considerazione dalla stessa Banca Centrale Europea (BCE) come riferimento: in poche parole sono loro a definire linteresse da pagare sul debito pubblico.
E queste valutazioni non sono certo indipendenti da corposi interessi economici, oltre che non essere sempre affidabili.
A quando uniniziativa per stabilire che non si devono assumere come parametri di riferimento le valutazioni delle agenzie di rating ?
IPE - Cerved "I sistemi di monitoraggio del credito/early warning alla luce d...IPE Business School
Il lavoro avviato in collaborazione con Cerved Group si focalizza sullanalisi dei benefici riscontrabili in bilancio in seguito alla pubblicazione delle nuove direttive internazionali in materia di classificazione delle esposizioni creditizie per le banche (IFRS 9) e dei sistemi Early Warnings. Alla luce del rilevante ammontare di crediti deteriorati in Europa e della consistente incidenza in Italia, la qualit degli attivi bancari ha assunto unimportanza centrale per lAutorit di Vigilanza. Lo studio ha analizzato lo scenario regolamentare in materia di NPLs e degli stage antecedenti allo stato di deterioramento del credito. Filo conduttore, 竪 stato lidentificazione dello stato di implementazione dei EWS desumibile dai bilanci delle significant banks (G-SiB) italiane ed unanalisi costi-benefici dello sviluppo interno di indicatori di allerta precoce; in conclusione, la possibilit di recepire importanti informazioni sul tema anche tramite lutilizzo di open & big data non convenzionali.
The Project Work, in cooperation with Cerved Group S.p.a, focuses on the analysis of the benefits that can be achieved in the balance sheets, in the light of the new international standards on credit ratings for banks (IFRS 9), by the introduction of the Early Warnings systems. Looking at the significant amount of impaired loans in the European banks and the significant impact especially in Italy, the quality of bank assets has become crucial to the Supervisory Authorities. The study analyzed the regulatory scenario for NPLs and for the stages prior the deterioration of credit. Conductive wire was the deployment status of the Italian major banks, the cost-benefit analysis of the internal development of early warnings indicators and the possibility to receive important information through the use of open & big data no conventional.
Quotazione AIM e Minibond: quali concrete opportunit per le PMINetwork Advisory
La quotazione al mercato AIM e l'emissione di Minibond rappresentano importanti opportunit per le PMI che vogliono recuperare competitivit e crescere.
Questi strumenti permettono di rafforzare il patrimonio aziendale e differenziare le fonti di finanziamento abbassando il livello di dipendenza dal credito bancario.
Prelios - Real Estate Pills del 23 marzo 2015Prelios
Milano - Economia & Immobiliare - Fed apre a aumento tassi La Fed apre la strada al primo aumento dei tassi di interesse in nove anni. Promesse che rassicurano Wall Street: i listini americani invertono repentinamente rotta e, bruciando le perdite...
Intervento di Francesca Bern竪, Servizio Controlli Gestionali di Banca Popolare di Cividale, al seminario "Banca vs impresa, banca vs banca, impresa vs impresa" del RiskCenter (www.riskcenter.it)
mini bond: MinibondItaly appofondimento - Osservatorio Mini-Bond II Report it...MiniBondItaly.it
In questa ricerca definiamo i mini-bond
come titoli di debito (obbligazioni e cambiali
finanziarie con scadenza fino a 36
mesi) emessi da societ quotate o non quotate
in Borsa, in virt湛 delle recenti innovazioni
normative introdotte dal Decreto
Sviluppo in avanti.
MoneyFarm analizza le aspettative economiche per l'anno 2014 e valuta come posizionare al meglio i portafogli di investimento per gestire al meglio i risparmi dei propri clienti.
2. Moodys
Fondata nel 1909
Impiegati: 4.500
Presente in 26 Paesi
Sede principale: New York
Proprietari: Berkshire Hathaway 12,47%, Capital
World Investors 12,38%, T.Rowe Price Associates
Inc. 5,95%
3. Berkshire Hathaway =
Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett
Anni: 83
#2 nella classifica
Forbes 400
personale: 42
miliardi di dollari
Ho comprato la compagnia ferroviaria Bnsf perch辿 da piccolo mio padre
non mi ha mai regalato un trenino. Cos狸 disse Warren Buffett nel
novembre 2009 dopo un assegno da 44 miliardi di dollari per il 77,4% di
Bnsf, secondo operatore nazionale Usa
4. Standard & Poors
Fondata nel 1860
Impiegati: 10.000
Presente in 25 Paesi
Sede principale: New York
Proprietari: McGraw - Hill
Azionisti di McGraw - Hill: Capital World Investors
12,31%, State Street Corporation 4,34%, Vanguard
Group Inc. 4,17%
5. Fitch
Fondata nel 1913
Impiegati: 2.000
Presente in 51 Paesi
Sede principale: New York - Londra
Proprietari: Fitch Group
Azionisti di Fitch Group: Fimalac 60%, Hearst
Corporation 40%
11. Sono solo opinioni! (in conflitto din
I nostri rating
Deven Sharma, ex
presidente di
Standard & Poors
Moodys troppo
pesante con lItalia
Kockerbeck, analista
Moodys intervistato
dal Sole 24 Ore
12. Quanto costa?
S&P 竪 lunica a fare disclosure
Nella direttiva CRD IV, con cui Bruxelles recepisce gli standard di Basilea III, si
afferma: 束I requisiti di capitale necessari ad ammortizzare il rischio di credito
richiedono una misurazione dello stesso. A volte i rating esterni, seppure imperfetti,
rimangono la migliore soluzione disponibile損. Sebbene lEsma, lauthority
comunitaria che vigila sui mercati finanziari, a marzo 2012 abbia pubblicato
un report sulla trasparenza dei processi decisionali, sul timing della pubblicazione
dei risultati e sulla presenza di amministratori indipendenti, lUe non ha affrontato
il cosiddetto modello issuer-pays, cio竪 il pagamento del servizio di rating da parte
dellemittente. Le nuove regole sulle CRA (credit rating agencies)
dello scorso gennaio prevedono il parere di almeno 2 agenzie e la loro rotazione ogni
4 anni.
14. Impatto sul mercato: andamento
Ftse Mib
13 gennaio 2012
S&P declassa lItalia
da A+ a BBB+ con
outlook negativo.
21 maggio 2011
S&P ha rivisto al
ribasso loutlook
sullItalia: 束incerto
limpegno politico
nelle riforme tese a
migliorare la
束implica una
probabilit del 33%
che i rating vengano
abbassati entro i
prossimi 24 mesi損.
17 giugno 2011
Moody's mette sotto
revisione il giudizio
Aa2 sull'Italia per un
possibile downgrade.
Sotto osservazione
riforma fiscale e 束il
sostegno elettorale al
governo che sta
14 febbraio 2012
Moodys declassa
lItalia da A2 ad A3
con outlook
negativo. Ftse Mib
8 marzo 2013
Fitch declassa
lItalia da A- a
13 luglio 2012
Moodys declassa
lItalia da A3 a Baa2
con outlook
30 giugno 2011
Berlusconi vara
manovra da 47
miliardi di euro
20 settembre 2011
S&P declassa lItalia da A+ ad A.
Berlusconi: colpa dei media.
Eppure Piazza Affari chiude a
4 ottobre 2011
Moodys declassa lItalia da Aa2
ad A2 con prospettive negative.
9 luglio 2013
S&P declassa
lItalia da BBB+ ad
Fonte: Bloomberg
15. Impatto sui titoli di Stato
Salvataggio Madrid
Monti al governo
Rendimento Btp 10yr
Annuncio Tapering FED
Fonte: Bloomberg
16. Perch辿 il rating 竪 importante/
I money market funds
money market funds
Funzione di dare liquidit al sistema investendo in asset a
basso rischio, come i titoli di Stato
JP Morgan, Blackrock, Fidelity, Vanguard, etc.
Amministrano asset per 1.400 miliardi di dollari
Secondo Fitch fra aprile e maggio 2011 lesposizione dei
Mmf Usa sullEuropa si 竪 ridotta del 53%
A settembre 2013 i Mmf detengono il 38% del debito
emesso dalle banche europee
17. Il meccanismo di trasmissione della
politica monetaria
Il meccanismo di trasmissione della
politica monetaria
Fonte: Bce
18. Perch辿 il rating 竪 importante/
Il caso Telecom
Il caso Telecom
40 miliardi lordi di debito
Aumento di capitale chiesto da Franco Bernab竪
Telefonica al 66% di Telco, holding che detiene il 22,45%
dellex monopolista
Downgrade Moodys MA titolo a 65 cent (+6,24%) sulle voci
di vendita di Tim Brasil